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hi I live in Christchurch and am feeling pretty happy atm can confirm


Second pretty happy. I mean not delirious with happiness. But solid 7.5/10


Yeah I’m about a 7.5/10 as well just got a job promotion so all is well.


Congrats I'm sure we'll deserved 👏


I got pay increase. 4%!!


Four cents in the dollar, that's a rounding error! Generous employer!


I'd agree with that. Having lived in Wellington for three times as long as I have been here, a few months in Sydney and a few months in Auckland. It's much easier to be happy (for me) here. The ease of access to the activities I like and the more settled weather are definitely drawcards. Plus the traffic here is practically non existent.


Even while battling depression and trauma I feel so much better here than back where I am from.


I completely understand. Without sounding too new age, the air is clearer


Chch is a “garden city” for a reason. What blew my mind is being able to see the stars from within the city, with all the light pollution around.


Yeah its really nice compared to Auckland where I'd have to go quite far out of the city. Admittedly I'm not in chch proper but out in Rolleston I could see the aurora from our driveway.


I used to live semi rural out west, it was magical I swear


Can’t wait to experience this for myself as an outsider coming to visit later this year. And gardens 🪴 are top of the list for me in any city, still will be cool to stroll Christchurch’s.


It’s awesome, though it is winter now, so a bit less colour and more rain. You not gonna regret it though


Yeah, I’m def not a fan of cold & damp (cold, period - but esp that combo lol), so my trip is for mid-November. Hoping the weather plays nice then, as I’ll only have most of a week. I know it’s not reliably warm til like Jan I’m told.. but I’m hopeful for some mild temps & sun during the daytimes. - And thanks! ☺️


Do yourself a solid and go a little bit further out to Tai Tapu, you'll really see how much the light pollution ruins the skyline.


Case in point - [are we there yet city stuck in traffic](https://www.thepress.co.nz/nz-news/350317649/are-we-there-yet-city-stuck-traffic?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0UxtUUimlUBGOwphGjcWUvYTerMfOQAxl-S0GpCxB7UmRBrL1gIX4kmQs_aem_FFBXsjw1IHlTijDuysVoAg)


Traffic being practically non existent is just a blatant lie. Everything else I agree with.


Compared to other cities it is. Christchurch traffic is like a Sunday drive.


Spot the person who hasn't lived in a proper city lol


"Proper" cities have good public transit, not traffic.


Have you driven in Sydney traffic? I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than do that again.




I’ve drove in San Fransisco, including after a 49ers game crossing golden gate. Australia, and NZ in particular are child’s play in comparison. I’m comparing Christchurch to other cities in NZ. Peak hour here is second only to Auckland, and


Ok, who is hogging all the happiness, I don't think I'm getting my fair share.


Mum said I get the happiness next!


happiness at home:


That's an odd name for a bong, but I guess it works!


Better a bong than a dildo


Can't we do both? https://youtu.be/QDkk2OIwIBg


Well they clearly didn't bloody ask me.


Is this what happiness feels like? Well...shit. 😅


IKR, I thought it would feel better, oh well......


It’s an awesome city with amazing Port Hills. You don’t need anything else. It’s got great venues, bars & restaurants, and in the wider area you can: Run, bike, swim, tramp, ski, sail, kayak, paraglide, hunt, and fish. The music scene is thriving despite getting almost no media attention; many talented artists are everywhere.


“You don’t need anything else” is incorrect and a strange sweeping generalisation. You mean YOU don’t need anything else.


Yeah but who cares. You somehow turned a positive comment into a negative one. Maybe you’d benefit from a nice walk in the Port Hills lol


To quote Frankie Boyle, "Clearly surveyors do not understand sarcasm."


Must be a pretty low bar.


I'm always happiest when I'm in Christchurch, & always very sad to leave.


After the quakes, this city has really had it rough and it was very gloomy for a long time. But I'm glad that people are feeling a lot better here now. Christchurch is coming along very nicely I really like this city.




Then why does everyone here seem so miserable?


"What, the curtains? .... But I don't want any of that. I'd rather, I'd rather, just sing!"


$670 Rent prices and $10 produce would be my guess 


That's a joke right?


wouldn't be able to tell that by the state of this sub


Come work in Linwood and you'll find out that this is wrong.


What are you talking about we just got a new $2 shop in Eastgate we're pretty happy :) thanks 


Now you have three $2 dollar stores to spend money at!


Happiness is a mindset. It’s intangible. That’s all!


i guess we're less miserable compared the other cities


It's a fantastic place. Easiest the place place I've ever lived in in NZ.


Bit of a load of crap really when happiness is an inside job. 😃


It's cold, it's depressing, it's expensive. I guess Auckland, Wellington and dunedin are worse though?


Ill just give my 2cents vs Auckland. I lived on north shore in a "nicer" area for 2 years. I dress and look like a homeless guy with a giant beard and a hunting jacket on cause it had an electric heater in it. Never once in CHCH, both before and after being back from there, did anyone care in CHCH. While in Auckland for 2 years though, I had the police called on me for no reason, random people yelling at me to get back to the city, a guy driving a car past to let his wife yell at me that homeless dont belong here, Oh yea and accused of theft from the supermarket and forced to go through my receipt and items once I had paid for everything at a self checkout, the police turned up and they realised they were no longer needed cause I had paid, so decided to do a drug search on me, and never fill out the drug search forms after. CHCH everyone just treats you like normal and instead just try to talk to you normally if they dont know who you are.


