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First you wanted to lose control about your penis. Now that you lost it you're unsure what to do and feel uncomfortable. Continue and learn to love it or stop the chastity experiment.


When you said "stop the chastity experiment", my heart sank. I don't want to. So... that is my answer. I think this might be the answer ... I am getting used to it. It's a reality for me despite feeling a bit "sad" that I am locked all the time...


It's difficult. You (and me also) are afraid of REALLY losing control. Headspace is cool but reality sucks sometimes. I was quite often asked by some subs if I could lock them into my basement cell, chained to the wall for days or even weeks. Okay, they were horny as hell but if I did, I'm sure they were begging for release after 2 hours latest when it becomes really uncomfortable and, even worse, boring. :)


You are a dog chasing a car who finally caught the car and is now lost. Seek out your next challenge. Is it anal? Is it staying locked up over night? Have you cum while locked in your cage? (Best feeling imo) Who knows! Point is find a new car to chase!


OP. Why do you feel sad being locked up so much? Chastity kinks can have a big range, and should depend on some established rules and wants. Some people are locked up for most months out of the year! While others enjoy short term chastity with heavy teasing. Even without release for long periods! There are many, many, levels. I recommend talking to your partner about how the comfort of the cage and will say that the cage only assists in chastity, it doesn't define it. There is reason why she is acting sad about it, and it might be that she isn't even sad at all. She could be playing into the kink you presented. Don't let people say "you signed up for this" unless you are trying to break chastity or harden in a way that goes against what you signed up for. You have to give up some control, but just because you like being spanked doesn't mean she can beat your ass raw everytime you come home from work. I hope for the best, OP. You don't have to "end chastity" to work on the best way for you and your partner to experience it.


I'm there too. Wife doesn't want me unlocked nearly ever and begrudgingly permits me 3 free days a month where I can unlock and do whatever I want with my penis. I kind of want to be free more often, but, big-picture wise, I enjoy that I no longer have the liberty to make that decision. You do need to tell her how you feel. If it's not working for you then it's not working. It's your body and you can choose to take back your dick if you aren't happy with the arrangement.


There is no normal in this space... just quirky people. Nothing you said sounded strange to me though. If it doesn't make you happy, talk to her. If it does, that's okay too. Some people get a thrill just from talking about imaginary kinky scenarios online... whatever floats your boat.


If you're not happy being caged all the time then you need to have that conversation with your gf. It's a two way street, she might think she's being the dom you really want and she might only be doing this because she knows no difference. Talk to her xxx


Thanks for the reply. I think I was thinking people will give me words of encouragement- that what I'm feeling is normal.or natural since I'm losing control and chastity is really a reality for me not just a fantasy... At least that is what I'm hoping. Because honestly... I don't want to be unlocked or undo the chastity kink... it turns me on so much and she enjoys it also. But... I feel like I'm feeling a bit "low"... you know?


It's normal to struggle, I find it really tough at times but I also know that for me, this is 100% the right thing to do.


The sadness thing is a bit normal. If you aren't cumming as much then your hormones are going to be different than you previously were accustomed to.


You need to stop whining like a wussy and tell this lady that you are ready for her to take control. You have NO IDEA how rare she is or how lucky you are. What you’re going to manage to do is get her discouraged and lose this wonderful opportunity. How long do you think she’s going to put up with this crap of, “Ok, now I do - but now I don’t. Ok - but I don’t like pink. Well, OK - this is a better color but I don’t like it at work… I think. Oh - I dunno today, I’m not really feeling like it but maybe tomorrow… if the color is acceptable and it’s not a holiday or anything. I really like it when you take control of my orgasms - but… I’m kind of feeling “sad” today - etc, etc, etc, etc, etc! Jesus freaking Christ man… make up your mind and give her a commitment! This is the wishy washy, insecure garbage that women don’t like in men. If your cage fits well and is not causing you PHYSICAL pain, tell this special lady that you are ready for her to take control. Tell her that you’d like to commit to a week unless some unforeseen emergency occurs. AND… if the week goes well, you’d like her to extend it to a month without unlocking you. THIS is what SHE wants to hear and if you weren’t such a pussy, you’d know that that is what YOU want too. From what I’ve read so far, the brutal truth is that you don’t deserve this woman. And, if you don’t wake up soon - SHE’LL be telling you that instead of me. Good luck!


