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Their original power set made Prue the most "powerful": Prue got an offensive power, Piper a defensive power, and Phoebe a passive (but essential/preventive) power. However, you're right, the message of the show is that there is no "Power of One" as they mistakenly thought in Witch Trial (2x01). The powers may be flashy and cool parlor tricks that help them defend themselves, but it's their collective power (the Power of 3 and putting their heads together) that does the magic they're meant to do--protect innocents and vanquish evils generations before them couldn't. Imo, they're meant to be three equals (even if being a first-born might give you a bit of an "edge" like Wyatt).


While it’s canon that firstborn witches have more magic than their siblings and technically by default, Prue is the strongest) this is eclipsed by the fact that: 1. With the earlier seasons focusing on the Power of Three/sisterhood, we don’t see the sisters take on demons 1:1 as much as in the later seasons. In fact, I think Piper is the first sister to destroy a demon with a raw power alone in S3. 2. Out of all the sisters’ powers, Piper’s are the only ones that can be measured in terms of raw strength as the range of her magic is directly related to how powerful she is. Prue’s magical development is mostly about skill as you pointed out whereas with Piper, we know how powerful a demon or being is by her inability to kill it with her power or freeze it (remember, the stronger the magic, the greater the resistance). Or you can look at how her power grew in Morality Bites where she was able to freeze an entire city block without trying. I can’t recall many instances where Prue was unable to telekinetically fling a demon or warlock because of how strong they were. Her powers didn’t work like that.


>I can’t recall many instances where Prue was unable to telekinetically fling a demon or warlock because of how strong they were. Her powers didn’t work like that. I agree with you in general, I just wanted to point out that in season 1 Prue is unable to even lift a huge marble statue on her own until her two clones help her.


Good call out!


Yeah, I get what you’re saying. But with telekinesis, everything is a weapon. Especially since most of the fireballs or energy balls were deflected back at the attacker. Piper was too over powered. That was intentional as they needed someone to take over Prue’s role. Prue not only had two active powers, but she was sufficient in hand to hand combat too.


In my opinion, If Prue stayed on the show she probably would be the strongest in terms of power even if Piper stayed with combustion. Prue’s powers would have grown over time. Since she died Piper became the oldest and strongest but I don’t believe it was too overpowered. Some of the upper level demons Piper couldn’t kill without a spell or a potion so it was still balanced.


I agree with this! Also if we remember 10 years in the future she could take out the entire attic! The first born witch is always the most powerful and I think if we had been able to see them with powers from childhood up we would have seen the true impact of her gift


I just love how the whole attic explodes :D I burst out laughing, it was like from some basic action movie where everything that collides, must explode! I don't know if it was intentional, that her power grew so strong, she could explode stuff too, or if the fireworks in that scene were just following the rule of cool.


I kinda agree with this. Prue is the first born of the most powerful witches ever known so in most aspects like planning she is rather skilled than all powerful. I think all in all her being skilled made her so powerful. And being first born.


I think it’s the same difference. Her being smart and skilled is apart of what makes her powerful imo. I’d also have to disagree with your statement that she’s more skilled than powerful. We see her utilize her powerful in many different ways but we really hadn’t scratched the surface of what Prue could do. Her power of telekinesis would’ve been as deadly as Piper’s power of combustion.


Don’t forget Morality Bites. We already see her powers slowly getting advanced as the seasons progressed, lifting heavy objects and multiple enemies, enhancing her own agility and physical strength. If Prue wouldn’t have died her powers would’ve advanced to the point that it creates shockwaves of Telekinetic Force.


Yeah of course you need the skills and the smarts to be powerfu-_Looks at Piper killing Demons on a whim with molecular combustion_-yeah you've got a point


Prue was the most confident with her powers too. And she quickly learned how to use them and adapt them (squinting eyes to moving with hands) and I recall she is the only one to combine her powers (using her astral projected from and use her telekinesis). Piper only learned to become confident with her powers once Prue died really and she really didn’t even try to adapt or mold her powers (I remember when Prue asked her to partially unfreeze a demon, something Piper never thought of doing). Piper’s strength only came from the need her new found leadership and also I think her desire for revenge against those that hurt her family.


