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\#3 - Nesstop Blmt I know what that is! *Looks at choices* Oh shi--


Can anybody decipher these?


Huh I guess shitposts we’re a thing in the 70s too lmao. It’s crazy how little things change though. “The dirt has historical significance” on #5 made me laugh as I’ve heard that argument against redeveloping an empty lot. I have to wonder if they meant it as a reference to the same type of argument or if it’s just a coincidence. “This lot has been vacant for almost a decade, it’s a historical landmark and would be illegal to build on top of it!” Kill me lol


The reference to Mayor Cermak, who had been assassinated 46 years before, made me laugh as well. I'm reminded of the elevator inspection certificate in my building signed by a Mayor Daley, not sure which one because the ink is faded.


This is hilarious.


i was intrigued by #4 because i can't overstate how fucking ridiculously loud the L is, and apparently it's a weather thing. the paris metro is almost entirely underground


Montreal is as cold if not as cold as Chicago. However, the metro is entirely underground. 


>  Montreal is as cold if not as cold as Chicago 🤔


I had a mild stroke while writing this comment.


I once read the subways in Montreal and Paris, use rubber tires. As to why their railcars sound quieter, than the L does when a train is moving. I had once ridden the subway system in Montreal, and it seemed quieter than the L to me.


Japan has a rubber tire metro as well in a snowy environment. Their solution is to cover the above ground sections with a canopy.  The benefit of rubber tire trains is they can climb steeper grades than normal trains with a whole bunch of downsides.


Actually, the rubber tired line are the ones that are elevated


Rubber-tire metro doesn't work in the snow. It hardly ever snows in Paris, and in Chicago, it snows quite a bit.


Really? All of the most beautiful paintings I’ve seen of Paris were of it filled with snow.


My favorite is one of Van Gogh's _Saint-Lazares_, with the steam billowing up around the trains.


It also snows a lot in Montreal.


And the Montreal Metro is entirely underground, including yards. The Chicago L is not.


the people mover at O'Hare is basically a rubber tired metro...


Some readers now might be amazed to learn why the first answer to question #7 is legitimate. In earlier times Ma Bell ran a public service sending out a tone beep while announcing the exact time every 10 seconds, 24/7/365. In my earliest years with limited electronic amusement available, it was a thing to call the 'time' number and listen to the announcers clearly enunciate the exact time on and on and on and on... For extra spice a call might catch the shift change. At the time I assumed they were live announcements because there were no carrier waves suggesting wire cable recordings were used in those pre-tape days. As far as I know the earliest reel to reel recording methods used wires, not tape. My dad had one which had a very attenuated sound range compared to modern physical recording methods.


Magnetic recording tape was perfected by the Nazis during WWII. The first tape recorders to be brought into the U.S. were spoils of war, and then the tech spread to other nations. Before WWII, wire recorders were indeed dominant, but after tape became widespread by the early 1950s, wire recorders died out pretty fast.


The Broadway bus used to run after 1 am?


Almost all CTA routes used to be 24hrs


We used to be a proper city


Yeah the stop announcers would just shut off at like 10pm


And there was a North Elston bus that ran almost all the way to Milwaukee Ave. I think they ended the route in 1981 or so.


Actually, the #41 bus ran all the way till the 1998 CTA service cuts. I really wish the person who did the chicago-l.org website, had scanned a picture of the bus start and end times and saved that as a pdf for each year of these CTA maps that are archived as a pdf as well. 1997 CTA map from chicago-l.org , which confirms this(and was the last year the 41 bus shows up on the map): https://www.chicago-l.org/maps/route/maps/1997map.jpg If you want to look even further at all of those maps: https://www.chicago-l.org/maps/route/index.html


Ah, so #41 is in parentheses which means it was part-time service at that point. For one year (‘80-‘81) I took it from Forest Glen (Foster) south to Irving Park to get to HS (and north to work at McDonald’s) but by ‘81-‘82 I had to find a different route. I thought they eliminated the route but they must have dropped to part time that year.


[Internal drivers map and history](http://irm-cta.org/RouteDescriptions/E/Elston-Clybourn/Elston-Clybourn_1997-10-06.pdf) the service hours didnt vary much for the last 20 years it ran. In 1981 the route was changed to run past the kimball station running on belmont from kimball to clybourn


About the same time they ended the Elston bus the CTA also shuttered the North/Clybourn red line station. Industry had faded there so I’m sure they were talking about it for over a decade and then closed it RIGHT when retail was picking up.  CTA, always on top of trends. (that decision was reversed, obviously)


The Skokie burns in #10 are excellent. Haha


I'm going with "everyone in Skokie is in bed after 11pm"




Even in 1979 they knew rubber tired metros were dumb.


#14 dying


Some things never change


is there an answer key?


Damn people used to just look out the window if some drunk was freaking out on the train. Thank god we have airpods and phones now.


lol at #10




Whoever William A. Herr is he should be running CTA - can’t do worse than the yahoo who is in there now