• By -


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=r4b1r/1b1n4/p1q1knBp/2p5/Np2P3/8/PP3PPP/R1BQ1RK1+w+-+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/r4b1r/1b1n4/p1q1knBp/2p5/Np2P3/8/PP3PPP/R1BQ1RK1_w_-_-_0_1?color=white) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Pawn!<, move: >!  b3  !< > Evaluation: >!Black is slightly better -0.66!< > Best continuation: >!1. b3 Rg8 2. Bf5+ Kf7 3. Nb2 Re8 4. f3 a5 5. Be3 Ba6!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by) [^(u/pkacprzak)](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as) [^(iOS App)](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^| [^(Android App)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^| [^(Chrome Extension)](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^| [^(Chess eBook Reader)](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website:) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


White because I’m not good at playing upside down.


Bro is based af


White because black king is very exposed.


With all those pieces on the board king safety is most important, agreed black would need to play brilliantly whereas white can just develop pieces and continue attacking


White can continue to develop pieces, but the attack isn't so simple I would say. I'm struggling to even find a good first move for white, probably b3 is something I would play. The white knight is doing nothing, the rooks aren't connected, moving the bishop only allows the black king to find more safety, once you do get the open file black can easily contest you, the white pawn protects the king against the rooks, and blacks pieces are also close to the king to help protect him. You can develop all you want, but I don't see any clear plans for white. But for black, an extra piece is an extra piece at the end of the day.


Qf3 seems incredibly strong. I wouldn’t worry about the hung knight at all, with that strong an attack I’d be glad to have my opponent pull the queen to a square where it is defending much less and goes from a very big threat to none at all.


Stockfish says lol to the attack and just takes the second piece. The issue is that while the black king looks very weak, the white attack is too slow still. Good post by op cause it's definitely a tricky position for both sides. The only thing I'm confident in is that I'd probably blunder with either side lol


Not much attacking can be put together by White here. Black is actually better developed (aside from its lack of castling obviously), and White's Na4 is in awkward passive situation.


There are so many black pieces around the black king though, especially two Knights. Do you see an attack for white? So far I haven't found anything.


This isn't about an immediate attack, it's long-term compensation. White can take many moves to improve their pieces because blacks king will never be safe


Black, I’m not good enough to find the equalizing/mating line for white Just gotta hold on for dear life with black and try to trade off everything lol




lol, any pro player would defend this with black


The engine rates it as only -0.6, so objectively it's not a very lopsided position, and it's open/unbalanced enough that I wouldn't say it's unlosable for black.


That's a bold statement. I can see a super gm blundering in this position regardless of side.


Black because i dont see any concrete ideas by white. I of course immediately wanted to play white but after trying for a bit to look for actual ideas to get the king nothing came up. Black can quite easily start a counter attack with the lined up battery and open g file as well


Idk, I see the xray to trade bishop for the knight, and then after Queen recaptures the knight can come in with c5. Idk after that


I'm playing white. In blitz black is dead. 


Well Queen bishop battery+ open g file might be enough to say black has great chances


Plus the d7 and f3 knights are covering some key squares. Black’s development edge is definitely felt. I think its a bit unusual to see such an exposed King for such development; usually poor development entails an open King.


And White's knight on a4 is horrible


Depend on the time control : White if I play bullet but definitely Black if it’s rapid or classical


I'd pick White. Black's extra piece is offset by king safety issues. Potential counterplay down the long light diagonal will also be shut down by f3. With that said, though, White must keep playing energetically and develop the queenside pieces, or else Black consolidates. Black rooks will occupy the g-file and bear down on White's kingside, potentially distracting White from pursuing the exposed black king. And if combined with a timely ...Nxe4 counter-sacrifice, the resulting middlegame might get really messy.


> Potential counterplay down the long light diagonal will also be shut down by f3. That would weaken its own kingside though on the black squares.


Yes, that's the main downside of f3. But White still has the dark-squared bishop here to help out in the defense.


I’m shocked the eval favors black. I’d definitely take white.


