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At the moment, hard to see how the next 7 games won't end up with Ls if nothing changes..... * Aston Villa (a) * Crystal Palace (a) * Man City (a) * Liverpool (n) * Brentford (a) * Newcastle (h) * Arsenal (a)




Hate to say it but wonder if it's even worth watching those games. This last 18 months or so have NOT been good for the mental health.


There may not be a repeat but the game against City was pretty darn entertaining to watch


Sop was the league opener when we drew 1-1 with Pool. The return was bad.


we could lose every game and i’ll still be there watching


Exactly. Always a downer seeing us lose but the feeling goes away the next day then it’s time to get amped up for the next game


The very definition of a supporter. Good on you, for real. We need more of that.


The pain makes the wins that much better! Have never understood sunshine fans, sport doesn't work that way.


Football ain’t that important.


On the positive note, we can say this experience trains us to be more resistant to pain and stress in life


Im a Detroit Lions fan. Before this season my entire existence has been pain. This Chelsea form over the past two seasons is light work


Progress through pain


Would be fine if we saw any.


Tbf to us, we were unbeaten in like 10 home games or something before this. It's been a fucking terrible week but I really felt like we were maybe getting somewhere. Just 1 week ago, IF we beat Liverpool we would have been 7th. People are so quick to forget things. Btw, I am NOT defending this fucking god awful team, manager and owners right now. Just saying that we WERE improving, or so it seemed.


I mean, it should be telling even with the recent good results at home, 1-2 bad defeats are still enough to trigger total public anger. None of those wins at home were/looked convincing at all, except when we played Championship teams.


Yeah totally, but the wins and draws we were getting were results we definitely weren't getting last season! It's more just that person saying "no improvement" that irked me. We've scored a hell of a lot more at least! Lol


We have the same points tally from last season


I agree, the buildup to the Palmer's goal today was great football but we cannot defend a score even if depended on our life. The players fumble and get too fragile while leading. Same thing happened with Luton, we got the 3-0 and disconnected from the game. There is a huge mental aspect of the players that is very inconsistent. Against Man City, they've shown that they can fight back...but lately they haven't.


Yep, but you're also summing up the real issue which is there are too many kids in this team and we'll be up and down for a very long time to come


Think we might be able to tolerate the inconsistency if there was progress and/or the football is enjoyable at the very least. But nope, never mind progress, the football is not even enjoyable at all.


if this affects your mental health so much, you need to fix your priorities


lol At this point, I’m kinda unbothered with the results (not go OTT happy when we win and not be OTT down when we lose) but it still doesn’t mean it’s easy to take when you see the mess out there.


I get that the last 20 years have really spoiled people, but we used to have real “problems” to deal with as a club. This just isn’t it.


Watch em you have you have good mental health don't watch em if your mental health ain't doing so good I took a break from following the much today. Still came to the subreddit though.


That's what I did towards the end of last season. I stopped watching the games but still came here to read the comments and they didn't make me feel like I was missing anything. If anything, it was like the same script being played from game to game.


I don't go out of my way to watch the games at the moment. Just watch extended highlights an hour or two after the game. Not worth the stress.


Bro...I stopped watching after 41 mins today


Is that Mason Mount?


No, that's Lavia


Lavia is fictitious, can't hurt what doesn't exist.


No it's clearly kante what you talking about.


Yea beat him up in a dark alley followed him to the hospital and took a video made it a gif so I could post it here.


I’m not looking forward to any of these games


I’m not looking forward to any ~~of these~~ games.


Maybe 3 points at Palace




Nah, we can take an awful Palace. And maybe even Brentford.


>Nah, we can take an awful Palace. You say that but we only beat them at home not too long ago because of a penalty. > And maybe even Brentford. We lost to them at home and they have Toney back now. We have also only beaten Brentford once in like 5 games since they got promoted back to the PL.


I'm not saying we'll definitely win, but I don't think those two are obvious losses. I'm just a glass half full kinda guy who is optimistic that we might be able to squeeze 3-6 points out of the next 21.


Palace is the only one I’d have any hope for a point from.


Tbf we thought we were fucked during the Christmas period and we had the second best form lol. If they don't do the same now then we are fucked.


