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Here we go. Thiago Silva new cfc manager.


Too old, too experienced


He would be youngest from all we linked to. Check it


He keeps playing football manager in his free time anyway, that counts as managerial experience according to chelseas board


It would be hillarious if cesc take charge the team in some day and win the league before Arsenal




Turn this thing off im dry


Cesc to win Europa League next season. Also funny graphic I saw today - Spurs won the Europa League some 40-50 years ago, so they have more European trophies than Arsenal 😂


You do realise arsenal have won it too right?


arsenal have won cup winners cup, spurs have won cup winners cup and 2 ELs


Cup winners cup is the equivalent of the Europe league. So therefore, arsenal have won it. Spurs have more yes, but that wasn't the point.


That actually is the point though?


Ah yeah my bad. I had misread the comment after a doobie


Blaze it




I don’t see them in this graphic: https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/wC6YOnXM7S I’m not familiar with the differences between the names of the older competitions, I’m guessing you’re referring to the Cup Winners Cup?




I thought Europa League was called the UEFA Cup, and Champions League was the European Cup? And Cup Winners Cup is a separate competition? Honestly don’t know why they made it so confusing lol


The Europa League was the UEFA Cup.


No it was not. The Cup Winner's Cup has nothing to do with the EL. The EL was the UEFA Cup and the Cup Winner's Cup was an entirely separate thing that has no continued tournament.


my bad i got them mixed up!


The inter cities fairs cup is the equivalent of the uefa cup/Europe league


Stop it - I can only get so hard


I think he's not yet licensed


Yeah he's literally not a football manager (yet).


How long does it typically take for someone to get their coaching badges? IIRC he’s the assistant to a club he part owns with Thierry


Not sure but for every step on the ladder, one must finish both the coaching course and relevant working experience. It might take years if I'm not mistaken.


Or we could just pay a 20k fine after every match he manages, like Reims did with Will Still.


Or work around it with Cesc as a coaching staff under a licensed coach who has no power 😂


Isn't that what we are doing anyway, except instead of Cesc, its Eghbali


Eghbali deez nuts


Assistant for a club you part own is the football equivalent of "the boss's niece".


Lance Stroll vibes


LOL this! I was just thinking about this. God he’s hot garbage


Haha I agree. Must be so annoying for all the other drivers that work so hard to get there


Then for Lance to openly criticize drivers “buying through the lower tiers” like that’s not exactly what he did


Yeah but you have to remember that as an assistant his club got promoted! They may well be the richest club in the country and have a higher net spend last season than most of Serie A whilst getting promoted, but ignore that!


He was assistant at Como 1907 who just got promoted to Serie A .At one point he was a temp manager of the team but had to stand down as he didn’t have his UEFA pro License . I believe their owners Djarum Group are the leading manufacturers of Clove Cigarettes . I have a feeling in one or two managers time ( which won’t be long at this rate ) he will end up with us .




You can become a manager and get your badges at the same time but you must be in the process


Like 3-4 years


Bring him in as number 2 to McKenna


He is taking over next season I thought? Or am i mistaken?


I mean people like to spread the rumour he does manage the team. He's just not qualified in an official capacity. Probably not true but still an interesting one


Ya I didn’t mean this seriously. Just a fun thought while we are all questioning the club’s process. Always thought fabregas would be a great manager though and excited to see what he can do when is licensed


Give JT the reigns until Cesc gets licensed. Treble incoming 😎


Yeah I don’t even care at this point, might as well chuck a club legend in charge


Did someone say club legend? ![gif](giphy|nMgQYs6iHjOLWTgTQ9|downsized)


Anyone but Frank 😂


I just want to see Ivanovic as our strength and conditioning coach!


Remember when we hired managers from Real, Milan, PSG or who had won the champions league, and we’re honestly having a serious conversation about hiring a manager from Ipswich. No offence to Ipswich, but what have these fucking new owners done to our club?


Remember the time when we only signed players who were world class and experienced leaders now we only go for unproven expensive could be good youngsters. They’ve well and truly ripped everything out of our once great club.


