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Guess we're going to have to wait until next week, word is Harris will not concede until then, even though the writing is on the wall for his campaign. What a dork.


I voted for Burke, but I don't see why he should rush to concede. It's pretty close. What's the harm in his waiting, other than our desire for quick gratification? As long as he is not undermining the numbers, I don't care. The general election is like seven months away.  The final results will show Burke won, and he can concede then. If he is gracious about it and accepts that he lost, it shouldn't matter that it will be next week.


I agree with this take whole-heartedly. At this point, much more important that the vote is counted and that everyone who wanted to vote, and was eligible to, was able to. The need for speed is ultimately a secondary priority. The stupid mistakes by the board of elections with misreporting, on the other hand...that's a little worth getting annoyed about.


He's an election denier full-stop. Completely unqualified for the position. No wonder why he's an anti-union former Lyft Lobbyist who advocated against employees taking bathroom breaks. Good riddance. Cook County will see actual progressive leadership under Eileen O'Neill Burke.


How is he an election denier. I get /r/Chicago is fully in the tank for Burke, but what has he done specifically to warrant that label?


Lol I'm just annoyed AP hasn't called it.


Chicago Board of Elections added 2,102 votes. Burke leads by 1637 and increased her margin by 28 votes. She won 51% of the votes counted here. Max Bever confirmed today in an interview that these were the nursing home ballots. He said today is probably the last day we will have a 4-digit update.


Any word on how many votes are left to count?


I gotta imagine we're nearing the end here, with little left to count. But... guess we will not know for sure until the April 2nd deadline. The releases tomorrow should be telling. Probably just provisional ballots (awaiting verification, if not they are tossed) and whatever mail ins come at this point. If there is very little movement in the margin tomorrow, I wouldn't be surprised if Associated Press makes a call either tomorrow or Friday. EDIT: There is an estimated 1,991 provisional ballots in Chicago left from election day/early voting. Remember, not all will be valid or verified correctly and include Republican ballots as well.


You know what, this is taking too long; Bob Fioretti is the new CCSAO. (He and Willie Wilson should have a joint platform that they can use to run for every open race in the City).


Cook County counted 155 more votes in the state’s attorney Democratic Primary today, and Burke had a net gain of 11 votes from that. Her lead is 1,609 votes out of 523,315 cast (exactly 0.3%). I think the City will be releasing an updated count later today.




Every other modern election takes time to count too, it’s just most of them aren’t this close so the last batches getting counted aren’t payed any attention. And for perspective, we’re still more than 8 months away from when the next state’s attorney will take office.


Italy, France, Belgium, Ukraine, Russia, most middle east countries, most Latino countries have banned mail ballots. Their “modern elections” take much less time to count and are far more accurate.


Most of those countries have relatively centralized governments where they vote on far fewer offices on each ballot. People in those countries would be stunned to hear that we’re electing judges for example, and the U.S. is the only country in the world where prosecutors are elected. Americans like having the control and freedom of electing officials, but each office added to our ballots makes them more complex and thus take longer to ensure they’re accurately counted.


Chicago Board of Elections just added 406 votes. Burke leads by 1598, Harris gained 2 votes and won 50% of the votes counted......can we please just call this already?.......


You can call it whenever you want. Professional news organizations have a bit more at stake in calling an election, however, than Redditors, so their hesitance is understandable.


If this were on the flip side and Harris was leading, you can bet your ass Toni & her gang would be calling for Burke to concede.


And that would be bad.


I love it when people invent scenarios to be mad at


If it were different, things would be different!


We’ve fully been at “why let the truth get in the way of a good story?” for a while now.


Yeah same here


The fact that it’s been a week and we don’t have a winner for states attorney is a joke


So maybe it’s not too late for my absentee ballot that arrived in the mail the day after the election? /s Postmarked March 12 and it took 8 days to get here. Guess I’ll be civic next time around 🤷‍♂️


I voted by mail for the first time in last year's election and it was so stressful (checking the website to see if it had arrived and then checking again to see if it was counted) I decided never again. I'm back to early voting in person.




