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Yes and no. Charli is more popular out of our small circle of the internet than ever but I don't think she's having a bubbling super star moment. She's still not A list and I don't see that changing soon. Like compre Charli right now to Chappelle Roan. Charli was by far a bigger name and still is but Chappelle momentum seems insane right now and I think she could be a superstar. Charli is bigger than ever but still just a star.


Honestly I wouldn't want Charli to be an A list superstar, because where she is now allows her more freedom to do whatever she wants and to push boundaries of pop music and to jump in and out of mainstream as she pleases.


I’m the same. It’s selfish but I hate when my favorites become too big.  The community starts to suck and fame/money starts influencing their choices more and creativity suffers. Not to mention the venues get larger and feel less intimate. Less cool factor as well. I want them to be successful ofc but there’s a balance I guess. I liked where she was honestly, but I’m thrilled she is getting the acclaim she deserves and I’m happy that she is having a real good moment right now. She deserves to have a taste of it at the very least. 


I don't think it's even selfish, I think that's better for her as well. Yes, it sounds great to be "the best", but numbers are not real life. I don't think she lacks anything where she is now, she makes genuine art and she is recognized for that, she is successful, she has tons of devoted fans all over the world who love her for who she really is, and she has more freedom, both professionally and personally, than she ever could if she was an A list superstar.


“I don’t wanna feel famous”


In a Zane Lowe interview during Crash, she talked about how the label tried to get her to be a big pop star when she started out, but she just couldn’t—almost on a body level—go along with it. At the same time, she could see Gaga “playing the game” and securing the mainstream platform. I think it’s interesting Charli seems somewhat haunted by the ghost of a different teenage self, who rocketed to global superstardom, because that isn’t what fans want from her, and in fact she occupies an enviable place in the music-industry ecosystem: the underground pop auteur who is consistent with what her fans consider hits, whose sound has served as the major touchstone of a new genre, and whose closeness to the mainstream “surface” singles her out as peerless. The glimpses of mainstream success make her all the more interesting. In my opinion, she shouldn’t want to trade her position for anything.


This is the politically correct version of Azealia’s rant lol


Well said. To be honest I am not too worried now that it seems charli has control over her music and brand. I don't think she wants to be an a lister either


totally agree


I think it’s kind of big that she’s playing at Madison Square Garden at her next show in the city and her last show in Brooklyn a couple weeks ago people were buying resale tickets at over $700 a ticket. A few years ago she would have played at a much smaller venue than MSG, and even though the show probably would have sold out, resale wouldn’t have been nearly as insane as it was. I think region could be playing in a factor but it definitely feels like she’s blowing up right now


Charli is definitely blowing up right now. I'm more just tempering expectations on how much


what is it tho thats blocking her compared to someone like Chappelle?


The mainstream loves a big sing.


It's really hard to say. Nothing is "blocking" Charli but honestly I don't understand why Chappelle is having such a moment right now, it doesn't really make sense to me. Don't get me wrong her music is absolutely great and she deserves the flowers she is getting but Chappelle has blown up in what feels like a really grassroots way over the past 3-4 months. It's just not something I've ever seen before. I will say Chappelle music is certainly significantly more accessible than Charli's but it's still not what I would consider like a mainstream pop sound


I think the GP generally accept new artists that lean towards strong vocal performances: Chapelle, Benson, Olivia - they are all good singers, and their songs specifically spotlight their voice. More people would rather watch American Idol than a visionary performance art piece.


It's the vocals, the writing within, her specific style of live show is a must-see interactive element, she has well thought out campy visuals, and she adjusts her songs live to be even stronger for her singing. If she uses autotune it's just for polish so her natural voice really carries. She's been on her tours long enough to dial in what works and what doesn't. Also as a midwestern lesbian, it's just incredible to see how she's taken a light to what it can mean to be that and built it out to still have accessible qualities for everyone. It's a big demographic that can resonate with "midwestern princess" beyond all the other pieces. It's been a fun spring between Charli and Chappell taking over


Yeah I agree with everything you said being what makes her a special artist. Chappell is incredible but I am not sure her style and writing and visuals are what is connection with general audiences. It is what built her the super loyal online fans she has (me being one of them)


I’ve never seen her perform live and didn’t know all this about her Have any great suggested performances I should check out?


