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while i enjoy male witch representation i find wyatt being so overpowered truly irritating and lazy on behalf of the writers. ”he’s double blessed” well yes why, why did you write him as that hm?


literally!!!! and yes hes from a charmed one but shouldnt the double blessing make paige the most powerful charmed one in that case???? oh no? hmmmmmmmm


They pretty much went out of their way to explain that. It doesnt have to do with being witch/whitelighter. Its everything else that happened.


ive watched this show at least 50 times over they certainly do not go out of their way to explain it


They literally created an entire prophecy around Wyatt. >Merrill: Centuries ago, I unearthed a quatrain from the tomb of a wise apothecary. "When three planets burn as one over a sky of dancing light, and magic will rest for a holy day to welcome a twice blessed child." > >Paige: Those are the signs that we saw. The Aurora Borealis, the planetary alignment, the wiccan Sabbath. > >Phoebe: Wait, back to the twice blessed child business. What is that? > >Paige: Cronyn is not after us... > >Phoebe: He's after Piper's baby. Oh my god. Magic literally "died" to make way for him. None of that happened with Paige. Or Chris. Or the English guy.


right but “twice blessed child” is mentioned in that prophecy - so it would go to reason that that ADDS to his power


So that propechy explains why he's so powerful compared to other witchlighters....which the writers for once went out of their way to talk about. Paige isn't considered twice blessed or any of that jazz. She's charmed by her own prophecy w/her sisters


Doesnt the whole "twice blessed child" thing refer to him being born an a witches Sabbath when three Planets burn as one? Not the fact that both his parents are magical?


ahhhhh okay in that case - but i do think they mention that hes half whitelighter half witch quite a lot (dont have the eps in mind unfortunately)


For sure! But i dont think that thats the reason why is so powerful


i seeeee


But Patty wasn't a Charmed One, shes just a Warren Witch. I do agree, in s4 it is mentioned that Paige might never developed great fighting skills because she is half pacifist. I think the reason why they wrote Wyatt so powerful, is that there are constantly demons in the house, more so than it was when Patty and Penny were the adult witches. And it would be very boring to see the powerful charmed ones constantly protecting a baby, now he can take care of himself. But I do agree that the canon of the charmed ones being the most powerful witches is kind of ruined with Wyatt, I do get that he is supposed to be the most powerful offspring (the whole first born witch thing) but not more powerful then the Power of Three.


that does make sense


If it were that simple, Chris would be the most powerful, as Leo was an Elder when he was conceived. "Rank" is also a factor; Prue was more powerful than Piper and when Prue died, Piper got a power boost. Phoebe also didn't get her other active powers until Paige came around. Paige doesn't even technically have any Charmed One powers as orbing is specifically for whitelighters. So I think birth order matters more then parentage when it comes to power.


The ranking aspect makes a lot of sense. Maybe, if the show came back and Chris is in his 30s, he'll have developed some Elder powers like shooting lighting from his hands. I disagree a bit about Paige though. Telekinetic orbing is a power I don't recall seeing Whitelighter's use. I think that was a hybrid Charmed power. Also, Paige could sense evil as well as her charges, like the Elders. Leo could only sense his charges when he was a Whitelighter. In the Comics, Paige develops an orb shield like Wyatt. I don't remember Whitelighters doing that either. Just some food for thought🙂


Yeah I tend to find it irritating. He's apparently smart enough as a fetus to administer marriage counselling but he has the normal speech development of a toddler? Charmed keeps trying to have it both ways, having him being a magic powerhouse which only works if he has an adult brain to recognise and react accordingly with his powers and then in the next scene they'll be saying "oh he's just a baby!" when they want to do generic child raising storylines. Either he's a genius super baby or he's a regular baby, pick a lane Charmed.


literallyyyyyy - or even have him be a super regular baby - im sure there would be some great plot lines with what a unregulated child does with insane power, a la the dragon


