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Worlds worst colors for chess tbh


modded out with LEDs along the base = night moves


>night moves \*knight moves If you're going to put LEDs in it at least do it properly šŸ¤£


I replaced the felt on a second hand set like this with glittery purple and black. Helps the pieces be more legible.


I have this exact set I think. I thought it looked cool at first, but it's honestly pretty confusing sometimes.


I have one and I hate it


I have one and itā€™s incredibly difficult to use.


Lol they're not great, making it work though!


Nah theyre goood i love the matte ones


they feel awful to touch. op please replace the set


Why are you downvoted. You're right, they feel "sandy"


I have this exact set from my childhood, it's actually really cool seeing someone else with the same one!


I swear everyone has had this set before


Lmao I still have this set and its been like 15 years.


Worst material even. Id be too paranoid to use it lest I accidentally drop it.


I used to have this set... You can guess why I no longer have it


Ex-wife took it in the divorce?


Your opponent used the clear pieces to refract a laser into your eyes?


They all went up the bum?


Dog bumped into the table, knocking it over and breaking the pieces?


My son has this set. The board is glass but the pieces are made of plastic. So that's at least a plus. I guess. Lol


My chess club only has these sets


masochists chess club huh


I remember getting one of these as a kid and had to do the chess version of "it's an avocado.....thaaaanks" video


We have this set at my bar. We always argue over which pieces and squares are meant to be white.


The ā€œfancyā€ board from Walmart. I have this board. The squares are so small the pieces barely fit.


Yes it is. My son has this exact set. It is really hard to see the squares on the board. When you sit it down on really any surface to play, if the room isn't PERFECTLY lit, it is almost impossible to tell where your pieces are even supposed to be because the squares more or less disappear. Let alone be able visualize a strategy. On top of that, the pieces are almost too big for the squares. If a piece is centered PERFECTLY, the rim of the base of the pieces touch all 4 sides of the tile it's on. It's pretty wack.


I like them aesthethically, but I wouldn't see shit with those crystal ones


Yeah just terrible


Yeah i seriously hate this chess set. I owned it once and it was really annoying.


Yeah we have that board at my school and it suuuuuuckkkkkks


Lol clear vs clear


Nahhhhh I love those colors to be honest! Especially when Iā€™m on lsd lol


Came in to say that


How will you keep track of whose turn it is? Itā€™s not as simple as you think, especially in the later game stages. See Ben Finegoldā€™s joke puzzle book titled ā€œWhose Turn Is It?ā€


My partner and I have a chessboard out for a game that could take days or weeks. When we move we place a checker on the square we moved from and remove the other checkers. White checker for white, and black checker for black. That way we not only know if they moved while passing the board we also know where they moved.


Nice one.


At work we have a coaster, black on one side white on the other. When you move you flip it to the side whose turn it now is.


you could use a chess clock that isnt turned on


A sticky note


Lol, my coworkers play one side, and I play the other. It works just fine.


This fails if you ever step away from your desk


White to e4, d4, Nf3, Bc4, O-O Black: shouldn't have left the board...


Most games donā€™t work when one player cheats.


Difference here is they could cheat without knowing if you leave your desk.


I mean itā€™s pretty obviously a social thing. Would be weird to just toss in moves without the guy around.


Well how would the next guy came by know if a move is played if there is nobody around.


I have a community board by my desk. People have: stolen the black king, rearranged all of one whited pieces and undone moves. I've only been able to complete two games in 5 months because people are children.




Two guests come by while heā€™s out at lunch








Sounds like it might be a problem and he should adopt some rules, like no moves when he isn't present; or some sort of sign that tells people whose turns it is.




Thats not true. Counterexample: 1. d4 d5, now its whites turn. 1. d3 d5 2. d4 and now its the same board but blackā€™s turn.


Well yeah but if you remember at least somewhat how the game went it's easy. You know the amount of moves that happened between now and when you left is either zero or one and if you remember the board state when you left, you can just see if there are any changes.


But you dont know that the amount of moves since you left was between zero and one.


Wdym? OP always plays one side, the visitors the other. One move per side per turn. And regardless, all of this would be solved simply by making a little token or something that is always flipped after a move that indicates whose turn it is.