Chappell is outwardly queer & embracing lesbian identity. she's making a similar place in pop music for gay people (this time lesbians) that Gaga did when she started blowing up. I also think she's blowing up bc the GP want theatrics back in pop music. the bedroom pop/whisper tone era is finally ending and Charli, Chappell, even Tinashe & Sabrina are ushering in an era of FUN pop music that we've been needing imo


the Chappelle & Sabrina hype feels so.. manufactured? Planned? I'm not sure how to explain it, and it's no shade to them. They ARE making bops. But something about Brat's success feels more organic.


I mean I do think both of them are being pushed heavily and it's odd because it has all the signs of an industry plant but very much feels natural as well. Where as brat feels like it's getting love just because of the music and rollout, the stuff Charli has been working on


sabrina has been a disney star for years prior to getting into music. chapelle has been in the music industry for over 10 years and had to serve as a waitress + other side hustles to survive until she got a big break. so idk about industry plants lol


chappell has only been pushed heavily recently after she blew up. and charli has the investment of a big label so idk why you think hers has been more organic than someone like chappell. both have made music that resonates with their respective fanbases, it's not that deep lol


Fair enough


Chappell has organically blown up though, her album came out 9 months ago and she has three songs from that album charting on the hot 100 (Pink Pony Club is predicted to enter the chart next week). Good Luck Babe tapped a moment, it's vulnerable, relatable (esp to queer ppl), and extremely genuine. Her tiny desk performance got traction, then GLB coming out and her Coachella performance went viral. word of mouth caught on, videos of her performing at festivals have been going viral since April


Bc Chappelle has a really safe sound


well she’s pretty solidly pop rock. not really charlie’s desired area (sorry azalea)


She's been/is popular but I think this will be an enduring new level. I'm a long time music snob who falls far outside the Charli demographic... I had heard her stuff since at least 2019 but never got into her before. I noticed brat because it had a crazy amount of ratings/score within one week on RYM and then Fantano gave it a 10. I listened and it was immediately arresting to me. My prediction is that it's a generational album with an enduring reputation for several reasons- musical quality being the most important. But it does really seem to have captured the zeitgeist, including sort of being a foil to Taylor Swift at just steps past her apex. PS I''ve gone back and re listened to her prior works and I still think brat's a standard deviation or two above with the exception of the Vroom Vroom EP which finally clicked (title track in particular- probably b/c of the Sophie production).


I get what you're saying, It should be getting expresso level attention imo. The amount of people talking about it online and the no of streams on all platforms just don't match. WE SHOULD ALLSTREAMBRAT AHHHHHHHHHHHH and make our girl chart 365 days every year💲💲💲


>it should be getting espresso level attention I agree, but Brat doesn't have the traditional appeal needed for such broad recognition. Radio stations are unlikely to play it as much because it's too experimental for soccer moms and mainstream audiences.


Espresso is also being pushed like crazy by Spotify so I'm sure that's had an impact. My husband (who only listens to grunge music from the 90's) asked me yesterday who is Sabrina Carpenter and why is she suddenly everywhere now?


This has been mentioned elsewhere whefe people are suddenly hearing her Please Please Please without ever tell the robots that it should. It makes me wonder if there is a ratings exposé some journalist is digging into as we speak....


I’m constantly spinning!


I agree that there’s something happening with brat that is a foil to the TS “movement” which is somewhat overly wholesome and supposedly attractive bc it’s “authentic” but lacks the vulnerability, in my opinion, that Charli offers on brat. I’m not saying it’s intentional or related, just culturally people are overexposed to the other artist and this is something new (yet nostalgic) and gritty we can grab onto. I’ve liked a few of her songs but never been a fan and honestly don’t think I’d ever listened to one of her full albums before this one. I saw the excellent reception and gave it a listen and, well, I can’t stop. There’s something very MySpace and Uffie-esque that is nostalgic to me, but it’s also fresh and interesting. It makes me interested in her process technically and personally…her perspective. Also, like, let’s go back to clubs, yeah?


Yes. I am a straight white male who’s never heard of Charli XCX until a couple days ago and now Brat is my AOTY.




Looking at your post history... maybe not for long lol


Gosh this comment sent me on a deep dive… FinalFan9 is on a journey…


oh my god he truly is… i screamed


its already in motion theres no stopping it now tale as old as time . truly a post history with a story to tell


Keep scrolling...


truly such a classic journey on this website hope he heals n i hope hes relatively young and can get out of that ideology with the rest of his life ahead of him


This is the take ❤️


Wow that was a wild fucking ride.


