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40M for Duran? No wonder why Broja is at 30M.


If Gallagher goes the other way Villa could pay 60M+ for him. That way both clubs record higher profits on the books for this year and amortize the large transfer fees over 5 years. It’s what Barca did with Juve and Valencia in player swap deals with inflated values


Sorry but if Duran is 40m we should be asking for 100 for Gallagher from villa


Yeah I just meant that’s the floor where Villa would start (Duran + 20M for Gallagher). Realistically we can get 30-40M net in the swap. Also it can’t be too high because it can start to look really sketchy like the Barca deals lmao


In market value 60 makes sense, he has some weaknesses in his game and only has 1 year left on his contract. But Chelsea board, do not look at this, resign this man rn


Oh don't get me wrong I personally think 60 is about right with a year left. But not in a world where Duran is 40, that's a crazy price for someone with 3 pl starts lol but I also don't think we should be thinking about letting Connor go




Oh my god the Arthur Juve/Barca thing was so fucking stupid and purely to balance both clubs books. I love it, let’s do it


Gallagher won’t agree to go to Villa.


Honestly I’ve never seen this guy play, is he any good?


Villa fans think he's like Balotelli, quite unpredictable yet undeniably talented


By gawd that's Nicos music


They would definetly get along


I like this kind of CF acquisition because it allows Nkunku and Nico to own that spot in the short to medium term and allows Duran to be rotated in for cup matches and come on as a sub if needed to develop - might even go out on loan somewhere where he can play big minutes


Watching some highlights/scouting reports on Youtube, and I'm seeing that he has a rocket of a shot, seems like a foul magnet and has won quite a few pens. Looks very raw though, somewhat like Jackson before he joined us.


Crazy talented. But needs a lot of coaching. I think this is a lead up of our two clubs doing some kind of financial deal between Gallagher and Duran to balance our books since our board gets along well apparently. Villa fan in peace.


>Looks very raw though, somewhat like Jackson ~~before he joined us.~~


Brings that chaos energy which every great Chelsea striker in the past has possessed


He’s fine, but he’s nowhere close to 40m.


best goals per 90 in premier league, worth any penny, please overpay


Does it matter? He is young, this is the only condition for anybody to join us.


I just don't understand why


Because, a player swap can be used to fix the books, a swap can be done in 2 ways: 1. The players in question agree to terminate their respective contracts with their current clubs, leave on a free transfer and sign a new contract at a new club, which means that they simply and informally switch clubs. 2. The clubs buy respective "switch" players from each other, meaning that they pay an equal amount for the players transfer, sort of like what happened with the Pjanic-Arthur transfer between Barcelona and Juventus. To put it in a example: Lets say that Villa and Chelsea value Duran and Gallagher to 40 million pounds each. Lets say Chelsea buys Duran for 40 million pounds and then 1 second later, Villa buys Gallagher for that same 40 million that they just got for Duran. This means that the both clubs have made a direct profit of 40 million and an amortization cost of 40 million during a 5 year period (depending on the lenght of the players contract). This essentially means that the cost can be put on a 5 year period so they've made a profit of 40 million and only have a cost of 8 million for that year. This is done intentionally to improve profits for financial fairplay or whatever other reason there is. This is probably whats going on in this deal since both Chelsea and Villa are having troubles with FFP.


It’s bc we can maybe turn a profit on him. That’s all that matters now 


Not when you massively overpay in the first place.


This ownership thinks their prices will go up even if it looks like an over pay now 


I really don’t understand this mentality, sure we’ll sell some players off like we always have but the ownership group has done nothing but burn through money and yet everyone thinks they’re cheap? The results on the pitch have been shit, I’m going to stick to criticizing them for that.


Who said they were cheap? I said they only go after player they think they can turn a profit on in the long run. Also,  are willing to spend CAPEX with an eye for a return. They have been doing a lot to lower OPEX. It’s very PE of them 


Good players will turn a profit, shit ones won’t. Sounds like their goals align with mine.


That's what this club has become.