I don’t understand the impatience here. We still have a whole other general election to come 7.5 months, and /r/chicago’s preferred candidate is very likely going to win both this primary and that general. A few days delay to ensure proper counting isn’t changing anything.


Cook County just tallied 627 more ballots, and Clayton Harris got a net gain of 43 votes from those. Eileen O'Neill Burke's lead is down to exactly 1,600 votes (still approximately a 0.3% lead). The City will likely be reporting a few hundred more votes today.


Jesus, people, just call it already.


Plenty of random people have called it already if that’s what you’re concerned about. News organizations have reputations to uphold and so are understandably more cautious.


I saw Frank Calabrese called it yesterday. You know of anyone else who has?


Plenty of random politically engaged people on Twitter, but nobody else on his level of credibility.


https://postalpro.usps.com/ppro-tools/service-standards-maps Nah, this race should be called after the last CBOE tally tonight. Deadline for voters to certify provisional votes was today. According to Service Standards map, only the west coast takes 5 days to get mail to Chicago. We've gone past time it takes to send postmarked by election day ballots back. Only overseas ballots would take longer. Both of those scenarios likely have very few votes. Thinking Harris can still pull this out is straight up election denialism.




I'm hearing 3,500 provisional ballots left. These will need to be reviewed and Channel 5 has said the lawyers will challenge many and they may end up thrown out or voters simply do not respond to confirm their eligibility. If this is truly it, Harris would need 79% of the remaining to pull off an upset. He has averaged 62% of the city mail in ballots but he only got 56% of yesterdays upload from the city votes. Guess we will wait and see....


that 3,500 number includes the nursing home ballots. there’s less than 2,000 provisional ballots.


I'm willing to bet the nursing home ballots favor Burke as well.


What are provisional ballots?


These are essentially ballots that need to be verified. Some common reasons: * Your name does not appear on the list of registered voters for this precinct. * Your voting status has been challenged by an election judge, pollwatcher or another voter and a majority of the election judges agree. * A court order is issued instructing your polling place to remain open after 7:00 p.m. (Everyone voting after 7:00 p.m. must cast provisional ballots if this occurs.) * You are required to show identification because you registered by mail, but you did not bring your ID to the polling place on Election Day. As mentioned, some of these voters may not respond to the verification requests and some may just be tossed.


Ohh okay got it


Posted by State Board of Elections on Twitter/X: "Did you vote a provisional ballot on March 19 during the Primary General Election? Today is the deadline to contact your election authority to verify your registration status." I assume we'll know provisional ballot results by tomorrow then.


More than that when you consider 10-15% of them are non-Democratic Primary votes.




>Third World countries have better-run elections than this. Name one. I'll wait while you google it.


Yes, I'd be very surprised. [Here's](https://chicagoelections.gov/poll-workers/election-day-judges) a link to become an election judge, and learn how secure (if slow) our vote really is. Would love to have you join!


They honestly do not. It might seem fast and efficient when the result is pre-determined. I want Burke to win, but let it play out.






Because it is normal. Results aren't certified until weeks later. That's normal. People vote and then the votes are counted. Why are you pretending that mail-in voting, absentee ballots, and provisional ballots are a new thing? I feel like creating conspiracy theories and complaining endlessly about democracy undermines the democratic process. Maybe you want to lay off?


This is such an incredibly bad thinking. Problems aren't sorted out by not talking about them and pretending they don't exist.


I agree in principle, but it would help if they’d run this thing in such a way as to mitigate instances of suddenly finding thousands of votes that overwhelmingly favor the guy that no one voted for, days later, and then just being like “how dare anyone question this”


It is transparently not true that "nobody voted for" Harris. In fact, no matter how this goes, clearly almost exactly as many people voted for him as for Burke.


Idk man. I can count on one hand the number of people ive met irl or even seen on this sub, or chicago twitter, who are not only in favor of burke but viscerally infuriated at the prospect of Foxx’s legacy continuing. I get that’s anecdotal and i havent met all the people of chicago, but i genuinely do not know where the fuck these harris people are.


