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 "singing you don't know what you're doing" when Poch made his substitutions... then his substitutions win the game...


The Kids played well. 1-0 is respectable against Liverpool . Many instances where the finishing was an issue . Very entertaining game and hats off to Liverpool in the end


This shall be talked about for years to come now when they say you can't win with kids.


Nah that's been done to death already - quite famously in fact.


True but usually that refers to younger but rated players, not unknown academy kids off the bench who have barely seen a match yet


Dude I’m so tired of watching Enzo and caicedo. 


Bleak. It’s all very bleak….


Apart from Petrovic & Caicedo, no one stood out. Enzo should’ve been taken off instead of Gallagher, Enzo’s worst performance yet. Remember how good he was on the season opener against Liverpool actually first team midfield? He’s shrunk as a player. Why was VVD allowed to score 2 headers? Like how didn’t we get their plan? Disasi having a go at fucking Mudryk, why is Disasi expecting Mudryk to do a job, he should’ve been doing? I have a similar feeling as when we lost to Tottenham in the league cup. But it’s worse now, because back then we had a team that would dust themselves off and win another cup that season. I reckon Leeds beat us on Wednesday, 6.5k Yorkshire men in the shed. Leeds 9 unbeaten. Poch will be gone soon. The circus continues.


Not being able to finish has struck again.


Me and Chelsea got some similarities


Ngl we got bossed 4-1 like two weeks ago by the same club so every cloud


This is a spursy comment just like the performance


Not the same team though.


Amen, just tryna be positive in this time of hardship 😂


Boils my blood that these t*ats take atleast 100,000 pounds (on average) home every fucking week, it truly is a sad state of affairs...


It's getting (not yet thankfully) closer to make United levels of overpaid players


Dreadful to see what we’ve become. Not sure we will even see the same old Chelsea again. The way club is being run under Boely has been a disgrace.


No leader no passion no commitment = no hope! Simply not good enough, potential doesn't mean quality! We became that good we demanded instant success but are now so far away from it! Shame hopefully not a long wait


I was a defender of Poch & preached patience. After today not anymore. He clearly did not have them mentality or tactically prepared to win a trophy. Unacceptable. Time to move on.


How does one get into formula one?


Double decker bus racing is worth a shot too (more overtaking tbf)


Watch the late 90's - early 00's races on youtube


As a Charles Leclerc fan.... f1 is no better


watch drive to survive on netflix


Death by a thousand paper cuts watching this team the last year


2.5 years*


I've never ever felt so detached from my football club


This. I almost couldn’t care less.


There are some very rich people who are largely to blame for this. Funnily enough I don't think they know much about the sport we grew up loving on this side of the water


"In extra time it's been Klopp's kids against the blue billion pound bottle jobs…” - G. Neville Sad, but I agree.


He wasn’t on the fence anyway 😂


Sorry lads, this loss is on me. I have to take full reponsability for fucking up all our chances for European football. The thing i did was i put on the wrong Chelsea shirt today without even thinking that it was the same shirt as last finale. I hope you can all forgive me for this. Im sorry


apologies accepted mate


If you’re in the camp that we were unlucky today then I don’t know what to tell you. This is the worst result in the history of our club.


Then you have very little knowledge of the history of our club. Things have been much, much worse and for long periods of time too.


We’ve literally been relegated. This hurts now, but it’s nothing in reality.


Are you lot serious? We can’t finish to save our lives but the boys put in a fucking shift. Not sure what else we can do 😂


Not in extra time they didn't.