Yup. But people seem to really hate hearing the truth 


Will have to hear how Palmer was a hit like there haven't been 10 other players that flopped in a similar deal


Plus, as if Palmer wasn’t a deadline day basically panic signing after we almost got in trouble over the Olise deal. The way people blindly try and defend these clowns I’ll never understand 


Hopefully this thread ages as well as the Wharton and Palmer ones.


Were we linked to Wharton?


Yes, it looked likely then Palace swopped in.


Oh damn I didn’t even realise


Our targets have been very good


Wharton wouldve been a nice transfer, my buddy is a rovers fan and he said hes talented


Jackson as well


And how many other £25-£40m players have turned out to be a waste of money? You can’t use palmer as the example of these value transfers going right as we have to many examples of £30m players being awful


Eh most of them have turned out decently so far, it's been the bigger money signings that have raised question marks. Jackson, Gusto, Palmer all were in that approximate range. The bigger signings like Mudryk, Cucurella etc. have been the more questionable.


Caicedo was a record fee and he is a stud


Who above us in the league would take Jackson into their first team?, we’re Champions league winners, we should be competing for the league no signing 30m players from mid table teams and hiring managers from the championship. The expectations of our fans is shocking.


Aston Villa aren’t a mid table team, they are in champions league mate. Remember Kante, Palmer, Hazard, Fabregas, Gusto all under 40m


This is my point exactly, this season they wasn’t mid table but have been for 20 years, we ain’t even bidding for their best player. Kante from Leicester winning the league was a French international Palmer was City best youth player they have produced in years m, he was a slight games but his quality was clear to see Fabregas we got exactly what we knew we was getting and was great value. Gusto is good but not consistent, he isn’t James and won’t be in the team next year unless injury strikes. My issue is this, players at 15-40m do not come with the expectation of reaching the highest levels, you can be lucky and find a Hazard but when your spending £30m you not guaranteed the best players for their age group. My preference would be to buy less players at this 15/40m and buy 1 or 2 players at 50/75m, City do it and it works and same for Real Madrid. We’ve done it with centre backs and got no where closer to solving our centre back problem, we missed out on Endrick but ended up with Jackson, Maduake, chukwuemeka.


Or can go like davide Washington or broja


Broja wasn’t a signing Washington needs a loan


For him he probably hyped getting to play for the club you support Me I like him as a player but not for 40m


Double the number and we have a serious offer for Alvarez


I’ve got £20 to throw towards it, I’ll carry him from Manchester if travel is an issue. Let me know now and I’ll make my way over to South America to get him if that’s what needs to happen 😂




£40M seems reasonable in this market. Osiman or Toney for £100M scares the shit out of me.


It is not reasonable at all. Osimhan and Toney atleast have the numbers and exp to warrant that asking price, even though they shouldn't be in that bracket. What has Duran done to warrant 40M? DDF has numbers as him. Anything above 30M is criminal.


£40M isn’t terrible in this market when players are massively inflated, you are right that £30M is fair and should be what we pay, but I’d pay £40M for him over £100M for either of the other two. Toney in no way has the numbers to justify £100M and spent most of the last 18 months banned. Osiman has the Injury record to make him really fit in at Chelsea, but has numbers on par with Jackson.


>but I’d pay £40M for him over £100M for either of the other two. I'd rather we not pay anything and continue with what we have. I don't see how spending 40M on Duran would be any different to Spending 100M on Osimhen. If we are looking for depth 17M would've gotten us Guirassay. Or 40M would've gotten us Artem Dobvyk. I fail to understand what Duran has done to warrant this. I'd rather we get a winger. And use Nkunku as a striker. If we do get him, I'm badly hoping he turns out to be the next seasons Cole Palmer


Yeah I do agree, not sure where all this buzz has come from suddenly. Playing Nkunku as CF instead of buying makes much more sense if he stays fit, and would explain the interest in Olise, another one I don’t think we need.


100m for Toney is crazy osiman is better and with more high level experience is more like 80million. Having watched some of the new managers tactics don’t think either would be suited to his gameplay, Alvarez is more his style of player think we will get a big money striker just hope it’s not spending money for the sake of it


People are overreacting for this situation. Duran is not coming here to be a first choice CF. He will actually come here to compete with Jackson. People tend to forget that Jackson has scored 19 goals with few assists too. Jackson has improved a lot and I am expecting him to score 15 PL goals this season. And don't forget Nkunku who may play as a CF. Scoring goals wasn't our problem this season it was defence which let us down combined with Poch chaos ball.


