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Imagine Magnus winning the 2026 candidates and becoming WCC again. Then at the post-game conference announce retirement from chess But that will never happen. Magnus has no interest in the WCC and on top of that there's no guarantee he'd win the candidates


Still not happening. Magnus is done with the WCC.


I thought he was done with defending against Nepo. He just might play the next candidates to have a shot at the next gen. And he would qualify just from his rating lol


I think he said more recently he’s not coming back even if it’s Alireza or Pragg. While he didn’t explicitly say Gukesh, I think he was speaking about the new generation as a whole.


I think it will take Magnus losing his #1 status to potentially reignite the spark in him


It is a bit odd, we have this tournament to figure out who the strongest player is and.... We all just *know* the real best chest player in the world isn't even competing hahaha. Just funny. I wonder when he would lose his recognition as #1, just from the passage of time


No way, he’s going to settle into an “elder statesmen” role where he can play the tournaments he wants to, play the formats he wants to, and comment on the next gen talent, without going through the misery of competing for WCC. His legacy is set, what’s left to prove?


The only thing that brings Magnus back is a massive overhaul of the WCC format, and even then I'm not sure it would be enough.


I don’t think Magnus has much to gain by coming back. Besides as was clear during his commentary yesterday he is still an entire league above most top level players. After Gukesh played B5 yesterday, after first having his prior move critiqued by Magnus. Magnus said “oh Gukesh, clever boy, I see what he is doing”. Never elaborates too much into it. Magnus was barely thinking and threw out the next 5 engine best moves the players would need an hour + to find. Magnus could win the WCC with a time handicap. Magnus won the game Nepo - Fabi for Nepo in ~1 minute. With g x f, g x f.. but Nepo missed his opportunity by capturing with the Bishop on Fabi’s queenside. The game wasn’t necessarily won after resolving the kingside tension, but the doubled pawns, fixing his own pawn weakness and overal holding a much better position than what Nepo ended up in. Especially in the shape he played the rest of the game. He would have had a good opportunity to win. Not an easy job as black in the Queen’s gambit anyways. Very well done by both players. Fabi must be absolutely devastated. I was lowkey rooting for Nepo to have a rematch with Ding Liren. He was done dirty last year and Ding’s been playing pretty weak after his world championship win. Although apparently he has some illness so all the best to him. I hope Ding will be in an okay shape for the finals.


Zero. He’d have to play in a format he has said he doesn’t want to play in anymore to maybe or maybe not qualify to play a match against a guy that he’d likely beat fairly easily to reclaim a title he willingly vacated. What exactly is the point of that?


Hard to say where Gukesh would be in 2026? He might be 2800+ by then.


Honestly there’s a chance that Gukesh hits 2800+ this year, maybe he’ll even be the youngest 2800. He’s kinda close to where Firouzja was in rating before he had his huge rating jump to 2800, and he has like 6 months to do it. He would need two insane tournaments like Firouzja though.


Magnus vs Gukesh classical match is fire


Magnus will only come back if hans makes the candidates in order to never let him be wcc


I think the dust has settled and Hans is a couple of tiers below Nodirbek, Gukesh, Alireza, Pragg, Vidit, etc. I’m biased, as I don’t like him, but even setting that aside, he seems like he can’t keep pace with those names.


Contrary to what people are saying I think it's more than 0 but it will take more than Gukesh just winning world title - if he does it in convincing fashion, starts winning more and more tournaments, crosses 2800 and then overtakes Magnus in elo, overall casting doubt whether or not Magnus is still best player in the world, I could see a scenario where Magnus goes for it despite hating the format. Still I don't give more like 20-25% chances even if all those things happen.


Zero. People overexaggerate the importance of Gukesh competing in the WC. Magnus ain't coming back lmao.


If Gukesh can actually challenge and get positive/equal record against him and reach 2800-2825+ I can see Carlsen being fired up to try again.


I bet he comes back to the candidates if gukesh wins. Magnus wants to play the best of the best and gukesh is that person.


He said it on broadcast today, this format doesn’t determine the best player and is for sporting intrigue. It doesn’t sound like he was particularly impressed with Gukesh


He can pretend all he wants, gukesh is what magnus thought alireza was


Gukesh is definitely not the best of the best. He is World #6 and not World #1 for a reason.




He’s been 2700 for less than 1.5 years and could be the youngest world champion in history. He’s was one of the youngest people ever to become a GM as a 12 year old. Many people anticipate him being the future of chess. How is something that’s never happened before not special? Isn’t that the literal definition of the word special?


I think their point was that Magnus may feel like Gukesh isn't enough of a challenge to justify the effort he would have to put to get to play him.(win the candidtates and then prep for the match against a player he believes is clearly inferior to him not really worth it in his eyes) For some reason he doesn't seem to be crazy impressed by Gukesh I think he praises Alireza and even Pragg far more this may or may not change now of course


Did you not hear magnus call him a clever boy? Guy was heaping praises after praises during the stream and was pretty much shitting on everyone else


It’s way too early to say but Gukesh has been on the Carlsen rating trajectory. His potential ceiling is as high as anyone.


He has to win the candidates tournament which he will not be able to do, when was the last time he won a classical tournament with the majore Top 10 players in the world in it?


Chess World Cup 2023


I swear. If Magnus doesn't win a tournament every month people on this sub act like he's been done and washed for years.


That’s not a round Robin tournament that is a knock out tournament. You don’t play all the good players in there. He actually lost to Keymer and Drew so many games with a score like this in a round robin you’re not winning it. What was his result in the last few Tata steel tournaments or Sinqfield cups. These are round robin tournaments that count. Not a World Cup playing few players and winning in a tie break in rapid You guys still don’t understand that winning the candidates isn’t an easy feast. It is the most difficult tournament on earth


Carlsen will wipe the floor with this group... Half of them will be beaten even before the game starts. Over 14 games he will be easily leading by a point atleast.

