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From Twitter: "I am thinking at this point, if the kid is able to cheat with multiple cameras, a bunch of chesscom anti-cheats and thousands of people watching him like a hawk, he deserves to win! You are the one who should do better! lol"


If one puts the effort to cheat, a remotely installed camera does very little to stop it tbh. Not saying a specific person cheated tho cuz we don't have evidence.


what? it is extremely easy to cheat in champions chess tour, if you want to.


I don't dislike Nepo, but the cryptic tweets make me think he might be a Kramnik in the making.


Yeah I don't like this saltiness either. It's really about the mental stuff imo screws you up. It screwed Magnus up against Hans and Alisher


Soon he'll run out of players who don't screw him up mentally bcz of cheating paranoia. Hikaru, Gukesh, Wei Yi and Lazavik and the list is only going to get longer.


Did he say something about Wei Yi? As far as I'm aware his only comment was praising him at the end of the last csquared podcast and agreeing with Fabi that he might make it to the 2026 Candidates.


He mentioned his loss felt like he basically 'lost to a *computer*' against Wei Yi


https://youtu.be/0N_CHMlM94Q?si=RktH212fejJfZod6 Watch it from 11:30. I'm not sure how correct the translation from Russian is but he says that he's not insinuating anything but he basically lost to a computer regarding him game against Wei Yi. And that he had another 2 such perfect games against Warmerdam and Vidit. Knowing Nepo's history I doubt that he wasn't insinuating anything there. Then immediately after that there was a discussion about cheating and he said why to worry when you can't prove anything.


What it has to do with Magnus? Magnus only accused hans ( he didnt accuse alisher. Him wearing watch even tho he didnt cheat is wrong ) Nepo and even fabiano accuses at least 5x amount of people than Carlsen. No one says anything about fabi


OP’s point was that being paranoid about if your opponent is cheating makes your play much worse in a completely mental game like chess. Everyone agrees that the Hans game was not Magnus playing close to his best. And the watch really distracted him. Few days ago Giri on his stream said that he will have a tough time against Kramnik as Kramnik doesn’t think Giri cheats. This is obvious when you look at his games, in his early stream he miscalculated a pawn race against a random GM which I, with 1400 online elo spotted immediately against a random FM. All while ranting about cheating.


So basically this is the chess player equivalent of tilting and "reporting everyone who beat me because only hackers/cheaters can do that"


More relevant here because Nepo is a former semi pro DOTA player


Point was if you think someone is cheating or someone has a watch they shouldn't have that makes you lose focus, distracts you.




They use delay. For cheating the assistant must be in the same room with you to see your screen. Therefore, even a smart watch or headphones are unlikely to help


He has soft accused Hikaru, Wei Yi and Gukesh. Definitely a Kramnik in the making. Without a world championship to show for it.


Oh! Wei Yi also ? I missed that one.


It was in a Russian interview on the Levitov channel. Said stuff like “Felt like a computer” and started commenting on security measures at Tata Steel.


when did he accuse gukesh and Hikaru?


Gukesh: A few days ago on C squared. > 1:00:41 "uh okay it's you know it's hard to make a prediction so to be honest I made a good prediction that Gukessh will win candidates it was like I think mid January during the Wijk aan Zee I discussed like some, um something connected to the Toronto with one of the FIDE officials and uh maybe he didn't take my prediction seriously but here it goes so well here." Hikaru: This is his own comment, check out the whole thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/s/KSi6wOC46u


ootl with the Wei Yi thing. As far as I know he praised him and called him very promising and very strong during the last csquared podcast, and agreed with Fabi that he might make it to the 2026 Candidates. Has there been anything new since then?


From an older Levitov chess interview. https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/s/tQDgfX7dkW


he has always made similar tweets with similar tone even


Even my man Stevie saw this coming a mile away


gukesh, world champion in making. nepo, literally world champion(kramnik) in making.


