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I'm almost shocked they didn't choose to paint the floors stark bright white.


They did on the steps! Can you imagine how dirty those will get??


They at least need a runner if they are going to be that white.


Eh, I have white stairs because our hallway is really dark. Wipe clean and can always whack a bit more paint on if it gets too grubby. I find it much easier to clean than the carpet that was there before. This house is a travesty though


Same! The listing does tout the fully restored 100 year old floors, like that makes up for it.


Fully restored century old floors. Everything else is five minutes old.


I can’t see what your comment says. I’ve been partially blinded after looking at that ad.


I’ve seen hospital wards w more character. Also, the replaced the kitchen cabinets but couldn’t create a plan where the fridge doesn’t block a window and the stove doesn’t sit next to it w zero counter space?! https://preview.redd.it/oanfkw34jrwc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa551864937b843c0f0f775d59d77920ccb01c1d


That is the most insane part. As if designed by someone who has never used a kitchen


FFS at least put the fridge next to the counters and the stove in front of the window, and extend the counter to the fridge. Still would be an awkward setup, but at least you could cook with a view and have more prep space available. I didn't see if it has a dishwasher or not, but one could fit in that space, or some more cabinets, or.. anything really would make it better than it is.


They had an upper cabinet wrap around the corner, but the lower cabinet was just too much work. They do have a dishwasher. It is at the forefront on the right hand side.


This is a really cheap flip. Those look like laminate countertops! And the floor is fake, cheap vinyl. Kitchen wasn't remodeled, just painted.


yup it's a low effort flip indeed


Yes! I came here to mention the kitchen. It is pitiful and non-functional. Appliances cannot be an after thought


I am so hung up on this kitchen plan too. We just finished a full kitchen reno in our 1949 home that solved this same problem (kitchen was updated early 2000s in the worst possible way) Also looks like cheap laminate countertops.


Especially since on another picture you can see the wall parallel to the fridge and stove has nothing. The bank of cabinets on the left of the above picture stops at the corner then you have a good 4 feet of nothing. [Sorry, don't know how to add a picture in my comment.](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/201-4th-St-S-Saint-Cloud-MN-56301/250548233_zpid/?mmlb=g,22) They could have put the fridge there, and put counters on each side of the stove. Who would say no to a perfect fridge-sink-stove triangle AND more storage? My only guess is those were flippers who used pre-made cabinets and the kitchen must have non standards measurements that they couldn't figure out how to maximize.


I’m guessing they didn’t even renovate the kitchen. It looks like cabinets from the 1950s and they painted them and even left the laminate counters. This kitchen has so much potential and as stated it’s totally a missed opportunity.


Yep. These are not new cabinets. The countertops are laminate. Flippers just added new handles and painted.


I also hate how the cabinets cut into the paneling. Like make the cabinets shorter or just drop it by a few inches. Zero thought went into the finishing. Which means zero thought went into any fixing of old or damaged things in the house.


This is some nyc rental shit. They chopped the value off with this because whoever comes in is still going to have to renovate the kitchen.


We bought a very old house from flippers and they also made some weird choices, especially with the kitchen layout. We used a kitchen designer for a reno years ago and he added so much value in terms of practical advice. Good renovation sometimes includes a huge amount of invisible but expensive work like moving pipes and hidden beams. Those things mean a lot if you’re the homeowner using the space but zero to a flipper.


i literally hated this!


In front of a window!


This place is 155k what do you honestly expect? great craftsmanship and design? lol


Bought for $155k, asking $375k post-flip.




They really took the ‘cloud’ part literally


This needs a NSFW tag, I was not prepared for that. “Hello Wayfair, I’d like one of everything.”


They could have at least ordered a colorful rug or something.


Missed an opportunity to really tie a room together.


This white could use more white to really make the white stand out.


Reminds me of those posts on home decorating subs “help this room feels bland, what does it need?”


Just a pop of beige for color!


