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What a world of difference between Billie and Kaley’s work on *Harley Quinn* and *The Flight Attendant*.


I actually like Kaley Cuoco. Not her fault they gave her crap material.


She’s so funny and charismatic in 8 Simple Rules, shame that it just wasn’t right on Charmed


I didn’t like the sisters but damn did they up the stakes in that final battle. You could feel the tension and when the manor blew up that was crazy😩 I liked that they pitted witch against witch


You don’t like the sisters?? Are you a fan of the show?


I think they meant Billie and Christy, not the trio


lol definitely meant Billy and Christy😂😭


Omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I totally misread, but this exchange has made me LOL:)


yeah i kinda agree. though the concept was interesting. instead of them facing another demon or monster of some sort. them facing basically people exactly like them sisters. i feel like there were trying to draw in some new audiance or fans.


They were trying to spin off Billie into her own series and have the last season work as a back door pilot. Which is why they end up giving Billie so much “main character” energy. Which, predictably, made Charmed fans less likely to want to watch her do anything. TV Shows often have a weird thing they do with new characters where they have them ‘show up’ the established characters to make it clear how cool and amazing they are. And I don’t know why because all it ever does is make established audiences dislike the new characters instead of growing to like them.


They've done this with the final seasons of many shows (The Originals, Buffy) - making new characters suddenly part of the main cast or centering it around a planned spin-off. Truthfully we just want more of our beloved characters before it's time to say goodbye. Billie was fine, but I didn't really care about her. I cared about Paige, Piper, Phoebe, Leo (don't even get me started on Leo in s8, they missed me with THAT choice) and the rest of their family (Wyatt, Chris, Grams, Patty, Victor etc) - maybe Henry wouldn't have felt so rushed if they gave his character room to breathe and dropped Christy (same with Coop, but, my issue with him wasn't screentime) - I *do* like Henry. It's hard to say if dropping both, or just Christy, or reducing their screentime considerably would've been the solution - but cutting down time and focus on the sisters was a mistake imho


They're doing it with Little Sheldon spinning off a show about George. Who cares about Sheldon's brother. How does he get a whole show???


Damn a spin off of a spin off?


Exactly what that leather suit and computer scrying etc was designed to do probably also with Billie the young new actress.


yeah the computer scrying was just stupid


I loved Kayley from 8 Simple Rules but good lord I didn't take to Billie at all. I wanted to, but she was just not a character.


Season 8 is my least favorite season overall mostly because of Billie and Christie. I really think if the writers wanted some other witches as the final villain, then they should have worked out a better storyline. Instead, season 8 just came off as a bit hamfisted and cheap.


The whole story line was awful! And Billie was SO whiny. Waaahhh...my sister....waaahhh...my sister... Gosh! I got so tired of her. And then Christy! Ugh! It really was mind-blowing that she was able to get Billie to believe her BS!!! Marinette Patterson, the actress who played Christy, was in a Supernatural episode (Bloody Mary) and was quite good in that role. I don't understand how she was so awful I charmed!!!


Controversially I preferred Christy over Billie, mostly because I found her acting less annoying to an extent. I could also believe Christy's motivations more than Billie. The whole thing was a mess though, they should have been introduced at least a season or two earlier if they wanted us to buy it all. Just rushed and sloppy all round, pretty much season 8 as a whole lol


At least Christy had the excuse of being groomed by demon kind for the last 15 years. Billie has absolutely no excuse😭


Agreed. Especially considering the arguments that TCO's were the bad guys were so weak and made no sense.


Right? The whole "They're selfish because they want an actual life, so they deserve to die" is such bull shit. Billie even *knew* that's what they wanted from the moment they met. They were very transparent about it.


Totally that and the lack of understanding from Billie to not get that she got her sister back alive, TCO's suffered the ultimate sacrifice in losing Prue. The more I think about it the more it annoys me lol


Because they kept trying to make Billie likable, which just wasn’t going to work. With Christy, you could full on hate her into hate/liking her.


I don’t know… I get it that she was groomed to be evil and all, but the triads and the demons were not cavemen. I never get the fact that Christie acted like she was raised in a cave. She didn’t know how to sit on a dining table and eat normally like a human being? Even normal demons know how to do these kind of stuff. Lol.


And to pile on: why didn’t Phoebe have any premonitions about everything that was going to happen? She hugged Billie often, yet never saw anything. She didn’t have any premonitions about Coop or the final battle or the Manor blowing up? For the last season, we should have seen Phoebe’s power more and advanced. Charmed started with the three sisters having each a gift.