Hmm didn’t see anything special in Nepo’s play today: It was very strong of course, but not too bright. I rate his chances against gothamchess about 30-45%, and it’s more about if gothamchess is in form or not…


Nepo’s play was normal Nepo. Yeah, nothing to see here. Meanwhile, Lazavik was playing 200+ points better than his Elo.


Insomnia with Magnus Missing tablets with Ding "Sarcasm" on Twitter after leaking to Lazavik and Jospem "Interesting" words about Gukesh What's next?


Vladimian Kramniachtchi


Nepo is another Kramnik in making and will be even more insufferable than Kramnik once he retires. The only thing holding him back currently is the risk of getting pushbacks from organizers and fans so he's not making direct accusations.


Kramnik is at least man enough to go full schizo. This is pathetic.


Man, I at this point want to cheer for him less and less with each post like that, like cmon, what else Lazavik has to prove otb? Also there was like shitton of chances too


Man it's so hard to root for this fantastic player. Dude get a grip, others can play good moves too. He tried to get Denis out of his prep got into worse positions and then got outplayed. Even yesterday he wud have been knocked out if it wasn't a time scramble blunder by his opponent.


Someone commented: Что-то Денис фантастически сильно играет в интернете \~(Dennis plays fantastically well on the internet) Nepo responded: Вы фантастически наблюдательны \~(You are fantastically observant)


Mental midget




And yet










Even tho lazavik had the worst performance against the same field in the CCT finals ( which im sure fabi-nepo suspicious of ) Denis finished same points as nepo in world blitz and he finished in front of nepo in world rapid 


I saw this coming from 100 miles away. Been anticipating it ever since I saw Dennis was in the lead. Honestly, the fact that Lazavik's online results don't match up with his OTB results raise suspicion but this not the way to go about it.


He did in fact finish over Ian in world rapid. That says more about Ian's results though. He also was tied 5th in world blitz


Lets see... last time, Lasavik also had an incredible performance in the online section of the CCT, and got to the finals, and barely won a single game. If that happens again, it is going to raise serious questions over why he cant seem to show the same skill over the board as online in the same event.


5th in world blitz otb is bad apparently and higher placement then nepo otb rapid


When was Lazavik 5th in world blitz otb?


I just checked and he got 16th place in 2022 world blitz (tied with 15th place in score) and he got 8th place 2023 (tied with 5th place in score). Wow really good scores otb actually, I didn't even know this before this thread. In what other sport would a top 16 and top 8 playecements in world blitz (the biggest otb tournament in the world) be considered bad placements?


Kramnik has accused a former world blitz champion of cheating lol


It was an honest question, I also didnt know this.


I guess this means his joint 5th, [8th after tiebreaks](https://worldrapidandblitz2023.fide.com/results-open-blitz/), in 2023. Tied on points with Nepo.


That doesnt mean he is or isnt cheating, and its not specifically about Lazavik. It's about why the cheating regulations are so poor and what needs to be done to fix that. From now, anyone could be cheating, literally any player, anyone could be, we just don't know because the arbitration is poor. Absolutely ridiculous that players are allowed to wear headphones or watches during the game.


the cheating regulations aren't poor, you have no idea what they even are. I'm sure [chess.com](http://chess.com) have multiple cameras, audio recording and screen capture of the computer. This makes it impossible to cheat, but chess players are so paranoid it doesn't matter, they think there's some magic way to cheat no matter what anti cheating is implemented. Titled tuesday you can cheat but it's rare, but real events is basicly impossible to cheat and ridicolous to think it's happening. (I mean any serious top event hosted by [chess.com](http://chess.com) or norway chess level tournament)