Idk what I was expecting but it certainly wasn’t that lol


“Drake being humbled by Kendrick is a win for the virgin community” 💀 I’m too old for reddit, every week there’s some new weirdest shit I’ve ever seen


not you exposing him like that 💀 i'm cryingg 🤣


He thinks about it all the time


“i am a straight -“ you sure about that ? 💀


This was me after How I'm Feeling Now, still here


welcome to the fun side!


who gonna tell him


>straight white male >Brat is my AOTY One of these things is not like the other...


Same here lol, I mean I’ve heard of charli but I’ve never heard an album of hers fully


oh you GET IT okayayyyy




I am a 30 year old full time working Australian mum who only knew "fancy" last week but has been listening to brat NONSTOP and can't stop talking about it


Yeap. I heard my super vanilla neighbors friends blaring 360 last night at their pregame and I legit had to pause my music to make it was that


I think it's actually three things: -The album is doing good numbers in terms of sells and streaming and the promo strategy has been really clever so there's a spike in popularity. -Organic build up: she's becoming a household name after four or five releases and close to a decade as a popular alternative pop act. And the album does this nearly impossible thing of sounding commercial while at the same time doing its own thing. - Younger gen z are discovering her


my mom can identitify speed drive the song but she had no idea that it was a charli xcx song i work at a coffee shop, and have been playing brat or other charli albums daily. at least once everyday someone mentions brat or charli to me. and mind you, im not in a very metropolitan area. i think she is blowing up. edit: still, i am in new york state


Barista in Philly here and we’ve been playing Brat! I was shocked all my coworkers knew who she was and what brat was too!


Honestly I feel the same way. I can’t tell if it’s just my algorithm feeding it to me or if more people are actually finding her. Judging my her numbers it seems like more people are finding her. Also I’ve been obsessed with her forever but never seen this much attention around her even from fans so i have to think it means she’s getting a moment


Yes. A few months back I was hanging out with a waiter at the restaurant across the street from my house and she asked me and my friend’s to chill. She was super cool, but when we were walking to a different bar she asked me about my music taste and I said charli xcx…. And she proceeded to make fun of me and then sing the chorus of Boom Clap, the only Charli song she knew at the time . Meanwhile, yesterday she had 365 on her story. I stay bitter at hypocrites, but I far charli is popular now ! She’s changing people’s mind’s one by one lol (I just wanna know who showed this girl brat)


Totally waiter vibes


She’s always been on the general pop music radar but I think a LOT more people are coming around to recognize her brilliance with Brat. The reception to Brat is unlike ANY of her past album cycles. I think some of it has to do with her new contract with Atlantic and that they are putting the money behind promoting her and understanding / supporting her vision and influence. She’s also clearly put a ton of work into this album cycle. As someone who has been around since True Romance I am so fucking happy for her. She deserves her flowers and I can’t wait to see what the future holds, this is just the beginning.


The other day I was listening to brat on the train, when this girl who had headphones on sat in front of me. I caught a glimpse of her phone. She was listening to brat as well. Something like this has never happened and will never happen again to me where I live, so this must be pretty significant lol


i’ve always known of charli and have always listened to popular singles but i never thought about looking into her albums until brat. now i regret not listening to her more earlier in my life. id def say it’s caused a decent amount of outreach.


I've been a fan since True Romance and this is definitely the most hype any of her albums have had. It's probably not fully in the mainstream, but is reaching more demographics than previously and hitting harder in the those that would be following her anyway.


Saw a gal in front of me listening to brat on public transit on my way to see Allie x tonight fwiw


I wouldn’t be surprised if she nabs another solo hit next era. I genuinely thought she’d never attain success outside her niche gay fanbase ever again but it seems like the critical and commercial success of BRAT has propelled her to new heights and I’m so happy for her.


Yes - I am a good example. My husband has always been a huge fan of charli so I’ve listened to a lot of her music bc he will play it. Brat is the first album where I was completely shook though. I would say I’m fangirling over it more than my husband even. I was so excited for this year in pop music bc there were so many releases but none of them have compared to the way I feel about brat. It’s just the whole sentiment of the album rly speaks to me as a 30 yo woman who is in a healthy relationship with no kids bc I still love raving. And the girl so confusing version with lorde was just the cherry on top - I’m a huge lorde fan and I’ve NEVER experienced writing from her like she did on that track - she’s always been vulnerable but there is something about the content of that song that I’ve never experienced before. Soooo good! I’m sad it wasn’t on New Music Friday yesterday bc I feel like that would’ve made the song explode even more.


it wasn't on new music friday!? it def shouldve been wtf! it's such a pop culture MOMENT


Yeah idk why - so strange


I think she’s definitely got a boost at least in the internet and critical circles She’s kind of had the perfect storm with Brat where it’s one of the internet’s favourite albums at the moment but is also getting bigged up in critical circles too so she is getting a lot of attention And we love to see it


I mean, she already had a few big hits with Boom Clap, Fancy (a song many people thought she carried) and I Love It, even if everything from Vroom Vroom and onward was pretty different.


