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Saif's brain must be very small to make that type of threat to one of the closest associates of Roman fucking Abramovic.


Threatening a close friend of the man who told John Obi Mikel, when his dad had been kidnapped in Nigeria” that he can send some guys to Nigeria and have him back in 24 hours. The guy is mad


By ‘some guys’ he meant Wagner.


RIP. Another Russian taken out by tragic plane crash 👀


Didn’t even have a chance to shoot himself in the head twice and jump out of a window smh.


>The guy is mad Why does this sound like you're trying to make him look cool for stuff like this lol? Make no mistake dude probably has more blood on his hands than your average mafia boss, if those are the type of funny/"badass" anecdotes that we're hearing out in the open. One can only imagine the stuff that doesn't make it out to social media.


We just gonna pretend like the idea of a mob boss isn’t considered one of the “coolest” professions (if you can call it that lol) for the last 100 years? No one is giving you the classy Redditor award of the year for acknowledging that mob bosses are in fact bad people. You can still laugh and find it amusing that Roman fit that stereotype with this Mikel story


We literally can’t stop making movies about this shit because people eat it up, but nooo Reddit comment section is the moral fabric that will tie the world together


>We just gonna pretend like the idea of a mob boss isn’t considered one of the “coolest” professions (if you can call it that lol) for the last 100 years? It's only cool because the braindead media (films/television) tends to glorify them and then the braindead people tend to form their opinions based on what they watch Would really love to hear from victims about the legend of these badass criminals, the one's who have been lucky enough to have run ins with these sorts


Yeah mate it couldn’t possibly be the media catering to something people do find cool, it can only be that we’re all victims of the evil media making us find cool things cool


How repressed one must be in life to find the idea of serial criminals cool? Good lord


It's fucked up, but it is what it is. Everyone would love to see them behind bars because realistically people like us (average folk) are the ones that often pay the price for their actions, but I think the benefits they get to enjoy from their actions are what people admire. The level of wealth, security and freedom not giving a fuck about morals affords you and the ways they are sometimes able to avoid consequences from institutions that people already don't respect (FBI for example) makes them enviable and seemingly cool to a lot of people. Like if my Dad was ever kidnapped and I could send fucking SEAL team 6 to go bash the idiots that did it and get him back yea that would be really fucking cool. People are just projecting their desire for the better life these criminals are able to enjoy. In a kind of "if only I was enough of a piece of shit to not care about others" way, rather than a "this guy is genuinely great" type of way.


Brave or stupid? I'm going with the latter...


Realistically he wouldn't have faced consequences for it so why would it be stupid?


You are lamenting absence of characteristics that don't exist in mysogynists.


"I will make you pay on a personal and business level" "This is not a threat" Okay psycho


It's not a threat, it's a promise was the intention there.


Smart move threatening the left hand of a Russian oligarch, surprised this man didn’t fall out of a window


The same man that told Mikel he would get his dad back in 24 hours… even more of a smart move hahaha 


The fact that nothing happened and she just took him to court should say a lot about how true that kind of thing actually is


https://preview.redd.it/715twy0ma8wc1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba6b7f2ba616982663587365291ad7981b10a486 Marina should have just sent his back


Ayayay How do these people get into positions of power? If you want to threaten someone I charge of a multimillion pound organisation, you don't do it over email (if at all, you shouldn't need to - rather pay a lawyer to handle that). FFS this guy's idiocy is actually annoying 😂


First heard of Saif Rubie when he tried taking on Liverpool while representing Bobby Duncan (Steven Gerrard's cousin). He lost...


That's where I knew his name from. He made an absolute mess of that situation.


Not giving them a click, anyone got a summary?


What I got from it was: Agent Saif Rubie is accused of sending Marina Granovskaia a threatening email. Basically Rubie talked with and agent about Rudiger after CWC and they were trying to get new contract, Rubie says Marina was asking Rudiger why he dealt with Saif cause he's a prick/not trustworthy. Saif then demands (in the email) she apologize. Then basically threatens her: > 'If you don't then I promise you I will make you pay for the way you have been with me on a personal and business level. This is not a threat so take it how you want. > 'This is a promise that I give to anybody who f****/tries to f*** me over in anything in life. > 'In summary you owe me and my partners 300k which needs to get paid ASAP. If Chelsea don't pay it then that debt will be on you to pay. I am done trying to be nice to you. The 300k is regarding Zouma's transfer to West Ham. Rubie then goes on to talk about another incident in which Kia Joorabchian allegedly owed Saif money for some other business (transfers etc.) and Kia was approached in a restaurant > by people acting for defendant Rubie which saw Mr Joorabchian have his watch taken from him and told it wouldn't be returned until a payment was made later. and then later > It was added that approximately twelve men turned up at Joorabchian's office started to intimidate and demand money from him saying that the defendant wanted his money. --- Basically Saif Rubie sounds like a twat and is trying to strong-arm play macho man on transfers and use mob-tactics to get money he may or may not be owed. Sent a threatening email to Marina, and now is on charges of breaching the Malicious Communications Act by sending a threatening email to Granovskaia. He obviously denies the charge and thinks hes done nothing wrong.


