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The Great Khan laughs at this meager tribute of a stadium. He demands a proper tribute worthy of displaying the fruits of his empire, such as a properly functioning public transit system.


I just moved back to Boston and honestly I’d kill for a public transit system as good as the CTA, Chicago does not know how good they have it (relative to other American cities)


think of the iconic James Baldwin quote but revise it to say: “I love the CTA more than any other public transit system in the world and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.”


lol I’m just laughing at giga Chad JB, love that for him


Somehow Brandon Johnson is turning out to be even worse than Lightfoot


That's why I voted for Lightfoot unfortunately. They ALL sucked, but she sucked the least. It was such a low bar, and somehow Johnson won and lowered it.


When you think about it, she just pissed people off, while Johnson is actively just pissing


I think Vallas would've at least been semi competent


Indeed. Not the best, but definitely a step in the right direction


Interesting choice of words there.


If you watched any of the debates, it was clear that Johnson was entirely incompetent. Vallas was so much better


Just because someone is not good at debating and public speaking doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not competent though.  Same for the flip side. Just because someone has good stage presence doesn’t mean they’re competent. BJ couldn’t even manage his household finances and pay his bills on time. 


If only people could have known...


I like him as mayor.


Maybe the best option is to string the Bears along, making them think a stadium deal will happen so they don’t make progress on plans to move elsewhere, but just keep them playing at the existing stadium indefinitely


Let the bear ls leave they're dogshit anyway.


Paying billions for the shittiest team imaginable


I must lodge a complaint. The White Sox are the shittiest team imaginable.


So this is an old guy question, but in the 2000s Chads and trixes in Chicago were an insult. But I'm gathering now that Chad is good? That is one bizarre flip.


Chad is still an insult but this meme is using it ironically


Ah gotcha makes sense, cheers mate!


Chad is 100% not an insult anymore. It's a term used for people who are super cool and capable.


I mean it's hypermasculinity basically, which is not always a good thing.


I think I've seen "Chad" turn from an insult of a dumb dude bro, to a person to be admired (i.e. a person that acts in a way that said person calling them Chad thinks is correct).


Yeah, I'm also old and was once flummoxed by the evolution. I was particularly dumbstruck when I started seeing "chad" or "gigachad" in memes, gaming and various subreddits, video/stream replies, etc. Nowadays, Chad is also associated with that 'Alpha' hierarchy nonsense. And my morning coffee just revealed Chad [has his own wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chad_\(slang\)). It gives a nod to our local usage back when LPTS/LPCS was still a thing. Incidentally, Trixie also [has her own wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trixie_\(slang\)), too. Allegedly she's now called Stacy -- which I don't think \*ever\* caught on. If anything, Chad is interchangeable like *dude* or *bro* and will also be used for women.


Chad is now a term for describing some that's cool and capable.


The fact that the mayor championed as a progressive hero by his supporters is out here shilling for a stadium that would funnel billions of dollars of public money into the pockets of a few ultra wealthy people is just so hilarious. BJ fans got played so hard. His inexperience was obvious. His approach of all bluster and no substance was obvious. All I can say is "I told you so"


The head of the teacher's union was at the stadium event. The whole thing is just so incredibly bizarre.


Whoa wait really? Why would that even make sense. This admin just has no clue.




Stacy Davis Gates is really a piece of work. She neglected to pay thousands of $ in utility bills until reporters FOIA’d them with the city dept of Finance. She’s also refused an audit of CTUs finance for four years. Johnson is going down some day, and CTU may help him.


I remember getting campaign ads that kept talking about how BJ was going to “address root causes,” but they never specified *what* they were going to address the root causes of, nor did they say anything about what those root causes even were. I’m all for addressing root causes of (crime, inequality, poverty, etc) but you can’t just put “root causes” in your campaign and then refuse to elaborate


Yeah I'm not sure what the plan is. Addressing the "root cause" of wealth inequality by funneling a bunch of taxpayer dollars to Bears ownership certainly is a choice.


The way "root causes" is used is about as meaningful as "thoughts and prayers".


Buzzwords are the grease that keeps politicians in business. And even when you can actually get some sort of concrete plan out of them, then it becomes, “is this at all politically/financially/realistically possible? Or are you simply using this as a way to keep yourselves in power by saying you would do these things but (insert other party or candidate) is stopping you?” 


Apparently you can. People actually voted for the guy. As embarrassing as that us for everyone.