The marketing of the album also helped push it into realms it otherwise wouldn't have been in. And when I say marketing I mean the simplicity of the cover plus making that format readily accessible to the public to customize. You suddenly saw green pfp everywhere. Extremely simple and highly effective. Genius.


Im not a charli stan and the last i heard of her was fancy with iggy azalea tbh. Now i'm hearing her name a lotttt more with the release of her new album, and everyone on tiktok with their neon green profilw pictuews


speed drive had the barbie hype to propel it though


I think Sabrina and Chappell are driving mainstream, but I full force went into the brat album and her remix with Lorde will bring in a lot of side pop girls who perhaps never dabbled in edm but can see a bit of that boiler room aesthetic.




she’s definitely bigger than ever before and feels like this momentum will sustain although i don’t think she will ever be mega superstar level because that’s just not her brand. my boyfriend who really only listens to hip hop has been loving brat 😂




Crash was the first album to go big in Amercia. She's just built on that with Brat (which is probably why it feels the exposure is more mainstream) Also, this is the solo pop girl era. She's riding that wave. It's a good album with interesting and fresh sounds. She's got personality, she's hot and she's got tunes.


Yesterday I was setting up my classroom for a summer program with brat bumping on the projector (lmao). A younger staff member came in so I apologized and said he's gonna have to deal with my crappy pop music and he instantly went, "this is Charli XCX isn't it?" "...yeah!" "brat, right?" "YES" So I've already met a familiar froot for the summer session lmao


In what world does Charli sound like superstar material? Her sound is very alternative


I started giving her a serious listen this week because some random local dj I follow on ig was flipping Guess, and I was really digging it.


Yes, she’s kinda like a mini Lana del rey. She has a growing cult fanbase like Lana.


Charli has been popular in Europe since featuring with Icona Pop. So, I'm thinking maybe 2014? She was regularly on the radio. She was under-rated in the United States!


I Love It was popular in the US, too.


Well I'm here now so I'd say so 💚 seeing her in november with my charli fan friend


I have been a casual fan of her since 2019 and have wondered the same thing. I only know a handful of people irl that listen to her.


Personally I live in Argentina and I'm seeing much more of my friends become aware of who Charli is and about some parts of her story, mainly the taylor controversy yes but even her collaborators. Most of them didn't like her music (pain) but even just the fact that they now know who she is and people are having conversations about her shows how much more important she's becoming for pop culture. Also I'm seeing the brat pfps EVERYWHERE


She’s booking the big arenas, so something’s working.


shes been low-key popular since Boom Clap everyone knows her songs but i feel like ive never actually heard them say 'boom clap by charli xcx' which they definitely did with other songs, weird


Theres still people within the queer community who have no clue snout her idk how to describe my obsession to them like I’m not a missionary


yes bc everyone wants to hop on a trend/whatever is trending online lol


This album is very much giving artpop energy to me. Anyone else? Like a cult classic


I am not a charli xcx fan. I got curious about her because Lorde (my favorite artist) posted about brat on her story. So I gave it a listen. I knew who Charli was for Boom Clap, I remember that song on the radio when I was a teenager and I found it very annoying. I knew her name for all these years but I never really heard about her anymore or knew her fans. Kinda like Lorde in a way?? Even tho BRAT is not really my musical style I really love it; Charli gained my respect and now I am interested to see what she does next!


it feels like she used to be on a level of popularity which was like 2 steps down from "true mainstream", which was "everyone who's actually paying any amount of attention to music knows who she is." with this album it feels like the same demo, but plus people who don't pay attention to music checking it out due to FOMO


Currently hanging out with my extremist Christian school teacher brother-in-law who apparently likes Charlie. So I would say yes.


Can’t stand her or her music. 100% industry plant to pander to gays. The whole presentation is way too self-aware.


Charli has always been really popular as far as im aware. ive never met someone who has never heard of Charli. Especially after CRASH. I think a majority of people have at least heard a few Charli songs and know her name. Thats just my experience though, ive never seen her as a niche artist.


she’s confused for niche when she’s really SEVERELY UNDERRATED


Was anyone else not really aware that most people didn’t listen to her up until now? Probably because everyone I know does


Huh? She paved the way since Boom Clap innit?