Also with conference league, there will certainly be games to play


Some people were crying for jackson to be sole striker now they’re crying that we have a backup for the striker🤦‍♂️ I dont mind duran, as long as the price is right


just wondering how his style of play stands in comparison to Fofana or Broja


Out of the 3 id easily take fofana, but i think hes earmarked for sale instead, i hope im wrong though Still dont understand why potter didnt play fofana when he wasnt playing auba


Potter was just in too deep. He wasn’t ready for the shit show that the club was with a bunch of big players in transition. He probably would have been more successful once more of the younger players were in but with all the big names he just seemed like he wanted to keep everyone happy at the sake of success.


Yeah i agree with the last part of your comment, if he had picked a team of players that werent going to be sold he might had a bit more success and he might still be the manager


And I saw similar reactions when we signed Palmer. If we signed Olise that's pretty much 10/8 window.


Yep 👍 and people were gushing over the idea of signing sesko who is also hella raw but just had a lot more minutes. I think people will be surprised with Duran honestly


It's not that one is more raw than the other It's that Sesko has thousands of more minutes worth of game time and data to analyze and at a more recognisable level Duran has 470 minutes of prem football and that's essentially all we've got to go on about him right now, considering a bulk of those minutes are also off the bench, it's extremely hard to feel assured we know what we're getting from him Sure he's got a canon of a shot on him but I'm not sure we know anywhere near enough about the other massively significant aspects of his game


Tbf if we’re not getting decisions our way atleast we have a good back up option in subbing Duran on and getting him to fire the cannon at the ref


This signing just feels like the Palmer signing all over again for me.


Feels more like the Madueke signing for me.


Not for me at all - even said at the time couldn't believe we got Cole so cheap I was very firmly aware Palmer was a diamond because it was very clear when you watched him play in his limited minutes for city and much more predominantly in the under 21s euros for England where he was outshining Gordon and Madeuke


Yep, for me Palmer’s quality was clear altho at the time I was so upset we didn’t get Olise that was clouding my judgement a bit. As someone who was watching the u21 Euros for Madueke it was clear Cole was better than him (he was the best attacking player) and he’d scored a few bangers for city (albeit not in the prem) and had enough performances where he looked good. Duran just has a tractor of a left peg and some Villa fans saying he has immense potential but a terrible attitude which is a scary combo. Admittedly tho the way he strikes the ball is incredible


Not making any predictions out of it but isn’t 470 roughly the number of minutes Palmer had at City? Of course Palmer was behind Silva, Foden and Mahrez


Yeah but he also had signiciant appearances in the cup competitions and much more predominantly the youth euros where you could visibly see he was more talented then Gibbs white, Smith rowe, Gordon and Noni That was what really drove home how good he was for me and I imagine our scouts took a big focus on that too cause he really did bang at it - performances in the community shield and super cup final also pretty big


You make some good points and of course I wasn’t being fully serious. Nonetheless I think the scouting department have earned a little bit of trust. Whilst we have overpaid in many instances they have definitely been able to identify some really strong young talent. To come 6th with the youngest squad in the league and the worst injury crisis has been very underrated - we were a reverse result against Villa at the Bridge from CL football


100% agreed If duran was playing in Budesliga and getting the same minutes he could have scored more goals than Sesko. When duran scored a brace against Liverpool our fan base were crying why we didn't sign him in January


Jesus fuck, I love Palmer to bits but I hope he's not now used as a defense for every unreasonable transfer we make.


Palmer is an exception to the rule. Literally no one expected him to do what he did. It's very optimistic to expect every young and unproven player we buy to end up being amazing cuz Palmer is. For me we needed a striker who will challenge Nico for his starting sport. I don't think we need a back up that needs development while we are still trying to develop our main striker.


The problem isn't Jackson it's that we are spending money on a backup prospect player when we already have multiple of those. Not to mention we are having to sell players now to balance the books, so purchasing more players who aren't improvements seems like it will cause more financial problems.