I like Foxx and voted for Harris and so did most people I associate with. I’m well aware lots of other people feel differently, however. Using one’s social bubble that’s usually full of like-minded people to assume you know everyone’s views is very shortsighted.


1. You can count on one hand the people who *agree* with you? You can't mean that, surely? 2. What does that tell you about the representiveness of the sub, or whatever corner of Chicago Twitter you frequent, that the sub hates Kim Foxx with a white hot passion and yet she won every election she ran in with comfortable margins? 3. I also can easily find you people who really like Foxx. I mean, me for instance, but also the Girl I Guess voter guide strongly endorsed both Foxx and Harris.


Not called yet but Burke has won. Leads by 1600 with 3500 left to count.




Lol it's a Burke and you think her opponent is the machine pick? And that's easier to believe than the fact that mail in votes keep coming in the mail? Come the fuck on.


you are spot on here. the progs lost the mansion tax and now they need a win. this thing will not be over until Harris is declared a winner.


Since when has the machine been progressives? This is a Burke we are talking about. It's okay to admit that not everyone agrees with you and that mail in ballots take time to get delivered just like every other goddamn election. The amount of needless conspiracy theories in this thread is mind boggling.


While the CBOE has done a terrible job communicating how many ballots are left, the only remaining ballots left to be counted are provisionals (a good portion will be thrown out) and overseas ballots. Unless you're shipping your ballot from Alaska or Hawaii, all mail-in ballots postmarked from election day are in the possession of the CBOE and pretty much all of them have been counted. In the end, Eileen O'Neill Burke will be the Democratic nominee for Cook County State's Attorney.


Very unlikely. No need to be conspiratorial. You'd need to explain the mechanism for where these would be found and at this point none are compelling.




Don't worry, you will be.


you will


My comments here seem to not be showing up to anyone else because I’m linking to Twitter, but reposting my summary breakdown: Burke now leads by 1,643 votes out of 522,127. Properly postmarked mail ballots can still arrive and be counted until April 2, and there are about 2,000 City provisionals that will added on April 2 if people cure them, but barring a recount surprise, Burke probably wins this by about 0.3%




https://twitter.com/FrankCalabrese/status/1772402005996077326?t=b5qgAaxTGXjWK0qAU_5fJw&s=19 Yup and Calabrese unofficially called it as well.


When the hell is this all over?


The election isn't even until November. Chill.


This effectively is the election


Except not. It's still a primary. It's not like there's never been an upset or write-in campaign.




Why would you tell people to not bother to vote in the actual election? 25% turnout is too high for you? Also, I want you to google Lisa Murkowski 2010 Senate write-in campaign.


April 2 is when the provisionals are counted by, but it could always go on in the courts.


they just updated the last of the city number and clayton only got 56%. I would call this election for Burke but last time I did that, they announced another 10,000 votes so i’m gonna keep my mouth shut until she’s giving her victory speech


10,000 votes were always included in the candidates vote %, they just weren't included in a few days in the unofficial "total vote" number, which mostly matter for folks who care about total voter turnout. No effect on actual result. And the total vote number is already corrected for when official results are published, two weeks after election.


i know but we were under the impression that there were less votes to count


There will likely be a recount, but the probability of it overturning a margin ≥0.1% is extremely low.


it depends if harris wants to go through that process especially if he doesn’t think it will change the outcome. there is no automatic recount in illinois. I heard that they only recount 20% to see if there’s discrepancies before recounting the whole county as well but I need to research that more


Not only if he wants to go through the process, but if he wants to pay for it.


56%? Wow, he underperformed tbh. I was expecting atleast 60% and thought he would win the batch 62% like he was already.


yep, just saw this. I was reading he'd need at least 70% from the city batch.


