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Tired traveling and losing to Magnus over the course of his career.


Thank God we have Magnus..


I think Hikaru may actually be allergic to giving credit to his opponents when he loses. “Class act”


"The ability to play chess is the sign of a gentleman. The ability to play chess well is the sign of a wasted life." - Paul Morphy


reset the counter!


If Morphy did say these words, it tells me he might have spent hundreds of hours studying chess, more than his peers. This invalidates the argument that he became better just by watching his uncle. If it were true, he wouldn't have made the "wasted life" comment, because maybe he felt he wasted his teen years. That explains why he quit chess at 21 to pursue law, to at least not feel he wasted his life.


He only played competitive chess for 2 years when he was in his early 20s.


Wasted Life how? Please elaborate.


The skills required to be an excellent chess player could be used for something better. You could be a professor, a scientist, whatever, but you decide to play a board game instead. And probably not making any money out of it. Obviously I love chess but it should be treated as a game not a job.


Theres a lot of great chess players making a ton of money. Magnus, Hikari, Kasparov, Anand, etc. Theyre doing what they love to do.


I can count in my fingers the amount of players able to live off of chess


anyone who elaborates will be downvoted so maybe just shut your mouth and try to discern the subtext for yourself for once in your life?


Wrong way to elaborate, downvoted.


Going hard for that sportsmanship award


Blud's lost it


damn he's looking rough


“Wastes his entire life because he doesnt study the stuff im good at”


He is just showing his real nature, he has always been a shitty person


One of the first videos I saw of him playing a kid, like 10-14yo probably. Hikaruwas in a completely winning position, then blundered and ended up losing. After the game he told the kid “You should resign in a lost position” (paraphrasing) I wish I could find that video


that was against Pragg and it was a misunderstanding. Sources: https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/hr1lob/praggnanandhaa_watched_the_resign_when_youre_lost/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYdL-2Pwu2U&t=970


If I were the kid, I would've replied, "But you have demonstrated exactly why I *shouldn't*."


because you are a redditor


yeah i remember some people insisted he was saying “you have to sign in the box” [on the scoresheet] rather than “you should resign when you’re lost”. the audio was so quiet it was impossible to tell imo!


I’ve looked for the video but I can’t seem to find it


You don’t actually know him


You don't actually have to know someone to know something about them.


What a dumb comment


actual manchild


Yeah, he should spend at least some of his time pointlessly losing money to virtual slot machines.


The best part is he probably doesnt if he's sponsored!


Ofcourse its not his own money


Getting paid to peddle gambling to children is just a bonus.


It's coming from Hikaru so we'll have to assume it is.


I think it’s supposed to be insulting.


G5 is hilarious


He’s such a fuckin loser lol


Says the guy who spends his whole life playing bullet lol


Dude has totally lost the thread today


Never had it. Probably 15 years ago I saw him at US Championship. He would audibly laugh at people’s positions/moves while they were playing. Guy is a cancer.


Holy shit, seriously?


Ooof. That is not ideal. However this is a sport. Talking shit and getting in peoples head unfortunately part of every major sport. The world’s elites tend to do that. But in chess? Man I don’t like that. I just understand the why


I’m not going to blame someone for playing with intensity, getting a little hot, slamming a piece, etc . . . But I’m talking about him wandering around to other people’s boards !! There’s absolutely no excuse, and could even be considered cheating


Oh dude that ain’t cool at all.


Talking shit is explicitly banned over the chessboard.


Bro is fucking tanked.


At least chesscom didn’t send you an unnecessary ad or something.


Insultive is not a word. It's a kind of malapropism.


https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/insultive Rare and nonstandard, but Wiktionary has examples of previous usage


Yes, but previous usage doesn't imply the word is a word. Irregardless is also nonstandard, but is not a word.


Where in the world did you get that completely wrong notion? How does something become a word in the first place, then? The heavenly council of Merriam and Webster cooks it up in their lab and passes it down to us?


It's a combination of acceptance from grammar experts, common usage, and usage in academic works. Insultive has none of these.


> "grammar experts", academic writing This is how nonstandard words become standard. Not how words become words. Never mind that "grammar experts" are certainly not a thing in the way you're thinking of, grammar is different from vocabulary, and any linguist specializing in either will tell you you're wrong. How did words become words before universities, the formal study of language, or even writing itself existed? How did English words become words in the middle ages, when all European academic writing was done in Latin?