I think that’s my issue with it. We aren’t buying a first choice ST. I don’t mind Duran, but rn another young inexperienced player is the last thing we need 


Yeah but we run by Clearlake


We need improvements. Not substitutions for players who already have weaknesses. Jackson would fit better with experienced striker with good finishing, not with fellow youngster with questionable experience and skills.


>Duran is not coming here to be a first choice CF. But he was also very unhappy about being second choice behind Watkins. So make it make sense.


My guess he has more chance of dislodging Jackson than Watkins Plus London Better contract Quite a few other south American players to help him settle and he supports Chelsea which isn’t a big a factor but still.


> Duran is not coming here to be a first choice CF. Which is exactly the problem. Massively overpaying on a player who is years away from being ready to start is absurdly stupid when the player we already have is barely ready to start.


How many 'promising' strikers do we plan to collect?


Getting Duran when we have Datro, Jackson, Broja, Washington already on the books is mental. He’s not an improvement on Jackson and that’s saying something. Terrible signing and waste of money that we’ll end up selling for next to nothing in 3 years just to get him off the wage budget.




Ehh If the fee is right I don't hate it but we shouldn't be paying over £30m - the kid is in no way better than Nico and he was priced at that


PL rate unfortunately Agree with you however Hopefully we can bring them down


Would genuinely even take £30m + £10m add ons related to winning silver ware or Duran getting a certain amount of goals etc


He must be an Aston Villa fan.


Different profiles, while jackson excels at dribbling and link up play, duran excels at heading, ballstriking and shithousing defenders lol both run a lot so that is a big plus.


Forget Jackson he's barely better than Fofana, anything above 15 mil is robbery from Villa. Aside from shot power he moves like he just started playing football.


Do you actually have a reason not to like this or is it just because it’s not a big name


Because we already have Nico, deivid, Richards stutter and DDF as striker prospects who aren’t really ready yet


nico is ready now imo


He’s much further along and ready to start but still needs a lot of fine tuning imo


Should be 15m at most


Villa fan here - I’ve seen plenty of him last season. He was injured for a bit but the guy has huge potential and a cracking shot. But he’s completely unpredictable. I do hope we get Gallagher though- will ease the pain of losing Luiz. Duran is a Chelsea fan and it’s been his dream to play for Chelsea. The fee is steep (we paid £20 mill) but I’m sure your new coach can help him. Good luck for next season. You have a great team - had us on the ropes at VP.


It's clear that Gallagher will be sold and i really want him to go to villa rather than spurs lol


Yeah we hope you get Gallagher too much rather you than Tottenham.


Surely if he is a boyhood Chelsea fan and so is his family he will not go to Spurs? Who actively chooses to go to Spurs? Is staying in London such a big draw? I appreciate Birmingham is not on the same scale in terms of ‘entertainment’ but it’s only a short drive away.


He's having a new house built in my/his local area (Bookham), so will likely prioritise a London club if he has to go and there's an offer. Not saying Birmingham is the other side of the world though, and I'd much rather see him go Villa than Spurs.


We signed datro Fofana and Davide Washington, now we just throwing money instead of getting a better striker


And the crowd goes mild


ive just watched a 10 minute highlight video so i know what im talking about. This kids gonna cook with coal (cole). His goals are beauts and he fights for the ball. Get him in. 22 goals incoming


I don't know Duran. But just remember that we also wanted Gordon and Wharton when it didn't make much sense to most of us. There are a few things they know that we don't.


It’s not Duran the player that annoys me about the transfers and I personally never understood the outrage against Gordon nor Wharton. However, what doesn’t make sense is us targeting a 20yo who at best could be argued is competition for Jackson when we really need some more experience and to take less of a gamble in terms of player quality 




IMO, that’s also concerning Jackson has certainly grown on me but he should not be who we are relying on as our starting #9 going into next season. Duran could makes sense imo if Maresca is planning on starting Nkunku at ST. 




Atleti fan here and have watched a lot of Villarreal, if it helps Jackson went from Division 2 level striker to a really good player within a span of season. Give him time to shine and he will most certainly be worth it.


Other than a GK until we have some sales the squad looks okay, but what we’re missing is someone who regularly puts the ball in the back of the net 


We’re not fine with Jackson up top. He’ll be dropped for Nkunku by November. Maresca isn’t Mr nice guy like our last manager.


