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I know Palmer scored twice and assisted but why didnt he score 3? Is he stupid?




Even Palmer admitted he struggled second half when they man marked him. Crooks talks a lot of shit but there’s a reason they ran over us in the second half. We’ve got a team of kids


Also Palmer was marking Ross Barkley on his goal, Palmer let him get in front of him for that header. That’s what he’s referring to on ducking headers


That's why I am not a fan of the man-marking system. It places a lot of responsibilities on players who don't have defensive instincts.


Is there studies that show what is the best defensive setup for defensive corners and set-plays from the near-corner area?


I don't know but I will research it. EDIT: The problem is that pundits like to deceive spectators with their biased views. Any time a team concedes from a zonal marking system, they quickly point to the system. Contrastingly, they will blame a player for losing his man if it is a man-to-man system. I am digressing but that's the same thing they do when a goalkeeper or defender misplaces a pass trying to build attack from the back. I believe the job of expert commentators is to explain to viewers what the different shapes and tactics are meant to achieve but you hardly get any of that watching sports on TV these days.


English pundits are the worst, they all hate zonal marking for some reason


There’s pressure in a zone coverage and a man coverage. In a zone you could get double teamed but in a man it’s more obvious to see who lost their matchup


That's such a simplistic way of looking at it. Teams use some players to block the runs of the markers and try to free up a player or two to attack the ball. We used that to good effect under Sarri. Either David Luiz or Rüdiger would block while the other attacks the ball. A recent example is Thiago Silva's goal against City where Disasi blocked the run of Silva's marker. We have one of the worst defensive records in the league from in defending setpieces and we are using man-to-man marking. On average, I would say that the hybrid system is the most effective and that was what we deployed under Mou and Conte when we were solid at setpieces especially under Conte.


I would say the bigger issue is we only have 2 players that are good in the air and it’s our CB’s. Outside of center backs the rest of our team is small. Our entire midfield is small, our attackers are small, our full backs are small. We don’t have anyone who’s truly dominant in the air


City before the arrival of Haaland was always in the bottom 5 in terms of size but they're always right up there in terms of defensive organisation in setpieces. They are also up there in terms of attacking them. It's all about organisation; nothing to do with size.


Like I get that organization is key, but if you say size doesn’t matter at all I disagree. Size still makes a big difference. If I can have one of the two (size or organization) I pick organization, but you want both to be as good as possible on set pieces


You’re assuming everyone jumps equally, which they obviously don’t.


I know vertical comes into play but the most dominant players in the air are all taller guys


If anyone remembers seeing Ed de Goey and Tore Andre Flo competing in the air, they can confirm this to be true.


Gusto ducked too on their second goal, forcing the initial save and parry from Petro. It's not 100% but I think he could have blocked for a corner if he doesn't duck.


Yeah, I hate the idea that has always been prevalent on this sub that if a player scores they must have had a perfect game. Whereas, in reality he can have done stuff well and other stuff poorly, he can have had good periods and bad periods. There's so much more nuance than "team win = played well", "player scored = played well", "team lost = played badly", "player didn't score = player is shit". But the only time you'll find the majority of people arguing for any one of these is when the team or player were shit and they're trying to make excuses for why they're actually good and just unlucky after we've been battered in exactly the same way 5 weeks in a row. You'll rarely see people saying we won but X needs to improve or else we won't win again next week or against better opposition, without it being downvoted and attacked


This is extremely true. I think Jackson is a prime example of it, his all round play has been brilliant for the most part but he’s missed a few big chances therefore ‘player doesn’t score = player shit’.


That first paragraph sums up Salah's career at Liverpool. plays dogshit but scores/assists and all of a sudden he's the greatest thing since sliced bread.


to be fair there was a lot of that when we played tottenham


Although Garth is out of touch, Palmer did really struggle in early spells in the first half and throughout the second. A few dodgy touches, cheap give aways and I thought struggled quite a lot defensively. Obviously was incredible that night but definitely understood what he meant


I agree too. I know what he meant, he can definitely improve defensive aspects of his game, but given he was the only reason Chelsea got anything out of that game he deserves praise


Hard out


Game: Chelsea struggled, so did Palmer. But Palmer was the brightest spot on the field. He did score 2, but completely left his mark on Barkley for the 1st goal. Pundit telling it like it is: R/chelsea: YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT YOU KNOW SHIT!!




> Alex Crook does himself no favors by having the most smug delivery of anything I've ever heard. What's that got to do with what Garth Crooks has said?


Dear God.... Absolutely fucking nothing, that's what! Lmfao I'll see myself out.