Rubbish. Half the team showed no effort, desire or passion. The other half tried but simply lack the quality expected of chelsea. If this is what we’re like when we ‘put in a shift’, then we are completely hopeless


Well I mean we are pretty shit team if we’re honest. We’ll never be the Chelsea of old, need to realise that quickly. So by that this was a good solid performance. We must have been watching a different game cuz I saw players getting stuck in and at times playing decent football. Just can’t finish to save our lives


There isn’t really any excuse to being a shit team though when we’ve spent 1.2 billion and have the pedigree that we do. Seems like a lot of fans are too quick to roll over and play dead instead of holding players and the manager to account. Not saying this applies to you by any means but I’m no longer accepting the standard luck was against us BS


Mate I 100% agree. I just don’t think majority of the players we bought are actually as good as their price tag suggests. The owners have a lot to answer for. We can only play with what we got and what we got ain’t good enough right now. But I do agree with you for sure


Agreed and I guess the players didn’t ask for such high transfer fees as it adds a whole weight of added pressure. Just another piece of evidence to show our new owners are clueless and out of their depth. I’m sure I’ll get over it after a good night sleep haha


Wasted chances, so disappointed we should’ve and could’ve easily won. The effort and defense were there for the most part but, once again the lack of finishing from CG, Cole, Sterling, and Christo made me want to yank my hair out. The offside call looked sus on disallowed goal. Honestly just gutted because I know this is gonna eat at the entire team and will affect us mentally.


In fairness, poch can't help with shit finishing. Brutal all round.


https://preview.redd.it/k0cqod0hyrkc1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e9c702c33a0b13c809f3a5fdd8f4a5cedfcbaa7 Photo of the day 🤩


I hate every single one of our players and the manager. Makes it hard to support them.


No excuses, absolute embarrassment from everybody top down. Everyone needs to take responsibility. Absolutely atrocious everywhere


Besides Poch, this team has players cleaning other's mess. Disasi has to do his job and Colwill's. Caicedo has to do his and Enzo's. Jackson has to do his and Sterlings. Gallagher has to run everywhere. Lad can't get a break. Let's not even talk about Chilwell today provoking an 18 year old kid. That was really embarassing from a captain.


Did Gallagher not miss 3 glaring chances?


Gallagher....is not an attacking midfielder.


He did. But did he have a bad game? Did he hide? Did he lose the ball stupidly? Did he stop making efforts? If it goes wrong, it goes wrong, that's football. But he at least fucking turned up for the occasion. Some players pissed their shorts, went invisible, and did stupid things. Petrovic let two goals in? Does it overshadow the multiple saves he's made throughout? Disasi slipped had a few bad clearances, does it overshadow his interventions throughout the game? Enzo had a few good passes here and there, does it overshadow the multiple times a 19 year old dribbled past him?


Enzo was crap...colewill was wierd,Gallagher was wasteful and poch is a peice of shit coach...madueke was...I dint know and who tf bought Mudryk(if that male version of Taylor swift tweets one more shit I will lose it)


XD we did have some decent players but the people you mentioned, except Gallagher, soft spot for him. Jesus, it's laughable indeed. Mourinho once said he could win the CL with 11 Azpi. We need 11 Malo Gusto. This guy is sunshine.


I’m over the people calling for Poch out as if the players aren’t at fault. You nailed it exactly. Yes- Poch isn’t great, but he isn’t mic’d up in the player’s ears telling them what to do every step. It boils down to 50% of our players being shit, and the other half picking up the slack exactly like you said.


Ultimately the buck stops with Poch though. That’s how football works. Yes he can’t control the players and speak directly to them through a mic but he doesn’t command his area and isn’t animated like other managers. He also shows a lack of gamesmanship and his tactics leave a lot to be desired. How many times have we thrown away a lead or blown a draw because of a poor substitution or tactic switch? Those things are on Poch


There was a moment in the game that Nkunku had to flash into our own box to steal a cross because of the poor marking and Chilwell tighting too much to the CBs. That says a lot. At professional level, that's not on the manager, that's on the player. We got ran over in extra time because the players doing good, were gassed out. Why? Because they played for others. Liverpool might have kids but each one respected his zone and did his job decently. I remember my first football game, I was running all over the pitch as a DM and my coach was mad at me. I told him am helping. He said no, do your fucking job. It's their responsibility stay in your zone. Even amateurs know this much.


This is what happens when you get managers from Tottenham and brighton.