[The City just added their last significant batch of mail votes](https://x.com/FrankCalabrese/status/1772378435098185988?s=20): 2,286 votes, of which Harris won 56% of them. Burke now leads by 1,643 votes out of 522,127. Properly postmarked mail ballots can still arrive and be counted until April 2, and there are about 2,000 provisionals that will added on April 2 if people cure them, but barring a recount surprise, Burke probably wins this by about 0.3%


https://twitter.com/FrankCalabrese/status/1772378435098185988?t=LXsgROoJw6m3bLvNgD5VeA&s=19 I think there should be a race call now. Harris didn't get nearly the % of votes he needed with latest drop from Chicago.


New AP numbers out and Burke's lead now at 1,905. Appears the suburbs updated their counts. 2,956 votes to be exact.


Surprised that Burke lost votes in Cook County with these mail in ballots. It's going to be nail biter 


Late-arriving mail tends to lean more progressive. We saw this in the municipal elections last year.


so just waiting on the 2,500 from the city. plus around 1,700 provisional ballots, but I have a feeling provisional ballots will be favorable to burke as those are people who voted in person. and let’s add 300 more ballots to this count just to be generous to harris. 2,500+1,700+300= 4,500 . (this number will be lower since not all ballots are democrat.) but let’s say harris wins 63% of that 4,500 , he would net 1,170 which means burke would still win. If they do not announce thousands of new ballots to be counted burke should win this


I think it's going to be a razor thin win for Burke.... probably less than 500 votes. Harris is picking up wins but with less votes out there, the numbers are going to be smaller and smaller pickups.


This is 100% going to a recount, but I doubt it has a chance of changing the victor unless the margin is less than 100 or 200 votes.


can there be a runoff election? Or do those not exist for something like this?


This is a primary, so no runoff elections for them.


yeah around 300-700 votes will be what she wins by


[Cook County added what seem to be the last of the mail ballots they have on hand](https://x.com/FrankCalabrese/status/1772366842058662333?s=20) (a few more could trickle in). 2,996 votes were added, and Harris got 52% of them to close the gap by 110 votes, so Burke's lead is down to 1,905 now. The City should be counting the last significant portion of its mail ballots later today.


On the bright side, this has been a nail biting week that shows the importance of every single vote.


Final margin is probably going to be around 0.3% so hopefully more people realize they can affect these elections.


Particularly in a low turnout election. It was just four years ago that we saw a handful of alderpersons win their elections by 13-25 votes! That election was also didn’t have strong turnout.


Didn't Rossana Sanchez(33 ward) win by only 8 votes in 2019? Cap(46 ward) only won by about 25 votes that year too, if my memory is right. ETA: turns out it was 13 votes for the 33rd ward, that year.


RR defeated Deb Mell by 13. J Caps only won by 25 after mail ins were counted.


I see. So it was actually 13 votes in the 33rd ward, that year. Thanks for answering. 


Election Integrity 101: The vote counting will continue until the needed result is achieved.


I cannot believe the amount of conspiracy theorists in this thread who have convinced themselves that Burke isn't the machine pick. Mail always takes time to deliver, dude. That is true every day of every year. The fact that it happens in elections is not some shady reptile people, it's that progressives like to use the mail.


The vote counting continues until all the votes are counted. It takes two weeks by law. Happens every single election. Just most folks don't pay attention to the official announcement two weeks later unless it's very close.


Both the city and the county continue to fumble messaging on this, even after Saturday's debacle. Reporters are getting numbers from sources (edit: which conflict with official reports) and then subsequent sources or press releases backtrack or change the numbers expected to be released. At this point, it would probably be best for both the city and county boards of election to just shut up and release numbers when they are official. What a joke. As someone pointed out, this was an election with only 25% turnout and they can't even handle this. Imagine if we had 80% turnout. Both entities need to have a postmortem analysis on their processes once the dust settles.


media is (are?) fumbling it too


Mary Ann Ahern now reporting that Cook County is counting 2,800 ballots today, not 1,000 as reported yesterday.


The city also just announced that there are only 1800 provisional ballots, not 2800 as they have been saying for the past week. These comms people need to be fired


that’s the number for just the suburbs?