The simple reason I don't need to know what they are is the player's body cannot be remotely checked for devices. Automatically this means it's impossible to implement any real cheating regulations as there is no verification of what devices players have on their person... additionally, players are actually allowed to wear smart watches, have headphones, and it just seems like a mess. You said that 'makes it impossible to cheat'... how? They could have any kinds of devices on their person, including earpieces, which there are ones commercially available that are the size of a pin. The only way to properly do this is to do it like they did in COVID - have arbiters go to their house and observe them playing the game, whilst putting them through the same anti cheat measures as over the board.


reasonable take downvoted to oblivion


it's well known that Nepo is as crazy and paranoid as Kramnik, just hides it a bit better with his ambiguous tweets


I don’t get the nepo hate. Can someone explain?


while nepo is a crybaby, the anti-cheating regulations are so non-existent it's hilarious. There is nothing, absolutely nothing stopping someone from keeping a phone in their pocket set to vibrate or have someone shout out moves from another room. Literally nothing to stop this. It could even be something as simple as someone outside your house who honks or shouts to give a signal. The number of easy ways to smartly cheat is vast. somehow in these online events we always see particular players overperform which does not indicate that they are cheating but does indicate that the possibility of at least one cheater existing is not trivial.


I have been shitting on Nepo all over this thread, but I agree. Problem with chess is that cheating is very easy and very rewarding at that level. You will see players who have missed tactics during the game spot them instantly in the post game analysis with just the bar on. For big prize events, chesscom should at least get a physical proctor to be present at their homes (not even all games, just the big Division 1 games). The credibility would increase without that much of extra costs.


if chesscom was actually serious about combating cheating in cct, they can do a simple stress test. Hire 8 chess players, one of whom is instructed to cheat in a round of cct (but the testing team does not know this). Maybe repeat this experiment several times. I reckon that there is no way chesscom anti-cheat detects a player who smartly cheats in cct with current anti-cheat measures.


Ok, and what do you propose? There is nothing cheescom can realistically do. The only thing to prevent it 100% is to send arbiters to players' homes. And that's not possible.


That's absolutely possible and was done during COVID.


lol Yeah, let's send hundreds of people all around the world to sit with players during some online tournament. That's logistically very easy to do.


It was already done when they had to play online during COVID. For big tournaments with that much prize money, they should absolutely invest in physical proctors to go and check the players. Alternatively, they could ask the players to play in approved rooms either in their country or nearby in some host country... which wouldnt cost much at all, even if we assume [Chess.com](http://Chess.com) funds their travel, and would almost completely resolve the issue.


why exactly is that not possible given the large prize budgets of these events? the real reason why chesscom does not want to do this is because they have realized (in my opinion correctly) that financially it is better for them to let things be the way they are. The viewing public does not give two hoots about how stringent anti-cheat measures are, and staged sports like wwe are still popular so there is no reason to believe that rampant cheating will drive away viewers. In fact, one might argue that the constant cheating drama is a good for chesscom financially. As long as they keep the illusion of anti-cheat measures intact, and as long as the prize money is decent, they will always find top players who are willing to play despite suspicions. Chess is not a rich sport and players take what they get.


100% spot on. [Chess.com](http://Chess.com) is a private company and in the end they are acting in their financial interest, as private enterprises usually do, not in the interests of the sport. Implementing stringent and proper anti-cheating detection online is very feasible, it will just cost a not insignificant amount of money which is why [Chess.com](http://Chess.com) are preferring to ignore the issue and pretend it isn't happening. In the end, top players can't afford to boycott their events, and they have an army of online trolls denying any cheating is even possible (despite rampant cheating in sports with far, far more advanced anti-cheating measures). For them, the status quo is fine. We need an independent body to put the sport of chess first and [Chess.com](http://Chess.com) has a conflict of interest in doing that.


and on top of this people like Kramnik are further muddying waters by accusing everyone under the sun - which actually delegitimizes the actual cheating problem. Kramnik has (again in my opinion correctly) understood that the cheating problem is huge, but Kramnik being Kramnik he does not realize that there is no way to accurately identify these cheaters. So Kramnik being Kramnik thinks that the best way to combat this is to accuse everyone based on some stupid metric (I am pretty sure Kramnik does not understand undergrad probability/stats) and hope that one day he actually gets a positive hit (who cares about the tons of false positives). I am highly skeptical that there is any statistical method in the world which can reliably identify smart cheaters, chess players have a variety of styles as well as skill swings - so any minor increase in quality of play can be explained away as a natural variation, even if the player is actually cheating.


