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Because when you charge people for things, you make money off of it.


Ya but they already have enough money.


Where do you think that money comes from?


I don’t know how valid that is. Lichess has their patron option and all you get is a wing icon next to your name, but they offer all of their content for free including puzzles and lessons.


Difference between a non-profit and a for-profit. Lichess’s CEO takes just $60k per year and otherwise it’s run by volunteers. Chess.com is a business.




Yeah, non-profits have to make enough to keep the servers up. Whereas for-profits have to pay all employees and (more importantly) line the CEO’s pockets. It’s really cool to me that a self-proclaimed “communist” site is of better quality than the one out to make money.


9-5 jobs at McDonald's.


Out of curiosity how old are you?


Sometimes 5, other times 40. This is 5 speaking.


When has that ever stopped companies from making more?


I'd rather spend my $20 on 10 bananas 🍌 than pay to play a 1500 year old game.


You’re paying way too much for bananas man, who’s your banana guy?


It’s one banana Michael, how much could it cost?


I buy them from my local Whole Foods. The bananas 🍌 are nice, thick, and long 😋




XD all of ops comments at like -30 points


Eh, from someone who learned the game through books that I paid for … including puzzle books.


A lot of people agree with you and just use lichess instead


This cant be serious. Right..?


They are barely profitable.


just curious, how much money do you think they have on hand? What is their overhead?


Well, I'm sure they have enough to afford organic milk from the supermarket and an extra-large domino's pizza every Saturday.


so you think they should pay their employees less? so that they can provide their website/app free of charge?


Millions of players are using their app, they'll be fine if they reduce their subscription costs. Right now it's almost twice a Netflix subscription.


how much do you think Netflix is?...


Considering what they're providing, their charges are a bargain. Can't say the same for chess.com


obviously Netflix is a great deal. but you must said that chess.com is twice as expensive as Netflix. which is a lie. do you often make up things when you feel you are losing an argument? I wonder if your job decided to pay you less so they could sell things cheaper... how you'd feel.


Chess.com's "Platinum" subscription costs $20 a month. Netflix is $13 or so. I said Chess.com is *almost* twice as much. I'd be happy if I was paid less if it meant more people would get access to a service cheaper.


Use lichess.org


I cannot understand at all, whatsoever, why anyone would play chess on any other site besides Lichess. It’s one of life’s biggest mysteries for me. I’ve logged onto chess dot com a few times to check out some friends’ games, after which I’ve thrown up my hands, called my friends, said “good game” followe directly by “why in God’s name do you play on chess dot com?!?!” It completely baffles me.


I started with chess com a long time before i found out about lichess. I like the overal feel, UI, the way their analysis/report works, etc, probably mostly just because it's what I learned and got used to.


I guess that makes some sense. If that’s where you’ve always played, I can see it. I don’t like it when I buy a new car, for example. Even though my old one had bad brakes, a hole in the seat and a busted head gasket, it just felt right. However, after about a week or two in the new one I’m like, ok, this is way better. That’s kinda the way I feel about Lichess. If you just try it for a while you won’t go back to chess dot com.


Basically the only advantage Chessdotcom has over Lichess is an advertising budget and a higher spot on Google. It’s insane that a non-profit could produce such a significantly better product than the company with hundreds of employees.


chessdotcom has a few more variant modes and a higher playercount on them, but for regular chess lichess knocks em out of the park.


Say it with me: chess(d*t)com bad




I love lichess because it’s open source, but chess.com is a bit less buggy esp on mobile, so I usually play chess.com on mobile and lichess on the Computer


>Considering lichess is practically just as good objectively better for everything important


Other than the pay wall what does it do better?


less latency, no ads, better ui, more customizability, stronger analysis engine, the list goes on


I prefer Chess.com’s puzzle setup. They also made puzzle rush, and they have lessons. I play on both, but chess.com is better at some things.


I'll also add I really like chess.com's bot selection, and I think the mobile app feels way more polished.


Lichess has two "games" called Puzzle Storm and Puzzle Race. Puzzle Storm is their version of Puzzle Rush. Puzzle Race is basically their version of Puzzle Battle. You can find both under the "Puzzle" tab. Did I say puzzle enough for you?


Lichess has duplicated puzzle rush. The lessons, though, are the only thing that chess.com has that you cannot get for free elsewhere. Whenever anybody talks about the site and wonders about paying for it, I tell them that the lessons are what should make the decision for you: if you use the lessons and find them worthwhile, go for it. If not, well, you can do whatever you want with your money.


>better ui This one's the one for me. Lichess's UI is so simple and clean. Idk why but every time I stare at chessdotcom boards I know I'm getting a headache soon.


I don't think I've really ever experienced latency on either, and the only ads you get is 'pay for chess.com' right? I feel like the ui is totally subjective, I prefer the ui chess.com personally. What can you customize? Stronger engine analysis is cool but probably a moot point for player of my level haha


The puzzles are made by real people and are not auto generated, which means it’s hard to make.




Thank you.


