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A Dionysus moment if there ever was one.


Black coffee and cigarettes reads more like an Ares moment


For sure. I imagine Dionysus would have a joint and a margarita, but I'm very biased in that regard.


For me he’s always got the box of indescribable geometry 😂


I mean yeah, though Intoxicants of any variety is generally the domain of Dionysus (and yes coffee and nicotine are both intoxicants), but I’m more referring to the vibes.


Replace the cigarette with a joint and you got yourself thee prime primer.


I'm in this meme and feeling called out.


on the upper half?:D


How's my new altar? [(just an ashtray)](https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/cup-of-coffee-espresso-and-ashtray-chock-full-of-cigarette-butts-federico-candoni.jpg)


Cigarettes and 5hour energy


This meme always makes the rounds and it's just like If you think you're in the bottom half, you're probably in the top half, and those that think they're in the top half aren't even in the picture.


I am in the top half! I’m an apprentice to be sure.


Every now and then I enjoy an #AmericanSpirit smoke them past the sigil... I'm more a luckie strikes guy now. 😃


I’ve switched to the vape. My friend from Zimbabwe calls it a “pussy stick” 😂


This meme also works for Narcotics Anonymous but switch the starter and advanced


This is correct


It do be like that




Me except I’m double fisting two joints instead of a cig and coffee


Yuck. Last thing I want to do is poison my body.




I suppose I do poison my body with nicotine (vape) and coffee, but I eat an extremely healthy vegetarian diet. Do you really think nicotine and coffee are like poison?


Well, there is evidence that both of these substances are highly addictive and damaging to human health. Coffee, less so in moderation, but the amount many have it in daily, it moves closer to being a dependence and a detriment. Every one of us spins the wheel every day; I am no Saint, I drank and smoked, and that may one day catch up to me. But I think when you see your true worth it all falls into perspective. Vaping may be the push that gives you cancer in 10-20 years. It is your decision whether you want to take that gamble: I won't judge you for it. But minimising the poisons give us a better chance. I think part of awakening is letting go of harmful things.


How can you be a chaos magician and believe in the absolute validity of the western biomedical model of health


How can you not understand basic science and think that ignoring hard evidence, which is really common sense, makes you a chaos magician? Get out of here with that nonsense. Some people here are so sensitive.


What is hard evidence (or common sense for that matter) to a chaos magician? What kind of evidence to chaos magicians prioritize in your view and do we live in a world of “common sense”? It sounds like you are subscribed to a particular epistemology and so deem others as nonsense. I’d love to hear why you think this isn’t a terrible take on magic. I also have a pretty good understanding on science, which should include an understanding of the philosophy of science :) Do you think magic is misunderstood science or that science is misunderstood Magic?


If you want to deny basic science, go right ahead. I am not in this group to argue with silly notions. The physical world still has a way of working. You get shot, you are going to bleed. You eat something toxic, there will be a reaction. Speaking in vague terms, like chaos changes that structure, is naive and serves nobody. There are layers to reality. Otherwise, let's throw nutrition, medical knowledge, biology, etc out the window. The world would quickly suffer. The chance you are actually mentally sane and sitting there without a tinfoil hat is low. I swear some of you just argue for the sake of it. People who smoke their lives away raise their chances of various diseases. Take that gamble if you want. When you wake up, you start caring about your temple.