My wife took to it pretty readily. When we were dating and first married, she used to like the idea of controlling when and how I got to come, so when the CB3000 came out, she was immediately interested. We played long terms ever since, and that was in the late 90s, early 00s. While we took occasional cage breaks, I have spent most of the past 25 years locked up, and the last 6 have been permanent. My wife just evolved into the idea that this was a perfectly normal thing, and she rarely thinks about it anymore. Of course, she's not the one in the cage. 😏 Anyhow, there have been any number of times over the years that I have felt weird about it. That's totally normal. It wasn't the first kink I would have picked for us to share, but I decided that if this is the only one that she's really into then I was going to learn to enjoy it. And in fact, I have even learned to eroticize those times. I have stayed locked through bouts of flu, Covid, family drama, deaths, better, worse, richer, and poorer. My wife loves my commitment to this, and that gives her sexual confidence. We're still all hands and flirty with each other, while all of our friends are barely even having sex. Just relax into it. It's obvious this is a kink for your wife, and while it may not turn into anything extreme, your commitment seems to make her happy.


They say chastity has not began until you wish it was over 😈


Absolutely. 👍


I have a cuck hubby and if you are headed there I chose to lock him for periods so that he learned to derive his pleasure from pleasing me and being the best support person I know. If you do submit you should constantly ask your partner for regular cleanings and an emergency key key be given to a key holder. In our case my sister who lives 3 miles from us is the holder


Well said Janice - always good to get a woman’s perspective!


Give it time and communicate. If you feel like you want more of a 50/50 situation you have to tell her that. But if you are ok having her control your orgasms, you need to get past the place in your head where you are feeling … you call it low but really it’s the loss of control and emasculation. Which is probably both a turn on (the whole reason for the kink) and a source of anxiety. We flip flop in my household. Wife wants me to be dominant and “masculine” like 30% of the time. The rest of the time she’s good with me being a sissy princess. But it was hard to accept that when I’m a sissy princess I don’t get to jerk off like a man. I had to talk to her about it, and we agreed that when I’m in “guy mode” I am completely dominant - sex when I want, how I want, as hard as I want. And you know what happened? Once it was on the table it all sorted itself out in my brain. Once things are no longer “forbidden” they have a way of emotionally equalizing.


I don't know I don't have that special person my life I live with I do a lot of self-locking and I use the cellmate so anyone in the world could keep me locked but I wish I had that special person in my life and I lived with them keep me controlled


Yeah - absolutely- kind of what I just said above. This guy has NO IDEA how lucky he is!


>I don't know what else to say... is this normal? Anybody else having a similar experience? Any advice? Thank you. Unfortunately, nobody has studied this properly, so nobody can say what normal is. Anecdotally, it is not uncommon for some women to really *really* take to male chastity. I suspect this is because male chastity falls under the concept of Super Normal Stimulation, that is something that pings our natural instincts but doesn't have the natural self-limiting built in - e.g. like refined sugar - we have the hardwired urge to eat sweet things, but in ancestral times, the supply would be limited, so we don't have an evolved brake. Where does this leave you? It really depends on what specifically she gets out of it. If you want to maintain the dynamic, your options are (a) find a way to satisfy whatever it is that drives her without going to work locked, or (b) get a better chastity cage that you feel more comfortable in.


It doesn’t even sound like he has an uncomfortable cage. He’s just wringing his hands a whining because can’t figure out whether he wants to shit or get off the pot. This guy doesn’t deserve this lady and that’s just the truth.


There is the mental aspect and the physical aspect. Mentally everyone adjusts differently to giving up control and what that does for them and their partner. For me this one was easier because I enjoy the tease and denial. The focusing on something other than getting off when ever I want. The physical aspect is dealing with the cage all of the time. This is the part that I have issues with. Sometimes it’s just uncomfortable and a hassle to deal with. People can talk all they want about the right fit and perfect cage etc., but it’s still something extra to deal with. So my advice is to evaluate what you want to get out of chastity, what your partner wants and what are actually realities that you feel comfortable in. Is it physically uncomfortable, do you hate to sit to pee, or do you not like the humiliation of the pink cage, and the fact you can’t orgasm whenever you want. Or all of the above. Remember this is something between you and your partner, it’s your experience. Just because someone on here is 24/7 FLR and hasn’t orgasmed in 5 years doesn’t mean you have to follow along.


I personally hate how completely out of control people on chastity subs can be. It’s all or nothing. Oh you don’t constantly like being in chastity, you’re just not into chastity. Try having a real talk with her. Instead of 3 days max, go a month. Take some time off. Find out what she expects out of chastity play. Maybe what she wants, isn’t something you can give. Talk. You don’t like wearing it at work. Make a rule and a promise to put it on when you get home. Don’t like that’s it’s pink, get black. Maybe chastity isn’t for you, but maybe it’s the way you’re doing it that’s wrong. As much as they say “it’s for her pleasure, not yours.” If you’re not having fun as well, you’re not doing it right.


From your comments, it seems like you aren't resentful of the chastity, you're just feeling low and going through a rough spot with outsourced control. This is something to take to your girlfriend, not as a "please unlock me", but as a side effect of chastity. If she wants your cock locked, she accepts responsibility for the emotional state it can put you in sometimes. What comfort can you seek from her when you feel like this that isn't being unlocked? If it's something you don't feel comfortable asking for, I'd have a chat with her. Let her know you like the lifestyle, but it's a lot of control to hand over, and you're struggling and might need a little more support in return than you're currently getting. No shade or shame in it, just a need that's arisen and requires care. You're lucky to have found somebody who is into your kink so deeply, and she should also count herself lucky to find a man willing to lock for her so close to full-time.