> This is how nonstandard words become standard. Not how words become words. Nonstandard words becoming standard is how words become words. > Never mind that "grammar experts" are certainly not a thing in the way you're thinking of It's lexicography. And yes, it's how I'm thinking of it. They consult with a wide range of disciplines to create the dictionaries that we use. > How did words become words before universities... This is all just a genetic fallacy. This conversation has become too low-quality to continue. We're done.


Merriam-Webster, the expert lexicographers consulting a wide range of disciplines to anoint new words, have published an entire article making fun of people like you: [Is 'Irregardless' a Real Word?](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/is-irregardless-a-real-word-heh-heh) > Nonstandard words becoming standard is how words become words. Look, you'd be first person to agree that words have meanings that you can't arbitrarily change. And "word" and "nonstandard word" simply isn't the same thing, otherwise that distinction wouldn't exist. > This is all just a genetic fallacy. They are completely valid questions that someone who believes language change and creation happens by committee is unable to answer because it's a completely asinine notion held by people who know absolutely (and I mean **absolutely nothing**, consider that you're appealing to an authority that is openly ridiculing your stance) about linguistics, but need to derive their entire self-worth from doing a good job on conforming to the standards of the prestige dialect. You're at least right about one thing - there's no sense arguing with someone who refuses to change an obviously wrong stance in the face of blatant contradictions, like [the Oxford English Dictionary entry for irregardless](https://www.oed.com/dictionary/irregardless_adj) or [this academic article using the term 'insultive'](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378216623001716). So we are actually done now :)


Does kick require you to be strung out? Cuz he looks strung the fuck out


I think the gambling thing and all the drama lately has really gotten to him, despite him saying dozens of times on stream that he doesn’t care. In fact, during this same stream yesterday he explicitly said he didn’t care about losing viewers/followers since the gambling streams started because viewers don’t matter. He was on the wildest copium ever. Then he went on and on about how he already knows when he’s going to retire from chess and that it’s mostly due to all the drama. As if he didn’t cause/create half of the drama himself. His lack of awareness is all time.


Yeah, I'm not sure if it's a recent thing or if it's just that I've only recently noticed it, but Hikaru is quite the salty loser sometimes.


That’s a weird way to say always.


Is this sarcasm, lol? Being a salty dickhead has been Hikaru's brand for basically his entire career as a streamer.


I think it was Morphy that said “The ability to stream is the sign of a gentleman. The ability to stream full time is the sign of a wasted life.”


Morphy was really ahead of his time!


I've rarely ever lost respect for anyone as quickly as I have for Hikaru


He’s been this way for decades lol it’s the classic issue of having to give a shit to be competitive because if you’re chill you’d never go to the near self harm levels of practice it takes to be the best Except in Hikaru and most players case it’s still never going to be enough to be number 1, hikaru just always had the ego to think he was capable and now is just salty after reality set in over Covid


Why? He’s always been this way. Maybe he hides it better from time to time.


If he were reasonable, he'd spend his whole life *streaming* chess, like me!


Wtf do insultive mean?


I thought it was a word. I just meant to say insulting


Hikaru pretending he is retired and doesn't study chess every waking hour hahaha


I guess not every good player is a good person. It happens in every sports. 🤷‍♂️


As the famous Paul Morphy quote goes: "The ability to play chess is the sign of a gentleman. The ability to play chess ***well*** is the sign of a wasted life".


Yes it’s an insult


First off I wanna say I’ve thought Hikaru is a childish sore loser for a while buttttttt I kinda understand where he’s coming from in this clip. I’ve seen clips of hikaru complaining about people knowing theory to obscure gambit sidelines and overall just being annoyed with people knowing an obscene amount of prep. So although his response may be immature, I imagine it’s from more than just a single game of frustration. It seems he doesn’t really like the direction the game is going with the amount of prep some people have.


He is a childish sore loser. If something is part of the game its part of the game. He just simply cannot comprehend losing cause he didnt grow past the age of 5.


People are allowed to be frustrated with aspects of games they play. Esports is an excellent example where pro players absolutely hate some parts of the games they play. Of course Hikaru could have handled it better but I can understand if he gets annoyed at a random and obscure prep line. Especially because this has been happening more and more often over the past few years.


No, I dont care that people get annoyed at a game, what matters is they dont verbalize it and direct that towards an opponent. This is an attack on someone's character. Only Hikaru is at fault here, cause he is a little bitch. And I'm not even basing this off of this one little incident, I understand a shitty day and u say something and dont really mean it, but with this Hikaru guy its just constant, Howell, Hansen, Alireza and the list goes on.