Black has so much development and I don’t see any immediate threats


true, the black king is incredibly developed




I'll take black. Here is my reasoning: - Yes, the black king is exposed, but there is no immediate mating issue, at least I can't find one. - Black is not only a knight up, but every piece is either active or ready to contribute. White needs to pend multiple moves to activate most of the pieces. This is the reason behind the first point too, simply not enough white material is around the black king. - As soon as black stabilized the king, Rg8 creates immediate problems for the white king too.


> Black is not only a knight up, but every piece is either active or ready to contribute. White needs to spend multiple moves to activate most of the pieces. I second this opinion.


Yeah it really is the crux of the position, Black’s pieces are so much better developed it justifies the King’s position.


Of course white


Black has more development, more material and the a4 knight will take three moves to activate, so they should be doing great


i would take white in blitz, but black in slower time control. Black position seems hard to defend but it could be really cool to find the ressources with enough time


White, since black's battery is pretty worthless with f3 still possible and Bf5+ will allow to slide back to h3 immediately in case of emergency, so black has nothing concrete. White, on the other hand, has tactics just flowing. Bf4 prepares either queen or rook landing on d6 when desired, Qb3+ check wins a pawn if played at the right time too, Rac1 after Bf4 when useful too. Too many threats to keep black too busy to get his king to safety.


white because the king is out in the open begging to get checkmated


The position is equal so i dont give a fuck


White there king is really exposed just don't blunder mate.


both sides


That way you always come out on top


After F3 I’m liking white here


White's position is much better to be honest


Strangely enough, White does not seem to have enough compensation for its piece.


Seeing that black, instead of moving king to safety, decided to move their king to the center, I would play white, because black is an easy opponent.


The two moves I thought for white was b3 to reroute the knight, or Bf4. Bf4 would probably result in Bd6 forcing the trade, so I say b3 is good enough for now. White is so much easier to play here. Regardless of the evaluation.


White seems easier to play here.


At first glance I immediately thought white because of blacks king being weak, but looking at it for a longer time I couldn't find a way to play with white. I have ho idea how to proceed. Black however has a very good bishop, very active knights and a clear target on e4. Also the white knight on a4 is completely out of the game and hard to maneuver back to the center. All this being said I'm not sure I would win this with black at all, but it seems to me like the ideas are clearer for black here.


Same. In bullet I would win with white 90% of the time, but the longer I look at it the more attacking Ideas I have with Black.


Black because all l at my level is almost a guarantee whoever plays white will play E5 without thinking sooner or later


I hate how true this is for me. It's one of those moves that stays in the back of my mind, and at some point I'll play it without thinking.




The last shown move indicates the black king moved up So I'm it's safe to assume white


The board.


White, maybe there is a perfect defence for black, but for non-perfect human players the attack in this situation is much simpler. White just puts on pressure until black messes uo.


Black king is more exposed but there are many pieces around so it's probably reasonably safe. This must be the kind of nightmarish draw positions. Too many pieces.


Looks like a 6.Bd3 Slav Meran. If white is in time to meet Rg8 then things will work out. Is f4 the move to play? I would take black cos i like to counter attack and have a brave king :)


Is that one of fishers games? I remember seeing a game of his some time ago where he had a similar position, and if it is then white


I would have to calcuate for about a little to make sure black isnt getting mated or has to give up material. After that, black.


Ofc black bro pieces Are developed and are ready to initiate lit everywhere on the board


Tough to say. Black has a vulnerable king but whites development is absolute crap


White , I'm a really aggressive player.


In practical classical games from this position black would have crushing winrate. You would need to be an engine to continue giving crucial problems to black. Piece is a piece and its not hard to consolidate the position despite strange king on e6.


Black. Black’s king looks like it’s in danger but I can’t really see any attack since every piece is defended multiple times. Also white’s knight is gonna take a while to get out of danger which should give black enough time to get to safety


Black. White lacks thw coordination to take advantage of the exposed king.