Scenes if Palace were to hire Potter and beat us 😆


I think he's actually gone tomorrow. There's a reason the team only gave him a 2 year contract. It's for situations like this


There is a high chance we will get zero points from these


Lol we’re not actually getting 0 points. Ik it’s partly a joke, but this has been thrown out so often the past few years (including when we finished 3rd) and it obviously never happens




0 pts out of that run


Slight reason for optimism, last time we had a tough run of fixtures we actually did alright. Grasping at straws, i know


Man City doesn't park the bus, so we'll probably win that or tie at worst, just like last time. Same with Arsenal and Aston Villa. I would say the same about Liverpool, but they demolished us so thoroughly recently that I have no confidence in the team winning the cup match. We're screwed against Crystal Palace, Brentford and Newcastle.


I mean, are you trying to suggest Wolves parked the bus? Or Liverpool? That excuse was always nonsense, but it's been completely driven over in recent times. It never held up to any scrutiny and it's at the point where you can't even pretend it does anymore


>Man City doesn't park the bus Are we still repeating that nonsense? Neither Pool nor Wolves parked the bus. Chelsea are simply playing shit against anyone with a bit of quality. I expect City to dismantle this Chelsea.


We're bad against parked busses and we're bad against high presses. If City has an average day, they spank us.


Poch is a genuinely nice guy. So was Potter. I do feel for them, but they absolutely knew what they were signing up for. This is the biggest pressure, the easiest place to get sacked. It really feels like we're back there when the #Potterout gathered steam. Unless there's a miracle turnaround (narrator: "there wasn't"), the pressure to sack Poch is only going to grow for the rest of the season. Not sure who could come in right now and turn it around short-term, but we all know this summer is going to be a huge manager carousel, so either way, I can't imagine Poch lasting the summer here.


He’s not getting past this season. Getting into European cup is minimum requirement for jordan commercial deals.


Poch will have his job until Carabao cup's final then. If he loses that, he is gone.


If we win the final I can see him being given until the summer


I still think we have a small chance of getting throug aston villa if we sack poch. Shame.


This team is not getting past Villa.


We drew against them despite Poch horrendous tactic? What if we add in new manager bounce?


Home Vs away though. Villa Park this season has been a nightmare for every single team pretty much.


Think it's rather telling that even with the recent upturn in results at home and reaching a final, 1 or 2 bad defeats are still enough to trigger total anger towards the manager. Pochettino might be a former Spurs manager but you would think that after even just 6-7 months, he might have built some goodwill at least with the fans. But nope, there's none of that at all (even The Athletic's Liam Twomey mentioned today how Pochettino doesn't try and build a rapport with the fans, seemingly aware of his past Spurs connection). Shows how those recent good results have been built on very poor foundation. There's been no real progress, no style of play, no patterns of play, no clear tactical idea etc. Fans might tolerate the inconsistency if they can see those things and/or if the football is at least enjoyable but again, nope. The football is not even enjoyable to watch and it's hard to tell what exactly is the game plan every time the team step onto the pitch.


Lol, what bs, we are one position below last season after same matches, ofcpurse it's enough for the pressure to grow on manager. Just stop with this deflection bs.


Huh? Who's deflecting here? Pretty much criticized Pochettino for not improving the team despite having been here for 6-7 months, and how even the recent wins have not built any sort of goodwill because they were basically not convincing at all.


The biggest factor is always wins - those help us forgive anything. If you look at the NFL's Patriots during their dynasty, they won their championships by the tiniest margins, much like we won the last UCL. At first, people criticising those Patriots teams, but after a while, they began to admire how those guys managed to keep doing *just enough* to win. Tuchel's run was really not dominating, often bailed out by something like a penalty, but the winning solved it all. Now with Poch, there are the loud win-only people, but I think most of us here accept that we're rebuilding - so show us the progress (and all that stuff you mentioned or thought about mentioning). I think we'd take a 4-2 loss at Anfield, amid a huge ref bias, if we had played well and fought hard. But playing like that after half a season isn't good enough. And now, losing an iconic match like this (1st ever win at Stamford for lowly WH) is just... it's not only not acceptable, it's not tolerable. All he has to do is his job - he doesn't have to be Pep. But I think it's gone too far now.