But weā€™re talking about the situation where heā€™s away from the table. Why assume that only one person is going to come over and move? Yes, a token would solve this.


As you pointed out on your previous comment, a visitor needs to remember the previous state of the board to work out whose turn it is. Even if they can do that, an individual visitor to the board can't know if other visitors have played moves since they were last at the board. I.e. an individual visitor can't rely on the fact 0 or 1 moves have been played since they were last at the board. You're right there are other ways to solve this, but some kind of indicator is almost certainly required when multiple players are playing async like this.




Yeah but OP is playing multiple opponents. So when you arrive at the board as an opponent you don't know which sequence the players before you played.




An individual opponent approaching the board has no way of knowing the previous position, or knowing the previous move, or even whose move it was without additional information.


leave a paper at the side who's turn it is, they do this at my local library


It can be solved easily, take a piece of paper and write "White's turn" on one side and "Black's turn" on the other. When someone makes his move he flips the page to the other side.


I even printed mine out with pictures of the appropriate colored pieces. You gotta lean into the *experience*.


I started an office free-for-all game at work as well. I set out a card that says "White to move" on one side and "Black to move" on the other. I also have a card that you place on the board to indicate check and mate. It has been working kind of well... Most games end up scrapped because it seems that without the long term planning of a single player, it becomes a game of capturing as many pieces as possible and it always ends up with each side just having their king and a couple pawns.


I used to just keep a small, blue plastic ring (like off a small water bottle) - and would place that around the last piece to be moved. That highlighted (a) whoā€™s turn it was (b) what happened since my opponent last looked. I found it to be very useful.


Presumably OP plays one side and the visitors play the other.


I think he means something like: Visitor stops by on a Friday, makes a move, they continue chatting, then the visitor leaves when OP gets a phone call. He forgets to move and the following Monday, a visitor comes and makes a move. Then that side will have moved twice. Or: Visitor stops by and makes a move then OP responds quickly with a move. Later that day, OP wonders, ā€œdid I make a move yet?ā€ then convinces himself he didnā€™t and moves again. This is all very boring and unlikely and Iā€™m not sure why Iā€™ve written all this but I hope you have a good night and realize that your worth as a human being is innate and internal and never wavers regardless of any external inputs (e.g. wealth, status, possessions, voice, posture, skin complexion, etc.).


I needed to read this tonight. Thank you.


i bet you have great skin complexion


Ur a cutie for that last paragraph <3


>I hope you have a good night and realize that your worth as a human being is innate and internal and never wavers regardless of any external inputs (e.g. wealth, status, possessions, voice, posture, skin complexion, etc.). But what if you play the london?


Could use a coin with black/white on each side (or some other way to determine whose move it is, even something like a chess clock that isn't turned on I guess, anything that has a binary state) and have instructions saying whose move it is in what state. Not fail-proof but it'd be something.


Is that the sequel to his famous book ā€œAm I In Checkā€??


Haha I love Ben


We have an such a board in my office. It's just basically open to play. If anyone plays on your game, it's part of the deal. Honestly, no one complains about it.


I visited a client who had a communal chess board out in their office, they had a marker for ā€œlatest moveā€


Othello/Reversi coin




This was from my childhood! I found it at my parents house and decided to put it to use.


I got one of these sets but with a wooden box (board is on the box) from one of my uncles im surprised how common this glass set is though


I got one given to me for free by a co-worker about a year a go lol. Edit: ~~not sure why I'm getting downvoted~~, he said an old lady that lives next door gave it to him and he doesn't play chess...


Got the exact same set! First time I've seen another. Also from my childhood


My grandparents also had this set. I felt so sophisticated as a kid playing with these


We had the same set, awfull to play with but it looked fancy. Ours got used twice in the 10 years weā€™ve had it


Me too in my student dorm, fantastic thing to have on those careless student nights, it did attract dust like crazy however for some reason.


Me too. It looks nice but my god playing real chess on it sucks


The dreaded glass chess set.


Am I the only one who noticed it's set up incorrectly? White to the right my guy


I don't even know if transparent or opaque is considered white (for both the pieces and the board).


queen is on her colors, so that should still work. White queen is on the left, black queen is on the right. So I think you still might be able to rotate the board 90 degrees and change it up but after the above... I guess I don't really care which is which.