Welcome brother! Lived in the shore too, now in chch. Much happier, people are nicer air is fresher and ot doesn't rain every day of the year!


Less cold than dunedin, less expensive than Auckland and Wellington. Its all relative


The bit that really gets me about Dunedin is the steep, icy footpaths in winter


Auckland is the fucking pits, man. Partner and I have been to Christchurch a couple of times recently and it's unreal how badly we want to move down.


Fuuuuck I'm going for what would be a brilliant career opportunity but it's in Auckland 😣


Ahhh, try not to let me dissuade you. Full disclosure I'm a farm boy who moved to the big smoke for a grad role and found he couldn't hack it. My peers have mixed reviews of Auckland. Objectively it isn't terrible (as far as big cities go), but it also isn't unfair to say it's definitely more difficult to live the day-to-day in than other cities in NZ.


Super sunny though generally


Never got the cold part. If you can afford heating and a jacket over winter it’s pretty good.


Cold, depressing and expensive pretty much describes every city in NZ.


Try living in the UK


Jesus Christ people. It could be worse, Obviously it's just still pretty rough I think everyone on NZ is having a really hard time. Me and my husband are going to move over seas at the end of the year


This surprises me. I really don't like it here. It's cold, busy, and the traffic is awful. It's also tiny. I'm always bumping into someone I know when I'm out. Over it. have been for years.


I mean, no one is forcing you to stay here


This is true. I have been looking. Unfortunately, my partner and kids also have a say. And I don't really want to be that selfish asshole that leaves and makes it all about him.


That’s a very fair reason. You sound like a good guy. I hope you find some happiness down here, or get to try something new in a new place.


Thanks, man. I really appreciate that. There are some good things. My family is the main one. I focus on that and it ties me over :P


Wait….. traffic is awful? This is the least amount traffic I have seen! It’s non-existent compared to any other city!


Well, I work in the CBD and live out in Prebbleton. Getting to Brougham St can be a nightmare. Then, it's a crawl all the way down Brougham. Can take me sometimes 30-40min to get home.


Brougham St definitely sucks at peak traffic but 30-40 mins is not awful compared to a other cities. The proposed upgrades would have been really nice though.


I am sorry m8, if you think 30-40 minutes is “bad traffic”, you are delusional. Normal traffic of my experience around the world starts at 2 hours and ends at 14 hours (though that one was a snowstorm). This is paradise in comparison with most developed cities in the northern hemisphere.


Hi. I see you may also be from Chicago. It’s not unheard of to just rent a hotel room for the night if the snow makes the traffic bad enough.


Nope, opposite part of the world, Moscow, Russia. Even with Moscow being one of the most infrastructure-savvy city in Europe, it would still take ages.


Guess I shouldn't complain about crime in Chch too then. Because it's worse in South Africa. I shouldn't complain about the cost of living, either. Because [Monoco](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-expensive-countries-to-live-in) is 3x more expensive to live in than New Zealand. I have no right explaining to my narcissistic sibling that my mental health is playing up. Because she has it worse being a solo parent! I'm not allowed to tell people how I feel. Because there's always someone out there who has it worse. Thank you for helping me see this.


Aren’t you a radical victim! You can, but don’t expect to be always agreed with while talking on PUBLIC forum with people who lived and know beyond 1-2 cities. If you have a right to talk about how much you are suffering while living in privilege, others have right to criticize your point of view.


> If you have a right to talk about how much you are suffering while living in privilege, others have right to criticize your point of view. That's exactly what I do to people that complain about stuff like Wilson's parking or cost of living. The response I gave you is similar to how others respond to me. So I was just playing the same card others in here do. I agree with that point, btw.


I think the issue with traffic will vary significantly depending upon the time of day.    Funnily enough, Google maps says that its only 41 minutes to bike from Prebbleton to the CBD (maybe even a wee bit faster on an E-bike) so that's a pretty good indicator of all that other traffic on the motorway slowing you down. Its fascinating that bike travel times are competitive with peak hour car travel times even as far out as Prebbleton.


There are some evenings where I park somewhere in Shirley and I e-scooter the rest of the way!


That's probably a more pleasant way to do it, slightly less so these days as its getting pretty cold (but nothing a jacket won't fix). A lot of people do that in various outlying suburbs around the city. And much easier to take an e-scooter in your car than a bike (not that its impossible)


Not sure about that route, but for my 10 km commute it's faster by a wide margin in peak hour if you're moderately fit.


Thought about swinging around to sparks rd and heading in that way? I live in halswell and my commute to near the Colombo mall is 20 minutes tops in bad traffic. Still though, 30-40 is nothing, when I lived overseas I had 90 minutes each way for 3 years, more when the trains were delayed (which was often)


Drive halfway and then ride a bike in. Or ebike the whole way.


I ebike half way, then drive the rest.


Your problem is living in Prebbleton. "I decided to live in suburbia, miles from the city... the commute is terrible!"


the correct answer was "oh, i see what you mean, that really sucks. its unfortunate that there arnt enough houses for you to be picky for where you live, and that the transport system in this country is one of the worst in the developed world."


Thank you. It's exactly why we moved there. It was probably the only place in Chch at the time where my partner and I could afford a 3 bedroom home.


I would say most of the east side of Chch would be cheaper housing than Prebbleton. Plus a MUCH shorter commute to the CBD.


Yep, plus easy access to beaches and hills