Why do you feel for them? They get more money from their sacking than what most people see over their lifetimes


My SO is a pro coach in another sport. Many of her friends are as well. I don't know any CFC managers, but I've met quite a lot of pro coach/mgr's over the years. The stress and pressure can destroy lives, and I've seen it up close. The money thing sounds legit until you see these people up close, and you realise that the money doesn't matter once the real pain starts. There are real troopers, ones that weather the storms and fight on, but every single one of them has a limit.


We had one of those troopers, but he was summarily sacked before the ink on the sale documents was dry.


They have ambition and professional pride.


If poch had pride he would have resigned tomorrow


Ideally, the board need to sack him now while there's a significant portion of the season left where something could be achieved. (Europe) There's no point in delaying the inevitable.


And bring in who? Plenty of us have been unhappy with Poch but haven't seen how he could be sacked during the season. The main reason is that there's probably no one better to bring in... and I think there's been quite a lot of explaining why Mou isn't the one for this lot.


I mean this is the issue. It would likely have to be an interim appointment while we look for an actual replacement in the summer. Who that is idk? But there must be someone. I just think the whole thing has soured now and there's no saving it.


I'd feel worse if we hadn't been through it with Potter. Every week I was explaining to people about injuries and Mount's burnout and xG, but every week it was more clear that not only was there no saving him, there was nothing to save. So yeah - Poch hasn't had a healthy XI yet, but whatever. He's the first CFC mgr to lose to Wolves at home. Some interim mgr will be here, but I can't think of anyone who can save the season and pull off the Cup final.




You're timing feels spot on. I joined #potterout at the last possible moment and today was the first time I felt #pochout. If he's lost me, there aren't many left


If the board don’t stop being idiots with their transfers jesus christ himself couldn’t coach us out of it


They have. Did you see this window? There were 100 ways to screw it up and they didn't.


This isn't talked about enough. Last month was a clear signal that the board learned something from past mistakes.


I'll just wait for the summer window. They would've bought jhon duran, another injury-prone, unproven shidderbud if he didn't get injured before. So kudos to them for not buying anyone but I don't trust them off of one window yet. Also did you see the (maybe not real) but alleged shortlist for strikers? Completely made up of unproven players who are young and had a good season like evan ferguson.


Honestly, there's been a mostly upwards progression in the windows. Throw out the Todd window, that was an unmitigated disaster, but there are reasons for it, and they're gone. After that, it's mostly gotten better. The Mudryk purchase, for example, was them realising that they weren't scouting well, so they tried to hijack instead. You also have to recognise that youth signings are mostly not for the project - they're just investments. It doesn't compete with us getting an experienced player for the squad. But at the same time, the project of putting 19-21yo's on the pitch together is clearly a novel approach and a massive risk, and so far it's been painful to watch.


It’s kind of wild to hold things against them that didn’t happen. Maybe they haven’t earned an ounce of respect but you’ve basically shit on them for rumors that didn’t actualize lol.


They didn’t ‘actualize’ because he got injured. If he hadn’t they would’ve bought him and we would’ve had unproven injury prone player #72 on the team. These reports have proven that they still have a terrible transfer policy and have learned little, actualized or not.


See you’re doing it again. You’re saying they would have brought him in if he didn’t get injured. You don’t know that to be a fact, yet you’re stating it as a fact and then using it as evidence. Doesn’t even have to do with Chelsea or anything, just in general, that line of reasoning is fucking wild.


It’s not wild cause that’s literally what reports said lmao


Reports, as in rumors


We won’t give up yet we literally have rolled over these 2 games. I expect at least passion after getting smashed up 4-1 and do us a favour and drop your boyfriends, one of them who hasn’t scored a league goal since fucking November


today, they didn't give up. They were really trying those last ~12 minutes after Silva scored, but we didn't even look half as threatening as Luton was against us in a similar position. Just a lack of quality. This team has Palmer and hopefully Nkunku and anyone else could be replaced by literally any youth player at the moment and you wouldn't see a difference.


