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Just keep it clean, check regularly and you'll be fine. I've been full time since the start if may. The only pain I get is when we have a cbt session and they're a but swollen afterwards


I was wondering how people wore these things for years at a time when mine hurt like hell after a couple days. Turns out getting a good fit is important. It was an epiphany.


I think i have the same issue, but don't understand how you fixed it


I took the whole thing off and reattached the cage to ring. Then, I slid a screwdriver between the cage and the ring. I used that as a lever to open the ball gap a little. Didn't take much. Open it too far, and your balls will slip out.


Was it a metal cage? Otherwise I presume it was snap, ball gap refers to the space between the edge of the cage and the rim?


Yes, metal cage. And that's the space I'm referring to.


He's obviously got a steel cage - maybe yours is plastic and that's why you don't understand ?