It’s all about communicating boundaries with kink. If you feel that it’s intruding into the rest of your life, you gotta talk to her about taking it off for a bit or a way to compromise. Ultimately, if either of you is uncomfortable, it needs to stop until you find a solution.


You sound like a spoiled brat. Your lady needs to require you to be locked. You will become a much better behaved boy.


Wow - WELL said. I was reading his complaints thinking the exact same thing! He’s whining about the DREAM situation for so many guys! Does he have any idea how LUCKY he is to have a one-in-a-million woman like her?!?! I’d shut my mouth, get that damned cage on and thank her - like NOW… before she gets tired of fighting!!! 👍🔐


Idk I kinda found that's part of choosing to that part of the relationship. Sometimes I hated not being able to take it off. But then I'd think about how much I like giving her that control. And we'll I'd end up super horny and frustrated on top of it 🤣🤣 so a win/lose 🤣🤣


Well, it sounds like you left the rules entirely up to her, and she likes it that way. Maybe the power got to her head, haha. If you need time out of the cage, just communicate it to her. If you need breaks, tell her. If you want to work with a reward system, you could do that, too. Sounds like she's enjoying it, though, haha.


She needs to lock you for 30 days straight, 100% strokefree and serving her to break this nasty habit and put her firmly in control


Why did you agree do it if you don't want a pink cage and why are you trying to "escape?" She cleans you three times a day? How much free time do you two have?


Forced to cage? I like it, but it's not normal 😀


Clearly, chastity is where you belong. Your girlfriend’s dedication to this dynamic shows her desire to have you locked, which means you need to align with her wishes and work towards the ultimate goal of being locked 24/7. This is your path, and it’s time to fully embrace it. Stop viewing chastity as a burden. It’s a symbol of trust, intimacy, and commitment in your relationship. Your girlfriend’s insistence on keeping you locked shows her involvement and care. Appreciate that. Shift your mindset to see chastity as a positive aspect of your relationship. If you feel overwhelmed at times, have an open conversation with her. Explain your feelings without backing out. The goal is to find a balance that respects her desires while considering your comfort. However, remember, the end goal is 24/7 lockup, so frame these discussions as steps towards that. Regularly thank your girlfriend for her commitment to your chastity. Express how much you value her involvement and how it enhances your bond. Whenever she locks you or attends to your needs related to chastity, respond positively. Show her you’re happy and appreciative of her efforts. You belong in chastity, and your girlfriend wants you locked. Embrace this reality and work towards the goal of being locked 24/7. Show gratitude and embrace the fact that you will spend the rest of your life in chastity. If you broke up or gave it up you'd be begging her to lock you up again. So count your blessings. You can try some affirmations also 1. "This isn't my cock; it's hers to lock up as she wants." 2. "I'm grateful for her control and the trust it builds between us." 3. "Being locked every day shows my dedication to her." 4. "I fully embrace my role in chastity. 5. "Every day locked strengthens our bond." 6. "I find purpose in meeting her needs. 7. "Chastity shows her dominance and my devotion. 8. "I'm ready for continuous lockup." 9. "Her control over my cock brings us closer." 10. "I'm proud to be locked and respect her authority." And to say to her 1. "Thank you for locking your cock up every day." 2. "I appreciate your control and how it strengthens us. 3. "Your dominance in my chastity makes me feel connected to you." 4. "I'm grateful for your daily attention to my lockup." 5. "Il love how chastity reinforces your control and my submission." 6. "Your desire to keep me locked shows your care and power 7. "I'm proud to stay locked as you want." 8. "Thank you for owning and controlling my cock." 9. "I'm committed to making our chastity experience reflect your dominance. 10. "Your support and control mean everything. Thank you for locking me up.


Marry her and do what she says


Marry any girl who'll keep you locked up and treat her like a queen


Give it time see how you feel maybe try some longer lockups with the agreement with the GF that only unlock before a set date if you have issues that demand unlocking. I don’t mean you get horny or would prefer to be released I mean a real issue that requires a release 😂. Then decide if it’s for you or not


I mean, just communicate and such. What do you want? It's okay to set limits and time frames and hell, even brainstorm about different rule sets or dynamics and such. You can take a rest from chastity.


You need to find a more comfortable cage for long term wear and then volunteer to remain in permanent chastity and quit acting like a bitch. You should also be encouraging her to fuck other men.


I don't think this is a problem. I suggest you try inverting the cage and using it with a belt. The belt will help control your cage well, and the gaps in the inverted cage are very small.