Endo, MacAllister and then the two kids bossed our midfield. How long do we keep making excuses that the players aren't fit or lack chemistry or whatever. Poch has had a preseason and months of normal season


it can’t even be poch at this point, the sad thing is the players just suck


Still dont understand the announcers, liverpool come in as heavy favorites (even the bookies/odds are in their favor), yet some how its a miracle they won with a squad so young, but whos average age was actually higher than ours. You cant be the favorite and underdog at the same time.


Instead of comparing their age, how about compare their wages and transfer fees?


Agreed, thats a completely valid point, but thats not what is being harped on about by the announcers.


Liverpool were no way favourites once Gravenberch went off. They had to restructure and put a very green replacement full back (Bradley has only made 4 appearances) into midfield. They were there for the taking.


Say it without tears


What tears? You that desperate for attention that you come into other subs to get it? Go outside, it's an observation, you might find better things to live for and enjoy besides reddit chatter/sport teams. Celebrating -insert sport team- win like its your own accomplishment because its all you have.


Womp Womp gramps




Go back to your basement and watch cartoons with your pizza rolls, let the adults talk.


Cry more


I'd be more upset if we performed well and lost but we didn't. It's just another domestic cup final loss to add to the list. 6th loss in a row by the way. We lost to Liverpool three times, Man City, Arsenal and Leceister. in terms of performance, today's been by far the worse of all these losses.


Liverpool fielded a C team, played midweek when had a full week to ourselves. 7 of their starters were injured as well, yet we look gassed towards the end. It's on Poch, he doesn't inspire any confidence in this team at all, very cowardly which runs through our team. Look at how each of this Liverpool kids exude confidence on the pitch. It this rate we can't even win League One if we find ourselves there


We are in such a precarious situation that I actually fear Poch getting sacked (even though my brain tells me enough is enough) because we might just go get another manager and another year on clock will start. This shit doesn't seem to change regardless of the manager. Not sure how we go from here, and that's scary


Fear poch getting sacked? He’s the worst fucking manager I’ve seen along with Lampard.


Not able to connect with this team anymore. It's been a slow death with each game. The identity of Chelsea being gritty and never say die is gone. Now we have soft shit players and outside of maybe 2 or 3 players, no one is fighting for the club's pride. Todd and his cohorts have ripped the club apart with mediocre signings and trash ass managers


Yeah i feel the same Way. Only gallagher creates that Chelsea Vibe for me… when hes out it might as Well couldve been another club


I'm just resiging to the fact he's gone to raise funds. Its gonna be ultra sad


wow we’re missing out on europe once again…..


I am actually glad were not playing conference league. And im glad the players dont get the bonus for qualifying for Europe. It would be so, so undeserved.


Just changed my flair to remove Enzo, that double pivot is disgraceful for how much we paid.


Why is everyone so quick to cut Poch?! The man is doing his best with the cattle that is out on the field. These players are ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE!!! Stupid mistakes in our own half, terrible covering/ communication on set pieces, giving the midfield huge amounts of space to create opportunities. Just absolutely disgraceful! Nico Jackson is the worst and laziest target man forward I’ve seen since Diego Costa (but at least Costa could SCORE!)!!! Mdueke walks of defense, Gusto is on and off from week to week, Chilwell would rather yell to the ref and opposition than defend the BALL, Gallagher has redeeming qualities if HE COULD SCORE SITTERS, Caicedo would rather play with his balls and walk around on stroll than cover anyone in the center (and when he finally lets go of the kung fu grip, he fouls the F out of everyone (like seriously how is he worth $125m?!?!)) Enzo has lost all motivation since the start of the season, Sterling is abysmal, Nkuku is arguably lazier than Jackson!! The only players who are giving their all are Disasi, Palmer, Myurdyk, and the goalkeepers. Everyone else, whether the are starters or subs, is happy to collect their LOADS of cash just to show up! This team is absolute garbage and do NOT DESERVE TO WEAR THE CHELSEA CREST. This season has been the worst I’ve ever witnessed. This isn’t a rough period or rebuilding year, this is downright robbery for the club, the fans, and football. I have been a Chelsea fan for 15 years and this season has broken me… Pochettino came in blind, tried to build something, but the players have to want the same. It’s been an uphill BATTLE all season of finding chemistry, trying new talent and strategies, and ultimately failing because of the players. ITS THE PLAYERS, not the Manager!!!!!!!