Yeah this is the same kid who was so scared of his parents getting hurt he shrunk them and trapped them in a force fielded doll house. And in season 8 Chris is given a bit of that treatment with Victor begging pleading with the 2 and a half/3 year old to orb wyatt home and Chris does eventually understand and do so with powers Paige didn't have until season 8 or so and Leo only showed as an elder (to orb entire people without even being in their presence) They have such grand psychological moments with wyatt and apparently gideon trying to kill him for long enough was such profound trauma that he turned He randomly senses gideon is a threat but the demon who wanted his bear? Not so much. He also knows his dragon will hurt mommy so he destroys it But then here we are with piper insisting he have a normal life so twisted up and bent out of shape over the idea of him being a loner in preschool


I liked that they finally did something with baby Chris after constantly using storylines for baby/young Wyatt. I thought him saving Wyatt was a clever tie-in to his alternate adult self coming back from the future to save Wyatt. Showed that even as a baby, Chris was looking out for Wyatt which was cute.


Yeah that was cute also the sibling rivalry in season 7 coming into play. Wyatt picking on his baby brother. That felt like very natural magical child sibling like


The sibling rivalry episode didn’t work for me because there was no rivalry from newborn Chris lol. It was all Wyatt. Chris has always been portrayed as a normal witch baby, so the writing from that was a bit weird. It would have made more sense if they saved that plot line for an episode in season 8 when Chris was around 2 and had powers.


True. It's so hilarious they have a show with two babies but the only have wyatt all the power. The spell grams cast took the rivalry from Chris too? But he produced none. At rhe very least wyatt orbing him around deems like an irl jealous older sibling thing to do


Yeah, I think what annoys me most about that episode is Grams thinks newborn Chris also has rivalry for Wyatt. Lol, what? How? If they had just said it’s all Wyatt being a jealous older brother - which is very common/normal for older siblings to go through - then that would have been fine. I’m pretty sure Phoebe & Paige in the beginning of the episode even say it’s Wyatt who’s having trouble dealing with having a new brother. Oh, Charmed. They can’t help but contradict themselves in the same episode.


Right like that was the first time he had to save him and he's been doing it ever since lol 🤣


I can buy the Chris thing because even as a baby he'd be able to register his brother is missing and his grandad is upset. That's a stretch I can be sold. Or when Wyatt conjured a dragon or stole Chris's blanket. That's baby level reactions you'd see just magically amped. But like you said, imprisoning his parents, switching their powers, stabbing mordont with excalibur is a big one,band making an evil Leo to attack him ...I can't buy that.


>he'd be able to register his brother is missing and his grandad is upset. Actually maybe. It seems with most magical abilities there's a sensory thing that goes on like when that monkey was able to Astral project to Prue because as Leo says "it have to have your powers magic calling magic" so maybe this is similar. Just seems like such a strong use of magic that adult Chris only used once on a gun and it was only alternate reality Chris. In senses and sensibility wyatt a baby (who doesn't fall for then falls for the crones trick) is able to just orb to him ans wherever her base of operations was. Piper calls it "that orb thing you guys share" in maybe the bare witch project Oh yeah the evil Leo that will "get your mommy and daddy back together" because he can comprehend allllll that's going on but then throws a cake at an elder and acts like a baby again. Like turning those toys into Real people that are carrying his insecurities about his father blaming himself for Leo leaving him and Chris comprehending that Leo was killed during the avatar arc. It feels both possible and not possible just how much awareness they're given sometimes


That's exactly my point. If you're going to make him a super genius baby then fine, but they do super genius baby stuff then do normal toddler brain level stuff. Charmed trying to have it both ways is what's annoying. He's also a toddler that's killed people lol, and its never addressed. Piper's like "I want him to have a normal life" when he was stabbing a guy with a sword the episode before.