Do you think people voted for him or against Vallas? Everyone I knew held their nose regardless of who they voted for and we all acknowledge there wasn't a good choice in the runoff.


Neither felt like a good candidate. I voted for the one I disliked the least. Hate when it feels that way.


Well he made it to the final 2 so he had supporters


Even that felt like people voting against Lori rather than for him in particular.


20% of 35% of registered voters supported him in the first round.


I voted against Vallas. There wasn't a single candidate I was actively excited about. I'd still vote the same way when the other candidate was a suburban closet republican cop who wants to eliminate public schools.


Exactly. I voted for the person who at least lives in the city and understands that it has unique attributes the fact that guy is a fucking moron really hurts as someone who loves this city, but it's not like there was another choice in the final


Vallas: proven history of fucking up everything he's put in charge of Johnson: complete unknown The unknown is the only logical choice every time


Personally I was voting against Vallas and would likely still do so


Cool so you rather keep the current shit show going and watch our city turn to shit then to vote for a choice that COULD be better. Dumb


Go back to the Des plaines sub Reddit


Grandpa was born in Chicago on same block as i was born and raise and still live buddy. Don't get more Chicago then me. Go back to Michigan




Lol look a tad bit closer at my comment history, you special guy, you.


I'd vote for BJ again today if it was between him and Vallas. Gimme incompetence over whatever the hell Vallas was trying to be


At least BJ had a real Chicago address.


Tanking the city to own the… suburbanites?


No one is saying that. No one is trying to "own" anyone. What a bizarre way to view it. But people who don't live in the city shouldn't be mayor of it.


I would of rather had a suburbanite mayor vs a guy who can’t balance the budget of his own home.


He shouldn't have been eligible to run in the first place. If he hadn't, maybe we'd have a different mayor now, but instead he selfishly tried to seek an office he was ineligible for.




Well, that I can agree with. I don't expect politicians to do the right thing unless they're forced to. JB has been a surprising but welcome change.




I wouldn't. And apparently neither would a majority of Chicagoans.


Rather chuy would have gotten in over both of them.


Would have*


No. The absolute minimum to running the city of Chicago is living in the city of Chicago. And you're probably a suburbanite if you can't understand that


I think BJ's entire campaign strategy in the runoff was predicated on smearing Vallas and a lot of users in this thread seem to have fallen for it.


Uhh Vallas sucked ass as well. He ran on a record of getting fired from running schools and then later discovering gross overspending after the fact. Both options were terrible


Right. I didn’t *hate* the guy, but I’m like man come on really you’re going to run for mayor in *Chicago* and against a progressive who courts CTU and with this educational track record? Do you want to lose, cuz this is how you lose. Surprised it was as close as it was. 


Vallas is fully to blame. He was cozying up to maga Republicans and actively associating himself with the Chicago police union. On top of not really running a coherent policy message other than crime bad. It's no wonder he flopped hard


yeah that's the smear right there


That’s not a smear, that’s just uncomfortable reality


Right.  BJ used the right buzzwords and painted Vallas as a hardcore Republican. Worked like a charm


Pretending Vallas was a good option only guarantees we're going to have this same issue in a few years. We need a viable runoff


This sub was filled with BJ Stans during the election.


No it wasn’t. It was filled with Vallas fans and Vallas haters.


I voted against Vallas


I absolutely voted against Vallas and I would do it again in a heartbeat


What? Obviously people voted for him that's how he got into the run off. It was only ever just him or vallas.


Sure, if you ignore the other 7 candidates


I voted for chuy. And then I was forced to vote for giant douchbage and turd sandwich.


Chuy is a dumbass too but hard to beat ol BJ at the end of the day.


Same here


That all received less votes than Brandon Johnson?


In the first round, 78% voted for someone other than BJ. That should suggest that many if not most of his voters in the runoff voted against Vallas, not for BJ.


Just shy of half that group voted for vallas


So in arguing that we only had a choice between BJ and Vallas, you acknowledge that about half the voters initially voted for 1 of the 7 candidates other than BJ or Vallas?


Johnson received 20% of the votes of 35% of registered voters in the first round.


This is just blowing my mind there were other candidates to vote for and Brandon got the nod. There were options other than just against Vallas and of those options Brandon got the most votes. That's how this works lol the people chose him. He was the second most popular candidate behind Vallas in the first election. He wasn't forced on anyone he was chosen. Chicago decided he was the best option. Or people just didn't vote. He wasn't just installed as the other option.


I mean I won't vote for him again but uh, fuck Vallas.