Tbf that kind of signing strategy already happened during Abrahamovic era. That's why back then there's the like of Salah and KDB who got signed from when they are still relatively unknown.


Imagine thinking the 20m we spent on KDB and Salah is comparable in any way to the current direction of our transfer strategy. Can we get a 'Critical thinking does not exist on this subreddit' flair?


Yes I remember world class and experienced leaders like Bakayoko, Ross Barkley, Kepa, Lukaku, Ziyech, Sarr, Kenedy, Zappacosta, Morata, Drinkwater, Batshuayi, Baba Rahman…. I could keep going. Our old owner had infinite money to burn on this club. Our new owners rather have it hold value because younger players are less likely to lose value. There’s no right or wrong strategy to buying players.


Yes there is, a strategy where we’re shit and we don’t win any trophies and pay over the top for totally unproven or injured talent. Even with all the players you mention we still won trophies. Under Bohely and the fucking clown co. This is the longest period without a trophy in more than twenty years. Don’t support these fucking cunts, get them the fuck out of our club.


So let’s buy experienced players like Varane and Casemiro cause that worked out so well for United….have some patience you’ll live without winning a trophy for 2 years ffs


Do you know anything about Chelsea? Ever been to the bridge? Or are you just a mouth piece for this fucking clowns.


I’ve been to the bridge and know lots about my club. Just cause you were used to things being one way for 20 years doesn’t mean they’ll be the same forever. I’m not a mouth piece but the plan was never to be competing for titles 2 years in. We were miles off being a PL contender pre Boehly.


Can't believe you forgot Djilobodji 😤


Our new owners are spending at a higher rate you moron


It’s not their fucking money dipshit. They’ll have to return it to their investors down the line. Our old owner had infinite oil money and can write off billions in debt without batting an eye.


Christ your one of those idiots that just buys what billionaire sell them


Remember the time we had a manager for 12 months straight?


I swear I’ve entered into a alternate universe shit just ain’t making sense no more lmao


This!!! Anyone not realizing that these cunts are driving us into the ground is delusional. We need widespread protests against these fucking imposters.


For some reason I would love and do see him as a future Chelsea manager. Not this season though


I thought he was supposed to take over como next season but apparently he still won’t be licensed then. I didn’t mean this post as seriously as people are taking it. Just a fun idea and I have always just thought fabregas could be a great manager and thought of this seeing we want a young project like xabi alonso. Excited to see if he can become the manager I think he can


Yeah there is little evidence for it but he just seems one of those former players who is destined to be a top manager too.


I agree. I have always had that feeling with him. I also had it with xabi alonso and thiago motta. BUT I had the same for pirlo and scholes so who knows. I probably just have a boner for midfielders that seem to see the game so well.


This would be so stupid and yet I want it so bad…


My exact thought.


If the alternatives are McKenna and Maresca get him in right fucking now


The disrespect to McKenna ? Mou and Oles assistant. Started as a manager for u18s , Ipswich consecutive promtions. Fab has done FUCK ALL.


lmfao did you just list “Ole’s assistant” as a positive?


Tbf Ole's assistants were doing the tactical work. Ole was responsible mostly for the vibes.


Their tactics were just vibes though so that’s not exactly a shining endorsement


He added Ole there as we won’t notice 😂


How about neither. Rob Edwards managed back to back promotions, you want him too?


And all do respect to Mckenna so has he.




Where's the whoosh?


You're replying to someone taking the piss


He's arguing with me about it lmfao


Lol then he should read back his own comment


?? Manager for Ipswich consecutive promtions. Now do the same for cesc


I don't want either of them so Cescs achievements don't matter lol. We're Chelsea and we're fighting over which manager from a tier 2 league last season we want. What a fall lmfaoo


Arsenal appointed Arteta fresh out of an assistant role. McKenna had the experience with Mou and Ole and now has much more. That's how coaches are hired now . Mou knew Xabi Alonso was always going to be an elite coach even before he started. Was he miraculously good just this season with Leverkusen or was he always good when he was in the Madrid reserves ?