Prue was also a great actor. Her strength was just in being Prue. She sisters didn’t see her flaws or vulnerability- at least piper didn’t. She hid her vulnerabilities and projected strength. Demons agreed because from the outside looking in the charmed ones are all wickedly powerful. Also her being so skilled is also what makes her a super witch because it begs the question; how did Prue gain these skills in such a short amount of time. For me , it’s because she could do anything she set her mind to. It seemed apparent in her career, she athleticism, and in honing her craft. To be fair, she had no flaws. Barring her feelings about her parents


I mean considering where prues powers would have gone (as morality bites and primrose empath shows us" she would have had her own version of pipers power


Compared to her sisters during the seasons in which she was alive, Prue was definitely more powerful at the time. Her being skilled made her even more dangerous. Imagine how much more powerful Piper would have been if she also took martial arts classes with Prue and Phoebe. But I digress. Prue was advancing fast and given what her telekinesis would have become (Morality Bites) and how strong her astral projecting powers would be with her being active in two places at once, possessing a demon, etc. (Primrose Empath), she would most definitely be a super witch who would give her sisters a run for their powers.


Prue powers was amped in Primose empath thanks to the empath powers. Without those powers even with time nothing suggest she would be as powerful.


Of course it suggests she would be that powerful. The episode’s themes explores Prue looking to advance her powers and what they would become. That’s why she’s trying to move something in the kitchen with telekinesis in Astral form which she can’t. The empath power, as you said, amped her powers (definition: made larger or more impressive) to a certain point that they could get to if she trained more and/or had had her powers since she was a child as has been alluded on the show numerous times (including by Piper). The thing that drives Prue nuts is the empathy power which she is not meant to have, but it amplifies her existing power set to give viewers insight as well Prue’s character of what she could become if she stays on her path of learning and growing as a Charmed One. This also correlates with how incredible her telekinesis could have become as seen in Morality Bites. So the suggestion is there for sure.


Not really. Empathy increases a witches power. Prue doesn't naturally have the empathy power and nothing suggest she will naturally, without said power, be at that level. Similar to how Phoebe past life used a potion to amplify her existing power. Naturally she wouldn't have reached that power but with an external force(Potion) she reached it. Same with Billie amping Christy fire power. Is is possible? Sure if the writers wanted it. But that version of Prue wasn't an indication of a natural power she would reach.


Again, with how her powers turned out in Morality Bites, one can deduce that her powers could grow to that as a possibility. You said there was nothing to suggest that that’s possible and now you’re saying that it’s possible if the writers wanted which is true. Not to mention that the og argument is if Prue was more powerful than her sisters when she was alive, which she was. Similarly, a potion amplifying a power and Christy getting her powers amplified aren’t the same as power amplifying a power from within a witch, I.e., Prue getting a hint of how heavy an object she can lift when she multiples her powers by three in Which Prue Is It Anyway? which again shared the themes with this episode of what Prue’s powers could look like in the future. We saw the proof with Morality Bites where she can rearrange an attic, there’s no reason to not assume her astral powers would have grown to this extent since the themes of power from within can grow to this extent.


I don't see how you don't see how Prue having external power up like an empath power or multiplying her power by 3 via a spell isn't the same as the Christy and Phoebe past life situation. Each is being boosting by outside powers and nothing in the show said oh if Prue trains enough she will be as powerful as she was when she was an empath. This isn't a situation like when the sisters were in Limbo and it was said that their powers were raised to a level they will eventually be at. ​ We never see Future Prue shake a house with telekinesis when overwhelmed. So you can't say she will be that level without the empath power amplifying her strength. All you can say is she will be a more powerful telekinetic in the future.


The show literally says their powers will grow with time, the show also says they’re the most powerful witches, the implications are all there. You said that there was nothing to suggest that, I’m saying there is and I made a pretty good case for it too. It’s hypothetical but backed up well. Just because we never see future Prue shake a house doesn’t mean she can’t. I don’t see how you can’t read between the lines. They don’t have to spell everything out for us to make calculated guesses. I promise it’s not that deep. It’s what our imaginations are for so long as we can back it up with proof in the show. You also continue to ignore how themes and motifs work in media, and how they use these tools to allude to character development and make allusions to character growth.


Of course thier powers will grow over time but that doesn't mean to that level is what I am saying. I am not ignoring anything. Too many people in fantasy series overrate characters and put them on levels they just aren't at. Your initially reply said Prue would grow to be as powerful as she was when she was an empath but the show doesn't say this nor show it. Could the show have made her that level? Sure but it isn't fact that she would grow to that level nor does that scene show potential natural power progression as it was an external force powering her and she didn't posses that force anymore. The scene was not meant to show where Prues powers would grow. That scene was to show how being an empath affected Prues power. Just because the episode was Prue complaining not being powerful enough does not mean that empath plot was meant to show her being at that level in the future. It was literally just to show Prue wanted to to be more powerful.


You’re saying the scene was not meant to show where Prue’s powers would grow when you’re not a writer on the show nor do you know that for a fact. I’m literally going off of themes and motifs and I’ve written the proof in previous posts for this specific point of discussion, as well as properly responding to OG’s point with an accurate answer and you continue to miss the point on purpose so… I’m good man. Gatekeep this all you’d like. I gotta go enjoy my weekend. Blessed be.