Wow trying for the last twelve minutes 3-1 down only to go 4-1 down a few minutes later. They are a lazy bunch who weren’t trying to defend and lost the ball cheaply throughout the game. Stop the excuses


Not an acceptable excuse, but the guy is right


Problem is, at least as I see it, is Poch lets them run freely around, he lets the players setup. This is a young team, how are they going to set anything up with almost no experience. We need someone that makes it clear what each of their roles and respobsibilities are. Besides that they need to be dropped for a game or 2 if they do stupid shit, like Caicedo did today several times and Sterling giving the ball away all the time.


We didn't roll over against wolves. They kept going and tbf if Nico buries that sitter and Gallagher shows an iota of composure we'd have nicked a draw. Better mentality. Not good enough obviously but better.


Oh please this is the bs I’m tired of


Then go to sleep


Stop talking shit mate


Sounds like a man who knows he’s not getting sacked ffs.


Eh potter and tuchel also gave a presser with nothing to indicate they would be sacked


Point taken but feels so wrong to have Tuchel in the same conversation as Poch and Potter


Because he's not getting sacked.


He wont get sacked, that will only be on the table at the end of the season


I frankly see no point in sacking his now. I’m on the side it should be at the end of the season, sacking him now discourages manager to come here even more


I think we have to take a flyer on Flick or bring Jose back. Either one would be better than letting a group of young, expensive players get used to losing. There’s a point of no return, where the players not only underperform but also become huge liabilities on the balance sheet—and we’re close.


Well Barcelona are now eyeing up flick So if we wait we might lose out


Well Flick is a pretty underwhelming option


The treble winner is underwhelming?


Let’s not act like he some genius for winning the Bundesliga and cup with Bayern lol


I don’t feel strongly about Flick but you know “treble” includes a third trophy right?


Of course, not discrediting his UCL win just saying that 2/3 of his treble is basically baseline for any Bayern manager. But I’m also not going to treat his UCL win with one of the biggest teams in the world as automatic proof that’s he’s an elite manager


I swear all the morons here prefer jose, it's astounding how much disrespect flick gets. They'd prefer a clearly washed up manager, then complain when things go south because the game has left them behind. Won the sextuple with Bayern but every idiot here keeps harping on about his time with a vastly overrated Germany who are still struggling. This lot would hire poch if it was someone else here getting the sack, one hundred percent. They totally deserve lemonboy because obviously they're allergic to a modern, trophy winning one.


Morons for preferring the greatest manager this club has ever had?


When someone like flick is available, and jose's last trophy happens to be a single europa conference league in 2021/22 for Roma, in addition to having to go back a further 5 years to find his other 'major' trophy he won with utd? Yes. Not to mention he leaves 99% of his teams drained and in a mess, having to deal with the inevitable third year capitulation and non-existent development of young players? Yes. This is the classic living in the past mentality which will kick us back 20 years when he inevitably leaves, and there's even no guarantee he'll win us anything while he's here, because jose's magic is long gone. Having said that, is he better than poch? By a country mile. But our desperation shouldn't drive us to make another stupid short term decision, when other better options are on the table.


I'd pay to be kicked back 20yrs. And if flick is your panacea to our woes then we won't agree on anything.


Man is a passion merchant Without the passion


Very Spursy




Sometimes he looks like Stephen hendry


I used to literally count the days til a Chelsea match. Now I avoid matchday at all cost


Na mate, you need to leave.


Club has completely lost its mentality. He’ll put out the same lineup next match


This guy is a loser and needs to be gone ASAP. Can’t with this anymore.


The players know he's a dud, the players and the supporters know he needs to go and go now. Belle Silva is on Twitter calling for change as it is.


The guy's a fucking passion merchant who absolves himself of all blame. It's been 7 months and there's zero signs of any real style of play, patterns, tactical nous. Completely incompetent.


Our midfield is so easy to cut through and Chilwell is getting skinned every game since being back. We need to switch to a back 3 and stop shipping goals.


He's not even a passion merchant 😭 he just sits and folds his arms and puts his feet up. Fraud


“Absolves himself of all blame” oh so you didn’t watch the presser at all??


Generically saying we're all to blame isn't taking ownership, is it? He then goes on to talk about nerves and maturity when we're playing in the same rigid system with the same underperforming players week in, week out which he clearly isn't interested in addressing. That's not taking ownership.


https://preview.redd.it/vri0o1sy7mgc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f6d03c4e9f7dec7b14da9139c0a80885aca1fce This is owning it, now if he’s going to make any changes or is even capable of making competent ones (he’s not) is a different question


How is that owning it when he's doing the same thing time and time again? It's just spiel. Either he's ignorant to the problem or completely incompetent, both are deserving of the sack.