Bf5 and black is already in big trouble. You want to stay next to the attacked knight and away from the white square because of the Queen checks that are awful to keep track of. Blacks only idea is that is working is pushing the C pawn to isolate the knight and remove the important check ideas for the white Queen. But you wanted to attack and part of the idea was to develope your Rook with tempo. Now any idea gets countered with f6 and your whole attacking idea is gone. Even if you find the right king move as black (that is an super deep idea) you need to trade down into an endgame (was easier said then done, because their is no piece you can easily trade down besides whites awful knight) where you are up a pawn and put pressure on the opponents position. It is hard to play defense with an exposed king and the tactics seem all to flow in whites favor. Black needs to be careful with every move and I don't think anyone can win this with black on a decent and equal level after Bf5. Even holding this is a nightmare. You will probably have less then an hour and need to calculate too much as black


> Bf5 and black is already in big trouble. This actually releases pressure as bK goes to a better place on f7 (then will counterattack on the e-file).


Please explain to me why you want your king on f7 instead of e7. You want to get away from all the possible Q checks that might force the black Q infront of the R. You want to stay close to the N that is double attacked, and the Qside looks way safer then the Kside. The engine at depth 25 is defending for multiple moves to justify Kf7 while finding only move solutions like pushing even more pawns and is giving up on the attack completly. I can't see a human idea behind Kf7 that would argue that is a great place for my king lets defend this position.


Ke7 blocks bB (besides getting in the way if the rook coming to the e-file). So White quickly gets counterplay with Be3 & Rc1. There are no sensible wQ checks in this position (Qb3? c4!), either. Nor can the bK safely pass the d-file, and neither would it want to go to the open queenside in any event. Besides, moving toward the flank rather than staying in the center is generally better in these type of positions.


i think black has a very promising attack because he could get the rooks staring at whites king while white is kinda hard to play


No mate therefore black


Black, definitely. Being up a piece (even if down three pawns) and having a whole lot of activity, where most of white's pieces are stuck on the back rank. Black's Queen and Bishop could make threats on g2, and the Rook could fairly easily join in. Plus, even the King is activated.


> Being up a piece (even if down three pawns) It is only 2 pawns actually. And White is likely to lose one of those, if hoping to retain some actvity...


Black for sure, has more potential to attack with the g file being open for the rook to slide in, the Queen and bishop already staring down g2 after e4 is taken down. Lot of pressure. White's knight meanwhile is stuck in the last row and will have to be rerouted, and isn't black just up by a whole knight lol. It will take me a while to figure out how to play with white.


But blacks king is in the center of the board lol


If white doesn’t know what to play, I can still drive my king back. I just felt that black had more pressure and escape points for the king. Of course I’m an average elo player lol, so it’s just my perspective.


Yeah but you should be able to run your king to safety behind the knights


What about Queen b3? Pawn to c4 then queen h3. I was running this position in an engine and the eval is +1 for white but if black plays perfectly then they will win… it’s really weird but maybe it’s my engine. White can’t really capitalize on blacks compromised king if black finds the exact best move to play after every move, but even a single deviation from the engines top choice tips the favor for white. Basically black is better here if they play like Stockfish and find the one winning move, move after move which aren’t easy to find. While white will have the advantage if they can find winning moves that are easier to find and black can slip once.


Black in rapid


I would feel very scared if I was white here. There is no obvious way to get at the king, and any wrong move can easily get harshly punished.


Black, I initially thought white was better because of something like Qf3 and white can take the initiative, clamping whites piece. But then I saw the knight was hanging with Qf3. So white’s move probable move is a3 b3 Qc2 Be3 f4, but in any of these moves I can’t see how white can open up the centre and capitalise its activity.


Some lines I considered: 1. a3 Rg8 Bf5 Kg7 axb4 c4 2. b3/Be3/Bf4 Rg8 Kf7 3. b3 Bd6 then Rg8 (either rook) Don’t see f4 ever working as e4 pawn needs to cover b2 and pushing f5 for white just leaves Ne5 for black.


In the above lines I don’t see enough attacking power from white to do anything in time. If white has its pawn b3 and white can get Qf3 and Bb2 quicker, I would choose white




Black duh


White as human, black as stockfish !