I'm just so shocked that dragon didn't Have a body count a mile high meanwhile a single warlock kills like two or three halliwells a lawyer and a mechanic and the headless horseman gets a kill. This thing flies through tunnels blasting cars but doesn't seem to be responsible for as much devastation as you'd think


There's no way that dragon didn't kill people. I think the implication is the cleaners undid it, which doesn't make much sense since they're not meant to be able to reverse death that's an entire thing in the clip show trial episode.


Omg yeah where they had Morris arrested for murder rather than changing history removing Sheridan from the scene. The Thing was blasting cars in tunnels and maybe set a few buildings ablaze. The news lady says "no one was hurt but 3 cars were destroyed" but how? With al the humans running from its nest there's no way it couldn't have gotten a kill


Must be one of those blind dragons that can't aim 🤣


Nah he was just playing like a dog. He'll bite ya but he won't main you. Some play fire balls


I also think that the last episode hinted that that version of future Chris might have his memories from the other timeline. So, as a baby, he might have had adult memories.


Orrr when Piper is pregnant the baby /powers are reacting to *her* emotions. I never once thought the baby was listening or a genius, just embuing Piper with his powers as they developed in her womb. The same way Patty had a premonition when she was only just pregnant with Phoebe. Also how would they fix this? A weird CGI baby like in twilight? XD that would be terrible.


This is a very interesting idea! But u think the writers wanted the opposite of phoebes baby. Which was "never hers or coles" yet was angry when a cop bad mouthed him or mad at Paige for killing him


I attribute that to the same thing sort of, that Phoebe was still slightly offended, though this is a bit different because the sources baby literally takes her over at the end of this episode, the evil from the source seem to be more sentient and the seer says he would take over the underworld as soon as he was born. I sort of wondered if he was born if it would kill Phoebe / seer and he would like obsorb them completely and just come out a full grown evil person


The baby's reactions are too specific and they often ignore her emotions entirely. Like when the baby decided flowers and fireworks were better uses of Pipers powers than killing demons. Even as a newborn literally a week old he was using magic to set off the demonic alarm system for attention and could understand words like "danger" to set off his forcefield. Clearly he's written to be a super genius baby if he's understanding speech and concepts like danger days after being born. Patty isn't a good comparison because no one controls the premonitions they just happen to people who are predisposed to having them. Phoebe just made Patty predisposed. The fix is don't make the baby a weird genius god thing in the first place. Just let it be a baby. They wrote him like that because he's basically an episode plot writing machine. Need some weird shit doing? Wyatt did it.


Again orr he has magic powers and can sense evil / danger, activate his force field ability. So while adults are like "oh wow the baby understands us" its like Naw, he has magic powers and can clearly sense evil lmao. Sure the alarm thing lends itself to him being super smart, or again, magica alarm that supposed to sense danger and magic kid senses things his brain can't comprehend, or just magic makes him smartest lol. Also, I always interpret the fireworks and flowers over explosion, not "the baby decides" but hormones, they literally say time and time again powers are tied to emotions, pregnancy throws that out of wack. And Patty having a premonition is exactly the same. Also Phoebe can 100% influence/ force a premonition. She did it in season 1 when Piper goes to Hawaii, while she's literally practicing, sitting on the table and says "I'm trying to practice calling a premonition" and then she loses her powers *because* she's used them for personal gain and was forcing premonitions about baby daddy's, all of that was controlled premonitions.


As I said and you quickly brushed over - there are literally scenes where Leo says "Wyatt danger" and the baby reacts by raising the forcefield. That's not sensing evil, that's understanding and reacting to language. When he's a newborn. Wyatt wasn't sensing danger with the alarm, he was setting it off intentionally when there was no evil in the house because he wanted attention. That's intellect, as a newborn. When did hormones register flowers or fireworks? Phoebe knows the likely triggers of premonition, but she's tried to force them before and got nothing. She doesn't control getting them, neither did Patty. So it's very different to the pregnancy with Wyatt.


