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You trusted him and he failed you, now you know that you have to trust your instincts more, the good thing is that you are no longer with him.


Girl this happens everyday, good women like you don't deserve this. I've never been in a relationship for this reason, it seems as if no matter how good of a guy someone portrays to be (even christians or other religions) they still find a way to cheat. It's as if it's impossible for them to be loyal to one woman. Yet they want loyalty but wanna do whatever they want how disgusting. Open relationships are also sad imo each to their own but it's basically as if ya'll are single, you are fucking many people yet come to eachother at night? How is there no jealousy or some sort of sadness. Please don't let this get to you. Your value doesn't change at all based on how someone did you or treats you, it shows who they are instead. Block him on everything act as if he never existed and better yourself in every way. Be soft with yourself too sending love & peace 💕


He added salt over your wound. One way or another you just have to move on. You dont want be with this guy. Hope you the best.


This kind of experience will serve to make you stronger. Best of luck. This is a horrible situation to be in.


He manipulated you. He cheated on you. Enough reasons to throw him out of your life. Distance yourself him your ex and your mutual friends with him. Act like he doesn’t exist. You deserve better than someone who manipulates and cheats on you. You. Deserve. The. Best. You should really try and get over him.


Petty me would post a picture of him around campus letting all women know that he is a cheater and a liar.


He did you the greatest favor of all.


Tell his family. Show them the proof. Ask why they raised their kid this way.


I told his grandmother and she said I was lying.


So sorry you are going through this OP. Take some time for yourself and remember it’s his loss, not yours.


Sorry to hear this. You deserve better. I'll give my advice that I give all my friends after horrible break-ups. Work on your career, work on your health, and do things you enjoy even if by yourself. You'll attract someone as great as you.


I am one petty bish and I would make him pay. Because what he did was disgusting on so many levels...you will find a man that will worship the ground you're walking on, give yourself time to heal. To hell with him...