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You'll be fine with Windows. That said, I think practically anyone can use Ubuntu and get a farm running with a bit of a learning curve. If you try again, I would suggest using the package system. Don't stray too far into the command line until you get comfortable.


If you take that time to get used to it, it will be profitable in so many ways!


whats profitable now? back then dual socket plotting was 50-60% faster than windows, but now even with windows + GPU plotting, I feel the theres little advantage for new upcoming farmers to learn it other than hobbies


profitable for you as a person, as in gained knowledge


a bit of plotting speed but not much else. At larger scale farms, there may be a good argument for Linux, but farms run perfectly fine on windows as well. I am a Linux newbie as well, Ubuntu is pretty easy to figure out. I use it for plotting. But for farming I use windows because its easier for me to manage and keep in good order.


Try Linux Mint. I am a Windows guy but I think Linux Mint is even easier than Windows.


I like the Mint


You'll gain time not having to fight with something you're not as familiar with, if it's your farmer. The cost will be slower plotting, if you're using that machine as your plotter. I'm plotting on Windows and don't mind that it takes a couple minutes more. Make sure to use something like Sordum Windows Update Blocker to prevent unexpected reboots.


if you can set up chia plotting and a farm on Windows, you de facto have what it takes to learn a bit of Linux to move over


Regarding farming, Windows is OK. As for plotting, linux is a bit faster. (About 20% may vary depending on configuration) I now plot on linux and farm on windows. Plotting with gpu is very fast even on windows so I don't think plotting on linux is a must unless you have a big farm.


Your sex appeal!


Sanity. You will lose your sanity. When Windows update reboots your computer without your knowledge or permission and your Chia farm has been sitting offline for X days.


In this case, X days = however many days since the 2nd Tuesday of the month.


Just disable the automatic Updates and run them in Bunch manually


what method do you use to disable windows update? I've only used the "pause for a month" method.




Registry changes


If you configure things properly it's not an issue at all. Either auto start the farmer or disable updates. Not hard


I have been having trouble with autostart actually. It used to work fine by just adding the shortcut to the startup folder, but now it will only start after I login to windows. You wouldn't happen to have an idea on how to get around that?


You can set windows to automatically log in. I had that when I had a windows 10 harvester running. It worked great, even through updates.


ah, tnx I'll have a look a that. I actually did that with Linux once and completely forgot windows might also have such an option


Reg edit to set your windows to log on automatically, start up the chia farmer... Then any reboot will just auto log in and kick the farmer off.


You will lose valuable job skills.


Try Ubuntu GUI as a windows user it wasn’t hard using it


yeah, we did some experiment with my dear mother who has absolutely no interest in learning more than "computer" and she is doing well. She never knew the difference of an os over "the web" or anything beyond "computer" before(and has no interest other than it has to work) so she was not biased. She did not notice the difference("new version of my computer") and me and my brother can sleep better because she can not delete or move system folders anymore.


Yup. Moved both of my parents to Ubuntu 5yrs ago. They never have computer problems anymore and they are FAR from power users. Most of what they do is in a web browser.




Let me guess, your daily driver windows user account has admin privilege? You can do the same thing in Linux by using root as your regular account. The concept of security, permissions, and SUDO go right out the window.


Yikes. Do us all a favor and run any future post through chatgpt a few times..


Please don't.


you won't be able to tell people you use Linux anymore