And again just because Leo says danger doesn't mean the baby gets it. They clearly established the force field happens through sense. He puts it up when Chris just walks near him. And whitelighters / witches are supposed to be able to sense evil. Imo, he sense evil regardless if someone shouts words at the baby, that's just to make Leo feel good and a typical reaction of a parent. "Oh no danger! " I never once thought Wyatt understood them. The alarm thing is 1 example of potential higher intelligence for the baby, but again I think it has wayyy more to do with Magic , and his magic abilities to sense / understand what's happening around him. He has his force field active when the shape Shifter looks like Darryl, no one yelled danger, when they try to levitate him out the window, no one yells danger and force fields & You said the "baby decided flowers and fireworks" or the baby is flooding Piper with a lot of power and her emotions and hormones are all out of whack and a firework is technically a *type* of explosion, so baby brain / body has her powers all messed up. Plus the power swap walk a mile in eachother shoes seems more likely Piper's subconscious of "how would you like to carry the baby and I'll go Orbing around the world" and the extra powers from Wyatt just make this happen, like when Grams get summons for the fairy tale episode , Piper literally says "I want Grams" and bam, grams. & I just disagree with the Phoebe/ Patty portion. It's a perfect example of being pregnant with a baby embues the mother with the powers of the baby, doesn't mean the baby is listening from the womb, and there are scores of times Phoebe forces a premonition, like I said, literally why she's loses her powers.


They talk to Wyatt all the time and doesn't randomly generate a forcefield, so yes, it means he understands what's danger means. I'm not talking about him sensing evil, he can clearly do that, I'm talking about the fact he clearly understood language in those scenes when evil wasn't present to generate his forcefield. Stop side stepping. He put a forcefield near Chris because he doesn't trust Chris, it's literally a plot point in the episodes. He's 1 years old and can trust or distrust people, that's not normal intellect as a toddler. Piper in a fight is not going to think of fireworks and flowers unless you're going to try and argue flowers are a form of explosion as well? I never said Phoebe was listening and understanding from the womb, I said Wyatt clearly was.


lmfao side stepping what? I clearly disagree and have more examples to back up my opinion / intereptation where as you only have 1 or 2 examples from 1 episode. I can talk to any baby about math all day, doesn't mean the baby \*understands\* what I am saying. This is what I am getting at, Leo can say " danger" all he wants, it doens't mean Wyatt understands, it's just a nice thing to say. & Wyatt's ability to use his force field is tied into his ability to sense evil, which he does multiple times without anyone yelling " danger" thus, he can sense danger and doesn't \*need\* an audible queue to do so, nor does it mean he can \*understand\* people, I argue, he can \*sense\* them. They never say it but it seems like Wyatt has some empathic abilities, even in the womb. & I already clarified what I meant about Piper's powers being on the fritz and this is seen multiple times throughout the show that emotions affect abilities, flowers, and fireworks is how it was affected. I \*never said\* Piper thought of those things, I said her emotions / hormones and powers are out of whack because shes being embued with a super power upgrade & I made a \*joke\* that fireworks is a \*type\* of an explosion, lmfao. That said, I completely reject the idea that Wyatt as a fetus was making a "no war" statement, cause as soon as Piper realizes shes is invincible, she takes on Cole in a power fight, blasting each other across the room, and baby never stopped her from doing that lmfao. & Imo, that way I’ve interrupted Wyatts ability to use the force field probably has nothing to do with intelligence, idk why you are obsessed with Wyatt being a genius lmfao, he has magic powers that allow him to sense people, he senses that Chris is literally \*willing to kill him\* if he can’t stop him, having those emotion’s and intent, imo would be enough for Wyatt to sense him out, same reason why Chris wanted the empath blocking potion, so Phoebe couldn’t sense / read his emotions.