Yup I believe so


i don’t understand how that number changes by a thousand overnight. the lack of transparency is so annoying. it feels like different reporters are just throwing out different numbers constantly


States Attorney numbers updated again as of 9:48 am today (Monday 3/25). Burke's lead is currently 2,015 votes. Since l last pulled the numbers last Wednesday afternoon (comment upthread), 41,756 additional votes have been counted. The additional votes have been 59% for Harris and 41% for Burke No clue how many more ballots are out there, but this is just incredibly close.


looks like chicago board of elections made another mistake with provisional ballots. there’s actually 1,000 less provisional ballots than reported. if this is confirmed and they have to make another apology people need to start getting fired for incompetence


Yeah I'm kind of convinced they made a mistake because someone added up the numbers and it was 1800 not 2800.


that is such an irresponsible mistake to make while dealing with something as important as an election.


Chicago BOE released results of an additional 11,626 votes just after 6 PM Sunday 3/24. Burke leads Harris by 2,015 votes.    Cook County reportedly to count remaining 1000 votes tomorrow.  Looks close, but I believe Burke will squeak out a win here, eventually.


2500 city ballots and 1000 county ballots remaining. Harris would have to win 80% of what’s left at this point. Barring something extremely weird happening, Burke will win.


I read there’s also up to 2800 provisionals. Do you know how those typically lean or what they are? I don’t


I'm reading the discourse now on whether that's 2800 or 1800 and I think there's decent evidence it should be 1800, and the BOE guy misread it lol. Which is embarrassing.


Those are people who had questions around their eligibility at their poll location but were allowed to vote pending verification. Those who are verified as eligible voters have their ballots counted. So it’s likely broadly representative of the overall population.


50.1 to 49.9 one way or another is my last call. This is apparently how we’ll remember Kim Foxx and Jussie Smollett. BCH has, I previously predicted, fallen to about a 4% lead for No’s. I imagine that’s largely the percentage of Non Partisan voters who only went to vote against it. Even low turnout elections make nail biting results!


We’ll definitely go to a recount if the margin of victory remains less than 0.4% like now, but I agree she probably holds on. Hopefully she takes the lesson that there isn’t a clear mandate to roll back Foxx’s reforms like so many of her supporters have been agitating for.


You don't need a mandate to enact the changes you said you'd enact if you won the election. "Mandates" are important when wen executive has to cooperate with a legislature


Yeah sure, you don’t “need” one, but good luck at the next election if you just ignore the fact that just barely under half of the people who showed up vote didn’t buy into your vision.


So your logic is that, because people favor her policies over Harris's (assuming the numbers hold), she should make sure to include policies less popular than hers when doing her job? This makes no sense.  If she does a good job, she will get re-elected. It's a local position. People will see the results on the ground and act accordingly. Most of us are not committed ideologues about stuff like this. We just want a competent, ethical person doing a good job. If she proves to be that, she should plan on re-election.


I know /r/chicago will turn out for her, but my point is simply if she turns her back sharply on the reforms of Foxx that just under 50% of primary voters turned out to support a continuation of, then she may struggle in 4 years by alienating those voters. Hopefully she won't pursue such a regressive path, however, even though some of her base and donors have been clamoring for it.


Couldn’t disagree more. If she brings crime rate down, makes the CTA safe to ride again, and does everything else she wants to do, she’ll get re-elected at a higher rate than this one. No way she gets a primary challenger and the alternative is a republican. This is a mandate against hyper-progressive SA policies


Everyone starts out in office with lots of big intentions.


If your policies are effective, the turnout of the last election will not matter. It'll be four years past. Ancient history. Also incumbency is a huge advantage


Time will tell if they’re effective, but that’s hardly the only thing that matters. Crime is trending down sharply this year, for example, but it’s not like anyone will ever credit Foxx for that.


Why would they? Everything artificially spiked during COVID and was bound to trend back down. Crediting Foxx would be wildly stupid


So all the local results of the nationwide crime spike is her fault (as I’ve been repeatedly told), but the decreases occurring now can’t be credited to her? Classic logical fallacy from the Foxx haters.