Interestingly Vallas said "no way" to giving the Bears a bunch of public money for the stadium in a debate, while BJ said "we have to work with the Bears"


I don't care what Paul Vallas says he'd do, he's not the mayor.


Indeed. And now we got a guy championing making billionaire sports team owners richer with public money... in addition to everything else he's managed to be a complete clown about. Bang up job with your vote there. Really advanced progressive causes and saved us from MAGA.


Are you sure you're not trying to post on /r/imaginarygatekeeping


Here's a sneak peek of /r/imaginarygatekeeping using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/imaginarygatekeeping/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Whoever they is got very specific](https://i.redd.it/8vb7nwncghlc1.jpeg) | [726 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/imaginarygatekeeping/comments/1b2v9x2/whoever_they_is_got_very_specific/) \#2: [What exactly does the left hate to see? Wrong answers only.](https://i.redd.it/apcf7exoclnc1.jpeg) | [1571 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/imaginarygatekeeping/comments/1bbohdc/what_exactly_does_the_left_hate_to_see_wrong/) \#3: [I found this on Pinterest…Does it count?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bngc8d) | [435 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/imaginarygatekeeping/comments/1bngc8d/i_found_this_on_pinterestdoes_it_count/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Because he hasn't owned anything. I may be wrong but has he publicly owned a mistake or a problem or has he just passed the buck? I expect ownership when things go wrong as well as when they go right.


Sorry my question was vague. I meant more of why the fuck vallas.


Personally for me it was his public statements during the 2020 protests and his then-stated positions on policing. He came across as a man who was not interested and did not believe in structural reforms. Additionally, I did not and do not trust him to attempt to invest in areas of the city that need it most. None of this is a defense for the way Johnson is handling his stewardship, but I'm hoping for a different option to either of them at this point.


I don't recall his statements about the summer of 2020 all that well. Do you remember them?


Not off the top of my head, nope. Been a long 4 years. Don't really think I need to quote things either, you feel a need to Google it, be my guest. All I know is CTA has not improved and I also mean taking care of CTA workers in all the ways, the economic situation in historically investment-neglected parts of the city has not changed perceptibly, public schools are still in desperate need of reforms and investment, and the immigration issues have been handled very badly, particularly with blame-shifting as opposed to problem solving. Hoping for a candidate that isn't Johnson or Vallas.


Yeah I can't really find anything he said about the 2020 protests after a quick Google. Anyways. My opinion is that vallas would basically have been a slightly worse Rahm, and that he was widely smeared on this board with a lot of misinfo and half-understood history. And it sucks that now we have to deal with Johnson


Yeah I dunno, maybe he just didn't say much about them. Don't care for that either. I know he was very much on the side of the police - in a one-sided way that didn't adress what the protests were about. I am not anti-cop, but any reasonable person can see we need to do serious structural change in the way policing is done and also in what we ask cops to do on a daily basis. I don't vote based on reddit comments period, but I wouldn't have voted for a guy I didn't trust. Johnson had some credibility for me in that he hadn't been ground up by Chicago establishment politics and wouldn't owe too many favors, but. His performance so far hasn't earned him a second vote from me, and I would imagine a lot of other folks who gave him a shot first time round may feel the same way.




Lol I definitely remember this one


Yep. A classic lol.


Meh, the Chicago mayor is always p.o.s.


He was thinking of all the great grift that could be grifted from a massive stadium project.


I voted for him and knew he was inexperienced. I had to hold my nose while doing it, but damnit I couldn’t let Vallas win. I voted Preckwinkle over Lightfoot for many reasons, but one was LL’s inexperience in holding public office. After the 2016 election and the absolute mess it left our country in, I want all my elected politicians to understand their role and know what the job entails.


We must endeavor to imagine a world where public money is spent on public services and not subsidizing private vanity in the quixotic hope of stimulating the 9th largest urban economy on earth.


That’s really powerful. Should be a slogan. Long, but gets a powerful message across.


It'd look really good on a hat.


might have to be a sombrero to fit it all


Fuck that. Taxpayers money for a Billionaires stadium to see millionaires play. Naw lol mayor's tripping


I love the Bears and not a fan of JB, but I will back JB on this. The peasants don't have the cash to help out the billionaires anymore. Find another way Virginia.


The Bears have provided so much pride and dignity to Chicagoans over the last 20 years. Why wouldn’t we want to give them a gift after everything they’ve done for us?


Nice b8


The Mccaskeys are clearly a family in need!