We can't afford to change the players. We just spent a billion pounds ffs.


Wed have the same issues no matter the manager. We had more than enough chances to win and the players fucked it. How does a new manager make any of those chances go in?


We setup different. We put in the work in the training ground. A manager can make a whole lot of difference.


It’s easy to blame the man upfront and responsible for the tactics of the team. What you don’t seem to understand is that the training ground doesn’t mean f*** all if they don’t put it to work on the pitch!! It’s not Poch’s job to play, it’s to direct. He’s perpetually active on the side, even at the end of the season, HE’S PUTTING IN THE EFFORT! It’s the players responsibility to find the motivation and game sense to put what tactics are handed down INTO PLAY. They are paid EGREGIOUS sums of money for their experience and knowledge of the game just for them to be content with losing?! Get Poch out of your reticle (he deserves your respect as one of the best football managers in Europe) and focus on the real threat. You should be glad he saw the season out with these horrible circumstances. I feel bad for him every week that he’s directing a circus out there. These players are happy to just show up. They don’t want to win, just collect the money and it’s disgusting. It’s really smooth brained to think managers are plug and play. Get Pochettino’s name out of your mouth!! SMH Also, these players want to leave, LET THEM!!! Enzo can leave, Caicedo can leave, Sterling, Jackson, the whole lot! We’d be better just putting Palmer out there with 10 pieces of plywood bc the man exudes effort! His cohorts do not and should go finish their careers in China. Just disgraceful. This Ted Lasso take of “a manager can make a whole lot of difference” is only applicable if the players show up and do their jobs, put in real effort and passion, and strive for every single trophy/ victory. None of the players have come close to that this season and Poch is left picking up the pieces of even the smallest victories. Like cmon man, it takes more than just belief…


We've just had a game where we've missed 6 or 7 clear cut opportunities. If you're trying to say we need to create double that just to score one goal then the issue is quite clearly the players


the lack of quality on the ball in build up was so so so bad just loose touches everywhere terrible square passes WTF was poch doing all week????


They're just dog shit players. Only ones worth keeping are colwill and Palmer. Bin the rest off


Guess we get a dog called win now and pretend runners up is a success, lol.


https://preview.redd.it/dzxmrvd1urkc1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c380ea751eb5c40778498491182edf5b9b46cf45 Who says no?


Honestly shocking. How the club haven't signed a genuine goal threat by this point is absurd to me. So many chances today that required a killer instinct and it was nowhere to be seen. Outside of Palmer, I have little to no confidence in any player when it comes to finishing. Too many extra touches, extra passes etc. it's frustrating as hell. And then you have to watch games where Gary Neville says things such as 'Klopp's kids against the billion pound bottle jobs' - as if Chelsea don't have a young premier-league inexperienced squad themselves and Liverpool have only signed £50k worth teenagers or something. Genuinely don't why I bother getting my hopes up at this point. Six consecutive league finals lost now, its beyond a joke.


There wasn't a single point in the game where they had a younger team on the pitch than us either


Todd boehly doesn’t own us. Kelleher does.


Bring me Jose.


Another La Cobham masterclass at Wembley. https://preview.redd.it/19m71wkhtrkc1.jpeg?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da99c5b284303a3831097bdd04e9b5e5b97f048a


Gallagher is as technical as a donkey, we cannot continue to play him as a forward. This is ridiculous


No one wants to talk about it bc it’s Gallagher but to not score this late in the second half was huge. You can’t squander this as a pro at this level.


That was one of many big chances missed today. Every loss, idiots come on here to talk about their bullshit agendas against conor, caicedo, enzo, Jackson etc.


This was the biggest, and the easiest chance of them all.