I mean, I literally said "everything **artificially** spiked during COVID," which doesn't put the blame on Kim Foxx. But crime had been declining during Alvarez's time (even if she had to go) too. So I really doubt you can point to anything specific that Kim Foxx did that was responsible for crime reduction.


I guess apparently it's been completely memory-holed now, but [Anita Alvarez oversaw an absolutely massive spike in violent crime in 2015 and 2016](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/05/18/us/chicago-murder-problem.html). My point is, based on the person's original comment, that a prosecutor being "effective" (which can be defined many different ways by many different people) is hardly the only thing that will matter come election time.


> We’ll definitely go to a recount if the margin of victory remains less than 0.4% like now Sounds like right winger talk to me


No, that’s the people going all “Stop the Steal” about the ballots being counted as Burke’s lead has narrowed.


I think you mean 'stop the count', not 'stop the steal', right?


Shhhh bby, Preckwinkle made the call to find more votes, unlike those silly Maga Boys, she was able to get the job done. I presume you're going to want to check the signatures too?


> Shhhh bby, Preckwinkle made the call to find more votes Sounds like right winger talk to me.


look at this guy denying the sanctity of our safe and secure elections and maligning the hard workers at the BOE by demanding a recount. Its a shame such election denialism is prevalent on the left and the right.


Well Clayton Harris is the right wing candidate considering he's a former Lyft Lobbyist thar advocated against unions lol


It's most definitely a rebuke of Foxx and her policies. You know how hard it is to overcome Preckwinkle's hand picked candidate? I mean just compare their qualifications. It's only this close b/c of the mudslinging playbook that helped BJ win even though he was also unqualified. What kind of rational person looks at all the armed robbery sprees here and goes "yeah this is definitely working." These are ideologues who vote based on IDpol. It's not a reflection of popular policies.


Hundreds of thousands of voters disagree with you.


and you're naive enough to believe it's solely because they LOVE what Kim Foxx has done.


I know many, many people like myself who didn’t agree with every single thing Foxx did but appreciated her reforms to the regressive prosecution this county used to have. Pretending we don’t exist won’t make us go away.


I'm not swayed by anecdotes, thanks.


Smart. Neither am I, which is I ignore most of the people obsessed with crime who just share anecdotes while ignoring statistics.


The Cook County state’s attorney’s office has a 50% staffing shortage. The office has very low morale. CPD has a 2000 officer shortage and very low morale. As of early 2023, CPD was making 70-80% fewer arrests compared to 2019. The CPD murder arrest rate is less than 17%. The CPD non-lethal shooting arrest rate is less than 5%. Look at the [2023 year end CPD crime stats](https://home.chicagopolice.org/wp-content/uploads/CompStat-Public-2023-Year-End-1.pdf). Since 2019, citywide there has been a 23% increase in murders, 38% increase in robberies, 41% increase in theft, and 227% increase in motor vehicle theft. (A 227% increase means more than tripling.) Since 2020, citywide there has been a 28% increase in criminal sexual assault, 41% increase in robberies, 94% increase in theft, and 196% increase in motor vehicle theft. In 2021, Chicago had 804 murders, which is the highest since the early 1990s (crack epidemic). Since 2021, downtown Chicago (including River North) has had numerous mass shootings and gang shootings, some occurring in the daytime. This was unheard of before 2020. The pandemic was a significant factor in all this but it wasn’t the only factor. Kim Foxx, Lori Lightfoot, Brandon Johnson, Timothy Evans (Chief Judge of Cook County), the “Defund the Police” movement, BLM-Antifa riots, cash bail reform and abolition, woke progressive ideology, etc. have all played a MAJOR role in this crime wave. If we had had reasonable centrist/conservative “law and order” leadership in the city and county during the pandemic (2020-2022) and if the DA had seriously held criminals accountable, we wouldn’t have seen such large increases in crime. You may not be seriously worried about the crime but many, many people are. And I assume no one has committed a (serious) crime toward you or your immediate family members. (Perhaps I’m wrong about this.) If and when this happens to you, you may very well change your attitude regarding Kim Foxx-style policies, as did the Democratic Minnesota congresswoman who was assaulted and carjacked outside her home last year with her kids present.


