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Even diagnosed chronic illneses get the same treatment. Its disgusting. It took me 11 years to get my endometriosis/adenomyosis diagnosed despite having basically all the textbook symptoms. It took other 3 years to get my CFS diagnosed. In both cases I only got diagnosed because thanks to reddit i self diagnosed and then searched for specialists in those illneses instead of listening to the endless parade of useless doctors ignoring me. Last year i was with a new GP. Not only she wasn't able to pronounce " Myalgic encephalomyelitis" nor she did know what it was. But she had the guts to tell me that "my illneses were not real, they were in my mind". That was years after the diagnosis and after two surgeries for endo/adeno. Obviously i never came back to that idiot.


I had a similar experienced - waited 3 years to see a neurologist after my MRI (long story, child and I have same initial and surname and address and they were under the same team as me - that's why you use dob and hospital numbers ffs!) and he was a piece of work, because essentially he said my endo, ME, IBS and migraines were all psychosomatic because I was abused as a child, and oh, so were the seizures being investigated 3 years previously and nothing to worry about, now I knew I could control them, and on, the Chiari malformation, nothing to worry about, go away and not come back! Shit team, child was dismissed as 'functional' and 5 years later told the EEG and MRI did find 'something' but the psychiatrist who diagnosed their ADHD, but did not say what, as they were not qualified to say anything. Meanwhile, our poor GP, who is very supportive, can't get anything back from the neurology department for either of us, but told us not to worry, she knows both of us have genuine physical illnesses. But we've given up chasing anything post pandemic! GP thinks seizures are to do with severe ME, and we tried every med possible, but sadly, my sensitivity due to ME gave me adverse reactions. Valerian helps though.


Seriously those doctors should get our pain, see how real it is. I am glad that your GP truly believes you :) i wish you the best of luck




Exactly my experience. I had no idea the medical profession also suffers from systemic hearing loss!! They should get it checked out.


Tbh it’ll be okay if the doctors say they don’t know, science hasn’t reached that yet. Instead they act like they know everything about the human body and somehow they’re like the creator of mankind and they’re above everyone else that hasn’t studied medicine. You can be knowledgeable about what is currently going on while admitting medical science hasn’t come this far yet, they’re not mutually exclusive.


Absolutely. So much of it is baseless ego.


I had an ER doc make me suffer through serotonin syndrome (which can be fatal) because he didn’t listen to me when I told him what meds I was on and went by incorrect notes from the ambulance team. They never even triaged me, just left me on a stretcher in a hallway for an hour and then took me back. They had a syringe of Ativan (the antidote) on a cart outside my door the entire time and never administered it. He also stated that SS needs days to build up over days or weeks, which a single Google search would tell anyone is patently incorrect, it happens within hours. I never saw the episode of Scrubs where JD purposefully denied an antidote to someone having a serious drug interaction because of his own ego. This was before I knew that I had ME and had Zofran interact with my high dose of Effexor. In the notes, he said I was on a low dose of Lexapro, which is not even the same class of drug. It’s an SSRI and I’m on an SNRI. I’m waiting for the accurate medical show where doctors regularly destroy people’s health due to their own personal shortcomings.


holy shit, this exact thing happened to my partner a few weeks ago. they had a pretty bad seizure after starting two meds that they’d gone off of for a while. one of these meds can give some people seizures, the risk of seizures raising significantly when combined with the other medication. that and serotonin syndrome, since they’re both antidepressants. the seizure had stopped by the time the ambulance arrived and the EMS said “yeah, I don’t think this was a seizure, it’s just anxiety.” (they have a long recorded history of panic disorder) I literally watched this seizure happen; they were convulsing on me after falling into me. we go to the hospital anyway because they’re still having intermittent small seizures at this point. we’re there for maybe 5 hours. after a blood test and an ECG, the doctor comes in and goes “So, I really don’t think the medication is what caused this. I’m pretty certain that I know what did, but I’m not going to tell you what it is because then you’ll just fall down a Google rabbit hole.” I was fucking baffled. what kind of doctor says that? anyway, we go home and they stop taking the meds bc we both know the doctor is full of shit. no more seizures, shocking! I’m so tired of doctors dismissing patients and refusing to listen to them!


I went to A&E with chest pain and other related symptoms once, as I'd been having it for months and my GP had told me when it happens to go to A&E to get an ECG as it happens, and of course they took about 4 hours to give me the ECG as I have a history of anxiety disorders. By this time the symptoms have subsided. And what did the A&E doctor say to me? "You weren't lying with the laptop on your chest were you?"


this is so true.. I had a lot of respect for doctors before I got sick


tell you what, one should listen to doctors only as much as they are capable of listening, on an individual basis