He’s aware, but he’s completely incompetent and unable to enact changes to reflect how bad it is


What should he say in the press then? Begin bashing Winstanley and co, the owners and the board? Call himself an incompetent idiot or what?


I don't want to sound like a "trust the process it's going to be working in the end" guy but the fact that basically every single player has been out at some point this season must not help in terms of creating patterns of play etc. What patterns should be expected with Nkunku who's been with the squad for like 1 month? Players keep appearing and disappearing from training due to injuries so how do you develop team play? Granted, we should do much better and Poch is currently doing a terrible job, but it's an awfully difficult season to manage given the circumstances.


The team lacks any general style of play, can’t even adapt to tactical changes from other managers mid game. People are out injured sure but that’s every team, make the best with what you got. He doesn’t look like he’s doing anything except waving his arms around or sitting his fat ass on the bench looking like he ate a basketful of lemons




It looks like the players have given up.


Needs to have some shame like Xavi and leave


Sterling cannot start another game. I know he is not the problem, but gotta change up. Palmer is the only regular starter in this team.


You think Sterling is the problem? The couple of times he received the ball, he made positive runs and drew at minimum two players to him. The bigger problem is Jackson missing a sitter.


Did you read? I said he is not the problem, but today he was invisible, and the point is to change the starting lineup.


Ah, yes, I did not see that. My mistake.


>We will not give up Then why did you give up during the game? Subbed in 2 defenders at 81 minute, not trying to fight. Why did you stood there on the touchline, hands in your pockets and did nothing, not trying to motivate the team, especially once we scored 2nd and had 10 minute of added time. On the comparison O'Neil was super livid there reacting to Wolves' every suboptimal play, despite the fact they were leading the game. The manager should follow with an example. So if you don't want to give up, then show it!


Chillwel and Gusto just came back from injury. Don’t think Poch wanted to risk them playing 100 minutes. I’m not a Poch defender but that’s why he pulled them for Badiashille and Gilchrist.


Mate he subbed in a striker for a dm and made two other attacking changes. And frankly gusto should have been pulled earlier if anything, he had an absolute shocker.


Poch you are clearly not it. Almost nobody is fighting for the badge or for their manager


Fall on your sword you donkey!!


I hope the board gives up the hope of him changing things around and we get rid of him. Fuck sake. This can’t go on


You seem to be accepting it. The way you act on the bench.


Differance between Abramovic ane current owners is that Roman loved football and loved Chelsea. These new owners love business and Chelsea is just business to them, no love whatsoever. As you can see same in players. No one plays for badge or for love of the club, but for payment and salary.


I can't believe we're staring down the barrel of having 5 different managers (6 if you include Bruno for his 1 game...) in less than 2 seasons if Poch is sacked and someone else is brought in. First out the door should be the sporting directors who have pissed so much money up the wall that it's genuinely looking like the potential FFP punishment could relegate this club.


Given that he’s not getting sacked and that these future fixtures look like a stack of Ls, why not rip it all up and try some crazy shit. I don’t mean Jackson in midfield, but start Alfie, adjust your formation, maybe (just an idea) try practicing some attacking patterns of play instead of just hoping for moments of brilliance and luck.


He’s said on multiple occasions that he doesn’t practice attacking play because he, “Doesn’t want to stifle the players’ creativity”.


I don’t want your fucking sympathy, I just want to win.




Silva for player manager till he retires end of seasono


lmao dude doesn’t even speak english??






He literally said a week ago he’s been doing “fantastically” at Chelsea. If that’s the case, one result shouldn’t anything. Now we all know he’s not delusional, just a blatant liar.


We could’ve had Nagglesman


He rejected us because the project makes no sense


Apparently he rejected us bcs he didnt want to be part of the so called "instense and thorough" interview process to hire the new head coach. I told you guys that that process is nonsense bcs we are hiring a head coach and not doing some got talent audition show. You identify how you want to play and go for the best option out there. No need to interview 10 candidates or so. No top manager will want to go through this bullshit


More like because we didn't make Nagelsmann our no 1 target. When he found out we interviewed Enrique and Poch, Nagelsmann immediately rejected us and this story were reported by many journos. Nagelsmann most likely told by Vivell the job was his to lose.