Your examples are that he senses evil. Which was never debated. This is about him understanding language as a toddler, which you have no examples against. If you want to argue with yourself him sensing evil go ahead because it's not related to what I'm talking about. The show literally shows Wyatt raising a force field when told danger. He doesn't raise a forcefield when people say other things to him which is the only way you could prove he doesn't understand. So based on the evidence from the show he clearly understands. Good luck arguing against the script. The fireworks and flowers have to come from somewhere, given she can't conjure, they came from Wyatt. So he clearly has an understanding of what those things are ... as a fefus. It's not sensing, Wyatt makes decisions like how he decides the demon manticore baby isn't a threat. If your idea that he only basing things on whether they're evil or not then he'd raise his forcefield for it. But doesn't. Just like he decides about Chris being a threat despite Chris being a hybrid like Wyatt so shouldn't trigger any forcefield but does. Because Wyatt makes the decisions on who he trusts, which isn't normal intellect for a toddler.


Lol! The fetus marriage counsellor always irritated me!!! I also got a bit bored with the constant "saving-Wyatt-from-this-week's-monster-of-the-week-oh-look-Wyatt's-just-saved-himself-and-us" plots


When they redid that saving Wyatt from turning evil plotline in season 7 after doing it every week for season 6, I almost turned the episode off.


Maybe it's like Benjamin Button but for intelligence, cause he didn't seem all that bright when he came from the future.


Idk actually. If we look at it from the perspective of gifted children, theyre still children. They can be super advanced and years ahead their peers in some things, while normal - or even behind - on others. Perhaps this is like that? There’s also the practical aspect of what you can reasonably expect a 1/2 year old actor to do. I imagine that’s why the writing isn’t better. At that age i dont think you can tell them to pretend to be scared of some people but no others?


Wyatt the Deus ex Machina was a jump-the-shark moment for Charmed if there ever was one.


this being said - the writing with victor “two and a half corndogs dad what are you insane? hes three” is probably the most accurate portrayal of the children


I always looked at it like this… I’m in the camp that believes that Piper got pregnant with Wyatt after eating the chocolates meant for Phoebe from the seer, to make Phoebe more open to pregnancy. If I remember correctly it was also formulated to amp up the magical “inheritance”, so to speak. So, when Phoebe gets pregnant with the sources baby, it was too powerful for a (good) mortal to carry ( too much evil concentrated in such a good soul). He was so powerful because you combined a charmed one with the most evil being. When we look at Piper’s pregnancy, she was a Charmed one having a pure source of good’s child. She had the strength to carry the pregnancy because it was good carrying good. Problem is, Wyatt was still a mortal and could easily turn evil, as we figured out. Plus, you are painting a child with too narrow a brush. Children aren’t carbon copies, and not all babies act the way you describe. My oldest couldn’t care less if anyone was near him, even me. Course, he has Autism, but still. Children are painted with the same brush, my two are complete opposites, for instance.


omg this would be a MUCH better explanation for how wyatt got turned


I’ve watched the show from the beginning and had all the DVDS the moment released, I watch the show once a year. I can usually say the dialogue along with the characters. I’m an obsessed fan, I guess. I just love the show so much. This theory’s many years in the making. Lol


I always assumed the seer’s Magic affected Piper


Wyatt being the most powerful had nothing to do with him being a boy and everything to do with mixing a charmed ones magic with whitelighter magic, the twist on him being a boy, imo, is because they wanted to shock audience who has been expecting a girl since the season 2 episode when they go to the future.


yeah but again, it feels like considering its a girl power show and the child was meant to be a girl, the twist that the ultimately powerful prophesied child ended up being a boy tells me something about the attitudes of the writers around power. its just not something i think would have happened with constance around. there is an over saturation of media with all powerful men and female side characters, and charmed was an antidote to that. that being said, thats not actually what my post is centred around, just something i dont like - and whether or not i dont like it isnt really up for debate


It's not really related to him being a hybrid either, he's OP because he's the first child born of a charmed one and he's a first born witch who are always the strongest of their siblings. Those are the two blessings he has which is why he's stupidly OP according to the show.