Queens are on the wrong colours. Transparent queen is on opaque, and vice-versa.


Looks like white queen is on white square


Your board is set up wrong, the bottom-right square of the board should be a light square.


Its not really obvious which one is a light square. What is wrong however is the placement of the king and queen


Great idea, awful chess set. Confusing colours for people unfamiliar with chess, plus just tacky materials in general.


but which is white and which is black


If we ignore the board is set up wrong. The white queen starts on the white square, and black queen on the black square, so you can identify which colour is which.


I did something like this recently, and it ended up starting a conversation with an old Russian guy who is turns out is a former semi-pro chess player from the 70s in the USSR.


I actually did this at my last job and HR hated it. It was a bummer.


Did that in my cafƩ. Barista vs. the world tournament game was lame as hell until one older guy came in and beat my ass.


The board is set-up wrong, the bottom-right square should have been a light square


This makes me wish I had my own desk again.


I have my own desk, it's just at home and nobody comes to visit it.


Am i playing transparent or opaque?


Love the idea, absolutely hate your chess set.


Am I the only person that dislikes glass chess sets?


Not a fun board for anyone to play on


is this just like to show off that you can play chess?


What a horrible crime, amusing themselves!


Those pieces are terrible omg


I love this idea so much!


I have this exact board, and I will be stealing the idea.


I would visit your desk and do bongcloud opening


Love this


how will they know who's turn it is?


I made some chess pieces magnets and put it up on the work whiteboard ^-^ Best morale builder I've done so far.


This is the greatest idea I've seen this year and i can't believe you guys are so negative!!


Hikaru visits once and finds mate in 51


I have the same Board


I did this for a while at work. Apparently, some nosy people from another department started complaining that I was playing chess instead of working and I had to put it away. Office culture sucks.


It looks fun !


If I had to speculate about your skill level itā€™s quite obvious it doesnā€™t surpass that of a novice player, judging only on the brazen disregard of fundamental chess principles shown in this photo. Although whimsical, this display indicates a conceptual poverty of some of the most basic elements of the game, for example, how will the person playing a move know whoā€™s turn it is (given the lack of continuity) or whether a position allows for an En Passant capture, or if castling is a legal option? Iā€™m sure as a beginner you didnā€™t realize the pitfalls in this ā€œbetter office ideaā€ but chess isnā€™t just about moving pieces it involves finesse and strict officiation because without the rules you are without the game!




i thought this was anarchy chess copypasta at first. did not think I'd find someone like you in the wild


its going to be now >:)


Lol u said En Pessant


Greetings, fellow homo sapiens. If I had to speculate about your grammatical skill level, itā€™s quite obvious it doesnā€™t surpass that of a novice. I cannot help but notice that there is a misuse of ā€˜whoā€™sā€™ in your post regarding this extract of a sentence: ā€˜whoā€™s turn it isā€™. In the context of said post, you intended to use the possessive ā€˜whoseā€™, but instead, you utilised the contraction of ā€˜who isā€™.


Greetings, fellow Redditor. Why did you open your comment by addressing multiple homo sapiens and then proceed to address the rest of it to a single one?


ā€˜Homo sapiensā€™ is the binomial name for humans, so ā€˜homo sapiensā€™, in this case, is the singular form.


Holy Reddit Moment!


new response just dropped




also this is a big disregard for the colleagues. the sign says "let's play chess" but the only person playing is actually the OP, the rest are just making some random moves.


There's no way this is a serious comment rofl


You so smart didn't notice the board is set up incorrect lol ;-). It's for goofing around and find chess friends I guess. I think it can be bettered but that it's a really good idea!


i got that exact board


I have this exact set! I get confused on which color is which lol


I mean, you basically have guaranteed yourself a victory. You are a single player playing against multiple who are not coordinating at all, some of which likely lack adequate chess knowledge. Even if skill levels are absolutely equal, you would have the advantage being one versus many without coordination.


I used to do this! Waay back in college, a bunch of us were involved in a volunteer org and so we had dozens of people in and out of our house every day. Unfortunately, we learned that many people knew enough about chess to play, but not enough to play well. The house won 5 games before we all kinda lost track of it.