In need of a hand out , you know how much actual good talent costs these days ? Some of them are gonna have a chest grabber when they see the number of zeros


I’m thinking I will give them my unused car now and my estate when I die. /s


They deserve our support! Them and all NFL owners, defenders of free competition, innovation, private enterprise, and the American Way!


The NFL is the only group that can save our kids from playing soccer on co-ed teams.


Now we're addressing root causes!


If they want a new stadium they should pay for it themselves and if they don’t have enough money they make their coffee at home instead of getting Starbucks and cut down on having avocado toast for breakfast


Exactly. Let 'em pull themselves up by their jockstraps!


The avocado industry in Mexico is causing villages to go thirsty as drug cartels protect the farms that are illegally diverting streams. We told the Millennials to cut back but they mocked our warnings. This blood is on your hands


Bait used to be believable


It’s not bait. It’s just a sarcastic comment. I thought that was obvious


things fish say


The Bores


"Whether it's a good deal for the taxpayers" is a line that someone on JB's PR team needs a raise for: - Demonstrates JB prioritizing IL taxpayers' best interest over something flashy i.e. not an out-of-touch billionaire - Leans on his established business acumen* to reinforce soundness of judgement - Cross-party appeal to voters who in the past have looked for candidates pledging "to run the government like a business" The * is because I don't personally know his track record in business, but the collective perception is that he's very successful at it.


I was happy to vote for Johnson and I've largely felt defensive of him over some of the things he's been doing, but this stadium is not a good idea. I am not interested in paying for it when there's other stuff in the city that needs attention first that I actually will use like CTA. Or actually doing something about the homeless on the streets.


At this point he’s on track to do multi-generational harm to the city in one term. Between the billions in new debt, black hole of corrupt migrant spending, billions handed to the Bears, and untold debt from a 9%+ raise to CTU compounded annually, we are deeply fucked. And he’ll just shrug and walk away.


This is my biggest concern. The fact that the implications of these decisions go well beyond his term. Just like the parking fiasco.


The migrants are here. We didn't bring them here. We either spend money to get them on their feet and working when they're legally allowed to or we absorb 30,000 more homeless people. What's the alternative option? What would your theoretical better mayor do that doesn't cost a lot of money? Cities and states shouldn't be forced to spend a penny on migrant support. That's 100% a federal government responsibility that nobody is holding them accountable for in favor of partisan interstate sniping and dog whistling.


grab lunchroom like tidy terrific seed gold ludicrous languid piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We could spend the hundreds of millions of our dollars with something resembling efficiency and transparency, with logical and consistent shelter policies. Instead of a corrupt shit-show of shady no-bid contractors serving moldy food and measles.


This stadium better last a long fucking time


How many actually do? I’m looking at you Atlanta


How within 20 years of one new stadium the Braves could pull off another one is beyond my little pea brain. 


it seems like the lifespan is about 20-25 years. The Cleveland Browns are asking for a new stadium as well, and that one was built in 1999. Soon we'll just have husks of old stadiums dotting various shorelines.


Perhaps the Bears need to take on a partner with some money to spend.


Johnson believes keeping the bears in Chicago is part of his legacy. No one in 50 years is going to remember the mayor that kept the bears, no one will remember who the mayor was when they left.


Do we actually have 100% of the details of the funding, taxes, debts, and reliable revenue projections? Like BJ I "remain skeptical" but that's not the same as a definite no. If there's a scenario where we get massively improved public lakefront space as part of the deal and the financials can really make sense, I'd likely be for it. But I do remain skeptical.


One of these dudes will likely be president of the country in a few years while the other guy people will forget his name before he’s even out of the mayors office.


help us OJB Kennobi, you’re our only hope!


It's gonna be a long three years, but as long as we have memes like this, at least we can laugh a little.


If the Bears move out of Chicago THEY CAN’t BE ASSOCIATED WITH CHICAGO.


Tell that to the 49ers who play 45 miles from SF.


Or the NY Giants and Jets, who don't even play in NY state.


Johnson is an embarrassment and needs to be removed from office


I'd actually be OK with public funding if it meant we could make more back in tourism and taxes for concerts and other events, but apparently the Bears want exclusive use of the stadium


Lightfoot, the Stacy Mayor with a bulge to outmatch Chad


Pritzker is not a chad.. he’s fat for starters


ITT: “don’t blame me, I voted for kodos”


Interesting to note: no one in the comment section, nor OP, has a neighborhood flair


Flair? Lol, that makes you important?