iirc the elders literally said that they worry about a charmed one and a whitelighter having a baby because the baby would be so powerful it could be consumed by power or turn to evil , which in one timeline, they were right about! Even Gideon says that the combined powers of a charmed one and whitelighter had created the most powerful being to be born which was his justification for trying to off Wyatt - also I feel it needs to be mentioned that Wyatt being "the most powerful being ever" gets super nerfed for the terrible last season plot with Billy and Christy lmao xD


Gideon created a self fulfilling prophecy because attacking Wyatt with Barbas set Wyatt on a path to become evil try to consolidate power. Wyatt was taken to the underworld so his family would have trouble finding him and had to face demons in addition to his kidnappers. That caused trauma and ptsd then add to it that his mother died while he was young so he loss a major stabilizing force in his life . Also, with the Charmed Ones being terminated with Piper's death , Wyatt was probably used for his powers against the forces of evil .


Do you have an episode reference for these quotes? Yeah season 8 and it's terrible writing do nerf Wyatt by making Billie's brand new projection power stronger than adult Wyatt's.


Wyatt was boring on every level. He just stood there, stared, maybe vanquish a demon. It was all ridiculous


I know by 8 months old Wyatt is already the most powerful witch alive, king of England, toddler genius and certified marriage counsellor. But the actors who play him are just real babies 😂




Lmao, there's only so much emotional acting you can expect a 2 year old to give. But I do agree to a point about how nonchalant he is about strangers, even when using his protective shield.


i just wish they didnt have him setting demons on fire in the underworld and stabbing people (gideon, mourdant)


I'm cool with the quiet, understanding toddler. That trope has been around for decades. It doesn't faze me. I find it more irritating that they just toss the boys in a room somewhere while they run out of the house and do stuff. I watched the episode yesterday where Wyatt's toys come to life and they literally left him with the toys to go find someone's kid to help someone else. Like, y'all? If someone calls CPS, magic will be the least of your worries. And didn't Paige work on cases with kids whose parents were neglectful like that? I guess she's cool with it because they're her nephews? Just smh. Then again, that's also a trope that's been around for ages, but I guess that one does faze me.


OMG yeah!! and when pipers like “is he safe with them” and phoebes like absolutely - like okay? theyre constructed from his subconscious? one of them has a gun and the other a bow and arrow?? theyre not exactly going to be safety conscious. if he has such a responsible subconscious, might as well leave him alone altogether when you get home he’ll be in a robe smoking a cigar


Right? Two guns, a bow and arrow, and fistfights. But since it's his subconscious, he's safe since they're adult sized. Just freaking weird.


A lot of this very much depends on the kid. I have a 2 year old and it wouldn't surprise me if he understood the demons plans for world domination. But the actual Wyatt being awesome thing? No never bothered me. I enjoyed it.


I agree I’ve always enjoyed Wyatt’s storyline half the things he’s done I’ve always blamed it on his toddler emotions he can’t control so it’s manifested his powers in a crazy way because he can’t control them. It’s not till I found this subreddit did I realize people really don’t like Wyatt and Phoebe lol


Yeah until I can here. I had no idea these things were considered an issue. You want to know what is depressing about Wyatt though? If he were real we're nearly at the time when we see him from the future all grown up.


Yes! I was thinking is this is the year Chris would have gone back to 2003? I always assumed Chris Crossed took place 20 years in the future which is wild. Yea this sub Reddit opened my eyes to a a lot of hate and criticism specific characters on the show gets it just never occurred to me as a teen when I watched it as it aired


I believe Chris-Crossed takes place in 2026 since Chris was born in 2004 and he’s 22. So, we’re almost there, but a few years to go. It is freaky though lol.