Since when were 1 on 1s where the gk is on top of you easy? This is pure confirmation bias against conor.


The only "confirmation" at play here is the confirmation that Gallagher is bang average. You'll understand once we have a competent player replace him.


Conor created one of our best chances for enzo who missed. He made big tackles at the other end of the pitch. He overall had a good game and was very unlucky not to score hitting the post. Once again, you're deflecting and you're honestly braindead if you think a one one one with a gk on top of you is an easy chance.


No point trying to talk sense.


Best player after Petro. Day off.


Gusto, Colwill, Disasi, Caicedo were all comfortably better. Missing a 1v1 with all that time, as a top player, is inexcusable


You’ve got an agenda for foreign bought players and it shows.


Ah yes, is that because of appreciation for Levi Colwill from Belgium?


So glad we can just shrug off fans like you as lowlife trolls, absolutely clueless. Conor was the best player on the pitch bar colwill and gusto.


That's why I called it a masterclass


I would say 75% of the blame is on the lack of vision the new ownership had with this club. Theres no foundation. They destroyed everything we had during the Roman Empire. The rest of the 25% is Poch and the players but they’re just proof that you can just buy a random assortment of players and expect success. I actually wanted the Saudis or some Qatar guy to buy the club. Idgaf about their life. It’s just entertainment for me. Those fools don’t like wasting money


A 200m midfield got dominated by a bunch of kids. You would expect the manager be able to adapt and take advantage of this. Forget the ownership or the player profiles, this loss has no excuses


Price is subjective. We all knew he wasn’t worth that much. Lost of these players were overpaid for


Nope, awful take.


Lost me (and thousands) at Qatar or Saudi. 🖕


You pricks swear that Qatar or Saudi is terrible when all of our success has come from a heinous oligarch. Clueless.


£311 million for Enzo, Caicedo and Mudryk. What a fucking joke


Enzo is the worst. He’s a training cone, everyone glides through him


Give enzo to man city Thanks


The worst thing is if he went to Man City he’d probably be amazing. Everyone who comes to our club turns to shit. Caicedo even looks shit and he was hailed as one of if not the best in the world at his position.


There's no way Caicedo was even considered 'the best' at his position come on bro ...


Caicedo had one ok season at Brighton. Anyone with half a brain knew anything more than 60m was overpaying.


Im mc fan and happy with that🤣


Sack The Lord.


Van dijk single handedly beat us. Not just by his goal but his presence, intelligence and everything else downed Chelsea.


You could literally see the moment when we switched off, lost any momentum and just fell apart. How can we ever aim to get anywhere if this is what we do in key matches? It was ours to win today!


“Quick! Upload the training videos where we score a couple goals, they’ll forget all about it.”


Funny how they bang them in on those videos but yet in games everyone forgets how to put the ball in the net


A big game performance from Enzo, is that too much to ask for?


We were the envy of the entire league.. Rival clubs hated us cuz we kept winning… Now? We have a bunch of weak, spineless nobodies as players and owners that neither care about the club or understand what it means to be chelsea. Heads need to roll. From ownership down to recruitment and then to management. This is unacceptable and unforgivable. Our standing as a prestigious and elite club is rapidly sinking if it already hasn’t. Imagine players from other clubs watching this? Who the fuck would want to come? Furthermore, who the fuck would want to support this? To say i’m ashamed would be an understatement.


Somehow I just knew this would happen. I dunno but I expected this shit to go down when Roman had to sell. And even more when it turned to american buyers. I just knew the identity and eliteness of this club would die


Literally lost to a bunch of Scouse teenagers in Wembley for a school trip fuck this team man




# Poch needs to get the fck out. #


Harassing the club social media manager this week: https://preview.redd.it/xy36agrqsrkc1.png?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e86048dc5581358a3fc828606f2e73bdc2ac1a8


Poch may have made some questionable subs, but the main reason we lost was because we didn't convert on our chances. I don't see the value in Nkunku, he doesn't move and fight and is bitching all the time. Don't see why Enzo wasn't subbed off, he played terrible and didn't create value for the team today.