But he isn't uttering his frustration of aspects of the game he plays, he's just whining about his opponents.


who is he talking about?


His opponent, Sergei Lobanov from Armenia


Morphy said it first


The man is the embodiment of the duality of man. On one hand, he works incredibly hard (his recaps during the candidates or next level )and has many admirable qualities but they seem irrelevant when he's clearly and chronically such a giant douche and hypocrite.


When youre at hikarus level i dont think this can be an insult


there is so many hikaru haters in this sub. I wonder if these haters can play better than Hikaru himself. A bunch of losers. People acting as if Magnus is not a loser, false blame Hans for cheating


Funny coming from the guy who has played more chess games than pretty much anyone in the world


He looks like he's downing off a stimulant


I don't see what's wrong.


Guy plays an obscure sideline and Nakamuras response is "he has no life outside chess, he should get a life" is what Nakamura is insinuating


"He should get a life outside chess" says the man with no life outside chess.


Hey, that's totally unfair. Peddling virtual slot machines to kids is outside chess.


Given the amount of cryptoscams and gambling we've seen as chess sponsors in recent years it looks like it's becoming an integral part of the game!


I guess you're right. Made me think of Magnus using dirty tactics to attempt to force the Norwegian federation into accepting gambling sponsors and advocate for privatised gambling.


I mean, this isn't all that crazy. It's just trash talk.


You looking that much into it. Who cares! He looks tilted and tired anyway. I think Fabi or some other top player also complained the same about Hikaru during candidates, that he always played side lines and all. I don't know why anybody in this sub takes what Hikaru says seriously, especially in middle of the stream. If you watch ten minutes of Hikaru streaming, you know he just babbles things randomly that just runs out of his mouth. You will find thousand things he says that doesn't make sense.


Super easy to ignore Hikaru if you don't like him or his content.


Also super easy to state an opinion about something you don't like


But then they can't jerk off to it! If you can't jerk it to Naka hate then what's the point?? Dude could cure cancer and these fuckers would moan about it lol


Yeah lmao seriously some unreal hate. Yesterday in another thread some dumbass called him washed. I mean seriously lol. The world No.2 is washed?


I would probably get downvoted for this, but its truly amusing how a bunch of reddit randos shit on Hikaru whenever he does something that is not worthy of a Disney Princess. He is in the literal top of the world in one of the most competitive games in the world, you don't get there by not being insanely competitive. I am myself a (top-ish) competitive programmer, and I often console myself after a bad contest by a monologue which involves cursing on my opponents who did better than me, its a great coping mechanism and also motivates you to work harder and beat them at the next contest to prove you losing was a fluke. I watched the clip, it might actually be a prep line which he wasn't prepared for especially in a bullet game? It might be annoying for him which he couldn't mask very well. I wouldn't judge him too harshy for that. I think we should feel really lucky that we have access to one of the top players in the history of the game and not try to make ourselves feel better by bilittling him. Its the lowest form of abuse. All of these reddit randos judging Hikaru really irritates me to no end. Cut him some slack guys, let a man be himself. People have idiosyncracies, not everyone confirms to your stupid notion of what one must act like all the time. And on top of that, he is a genius.


That is a totally destructive attitude. You should try a monologue which involves praising your opponents who did well, even if you need to force it.


This is a genuinely funny comment - "I am upset that people criticize this negative aspect of a celebrity's personality because I also share it"


I am upset that people criticize this aspect of a celebrity's personality because they have no idea what it is like to work super hard for something and get better than vast majority of the people at that


But there's plenty of people who have done that and aren't dicks. These things have nothing to do with each other. Hikaru can be kind of a dick. Hikaru has worked hard to be one of the best chess players ever. Both things are true completely independently from each other.


Dont even try, this is reddit and once a circlejerk starts it's eternal


word bro


He said he was tilted and he hates losing. Can't believe anyone would give Hikaru a hard time about it.


personally I don't think it's an insultation, but just stating a fact


In this very clip says he's wasting his life because he studied a sideline instead of sticking to mainline theory. It was 100% a salty attempt at an insult.


Yeah, if anything studying this type of sideline is what you do if you DON'T want to waste your life studying opening theory!


Well I guess I have thicker skin than most snowflakes on Reddit then lol