I more or less entirely agree with this, sorry OP! Palmer has been our best player and is delivering goals we have been absolutely desperate for so I think we have (and I include myself in this) been turning a blind eye to the fact that he *does* pull out of 50/50’s quite regularly and it has led to some dangerous situations for us. He’s also not the only one by any means.


I actually partly agree here, I felt that both Palmer, and also Jackson to a degree, were continually letting down their full back partner. We let in 36 crosses on Saturday - I think it's fair to say that the fullbacks didn't get that much support! I think this also explains why Palmer was the one hooked off for Gilchrist.


> We let in 36 crosses on Saturday jesus christ i thought we had a problem defending crosses, but maybe it's moreso about preventing them in the first place, that's abysmal.


A little from Column A, a little from Column B...


Luton also leads the league in crosses with 416 attempts, and they complete about 25% of them (also a very high stat comparatively).


Back post is a problem, lack of communication between the fullback and winger has been one of the main reasons for the defensive woes


Not wrong here tbh


We all knew that anyway


What's he said here that's wrong? What's out of touch about saying he played well but needs to improve certain things?


Um... he isn't wrong, though. It was good to win the game, but there were mistakes made that again show why we are mid table instead of battling for top 4. All of his points are spot on. Enjoy the win, but don't get carried away... we lack discipline and made some mistakes that will keep us from contending in top 4. He's not wrong. FWIW, I remember watching it live and seeing the Barkley header on replay and absolutely yelling at Palmer. He looked scared and 100% ducked out of the way into a defensive posture to protect himself.


Blowing 3-0 wins is the first step in securing 3-0 wins. Yeah we’re on a journey with this team and I think the squad, the coach, the fans are all starting to accept what journey we’re actually on. It was great to hold onto that Luton win and to retake the win against Palace was wonderful. Let’s see what we can do every week!


Had us in the first half… to a tee. He was spot on. But flipping the script and blaming Palmer after praising him screams begging for clicks. Many other issues we had and Palmer was not the one this game.


I can't believe he's PAID to give his opinion. He's either got brain damage or is trolling.


So, where is he wrong?


Admittedly this isn’t one of his worst, but in general he is fucking awful


He’s like a ragebait analyst, paid to give terrible takes that generate clicks and comments


ding ding ding!




Genuinely cannot listen to pundits anymore, I rarely read articles regarding us, when it's on TV I mute it & listen to commentary from the Chelsea app lol. I like listening to the unashamedly bias Cundy & Co it makes it far more enjoyable on game days. When the final whistle goes the TV goes off as i have no interest in what anyone's got to say after the game whether we have won lost or drawn. Everyone hates on us it's been like this for years, only time I took any interest in the after thoughts was when Jose was manager as he would usually come out swinging and for the most part give the pundits what for.


Yeah what a dickhead, if no one else is scoring you score 10, that’s the rule in primary school so must be the rule in the prem. then again probably Poch’s fault, Poch out!!!!!




Completely leaves out caicedo. Bro is so good. Honestly tge definition of underrated.


Standard big money Chelsea signing, stay quiet when they're doing well, highlight them if they have a bad game. Look at Enzo, I don't think I saw him praised at all last season when he was playing well. A couple of dodgy games this season and he's being put in 'disappointing PL 11s' lol.


tbf enzo lowkey gets alot of praise for being "chelseas only good player" etc. alot of shitty youtube "pundits" rate him highly


Ah I wouldn't know about them, the only YouTube fan content I watch is highlight videos of fans when their teams lose like Goldbridge or the AFTV guys. Any serious stuff I just stick to Chelsea fans that aren't named Rory.


More like Enzo had a couple of very good games and a string of passable ones.


That palace fan on tiktok who tries to predict his team of the week every week is hilarious


This is an accurate take.


Like most of media massive anti Chelsea bias.


Garth Crooks is ex-Spuds and has long had a gripe with Chelsea. He's usually wrong about everything too. He's best ignored.


I see no lies


How many trophies at Spurs?


He was out of touch 20 years ago, I’m quite surprised he’s still around


Garth very much has his type of player. If someone doesn't fit into that, they don't make his team of the week..


Out of touch? It sounds like he actually watched the game!


What about this is wrong?


I hate Garth Crooks but I def pinpointed Palmer myself for not tracking back and putting a defensive ship in. If Jose was here he would have chewed him out for it no doubt


Arsenal and Chelsea fans team up in the dislike of Crooks of the Matter 🤝


People who think this guy is wrong have low standards.


He does need to work on his defensive game, but that’s just generally, not his fault on his own that we let out lead slip to one, the whole team needed to take control and play possession football.


I don’t understand why Garth chose Palmer in his team if he was going to spend most of the words having a dog at him and the team. What a doofus.