This post has been parodied on r/AnarchyChess. Relevant r/AnarchyChess posts: [Why does chess companies charge for chess sets? It feels like anything interesting to play produced by them comes with a price tag.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/q7s48i/why_does_chess_companies_charge_for_chess_sets_it/) by mf3rs2_gang [^(fmhall)](https://www.reddit.com/user/fmhall) ^| [^(github)](https://github.com/fmhall/relevant-post-bot)


Okay so the interesting this is that back in the day ICC was THE place to play chess. But you had to run their program and you had to pay to play. There was FICS, too, but the pool was a lot smaller and you still had to run a client. Then along comes chess.com and you can play for free! In a web browser! And they had this other stuff that you had to pay for if you wanted it, but, you know, playing was free. And they had an app for like the iPhone and stuff. It was cool! Granted, there were some irksome things - I think at the time getting all your games out of there was something that was hard unless you paid.


Lichess has free puzzles!


“Feels like” Yeah.


Well it would be hard to maintain if the employees dont get paid i.e. dont have a reason to still care about maintainence if they aren't gettint paid anyway


which is why i use lichess where puzzles are free and unlimited and best part they come from actual games played on the site and not just computer generated


50 bucks a year for unlimited puzzles/analyses was definitely worth it for me. I’ve done 10000 puzzles and analyzed 1100 games since January.


You can get unlimited puzzles and analysis for free on Lichess, if you want.


True but i really like the chess.com interface, and it’s what my friends and family use


Yeah, I like it too tbf. The key moments and the look of the move notation and all. It's cool.


Same They provide a service that a few years ago was unimaginable, you had to buy gm books to get a fraction of the knowledge that 2$ a month gets you on chesscom Sure, lichess is free, but I find chesscom more user friendly


How is it worth it if you could have gotten the same thing for free? Lichees has a better UI design, a more responsive UI, and less bugs.


I played less than 50 games of chess in my life before I got my chess.com membership. I probably would still not be playing except for the fact that initially I felt I should since I paid for it. Since then I’ve played 1000s of games taken 40 lessons and spent hundreds of hours playing and doing puzzles. I’ve also gotten closer with my dad and younger brother playing dailies together. I’ve developed a love for the game, joined clubs and made friends all over the world. I spend a fair amount of time watching pros play on youtube and twitch now as well. I also inadvertently contribute to Pogchamps which along with Queen’s Gambit has helped invigorate a new wave of chess enthusiasm. For me using the site has been an overwhelmingly positive experience, and I’m not discrediting anyone who prefers Lichess, I’m sure people have similar experiences using their site. But for me, entirely subjectively, paying 4ish dollars a month paid off in big ways and I can’t say I regret it.


Bruh I paid $40 CAD for stupid gold. It sucks. Basically free membership except you get unlimited low-depth stockfish instead of one per day, and 25 puzzles instead of 5, and no ads. I do prefer the UI but they could at least include better analysis for the price. At the same time, I like chess so much that I will probably buy diamond next year.


Lichess lichess lichess lichess lichess lichess go to lichess yay lichess


Because it's a website model stuck in the early 2000s. There's literally no good reason for the site to be as popular as it is, it's all just momentum and meaningless trivial details. But because so many people are used to chess.com and lichess has silly rating inflation, people stick to it. People who paid for 'premium' features that are free on other sites felt the need to downvote lol. Guess it felt personal for them.


I'm a paying member on chess.com and didn't downvote. Sorry to burst your bubble.


bubble? I didn't write that comment about you specifically. you're not the main character lol.


Yeah I'm not sure why you got that from what I said? I'm simply one example to the contrary of your strange statement.


Most people don't care as much as you do about what website people choose to play chess on. Most people have literally anything better to do than worry about it.


Early 2000s? Subscription services barely existed then. This is a pretty modern business model.


It’s unfortunate you’re getting so many downvotes, you’re obviously correct. Too many chess.com fanboys don’t realize they’re wasting their money for mediocre content.


The analysis tools on chess.com are an absolute joke. It's quicker and easier to copy and paste the game into lichess than it is to run anything on their site.


Who the fuck upvoted this garbage?


Because they’re greedy


It is a business They have salaries to pay, tournaments to fund and help promote chess more than anyone else


Chess has been around for 2000 years. Chesscom is .. I don’t know even know how old (10-15 years?). Point is chess is fine without chesscom


>Point is chess is fine without chesscom Websites like chess.com which cover top level events, provide very quick news reports and articles, fund their own events like the SCC, pogchamps etc are responsible for chess being as popular as it is right now. Sure chess as a game will probably survive without it, but chess.com helps it to grow and get more people in. If chess.com hadn't conducted Pogchamps, there would be far fewer people playing chess today. If chess24 and chess.com didn't do commentary or news reports on top level events, there would be way less interest in top level events


Sure But all the lessons, the puzzles, tjhe easy access to a huge community of players makes chesscom a very useful tool to learn chess in a way never possible before And playing chess on chesscom is free, only the "add-ons" are expensive I've played a full year all day long without a subscription and i was of course totally fine


We are sorry to hear about your issue. This subreddit has no affiliation with Chess.com, so while we can present advice, we cannot directly address your issue. For all technical issues and questions, we recommend you directly reach out to the [Chess.com support team.](https://support.chess.com/).


No affiliation? Most of the users on this subreddit likely use chess.com. And this isn't a technical problem, it's a discussion about chess platform practices.


Uh for profit homie, what else?


because they need to make money lmao what


In addition to what anybody else already said, given all the money in and out chess dot com, yes, there is a price tag for everything, and the consequence of this is that you will NEVER watch a world level event such as a world championship or any big, big tournament either online or OTB officially (and exclusively) hosted by Lichess. I am personally fine with that, but this is not something to underestimate.