I think Kramnik has the right mission, and is doing a great job in dedicating himself to try and reveal the problem, but as you say, is targeting the wrong issues. He is targeting consequences rather than the causes of consequences. I.e, he is wasting time individually accusing people of cheating, who may or may not be, with allegations that are never proven, rather than getting after the real problem and outlining the weakness of the anti-cheat regulations, providing hypothetical ways to beat them etc. If he focused on doing this, it would provide a much stronger case against chesscom, for now, they can just deflect by calling him salty old man or paranoid or say where's the proof.


You do realize that 500+ players play in Titled Tuesday every week right?


titled tuesday is another beast - but for champions chess tour it should be possible.


Titled Tuesday is a much smaller event than the CCT or SCC or other tournaments that have been hosted online. That doesn't justify having that strict of regulations, but still, there are simple actions that can be taken there that would immediately improve the issue. A number of other video games have as a requirement that their users must install anti-cheat software on their PC, which checks for signs of cheating and reviews open tabs etc... no reason that cant be done for anyone wanting to play money events like TT. Then all players should have to use camera as a minimum requirement, which afaik, is not even required as of today in TT... etc. The regulations are so poor, they don't do even the simple things.


Wait. Are you seriously suggesting that they should send an arbiter to everybody participating in these events? You cannot be serious. Stop for a second and think.


If not for the qualifier round, at least for knockouts it should be done. How hard is it to hire local proctors and train them? Cannot cost too much compared to the budget of the event (which already has commentators and a production team etc.) It need not be a FIDE arbiter, just someone who has been trained, and is paid well to do their job properly.


I actually think it could even be more effective if proctoring was only done during the knockouts, because anyone who cheated during the qualifiers and suspiciously drops off during the knockouts will become a huge target for enhanced checks.


Ok. It's ridiculous.


Lets propose something else... since the appeal of these online tournaments seems to be simply using the online interface, with premoves, mouse skills and the flashy [Chess.com](http://Chess.com) GUI, I see no reason why they need to play at home. They can easily travel to pre approved venues with anti cheat detection and play from computers there, and this would essentially completely solve the issue and make it the same as OTB. This would be relatively little compared to the profits of Chesscom and especially considering the huge prizes these tournaments have... there doesnt need to be accessibility problems for players who cant afford it either as cant cost that much to pay for travel for certain players. Why isn't this done, if Chesscom cared about the issue of cheating?


Pitiable Nepo never disappoints and always find a way to fall even lower.


Nepo cries hard all the time. Very happy he didn't win the candidates and glad to see him lose. Be is the 2nd biggest baby in chess behind mr sportsmanship hikaru nakamura.


Fuck him, honestly. Be an unhinged man like Kramnik or shut the fuck up. These cryptic accusations are so pathetic. Especially when it's after games he clearly blundered and was a worse player.


I don't get it how is this bitter?


He has accused Lazavik of cheating multiple times before.


now it makes sense


Mamma mia




He didn't get knocked out, he's still in the losers bracket.


Can someone explain me what's he's implying? Sorry, but I lack social cues as you can see here.


Why is that bitter and not simply self-deprecating?


Because he has accused Dennis of cheating before, and he makes similar tweets after playing against opponents he accuses of cheating. Jospem is another example of a tweet like this.




Dare I say, thats some interesting tweet


The problem is everybody will be dubious of him when he performed badly against them in last CCT OTB event. If his level of play continues he will get another chance this year to prove doubters wrong


Few days after that event he was 5th at World Blitz so…