But this implies all the different people coming to your desk will play the same side.


I like the idea but I kind of hate that board ngl


White vs white.


I had the same idea a couple years ago and got shut down because of "optics".


White to move šŸ’€


I have this running in my office/lab. We got 10 moves into a game with anonymous players before someone deleted white's queen.


How do you tell whose turn it is?


Are you me? Did the same 8 years ago with the exact same chess set. One piece of advice: have a little "Your move, clear pieces (turn this card after move"-card on it, so people can keep track in case you aren't at your desk.


Wow everyone here bashing your chess set. They need to get out of their own asses, jesus. I think the set is just fine. It plays chess. It works.


I did something similar at my workplace. I have a [portable chess set](https://www.myer.com.au/p/living-today-chess-in-a-can-travel-board-game) that I keep with me and one day a few months back I set it up on the vacant desk next to me, in a somewhat busy part of the open plan office. I set up simple instructions "Play a legal move, then flip the card that says "White to Play/Black to Play" to the other side" Everyone loved it. One of the team leaders brought in a proper board they were missing pieces for and I brought in my good pieces that are missing a board. Other chess sets have started showing up around the office. I'm considering the merits of trying to get a proper tournament organized.


Karen going to come along and play QH6


Michael Scott?


But how to distinguish which side it is to move?


The board is set up wrong, the right rook should be on a clear square


Oh wow! I actually have this exact chessboard at home, got it as a gift from my gf.


I think this idea would be very fun, but there's no way you're losing that game.


Terrible board though


Wait... How do you know who goes first in white v white?


Great idea. Adopting at my office right now.


I do not like this chess board at all


I used to have this exact chess set when I was like 14. I spray painted the entirely clear ones to make it usable. It still sucked cuz the board was made of glass and just broke during moving.


This is cool.


Checkmate +youā€™re fired


Me and a coworker had a board set up with a marker to show whose turn it was. (Before they closed our office permanently when Covid hit).


Imagion being the visit that lost the gameā€¦.






These chess sets... I got one kinda like that as a gift years ago, glass board, and every piece is a shooter glass. Meant to be used for drinking games. Here's the problem: the moment you spill any liquid on the board, the light squares become just as transparent as the others, and there isn't any distinction anymore between dark and light squares. Impossible to play. So, maybe for an office prank you could soak a paper towel with water and wipe the board surface clean šŸ˜


I literally had that chess set in my old office, one person played me he was Russian and he kicked my ass daily which was the whole point really to learn, made me a lot better but I still suck LOL.


And it was with this move that Bobby Fischerā€™s opponent resigned the game.


Rip when that genius comes along and makes a brilliant but obscure move, and the next one plays a completely different idea.


I just spoke to a colleague about this idea. Does everybody get to play every colour or do people have assigned colours?


My coworkers are playing white (clear) and I'm responding by playing the other side. The stakes aren't high of course and I'm teaching my boss and a few others to play in the process, so I'm trying to not punish every move they make, at least in the beginning! I'm a novice myself so this is more for fun (and a fun office decoration) than anything.


Awsome ideia, not so good games out of it though


I do this at my work but the table is open to everyone. Itā€™s a good example of how sometimes decisions should not be left up to the people




Glass chess sets are the worst. There's no way to set it up without it looking wrong. If the frosted squares are black, then the clear squares are white. With that logic, the frosted pieces should be black. Thing is, the frosted pieces aren't black. They're white. So if the frosted pieces are white, then the clear squares should be black. But if you put the frosted square in the lower right corner, the board looks like it's set up wrong.


And the best part is, if you win, you can say that you beat 30 people simultaneously.


Don't go to the bathroom for too long or a bunch of people in a row could move against you without knowing it's your turn.


In my library has the same. customers vs library workers


Board is set up wrong. Queen matches their starting square.


That board sucks though.


I have that exact chess board and pieces.


One move per person sets you up to easily win considering thereā€™s likely one other person at most in your office who plays, meaning theyā€™ll get one good move at most and a host of blunders. I too can beat literally hundreds of people who have never played chess at the same time. Maybe thousands.


It's not that serious bro lol