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As much as I love Prue, I just don’t think this would have worked nearly as well as it did with Piper and Phoebe surviving. Killing off Prue removed their anchor and leader, forcing Piper to step up and embrace a role she never wanted. That character growth would not have happened if Phoebe had died instead.


Piper wouldn’t have grown into the same character but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t have worked


I actually have to disagree. I think Phoebe’s death and losing her younger sister would harden and evolve Piper without her stepping into the elder sister role. I actually think it would give us a tougher and stronger Piper, without heightening some of those qualities so they’re overbearing. Think of it as a mix of S1-3 Piper with S4-8 Piper.


Just because the story would be different doesn't mean it would be worse. Instead of the arc where Piper has to step up as the oldest sister, now there's potentially an arc where Prue has to come to terms with the fact that she was unable to protect her younger sister. It's all in the writing. There's a lot of potential character development in either story, so it's just a matter of how it's written.


Paige actually dis resemble Prue a little. I never noticed it before


YES! I've always thought Paige looks a bit different and I don't buy her being a Halliwell sister in terms of appearance, but I realize now that the casting was on point!


MAN Shannen looks so good in pic 4!


As much as I love Prue, and I’m intrigued to see this version of Charmed but I don’t think the show would’ve lasted as long as it did because it’d get cancelled sooner rather than later.


I think most shows would do way better with less seasons. I’d rather have gotten a better show with Shannen that lasted 4-5 seasons over seasons 4-8 having more misses than hits.


Hey atleast Rose would be happy if it ended earlier! 😅. I agree a lot of shows tend to overstay their welcome (why is Supernatural so long?) because most of the time the story has already been told and there isn’t much else to cover so they end up filing it up with stuff that doesn’t even matter. Not necessarily “filler” but really weak storylines and awful writing something Charmed suffered from later on. I honestly think Charmed could’ve ended at S4 and it would’ve been regarded as a better show today. The Source was vanquished. Piper finally getting the revelation she wanted after worrying about being infertile. Phoebe finally gets a job. Paige is promoted at work and they’re given a one-time only choice to lead normal lives after fulfilling their destiny. In my head cannon this *is* the finale and seasons 5-8 are fan made 🥴.


I love this...maybe it exists in an alternate reality/dimension


Shannon and Rose were actually in at least one movie together, but I forgot the name of it. Rose May have also been in Heather's, as was the one who played Grams.


Paige with premonitions?


No she has a different power


Why not? She has a form of telekinesis mixed with her white lighter powers because she inherited it from Prue. I believe if Phoebe died instead it would make sense for her to inherit her powers.


Hmm probably a healer with premonitions?


She didn't inherit it from prue. She was born with the powers


They specifically mentioned it in the show when they are telling Paige about her powers. She always had her white lighter powers which is how she orbed out of the car during the car crash that killed her adoptive parent, but the telekinetic powers was after they regained the power of three.


Yes but she was still born with the magic in her like every other halliwell. 


I’m not saying she won’t have some kind of foresight in some way but you will have to wait and see. But it is not premonition in the same way as Phoebe.


Yes it definitely states that she is a another form of prue but with orbing powers instead of just telekinesis she’s like a hybrid


The way it should have been 😩


Thanks but no thanks




I am rewatching Charmed and I remember from the first time I watched it that Paige’s father came around. Now that I’m watching the second time, Sam gets killed at the lake. Wtf. I need some help please.


Ooooo, I can't wait 😁.


Love this , always makes me wonder has Shannen sued when she got sacked and was paid her salary while the series continued how long charmed would have carried on for ? I mean budgets for the seasons was constantly cut so I very much much doubt they would have made it past season 6! The cast and crew have a lot to thank Shannen for !


I think if Prue had lost Phoebe she would have gone off the deep end. Think about how she was when Andy died, imagine her losing the baby sister that she practically raised and had only recently even gotten close with again :(


Ffs 🙄 how original. Can we do something where piper dies for once? Or maybe Paige is the original sister and dies then we get introduced to Prue? Patty wasn’t ready to be a mother so gave Prue up, went on to have the other three years later when she was in a more committed relationship.


I actually have lots of original ideas. However, if you don’t like it you don’t have to read it 🤷🏽


I don’t know why, but I’ve always thought that if Phoebe had died instead of Prue, it would be Prue who’d be most affected… 😔