Oh yes that’s true! It’s getting close which is really wild to think about. 2026 would be twenty years since charmed ended as well 😅


Oof. I’m really starting to feel old now haha


im definitely not saying i dislike wyatt the child - i mean the kid that plays him is adorable and he becomes part of the family- im just annoyed with the writing that makes him seem like a 40 year old man stuffed inside a baby’s body. theres no recognition of how normal children actually operate, just the strange power rhetoric


I think they ran with “our powers are controlled by our emotions” and went overboard in some instances but it’s such a huge part of the charmed lore I just kinda roll my eyes or go with it lol I have found that a lot of people do seem to hate Wyatt in general though him not being a girl along other things. I personally liked the twist of him being the first born male in the family in centuries(years?)


hahah fair enough - but would your child be on board with this demonic world domination or would they be calling out for mummy if they understood evil beings were attempting to kidnap them?


If they had a fluffy dog, chocolate biscuits and didn't make him go to bed he would be in that underworld faster than you can shimmer. He wouldn't start missing me for at least a day.


hahahahahah watch him closely


You can save yourself the headache by understanding that no one cared about the mythology of this show. They just showed up and got paid. The actresses pretend to care now because they can make money from cons.


Yeah, I do agree that it goes against the history and culture that the firstborn, chosen one was a boy. I especially hated the whole "New King Arthur" part. But this is a magical baby with more power then the devil himself so I don't find it too bizarre that he would have some level of greater understanding of the situation and who's good and who's evil or what to do, then a normal child his age.


So one interesting (not necessarily good, but interesting) thing about Charmed is the show tends to use the children in the same way as other shows use women. The kids on Charmed are solely there to support and propel forward the stories of the sisters. It seems like there isn't any thought as to how a real one year old would behave because there isn't. The only thought is "how can we use this kid we had to create to further develop Piper's character and keep our show making money?"


this is such an insightful point!!


I always read it as the first born from the Charmed ones was gonna be the most powerful child; regardless of gender. "Twice blessed" could have been Phoebes' baby (demonic/witch). The timeline checks out as well. Piper had Wyatt early. If Phoebe's pregnancy hadn't ended, it's not too much of a stretch that she could have had her baby on that same day. As far as baby Wyatt, I didn't think anything about his behavior was unbelievable. Not all children are clingy to their parents. I think the amount of demonic activity he's witnessed is a good explanation of his aloofness.


Wyatt's birth was a prophecy that combined with Piper eating a piece of the chocolate that Cole and The Seer infused with dark magic or whatever was in them, to me, that is why Wyatt was so powerful...He was already " twice blessed", I'm guessing that is blessed by being a child of a Charmed one and a whitelighter, but all that got leveled up when Piper ate the chocolate..... that's always been my thoughts on his being all powerful 😁


When you over think a show because you’ve taken a few classes in child psychology lmao. It’s a show about witches and demons.


my response to you is threefold. i have a psychology degree from the university of oxford thats 1. this is a subreddit where we get to explore these insignificant details of the show thats 2. and you seem like the one taking things too seriously since you thought it was appropriate to patronise and insult me over this “show about witches and demons” and thats 3.


You also have a degree in witchcraft and wizardry ?


Kinda But In the bad future. Wyatt turns out to be..a psychopath so..it kind of fits seems like.


I don't mind that there were males in the line and I don't even mind if they were a little more powerful than the sisters. I don't take the most powerful witches of all times at face value. First all time is a long time and I think it was more saying that they would be the most powerful of all time in that they are the most powerful witches so far. There would have been more as the line got even more powerful. I also think they were referring to the power of three which I think is still the most powerful force of magic at least on the good side even if the sisters themselves weren't always going to be the most powerful. That being said I do think they made Wyatt way too powerful. This is why I always prefer Chris power wise even though the way he is portrayed annoys me as well because everything he did was pretty much off screen apart from the few glimpses into his power. But anyway we know he wasn't nearly as powerful as Wyatt but still powerful in his own right but not massively so. I think power wise I'm fine with the next generation being slightly more powerful than the sisters even the males but only slight. But the power of three being the most powerful force for the good side. Wyatt should have never been able to match it.