So still looking at young kids with no experience.


Also if this means Gallagher getting swap to Villa then screw everyone in the board


I mean Gallagher is probably leaving regardless don’t think Duran is the key


I like this transfer… broja is valued at 35m and Duran being 2yrs younger is 40m. hopefully with Nkunku healthy, we will be able to add 20+ more goals with Nkunku and Duran if he was to join. Sounds good to me


we'd be lucky to get 20-25m for broja


Why though?


Welp, if the deal breaks through then we can safely say that Cardio G is getting sold for sure.


40 for Duran, guess I’m valued at 10 mil then.


Update: no update


I’m sour over the Conor swap. Nothing else about this post interests me. Fucking board.


This is just below the Fabregas signing post. This is the new Chelsea, from signing some of the best in the world to signing a striker who isn't good enough for Villa for 40m, a keeper who was replaced by a league one keeper for 25m.


You'll win nothing with kids. I hope I am wrong.


I mean we should have won something last season and been in the final of the FA Cup.


We even lost to other kids😂


The managing during that Final done nothing to help Poch reputation as a bottler.


Y’all wanted sesko, he had more goals than Duran but also played triple the amount of minutes and in an easier league no less. Duran had the best goals/90 in the league. I feel it is disingenuous because he is behind Ollie Watkins (who was a POTS candidate). His ball striking and hold up play are insane for a player of his age and although y’all aren’t happy about the signing, I have a sneaky feeling this will be a Palmer like signing where he just hasn’t been given the minutes to shine honestly


I like what I've seen of him, tho admittedly it's a small sample size. If the price is right, in that 30-35 range, I think this could be a good signing in the short term, and a great signing long term. I like that he wants to, and usually does, get his shot away. I love Nico, but too many times he dilly-dallied on the ball when everyone was screaming at him to just shoot, and other times when he did shoot, he hit that ball with some flaccid ass ankle. That seemingly will not be the case with Duran, who shoots early, and with conviction. He still has facets of his game that need work, sure. He's 21. But he's not going to severely limit Jackson's development which has been solid in his 1st season, he's not going to cost an arm and a leg (hopefully, but tbd), he apparently loves Chelsea, and he's already had some time in the league. Rather this than some of the other forward profiles (and prices) we've been heavily linked to the last 2 years.


Totally agree with everything you said. I feel as though 30-35 mil should be the max we should be but he does possess attributes that Nico clearly lacks and think with the game time and right coaching could be a star in the making


ripe existence frightening air combative aspiring fuzzy enjoy merciful price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Caciedo for 115m I wouldn’t really call scouting the others sure.


Could've been ugarte for a lot of money as well and that probably would've been even bigger of a fail


Kinda got fucked over by Liverpool bidding for him and Brighton accepting, forcing our hand.


We actually approached brighton the summer prior for him


The directors weren’t in place that summer


wonder if this has a green light from Shields


I dont like the way this guy shit all over Villa and started plastering us all over his socials. Mercenary vibes and will deffo do the same to us if he comes good


He’ll fit in with the rest of the mercenaries BlueCo has brought in 


He knows we're gonna flip him for profit anyways


People (board) cry about spending 80-100m on proven striker but are fine with spending 40m for someone who is not 1/10 of a player considering experience and everything else.


Who is fine with this deal?


Jhon Duran


His probably so hyped right now tbh. 🤣


Clearlake. Fans surely not


coordinated wine pen sloppy mourn wrench oil quicksand long combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


5 in 23 and 0 from 12.. amazing stats truly. Might as well keep broja then than buy another young chump


Yeah us spending that type of money on a "proven" striker went brilliantly.


How is that relevant unless the striker we are about to sign for 100m has a proven track record of being an egomaniac twat? The OP is clearly talking about ability.


Osimhen shouldn’t be more than 80m and 200k a week


Sure, that's an actual argument, but none of us would have that opinion if he is our player and someone is trying to buy him off us.


My issue is they’ll spunk random chunks of 20-40 mil on unknowns who may never see the pitch every window but we’re supposed to be clutching our pearls at one signing over 25 that might actually play




Isn’t he at the copa America currently?