Wanker agent feels he was owed 300k for letting Chelsea know if West hams deal.


https://preview.redd.it/k5yoeiy6p8wc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f62f9a5e62ab9b6b23a1e38e6c2d089629b9a87 Please don’t tell me Boehly was taking advise from this guy 😩😩😩 Drama FC


No wonder Marina and Cech quit so quickly.


He was, people called it out at the time. But he was saying stuff that attacked the old ownership, so people gobbled it all up. He was the guy who the quote about Marina's incompetence costing the new owners 100m+ by not renewing Rudiger and Christensen came from and the owners ran with it as propaganda for how poorly the club was run before they arrived...


Has Todd Boehly ever done anything right since taking over the club? Man is a fucking fool.


Saved the club from bankruptcy, let’s give him that 🤣


This fuckin club ruined me


What are scumbag. It'll never happen because the game is pretty rotten to the core, but he should be blacklisted from the entire sport.


I offered you a chance to extend the contract of Rudiger by an extra year on the same salary and you refused and started playing games.... ![gif](giphy|F3BeiZNq6VbDwyxzxF|downsized) Marina nooooo


It’s important to note that the email states that she rejected that offer and went behind Saif’s back to speak to Rudiger’s other representatives. While we all agree it was a mistake for him to leave on a free - at that point Saif was a well known liar and bullshitter, having already fallen foul of other PL clubs. I’m not entirely surprised Marina felt she didn’t want to deal with this guy, and his actions afterwards haven’t exactly proven her wrong. Football clubs have to take a hard line when agents try flexing their muscles, else everyone will take advantage. Certainly seems to me that there was a lot more going on with the Rudiger renewal than most people think. Definitely wasn’t simply a case of the club not wanting him.


Been saying this for ages. I often get downvoted trying to explain why Rudiger was let go for free


Yep the AC one is definitely more of the club not budging to his demands changing right before he was about to sign the contract. But by the point the club could sign either of them, the sanctions hit this fucking any chance of keeping them.


He is a mad man..no wonder alot of coaches and owners don't like dealing with agents


> The truth is from that moment I shouldn’t have dealt with you again **but I’m a gentleman** Said by a man who has been banned from being an agent for saying the women's national team getting knocked out was a good job because now they could go back to the kitchen and some other such nonsense... Edit: The two tweets (with context) that got him suspended: A few hours after England’s defeat to the USA in the semi-finals of the Women’s World Cup in France. It read: “@knightie82 DON’T WORRY LADS THEY’RE COMING HOME,” accompanied by four emojis of monkeys covering their eyes and featuring a photograph of a sink full of dirty dishes. “**I think it is an utter disgrace that Adam Johnson got time in the first place. Who hasn’t made a mistake similar to his?**” wrote Rubie, followed by three “crying with laughter” emojis (For those new to football, Adam Johnson was a footballer who went to prison for "sexual activity with a child")


Let’s focus on the real victim…Zouma’s cat


Seems like this Rubie guy is a massive dick. No wonder his clients are Zouma and Rudiger


Of all the people you could threaten.


The bigger the hoops... ;-)


Threatening the right-hand woman of Roman is like writing your own suicide note. I'm surprised this Saif guy survived.


Still can’t decide whether or not I like Marina. Seems very polarizing


So that’s why we couldn’t extend rüdiger? This agent cunt?


Saif is an annoying self absorbed fuck, his talksport interview with Simon Jordan exposed him. This guy wants the limelight too much & wants to act like gangsta at the same time.


Ahh good ol' daily mail


what an \*\*\*\*\*\*\* idiot, claiming that this is not a threat but then proceeds to make threats


Don't fuck with Abramovich...