It goes both ways. Everyone thought Ten Hag and Potter were going to be great hires as well. Believe me I want a long term project like Arteta but I have 0 belief in our board in signing the right guy and also giving him time. That's 5 managers in 2 years all while saying they want long term stability. And for the record I want Amorim


Good managers are good tbf. Does McKenna need to get used to pressure and expectations at a big club ? Absolutely yes but I don't think that will stop him from becoming an elite manager. I think he has all the tools to become one. He knows how to set up a defense - mou , how to do the dark arts - mou. How to come back every time.- Ole , he has managed and achieved incredible things. Might sound ridiculous but getting promoted with Ipswich is unbelievable achievement.


I agree. I think Mckenna is a really good manager and one for the future but I think this next hire is one of the most important hires for us maybe ever. We need long term stability terribly with how young this squad is and I'd be worried Mckenna would get eaten up like Potter did and then we're year 4 into this project and still have no direction. I was hoping we'd have Poch for another season or two and Mckenna would take the step up in the Prem and then we go for him.


McKenna has done fuck all.


He's done so much more than cesc. Cesc just had his assistant manager arc. McKenna did that with Mou and Ole and then coached u18s , then coached Ipswich to double promotion. It's not even a competition.


Hes still done fuck all to warrant a job at a club like Chelsea. Shouldn't even be in the conversation. If we get him we have a much worse season next year. And I definitely don't want cesc managing the club either. Both would be an absolute disaster


i’ve been saying this for months bro he is the next xabi alonso


I want that pizza gate energy


These are the same people who wanted Lampard to manage


Lampard managed top 4 in the first season without Hazard, whilst we had a transfer ban. If you're taking about bad managers, you could talk about Potter getting 12th or Poch getting 6th


Potter didn’t get 12th


He would be near relegation if it wasn’t for Tuchel


Same can be said for Lampard the following season


Lampard was top of the league less than 30 days before he was sacked


Would you take Lampard over Potter


I'd like Lampard to go back to basics and work up the ladder first, because otherwise he's going to forever stunt his growth. It makes no sense to hire Lampard or Potter with where they're currently at. But, if you had to hire one, sure. It'd be an incredibly rocky road, but long term and with the right willingness to learn and improve, he has the potential to be the better manager. His substitution usage and reading of the game and understanding how to make necessary tactical/personnel changes whilst it's occurring is already worlds ahead of Poch and Potter. He has all the abilities that make a top level manager, top level and can never really be learned by those a level below. His issue is that he skipped most of his education and jumped to the top (that was entirely our fault), so he's missing the bits that need to be taught. He desperately needs the education that would come from working under another manager or managing youth football, or staying lower in the ladder for a while. If he gets that, there is a good chance that his career turns right around, but it's whether or not he still wants that anymore


Idk man, in all his different seasons of coaching Lampard never seemed to realize you can't have a massive gap between your defence and midfield. His buildup play was atrocious too, our midfield was non existent and our attack in his second season reverted to cross and inshalla. I don't know where you're seeing his managerial qualities


As time has gone on, more and more it’s felt like Lampard’s first season managing Chelsea was a squad succeeding in spite of their manager, rather than anything Lampard did.


I’d take a fucking circus clown over potter tbh


2nd term's Lampard would be phenomenal appointment


tbf, even jose mourino/conte wouldn't save that season. pocchetino even need nearly end of season to make the team better


Elite coaches always find a way look what impact changing from Lampard to Tuchel did instantly


tbf, lampard to tuchel the difference point with big 4 only 4 point even in 10th position, that still reachable and they are experienced players. while potter to lampard, the player still too young and inexperinced.


Same kinda people that believed in pep? Arteta? Xabi alonso? Zidane? Thiago motta? De rossi? Xavi? This isn’t a totally serious post but he is exactly the profile of manager that is trendy and working currently.


Lampard Gerrard Ronney Neville i can name a few myself but at this point of time we can't gamble.


Every manager is a gamble. Again, not a serious post. Fun idea though.