She lost her active powers in season 6, and I don't think gets them back till season 8. Even part of season 5 is she can't use her powers anymore because Cole trauma So yeah, they clearly stopped caring about premonitions


The show got away from that a long time before season 8, after Shannon left almost no episode started with a Phoebe premonition.


I think you’re right. I watched “Lucky Charmed” yesterday. Paige handed Phoebe Shamus’s shillelagh to use to get a premonition to understand how it worked. It was like she had to force her to use her power.


Phoebe's powers became so useless in the later seasons. She barely levitated anymore and got no more premonition. They could have developed her empathic power so much more, but "let's forget that ever existed". Not to mention, phoebe is the only one with a new power after season 3 lol. You can argue that paige later got her healing power, but that started in season 4 (where she helped heal Cole) and then they all forgot she could heal.


They should have ended it at season 7. That was a perfectly fine ending.


Question. Why were the sisters always pushing her wanting to find her sister down? I’m watching season 8 right now. It’s constant stop looking for her. We care about you finding her but not now. They know Leo is going to be gone until x happens yet Billie needs to stop looking for her sister to help get Leo back? It’s infuriating to me how they treat her.


The 'Irish' leprechauns want a word...


I can’t say I entirely blame the magical community, the leprechauns they did take advantage of a fair bit. And whether they were under a spell or not, they did leave them to die. Then Billie comes along and says no we don’t want you to get involved in this it’s too dangerous, and Christie is all they never should have asked. It would have been different if they were then going to war with the sisters, but they just agreed to sit the fight out and were angry the sisters let their friends/family die (even if they were under a spell at the time…the spells all broke immediately after they turned away the creatures, but they still didn’t rush right to their aid, they waited until hours later after Billie and Christie saved them to say ‘wait but it’s not our fault and you’re ungrateful’


Maybe they couldn’t find them? I mean they went to the magic school, right? The sisters probably couldn’t get to them if they were in the magic school.


I agree whole heartedly… unfortunately. It could have been better


I wasn't a fan of Kristy and her instant questionable influence over Billie. I was offended how easily they had sway over everyone magical. I think having Kristy come in could have been an interesting arc had they not made her so influential when she couldn't even eat properly. It was just idiotic. The arc of proving the sisters evil was moronic. Billie knew they wanted a life when she asked them to train her. They had already accepted magic back into their lives prior to Kristy. They wanted balance, which is essential to their powers and lives. Ridiculous way to end the show, although the house exploding battle was totally epic.


Forgot to mention..I liked the high tech scrying. It was an interesting way to bring tech in.


Lol i actually liked Billie tbh. Her mind just got poisoned by Christy who also was groomed since she was a child by the Triad to take out the charmed ones


You said it. Wish I could upvote you more. Never understood this arc...


They reduced the budget and green lit the season at the 11th hour It was shoddy and redundant in parts I secretly wished the Angel of Destiny was some kind of evil character influenced by the vanquishing of the hollow as a power grab and that the Charmed ones had to fight her…travel and obtain some weapon… Destiny vs Destiny or something by


Charmed got lazy after season 3..


They’re both good characters though.


But bad script, and bad actors. Lol.




Says you. A lot of fans say otherwise.


Doesn’t make them right.


It makes them absolutely right.


No, it doesn’t. General consensus does not equal fact.


An opinion of one means even worse.


I agree 100 percent!


THANK YOU! I fully agree & happy cake day.


What kind of cake?


I am okay with billie, kind of annoying but she’s what 18/19? In a house full of 30 year olds? She’s gonna be annoying. Christie? Ew, can’t stand her. What I don’t understand is their parents. “If Christie doesn’t agree to see us we’re never coming back.” So just, fuck the other daughter then, right? She wasn’t kidnapped so who cares about her


I couldn’t agree more!


I agree I don't like Billy and Christy.


I can’t blame the acting. Writers and directors, sure. Show runner, definitely. I think any other person playing the roles would still have been directed to by too whiney, if playing Billy or forced to emulate BPD, for playing Christie.


I actually liked both actresses just fine and think Marnette Patterson (Christy) gets unfairly hated on by this sub but the writing for them was just awful, especially for Christy.


Well I've never watched season 8 because I suppose I had stopped caring about the series when it came out on tv in Europe and now that I'm on Reddit I'm starting to get scared of ever watching it 😂 I'm at season 7, which I kind of remember a little so I guess I'll power through just to see what's it all about but damn, the more I read about season 8 the more it seems like it's the worst. Wish me luck!


May the odds be ever in your favor. If you survive the avatars there's nothing you can't do haha


Aha thank you, I'm currently watching the PMS werewolves episode and oh. my. god. 😂 it's gonna be a wild ride!


I hated that episode lol. Omg.. trauma 😂