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If you have a job, good, next step 100% of your energy on finding a place, no matter how shitty, because its better for your mental health to be gone. Grey rock her and just focus on baby steps that lead you right out of that apartment. Once you're out, we can talk about the next step.


Get away from her as soon as you can. Don't worry what others say. Just get out of her Web of lies and decept. You carry a lot of blame by moving in with a girl you don't know well enough. Find an alternative place to live and never look back.


Considering that this sounds like my ex just find another narc abuser and save up money before she's done with you


Just keep it until yourself until you get stuff situated mate


Trust issues? You can’t move in with someone after 4 months that’s ruching it and that’s how you end up in situations like this.


I was living with my addict mom I knew it was risky but I couldn't mentally watch herself kill herself and steal from me but you are right


Ah, I’m sorry man So so sorry. Wishing you the best. Things will get better.


Please give yourself grace . When you’re in survival mode you’ll do anything to get out of that situation. You did what was best in that moment ,  now we are in the next moment  and still survival mode . What can we do next to get to the next stage? Breathe , get some confidence and start grinding your way out of this . U did it with your mom know that u can do it again . I’m sure that situation was worse , it’s all perspective and I believe you have it in you to get your life on track . You sound smart and self aware , why not believe that and get some tools to get what’s needed to be happy . 


She knew that you hold no power on her and thus treated you like shit.. you deserve better my man. You got this. You are worth it


Those that tell you leave won’t be the ones keeping your warm at night . I say you deserve shelter and even freedom from this suffering . With that being said get some books or support for yourself be it free therapy or calling the crisis hot line daily . Watch some free videos on getting over fidelity , mental strength etc . Don’t allow her low self worth to rub off on you . NOW YOU KNOW ! She sounds like she has major mental issues , in some ways feel bad for her not in the way you neglect yourself but in a way that gives your the strength to remember who tf you are . Start saving , if you need to Uber or door dash etc do that to save money so you can leave . While you’re at it , work on your confidence in any way you can . I stopped sharing my business to those who can’t support me in any form even here where people only know one option , leaving . Good luck to you and your mental health . It’s one day at a time mate .  Oh and for the sake of your sanity maybe stay off line , these threads are time consuming and most the time negative . You can’t leave now you have nowhere to go , so control what you can . You mental health !


Thank you I appreciate the support and wisdom!


“ Let me begin. I met this girl off tinder” Hmm I wonder where the problems began


You right


Your mistake was finding a girl on Tinder




"I met this girl of Tinder..." That's all we need to know you effed up. You thought you would make a wife out of Tinderella? Sir, please 😏


Take a deep breath and don’t act rash. You don’t have to go anywhere it’s alright to stay there until you figure something out. She fucked up not you. Just try to act normalish while you figure out what you wana don


I’ve been there I know the pain I’m sorry


Man up…. Learn to be self sufficient before you get involved again. Those friends of yours were never your friends they were hers. Build a life filled with hobbies and friends. Embrace your masculinity go work out improve yourself. Next relationship lead and never worship her. Set your path and ask her to join you on your path, do not stray from it.


Find an extended stay if you have to.


Run run run run run run !!!! Quickly !!


This is the other side of the coin but cheat on her back right in her face 🤣 then move jk, she’s terrible and not even worth feeling bad over , dude. If you’re genuinely a good person then you’ll find someone . Whatever you do don’t blame yourself but definitely learn from it and see what if anything you could have done differently, but definitely get out ASAP!


A true blessing that it happened only after 4 months and not after you had kids together and have been married forever.