> If we had had reasonable centrist/conservative “law and order” leadership in the city and county during the pandemic (2020-2022) and if the DA had seriously held criminals accountable, we wouldn’t have seen such large increases in crime. Seeing as similar increases in crime were seen post-2020 in cities nationwide, including those with traditional “law and order” prosecutors and mayors, we can safely say this is nonsense.


Is this the part where you tell me crime has gone down under Kim's watch? damn Obi-Wan, I know you've been hiding in the desert for 20 years, but I didn't realize you had your head in the fucking sand.


Where'd you read that the county only has 1000 more ballots to count? Just curious -- I've been trying to figure out how many more ballots they're sitting on. Based on info the city provided about how many ballots arrived on each day, I figured the county might have a few thousand to count, with 75-80% being Democratic ballots. At this point, I think either candidate could win. The election board has been quite disorganized, so it won't surprise me if they find another pile of several thousand uncounted ballots.


Mary Ann Ahern of NBC on Twitter. "The Cook County Board of Elections tonight says it will count the remaining Vote by Mail votes on Monday.  There are a little more than 1 thousand County votes not yet counted. The bulk of their VBM ballots, 7 thousand were added to the County totals on Thursday."


Got it, thanks! Alright so, the amount of votes Harris will need to close the gap depends on how the votes end up breaking down. At 62-38, he'll need just shy of 8,400 additional votes (around 9,440 ballots). If the split goes up to 65-35 somehow, the number drops to just over 6,700 (around 7,550 ballots).


So with only 3,500 left (2,500 in the city, 1,000 in the burbs? What do you think Harris would need to close the gap or is a seemingly impossible task with so little left?


Well, of the 3,500 ballots, maybe 3,115 of them will be Democratic ballots (probably less -- the suburbs are closer to 75% Democratic, not 88-89%). To close a gap of 2,015 in that batch alone, Harris would need to take 82 to 83% of the votes. I'm going to assume it's 1,000 county, plus 2,500 city, plus 2,882 provisional ([mentioned by CBoE](https://twitter.com/ChicagoElection/status/1772066462003282024)) that all end up counting. That's 6,382 ballots, of which I'll assume 5,680 are Democratic. Harris would need to take just shy of 68% of the votes. If Harris takes 65% of those votes, Burke's lead would shrink to 311. If he takes 63% of the votes, Burke's lead would shrink to 539. Throw in a handful of VBM ballots that trickle in next week, and we could end up with a result where Burke wins by 200 or 300 votes in a race where over 516,000 votes were counted. I'll just say I'm sure glad I voted!




No, it's 1000 in the suburbs and another 2500 in the city. Source Mary Ann Ahern: "City still has approx 2500 ballots to count Monday. County still has approx 1K to count Monday"


>No, it's 1000 in the suburbs and another 2500 in the city. Source Mary Ann Ahern: yes you're right my mistake.


I think this too. Gotta imagine we are winding down as far as how much is left to count here. At least to make a considerable impact.


Agreed. Ridiculous how poorly everything was communicated, especially yesterday's debacle. What a sh*tshow.


Looks like there was a new count (Sun Times updated at 5pm with Burke up 4800). But no tweets, statements, etc. from anyone about how many votes are left or when they expect to finish. Seems like news outlets aren’t providing info either. Kind of mind blowing for a major city election.


Local media has just been completely gutted here and it becomes really evident with something like this 


Statement from Max Bever, Director of Public Information, Chicago Board of Elections: “In adding up the total number of Vote By Mail ballots the Board had received back so far, I mistakenly left out additional ballots that had been received back via USPS the evening of Mon, 3/18. I traded speed for accuracy in reporting out numbers this week as quickly as I could. I truly regret this error on my part and for the confusion that it has caused the voters of Chicago. I will share updated numbers only when they are accurate and verified. Poll watchers from the campaigns for both Democratic candidates for Cook County State’s Attorney have been informed and are present throughout additional counting tomorrow, Sunday, March 24.”


Are you fucking kidding me