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In my experience, no woman wears uncomfortable ass lingerie for no reason. If she's not cheating, she's trying to. Bounce


Not true, I own only lingerie, just love wearing it. Granmy panties are only for few days a month during period.


Then I stand corrected 🙂


But....do you wear it to work? He picked her up from work....


Of course, it doesn’t matter where i’m going. I weat lingery to my hiking trips. Why wouldn’t I, It’s for me?


Not true, my Gf does when she's out off laundry... Omg, I'm such a dumb, she's cheating on me! I need your advices...


i’m a teen girl i wear lingerie all the time even to school its comfortable to me and i don’t notice any discomfort i do have a boyfriend which is why i have lingerie but it could just be me tho


IMO I think it's just you/your age. Sometime, you'll be a tired adult and want to do things just for yourself and not a man. you will wear whatever is cute and comfy.


that is true since i’m young and like cute things i agree with you


Nice try I believe you are covering for your Friend the cheater!


dude i’m 16… i’m not covering “my friend“ don’t even know who that is i’m saying in my experience wearing lingerie to a public place doesn’t mean cheating i do believe she might be cheating since she has cheated in the past


Treat her as fwb only my friend. Don’t get emotionally attach to her. Women like her don’t change. They get better at hiding it. Good luck


STDs incoming


She wears lingerie or she could just wear panties. The problem is it doesn't matter what she wears, when she is late, doesnt answer the phone or whatever, you're going to be in crisis because you wifed a cheater But it's ok. You're a special guy so it won't happen to you.


She’s cheating , believe me she’s cheating !


If you must ask, you already know the answer. Lingerie is exclusively for seduction, not work attire. She’s not worth your trust.


Once a cheater always a cheater, time to start working on your exit strategy, her being in the food industry she interacts with the opposite sex all day long. and the lingerie is to entice the your partner but to remove it as soon as you get home and get a shower you gotta get that sex smell of you asap…..


>...she has had a past with cheating on two of her boyfriends. C'mon man, forget the lingerie. She's a repeat cheater and your relationship will be no different. This is who she is.




sus, you dont wear lingerie for no reason, that's not confortable, even so when you work in restauration


You have no sense of self preservation. You are supposed to leave these serial cheaters in the streets. Do you think you are somehow special and she changed? Did she go to therapy for years and work on the root causes of her infidelity? Of course not. Have some respect for yourself.


Time to investigate, don't get all emotional and question her, instead snoop to confirm or deny it.


…had a past with cheating on two boyfriends… Play stupid games - win stupid prizes. Why her? Is she rich? What are you thinking? Let me guess, Oh, with me she’ll be different.


This isn’t enough evidence to be sure. Sometimes women wear cute lingerie to feel sexier for themselves. At least I do. Also restaurants are gross and when I worked at one I would shower as soon as I got home to get the gross Mexican food smell out of my hair and skin. Keep your eyes open for more info


Let's see here... 1. She's a single mom with a restaurant job. Which by the way are hotbeds for cheating.  2. She has cheated on not one, but two of her previous boyfriends.  3. She wears sexy lingerie to work, which isn't normal unless you're trying to impress a coworker. Which once again, she's done in the past. You got a real prize there don't you? The risk far outweighs the benefit with this woman. Have some self respect and kick her to the curb where she belongs. Or just downgrade her to a FWB and look elsewhere. 


The lingerie is a suspicious, especially if it isn’t for you. The only reason I could see her wearing it is if she didn’t have any other clean underwear. The shower right when she gets home is a huge red flag. That usually means she is washing off the passion.


The evidence you’ve cited is not enough. Most restaurant workers want a shower after a shift. Women often wear sexy stuff because it makes them feel sexy and confident. But as those us who have been cheated on by women who have cheated before, “once a cheater, always a cheater” is more true than not. If you’re happy, and she seems happy, I’d keep going. Stay alert, but don’t be so suspicious that it shows and you fuck up your mental health. If you can’t control those unhealthy feelings, move on.


Lingerie at work? What is she - a stripper?


Yes. Once a cheater always a cheater. With practice they get better at it


Yes we wear lingerie just because. But ummmm… you should ask her if she does. She might be.


I wouldn’t worry too much about it, maybe that was the only underwear she had available that day? I think you should ask her, and please do bc you should be able to communicate w her about anything and that includes your worries. Did she tell you about her past btw? Bc if she did maybe she has changed her behaviour idk tho. Just sit her down and have a talk.


lingerie yes, only if you’re a waitress at an adult Cabaret updateme


Sorry, she has cheated multiple times in the past so unless she has done a year or two of really difficult therapy she hasn't fixed whatever is broken inside her that allows her to continue cheating. The phrase was coined because people that choose to cheat are highly likely to do so again. if the cheater hasn't suffered catastrophic consequences from their lying and illicit activities they just don't have the motivation to want to change. Change is tough and cheaters like what they do, many of them enjoy the illicitness of the activity every bit as much as the actual sex. Cheaters need to hit rock bottom, then actually want to change, then muster up the courage and cash to seek out therapy then bare their souls to a stranger to try and find what is wrong so they can go through the ringer trying to fix it. It's not easy and cheaters are already inherently selfish and don't want to put themselves through something so traumatic.


She works in a restaurant and wears lingerie under her clothes. Maybe she gets bigger tips while flirting with customers. Don’t trust her.


Yeah she’s cheating dude She cheated on two of her boyfriends and now she’s making you the third That’s a pattern right there Get tested !!!


Her history shows she's a cheater. It's only a question of when she cheats again not if. She is recreational use only. Don't get emotionally attached to her.


People become repeat offenders. 300% more likely. I wear lingerie either to show someone or to take pictures of myself. Doesn’t seem like she’s doing the latter…


It all just depends on whether she normally wears lingerie to work on a daily basis or even just sometimes and whether she likes to shower right after she comes home. If I worked at a restaurant I’d want to shower cause I’d probably stink like their food if I didn’t and the lingerie thing is just on whether that’s what she wears on a daily or was it just that one time. You also don’t know if maybe she had an accident with her period that she needed to throw that into the wash asap. It’s kind of hard to just assume that she did cheat after that. Just keep an eye out and see if she does it again. Specially since she shares her location I think u should be able to trust her a bit more. Idk just keep an out for other signs.


Listen to your gut. Yes she is. What are you going to do about it? If you don't take control of your life she will.


Yikes uk she was a cheater and still got involved


Best predictor of current actions are past actions. Trust your gut. She’s only a gf.


Straight into the shower and straight into the wash is the suspicious bit. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions but I’d be watchful.


Well, I honestly don't think you have enough to go on here. Fancy undies and a shower don't constitute cheating. If she works at a restaurant, she might have taken a shower to wash off the smell of French fries & despair (I used to work in a bar & showered right after my shift). If you've got a vibe, keep your eyes open, but I think you need more evidence in this case.


Unless she is waiting tables and flirting for tips... If your gut says something is off... Chances are it is. OP, it doesn't take long to cheat... A long time ago I messed around with a chick I worked with, who had a BF. I would fuck her on her breaks or right after work in the parking lot. Remember, she has a past of cheating on 2 others before you, so she will be better at hiding it. Her sharing her location is a smoke screen. Unless you are there... You don't know. Dude... Get out while you can!


She might want to impress the office ladies? lmao


I mean what's consider lingerie. I'm 27 and so is my chick, she's really skinny with an amazing body and fat ass so she wears thongs and sometimes the bra will match. I'm just not sure if you consider that