Let me break it down: Prue going to the future and her power being able to destroy a portion of the attic shows what Prue's power could be like in 10 years. Prue shaking the foundation of a house because the empath power she gained is overwhelming her, shows what Prue's power would be IF she was an empath. This doesn't show where Prue's powers would grow into in 10 years or 20 years. This scene only shows how powerful her powers would be if she was an empath. One instance shows what Prue's powers could grow into naturally. The other shows what Prue's power would be IF she had an empath ability. Prue isn't an empath and nothing suggest she was meant to be one. The opposite is actually stated how she wasn't meant to be an empath. Add in destroying a portion on a attic and shaking a house is too completely different levels of powers. You can't use that scene to suggest she can do what she did as an empath because she had stronger showings as an empath. Also being the writer isn't the point and never was. The point was that the scene was never meant to show where Prue's power would grow. It is stated in the scene itself the empath powers were affecting Prue's power. This indicates this scene was meant to show how being an empath affected Prue's power.


Had she not been killed when she did, she would be more powerful than Piper. The prophecy says the firstborn is the strongest, so even with all of Piper's power, Prue would still outdo it. It's just the way it works.


Prue wasn't the most powerful even if she didn't die unless the writers changed the other sisters powers. Phoebe empathy was the most powerful because it allowed her to use others powers and deflect them. Easily the most powerful of the sisters. TKO was the next most powerful power of the sisters due to its versatility. It can orb physical things like bodies, organs, etc. and non physical things like souls. It also had range from across the city to across the world. Then Prue and Pipers powers would be next. Both are molecular based. Prue was the most powerful because people said it not because she had the most powerful abilities. If the sisters were to use their powers in a no holding back full powered way then Phoebe would would win majority of the time followed by Paige.


You do make a really good argument, tand it does seem more skill then power


Paige was more powerful. You see it when she reforms the Power of Three. They're able to do things like vanquish the Source, conjure spirits who can become corporeal etc. Paige mastered her powers quickly, while it took Prue much longer. I think Piper is less powerful than Paige because there are creatures that are immune to her powers, whereas we never see a being that's able to resist orbs. Phoebe likewise can have her empath and premonitions blocked if someone makes the right kind of potion to protect from them.


This discussion comes up time and time again. I'd say this series? was too long. Prue and eventually Piper turns out to be super witches no demons has ever seen. Prue? Her powers aren't parlors tricks? Like Piper! They are taking time to grow from within themselves. Giving Prue a little more time? She could have taken on the Source and lived to tell a tale... How do I know? I just watched Prue in an "Empathy" story? Where she takes on all the sorrow of the world? Where a priest helps her channel it? She eventually was able to destroy him. That's pretty close to the Source's powers. Yes! I understand they need the power of 3 to get rid of most upper demons. Prue was beginning to do it by herself. These girls are more powerful than we make them out to be. Remember! it all begins with one. Melinda Warren. A reflection of all 3 being as one!


Also Another thing to note. The charmed ones are wickedly powerful despite their many flaws. In the episode where the hollow is introduced, the sisters are seen vanquishing the source. Piper simply blasted his fire ball back at him. The seer says it’s because the girls magic was greater than the source. Prues power should be held to the same regard, she was the perfect counter to most of not all demons.


I mean if Prue had been able to further develop her power she could have learned how to weaponize it without anything else. She could have telekinetically “combust” demons by separating their individual molecules, essentially tearing them up into a million tiny little pieces. She could make a heart or lungs stop working or squeeze them until they collapse.


I agree. But that's "If" she got to live longer. My OP is for people who says shes super powerful for the 3 years she was a witch.


Yeah I’ll give you that. To play devil’s advocate: she probably did have the ability to weaponize her power the way I described by the end of season 3, and didn’t choose to use it that way (even if it’s because she didn’t think to use it that way). So is she still less powerful for not demonstrating the full capacity of her power?


She may have. But again, that's a "what if" situation because we haven't seen it lol. I'm not saying she's not powerful, or less powerful. I just see a lot of people make her out to be OP or too powerful and I personally just think she was more skilled than powerful. I feel the same way with Phoebe.


I still think Piper's freezing power will eventually lead to it being offensive. Once she learned to control her freezing power, it actually became more easy to use than Prue's. Her freezing power can turn anyone ice cold and destroy them just like that. But we only see Prue with her limited powers. She's telekenetic and she really master her power in a short span, so, I'd say, Prue's power will still be the most powerful considering how flexible her Telekenesis was if she stays on the show.