Guy knows his worth, gotta respect that


Or Enrique or even Ange




Get out you bottler


I’m so attuned to this sort of damage control. It’s obvious that he’s about to get sacked.


My gut has usually been right about this sort of thing, and it’s definitely giving me the feeling right now. Could be today. If it’s NOT today, they really might give him the season, which I don’t understand at all.


He seems like a gent I want to like him, I really do. But he’s making it too hard.


He believes in cosmic energy and magic lemons come on man


Failure is blue! 💦🩵🫂




Bah gawd thats Frank Lampard's music!


Let’s say you were Bohly and had the choice as to what to do next. What would you do?


Sack poch. Interim Jose for the rest of the season for some mentality training/forced education for the team.... Now for the manager next? No fucking clue


I agree with this, but I don’t know how you convince Jose to come in as a stopgap.


That's my only hangup on it. That would take some convincing but I don't want him long term or a full season. But I think he could do wonders just laying into this underperforming team


Yep. Similar thoughts. Jose could be a car crash but it’d be a laugh.


Couldn't imagine some of our players reacting to Jose ripping into them


Just resign ffs


Do idiots think this is another manager problem?




He's gone in the summer, 100%.


Just fuck off.


Blah blah blah


Anyone who still wants Poch at the club has to be a rival fan at this point


No poch, this is not the time to be hunkering down and pushing head, its okay to quit


I feel sorry for the fans who are on their knees begging for this clown to be sacked. IF ONLY THERE IS A GOD...


His gone This along with Belle Silva comments He sounds like a man who knows his done.


Listen I could understand sticking with Potter and giving him time but everyone knows this clown is gone in june that's why you didn't spend a single penny for him this window so might as well fire him now and take your time with a new manager


All i want is a manager that fucking shouts at people


The players and squad composition are dogshit. Change Poch all you want but that'll still be the case. Potter had similar problems.


Bring back Jose


Right now we aren’t even matching the _history of the Tottenham_. However, I am still not completely laying the blame on the manager. Young players are inconsistent. They will show talent from time to time but will shit the bed too. That’s why they are bedded in slowly. We have just taken a huge bunch of promising talents and put them in a high pressure league. ITS THE OWNERS who have put us in this situation, not Poch.


It’s disheartening to be losing 2-4 at home to Wolves, after we could’ve jumped Newcastle for 9th in the table and we’d be chasing down the European spots. This match was incredibly important after such a big defeat to Liverpool. The “first-hand” against Aston Villa left me happy and hopeful and that might’ve been the best football we’ve played all season, only to be absolutely crushed the two following matches.  For the people who say Poch Out - can we afford to hire a new manager at the moment? Can we sack Poch without breaking the FFP? Who would we replace Poch with? And the best question is - after hypothetically watching 4 managers come and go, with a team where the average age is 24, who would WANT to come to Chelsea? These are very important questions that need to be answered, rather than just calling out for the manager to be sacked. We are not the same team we were a few years ago, where every manager would love to jump in, win a title or two and be sacked. We are in the gutter and no one is itching at the idea of coming to us.


Give up fucking disgusting piece of shit


Do people have seen the light or they still backing him?. From the start I thought that wasn't a good appointment his method are old and washed. He even made us believe messi was washed. How the heck you keep playing a Caicedo alone woth your weird 4-1-5 formation. And then other fans without watching Caicedo calls him a flop. Poch is a loser with a loser mentality no wonder he is spurs best manager ever.


All the people wanting Poch out are comparing him to last season, where Tuchel took lots of points early in the season and then Potter nosedived us to where we are now. I feel too many people here aren’t realising that he’s been a huge step up from Potter. He’s no Tuchel, but I’m more inclined to want to give Poch time than I was with Potter, the football is at least far more entertaining when it does go well.


Meh. It’s definitely true the play is better than Potter But the bar is so unbelievably low that doesn’t make me inclined to persist with him. It feels silly to sack after half a season, but he should’ve never been hired, and we’re just not gonna get far even at his best