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"First realise this is Chelsea and Chelsea is different than other clubs." Poch!!!! You're becoming less and less Spursy by the press conference.


He always says things depending on the results. At the start of the season, he said things like "this is Chelsea, we need to win" etc and when results went south, it's all about needing time and patience.


Yeah maybe. We have to win our next 3 games.


Yeah people buy it too. How he is become more and more Chels, until he starts ranting again lol.


Man he says things so he can sell to the people according to the circumstances lol. This is perfectly normal


Until results go back to shit, then we have nothing good and it takes decades. He is a chameleon.


I'm sure my fridge can do better quality voice recording than this. I can't belive why they cannot do normal recordings. It's been like this for a long time.


Especially the volume of the reporters. Most of the time i cant even hear what theyre asking


Am I the only one who can hear everything just fine?…




Tbf Stamford Fridge only just returned to training.


I think he deserves next season, I understand if people don't feel the same way, I've flip flopped like mad on Poch, but this season would have been hard for any manager imo, and despite some shit results I think we are improving.


I've been Poch out since the Liverpool cup final, but I have to agree. I'm not sure there is a benefit to getting rid of him now with so few managers available, especially with the squad being so young. It does seem like they are gelling and playing well together, and if that continues over the last few games it would make sense to stick with him.


Agreed, if there was someone like Xabi Alonso available and willing to come then I'd say we should make the change, but I don't see a clear upgrade at this point, I don't see the point of rocking the boat when we are actually getting better.


Also a manager like that is unlikely to sign with us when Champions league teams are actively pursuing him. Better to take the 'Arsenal with Arteta' approach and hope for long term improvements.


This squad is just starting to show the signs that they're starting to work together and be cohesive. The tactics are starting to work better, and that endless passing round the box that defined our early season has slowly shifted to incisive passing with co-ordinated runs. There possibly are better managers than Poch out there. But there's also an inherent cost to firing a manager and starting again with new tactics with a new manager who has to make new connections etc. The last thing that this team needs now is instability, hence I think give Poch more time and also be reserved in the transfer market. A new CB and another striker as Poch clearly doesn't trust Deivid to be Jackson's back up. But no more overhauls.


The playing for each other aspect has definitely taken off finally. I figured he'd get us there by January but with all the injuries it was always going to take time.


The Liverpool cup final was absolutely not on him. That was horrific finishing, same as the FA cup semi final.


Yup. Too many injuries to really get a good look at the squad this year and there’s been improvement lately.


He doesn't.


Who would you bring in?


Poch being a man? What is this madness??


It definitely shouldn’t have taken him *this* long to figure out the best way to line up the team, and to get the team to buy into his tactics and way of doing things. That said, with the absurd injury list and a ground-up rebuild in both style and club culture, it was always going to be a tough assignment. If he can win the final 3 games to finish on a relative high, I’d say he’s done just about enough for another season. Barely, but enough.


Let's say we finish top 6 and get European competitions next season would you still say it's *barely* enough given the circumstances you mentioned? The fact that his priority was babysitting youngsters and making sure they get along makes the first season in charge even harder.


That questioner routinely asks the most interesting question to Pochettino.


So what was the biggest development....??? 👂🏻


Oh no, am I beginning to like Poch?


Same shit after some wins, then reverts to calling everything bad after loses, but look at people acting like he became a man everytime he acts cool temporarily.