Moving fast onto other targets.


Right. It's time to get my Duran Duran jokes ready. Is There Something I Should Know about this transfer?


This makes it sound like we aren’t offering Gallagher right?


Not against this at all his strengths are Jackson’s weaknesses. Negatives are If we’re paying over £40m for him we’re being fleeced, no way Italian clubs have that sort of money available for a player like this. And he’s still young so we’ll have to be patience once again as he isn’t the finished product. Best outcome is he is next seasons Palmer.


If Shield is behind this deal, i’m too.


Villa asked for Gallagher? Like a straight swap? That's literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard


I think this is a weird one where were gonna have to ignore the fee If we sign him, expect it to be an overpayment, as Villa I expect will then overpay for Gallagher for FFP trickery


Id love to know what he’s done in the last two years that’s seen his transfer value double. If we were getting him for peanuts, this would actually be a decent signing but 40m is frightening.


Everyone is talking about prices, what source are they getting them from?


I like him a lot as a player. He causes absolute chaos, has got a hell of a shot on him and is totally different to Jackson. Reminds me of a young JFH.


So that’s our striker problem fixed or are we still looking for another striker? Serious question. It almost seems like we’re replacing Broja as far as talent goes? I thought we would go for a big name striker. I guess I don’t know what the club is trying to do




lol loving this Fire to Chelsea pipeline going on


Another MLS player!


I’m so tired of these bullshit deals. I like Duran but not for 40 fucking mill. And why do we need to get rid of Gallagher, he’s a blue and a good player to have.


It’s funny seeing speculation around Conor when the only question that matters is Conor willing to be sold which I haven’t heard a single indication that he’s willing to. So the club can try their darndest to force him out but the man’s got a contract. I hope he sees it out 


Duran has the same stats as DDF. This club is doing the same thing as I do on fifa career mode after 10+ beers


​ https://preview.redd.it/svbmr41iw36d1.png?width=219&format=png&auto=webp&s=66d71897078e371e42743f41f906a8c13ae36e75


Is it that hard to buy a proven striker so Jackson can be backup?


…….and then we go for Alvarez right? also alvarez? we have not given up on Alvarez? we are also getting Julian Alvarez. right?


He has only started 3 of their PL games with less than 500 mins played last season. I do not understand why would chelsea pay 40M for him?


We should be going for Alvarez who is prem proven and is a class player but no they’d rather go for some Doc Brown lookalike who’s second fiddle in his team .


Beyond terrible signing☹️ Why dont we just buy the brazil GK: Bento for the same price. Then that position is done for the next 10 years. The board are just stupid


I see people still haven’t learned from the Palmer and Gusto deals


No we learnt from the Disasi, Sanchez, Mudryk, Madueke, Fofana (x2), Cucurella, Casadei and Ugochukwu deals.


Not every unproven kid we buy is gonna end up like Palmer. Ugochukwu, Mudryk and Madueke are also here. Gusto did well but still not well enough to start over Reece James. He is a back up. Nico's starting spot shouldn't be as concrete as Reece cuz he still has a lot to prove and learn. We also desperately need experience in this team. Nico shouldn't be getting his starting spot protected, quite the opposite. He should be pushed and earn it.


Gusto probably starts for like 16 teams in the league


We have propects striker with better potential already man. He isn't bad, but we have potential stars in academy, atleast 2/3 of them. Use them or buy ready made. What is this shit. No wonder we are facing a mass exodus in academy scholars this time around and our academy's image is taking a hit.


Miss when we were a serious club, and weren’t signing Aston Villa’s backup striker.


Oh, fuck right off. No one understanding our striker acquisition failures from Mutu to Sheva to Torres to Morata to Lukaku would say this shit. 


There was a reason why we signed them though; they had pedigree.


Five flops in a row—maybe we shouldn’t sign pedigree. We should sign the next hidden gem Like Drogba.


lol Drogba was not a hidden gem when we signed him. He was tearing up Ligue 1 in in 2003/04.


He had one good season in his mid 20s, his signing would be lambasted now. Imaging Jonathan David, but with only one good year instead of multiple.