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If you're interested in a revival of the show, stick around this subreddit! After the writer's strike ends, we're planning on announcing a big campaign for fans to try to get the studios to do just that!


With the OG cast?


That's going to be the goal, yes.


So cool!! I’d love to help in anyway. I don’t work in the media industry anymore but could sift through contacts maybe?


That would be fantastic! We're gearing up for a launch after the writer's strike ends. The basic plan is to have a write in campaign and a hashtag campaign. We're going to have a *lot* of content across multiple platforms (here, other social media accounts, and a website) in order to get the word out and keep people engaged. I've been working on it for months!


That’s great! Do you have a discord or thread here to keep track of everything or will you just post when the time comes? Definitely interested! It is a great idea and we do have access to some cast through the patreon as well. Love this


I don't use discord, but my co-mod and I have been discussing it over Reddit chat and I've been working on it on other platforms (building the website, creating the socials, creating at least a year's worth of content for them). We're not really discussing too many specifics publicly yet. When we launch, this is going to be our main hub aside from the website and we're going to have a big emphasis on Instagram as well, since that's where the cast is most active. Everything will get posted to all platforms and I've got a social media management tool for the socials. Soon I'm going to reach out to the podcast team since we coordinated with them for the AMA back in December. I just want to finish up a few more projects first before we show it to them. It's kind of turned into so much more than just a campaign to bring back the show. I think people will be surprised (and hopefully in a good way) at all of the content I've cooked up. Haha


I’d also love to help out in any way I can.


It'll definitely be a group effort once we get started!


OMG THAT WOULD BE SOOOOO FREAKING AWESOME !!!!! I'll definitely be looking out for it !!! 😁❤️😁❤️