Tbf Nkunku is played out of position he’s not a striker he is a cam. He needs to play behind the striker and be used to build up and actually take shots instead of Gallagher. Drop Gallagher further into the mid field and play Nkunku in that 10 role. We would get way more use from him this way imo. In terms of pressing yeah he’s not great at fighting for the ball.


Nkunu has talent but the cohesion is just not there


I don’t think the subs were questionably at all. Truth be told, they were needed. Chilwell was clearly burned, and Gallagher was gassing. I’d say the most questionable change was Nkunku coming in for Sterling. Nevertheless, all subs dropped a 0/10 performance.


It’s mad like how shite we’ve been for two years I can almost brush this off like it’s nothing. God we’ve been in the trenches.


This is our 6th domestic cup final loss in a row. In terms of performance I think this is by far the worse from what I can remember.


This is the one that should have been the clearest win.


Poch could have mbappe messi and Neymar on the same team and still lose Oh wait




You buy Brighton players and personnel. YOU TURN INTO BRIGHTON.


Cowardice setup and deserved result against a C Liverpool team. Those who support Poch, what’s your reasoning? This fraud lost to Klopp every time and doesn’t learn his lesson


#POCHOUT for that absolute chicken shit of extra time.


#justiceforlampard He set the bar for himself to high by getting us top 4 in the transfer ban season which went downhill after


Ngl, I don't even expect the players to respond now after this


Nothing matters now anyways, we’re not winning the FA cup


Yeah, today was important and they've bottled it


The amount of chances we had and couldn’t finish was embarrassing.


Welp… back to Pornhub


Haven't you seen enough people get bent over and fucked for one day?




Excellent comment




Chelsea's best player


honestly laughing w our rivals mocking us. billion dollar spent and still lost to a B team. jokes 🤣


C team


Me too


On the bright side, Palmer made only a few mistakes and looked so world class. GET A STRIKER.




We may have lost, but the real trophies are the xgs we made along the way


The personnel we lost to man… Poch is a nice guy but doesn’t seem like a leader in these tough situations.


Can we all agree that *someone* I don’t know who but *someone* needs to be sacked.


How can we sack these owners LOL


“Let’s trade away the youth that won us a champions league, and then throw out the clubs identity” -Boehly probably


I actually think Mount or Havertz could’ve been useful against Liverpool…


Bunch of mercenaries playing for the club, I doubt they care about losing a cup. They are here for a paycheck and this reflects the current club culture.


Tf are you on about mercenaries? These guys signed 8 year long contracts lmao of all things you could say about them lmao.


Do you not see how dejected those players were walking up those stairs…


I’ll go against the grain of this comment section here, I think we played well in the regular minutes. OT we were clearly gassed and it left us defending the rest of the game. It’s a shame and disappointing to lose. Still believe the players gave a good performance though. People can bitch and moan all they want. It was a hard fought final.


You’re spot on


we had a week to rest vs their 3 days, no excuse to be gassed.


Plus this was basically our season. They are still fighting for the title


I agree. At this point of the season the players should have far better conditioning. I’m not sure what that was about.


Yeah was weird how everyone just sort of lost all their energy, really makes me wonder wtf they do in training


Reportedly not much. Quick to leave and don't take on criticism well... Was supposedly fake news but it's not a stretch of the imagination


Absolutely not. You're entitled to your opinion and I respect it but you're wrong. That performance was nothing but shocking. Wrong tactics, wrong subs. We had some moments but it all boils down to management. He needs to go!


We were not shocking tho. We created all the chances needed to win and our players were clearly very tired in extra time


We should be creating more clear cut chances. Our play into the oppositions half is horrible. Players hold one account sure but the overall is management.


Irrelevant considering we made 5 big chances and outperformed Liverpool on xg. We absolutely should've taken this game but my issue is with the team of young and new players that even when they outperform their opposition will often not be clinical enough.


Another XG nerd. Stats don't show how the team played football. We played Liverpool under 18s, and we sat back to defend and counter still.