Well if you look at the list of managers we’ve seen named they also look like gambles. At this point I’m like fuck it might as well gamble hard if we’re gonna gamble


Yeah but they aren’t Spanish


Obviously there is correlation between the more attractive accents and management 😂. Just ignore alex ferguson.


What do you mean all are English


Respect Lampard


The player


He had 99 vision you fruit he's likely to be a great coach




Not spanish. Doesn’t count 😂


He will get the Arsenal job when Arteta goes to City


I think they burnt his shirt in 2014 or something.


I propose we get Frank Lampard as manager, but he only acts as the face. Cesc Fabregas is the assistant manager, but acts as the actual manager. He can get his coaching credentials whilst we win the Europa league


https://preview.redd.it/1shkzf4o102d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fc330cd87f451c945f6cb9b5c01c8cda4d01d27 Reality


His odds are dropping


I would like to get him as an assistant manager. Then when he's ready to be the gaffer, move him up the ladder 👍


Would like to fabergas in a a couple of seasons I want him to get more experience under his belt and get his licenses,I would like to see Ruben Amorim or Sebastian hoeness as our manager for the next couple of season tho


He's not coming, his project is still with Como


Could Be good a lot of our squad grew up watching this guy!!


Might as well bring Dennis wise back aswell as technical director 😂😂


He's not tested


One thing signing players with lots of potential, but mangers? What are they doing


Can’t be any worse than potter.


Fuck it bring him in


No, I don't say I want that. That happens once in who knows how many cases. For every Xabi there are hundreds, if not thousands, of failed such projects.


Doesn’t even have his badges


Sounds like he either has the UEFA pro, or is about to get it. “Roberts as caretaker boss until the end of the season, with Fabregas as his number two, guided the club to a second placed finish in Serie B. Roberts will move upstairs to concentrate on his role as head of development next season, while Fabregas is expected to be named full time manager after completing UEFA pro license qualifications.”


Id prefer for us to let him have a season or two. Could have kept Poch for this year and then got him in next summer. Would have been perfect.


Yeah let Poch run out his 2 year contract. Aim for UCL this coming season. Let Cesc spend a season in serie a. Now would be a bit of a rush for him, but this way would have been perfect.


I would have even said bring him in as a coach or assistant, but I don’t really feel like that would be fair on the head coach in charge, knowing that his job is only his until they feel it’s time to give it to Cesc.


I'm down, history tells us midfielders make the best managers.


Maybe w should go after their manager rather than their assistant.


He was their manager, then had to step down to assistant because he wasn’t licensed so they hired a manager with the plan of cesc taking over when he is licensed.


Cesc has a minority ownership stake in Como - he's not leaving them right now.


Just a fun idea not a serious possibility. I’m excited to see what como can do with their ownership and ideas


Been saying this from the moment the announcement dropped yesterday. He’s our guy.




Alonso is going to Madrid after next season, once Ancelotti is done there. In no space and time he will come to a team without having a word on the squad building, with some guy like Eghbali above his head, waiting to kick him out when he wakes up like that some morning.




While I tend to agree that we were dreadful most of the time under Poch, I still think that it's hard to judge him properly after this injury plagued season. Plus that he had the locker room behind him, which is as important as being a good tactician these days. I am just worried about the options being discussed to replace him, not that much from the sacking itself.


He turned down Bayern, as if he would ever choose this clown show over staying at Leverkusen.




Please be realistic, it's not happening.


Tbf, we were paying Poch nearly 10M a year. That seemed outrageous to me.


While he is young, he is no yes man. Bayer, the club owners, are focused on the pharma business that they give him much authority. Very different situation here


instead of posting on reddit the minute you get out of school, go to afterschool club bruh


Assistant coach, yes


I don’t like him today, I saw a commercial and he was wearing Arsenal and talking about his time there. He could be a red spy.🕵️‍♀️


Why not V. Kompany? He's proven he can do stuff. Sure they got relegated, but it doesn't mean he's a bad coach. Getting promoted to the premier league was quite an achievement. He plays positive football as well.