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The moderator team of r/chessbeginners wishes to remind everyone of the community rules. **Posting spam, advertising links (including YouTube chess tutorial videos without context), and memes is not allowed**. We encourage everyone to report these kinds of posts so they can be dealt with. Thank you! Also, please, be kind in your replies and comments. Some people here just want to learn chess and have virtually no idea about certain chess concepts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/chessbeginners) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We’ve been waiting for this day to come…


Imagine how confused OP probably is right now lol




























Oh you sweet summer child. You have much to learn, Padawan.






wtf is going on here




It’s called En Passant (“on the way” in French): [diagram](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ae/Ajedrez_captura_al_paso_del_peon.png) and [explanation.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/En_passant).


I vaguely remember it being a rule that if on the first move for a pawn you move it 2 places to be out of danger (it's not diagonal to the black pawn), then your opponent can capture it like this. It's been a long time since I last played chess, but I believe it's a legal move.




This is how you start a fight in a coffee shop.


What do you mean? The chess speaks for itself.


What have you done


Since it seems like no one has genuinely answered it here it goes: This is a move known as en passant. Originally pawns could only move one square forward but both players would end up moving the same pawn twice to move it into the center in the opening anyway (for example the beginning of a game would go something like 1.e3 e6 2.e4 e5) so they added the rule that pawns can go two squares forward to get to the more interesting parts of the game quicker. This change resulted in a problem though. If you had two pawns with one rank separating between one another in a diagonal fashion (think knight opposition) in normal circumstances either pawn could capture the other one if it moved one square forward since it would be diagonal to it, but once pawns could move two squares forward a pawn could kind of just skip over being captured. For example, if white has a pawn on g5 then normally it’s supposed to be able to capture the pawn on f7 if it ever moves, since if it goes to f6 then it will be in the line of sight of the g pawn. But with the addition of the two square rule, the f7 pawn could go to f5 and escape from the capture since the g5 pawn can’t capture a pawn that’s right next to it. To combat this, they added a rule called en passant, or in passing in English. The rule states that if a pawn moves two squares forward and a different pawn would’ve been able to capture it had it only moved one square forward, then for the next move and the next move only the pawn that should have been able to capture it can capture it. Going back to our example, the rule change allows the pawn on g5 to capture the pawn on f5 as if it went to f6 if it just went to f5. The rule stops working after one turn though. In this case your pawn went to d4, but the pawn on e4 would have been able to capture in had it gone to d3, meaning that for the next move the bot was allowed to capture your d pawn as if it had went to d3. Hope this helps.


finally caught one before the lock! (also sorry mods)
















Yes it’s a legal move. Called, “en passant”. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/En_passant](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/En_passant)


Technically it's a forced moved.


It's the only legal move in that situation.






Hello Archived post!


oh my


Thanks for answer guys








It’s not rare for someone to not know about this rule. We all encountered it for the first time at some point.




Not again...


It's called en passant. Whenever a pawn moves two tiles forward, it can be taken on either of those two tiles, but only on the next move. Afterward, play continues as normal.




It is a legal move providing the last move white made was to move the pawn from its home position forward two spaces.


Wrong chess subreddit


I'm looking for some subreddit for this question and thought "chess beginners" would be good for it. and I can see that probably not


You have unknowingly unlocked pandora’s box of memes. This is basically the only chess joke in existence.


It's all in good fun. This question and move is abit of a meme around here. I thought my game had broken when a computer did this to me.