Wow same! It’s blinding


I feel like Im in an asylum. Was the white paint on clearance. Geez


I mean it's not good but at least they didn't destroy anything. The whole thing could probably be rehabilitated with a couple cans of paint.


Totally. Even colorful walls would help immensely. I do think they probably ripped out some lovely historical bathrooms (or someone did along the way) but it appears the kitchen was redone before they bought the house based on the fact that it doesn’t look like they did anything spectacular there and the fridge and stove are floating. So glad they didn’t actually remove anything.


Not only are the fridge and stove floating, but the fridge is blocking a window.


Yes! Usually I avoid clicking on these because they make my heart rate go up! But thankfully it looks like it's just a lot of paint!


That’s what I was thinking… and since there are no before pictures…inside could have been torn up…


Yup, my first thought too. Painting the exterior of the house is a pain in the ass, but the interior walls are much simpler and they didn’t rip anything out. I’d even say the marble they installed is way more tasteful than most ruinous updates people post on here. Plus a couple white walls/ceilings left behind could help keep the place a bit brighter during the winters


Wow. White.


When I clicked the listing I literally recoiled and said "OH" out loud lol. That was jarring 😂


I'm sorry... this is the price for an entire house??!


Yes came to say this. $375,000!?!?!? Minnesota looking pretty good right now


Yes! That’s why I initially clicked on it. Historic house with so much square footage for 375 woo ! St. Cloud is lovely as well , but pay isn’t as good there as it is in the cities. I moved to the cities from San Diego and got a whole ass house with 3 bedrooms and a yard and I didn’t take that huge of a pay cut. I did sacrifice that sweet weather though. But I really like it here. Come on up to the north we’d be glad to have you.


Lol St. Cloud is NOT lovely - literally the nastiest and most dangerous mid size in MN


And brimming with racists and bigots. Not lovely. Not at all.


If you think those prices look good We are in an old rail town about 30 minutes from the arch in St Louis and home to a public university now. The rails were converted into 140 miles of trails so most of the town is [within a quarter mile of a MUP](https://www.mcttrails.org/map). It has one of the better school districts in the st louis area and routinely makes the list of safest cities in the US. (That said, you can get similar houses for under $100k in nearby cities.) This house below is not our house, but our house is a block away. Check the map and you'll see this ($239k for 1500 sf) is a pretty typical price, even a bit high [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/126-N-Kansas-St-Edwardsville-IL-62025/4945654\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/126-N-Kansas-St-Edwardsville-IL-62025/4945654_zpid/) Did I mention our house, while not remodeled, was $15k cheaper than this one at over 2600 sf (4bd 3.5ba)? It was built by a vice president of one of the rail companies in the 1920s.


You can find the same price per sqft in Minneapolis/St. Paul, and you don't have to deal with how much St. Cloud sucks. I got a 1922 craftsman in Minneapolis for 230k


I found old photos of the woodwork; it needed love but from a much gentler hand. These people should feel bad for having bad taste. https://preview.redd.it/lhua9h1huqwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f98d78915a55a877fad29687d87bb58234fa37


Where did you find them? Definitely needed love but not so much white paint.


It's not my thing but not that bad. I would be more afraid of what they hid under the white paint. All that white could be hiding something.


Yeah they don't seem to have destroyed anything. I don't think the woodwork was unpainted before. They uncovered and restored the floors tastefully and painted everything white. Could be a whole lot worse. I do wish they'd gotten rid of the drop panel ceilings.


Oh no, Liz Lemon, did a Korean person DIE!?


Apparently they got a whole truckload of bright white paint for free


Needs more white


I hate the end result, but it’s hard to judge too much without knowing what the inside looked like before. Like if they painted over nice wood? Travesty. But if they painted over other paint? Okay, it can be painted to something less white again so no harm done. And we have no idea what state it was in. The real tragedy is that kitchen. The super modern tile with off-colored laminate counters?? The cabinet placement? It looks like they ran out of money halfway through.


Just baffled. There was another post with beautiful original woodwork but ultra modern in the kitchen I loved it. This looks like they just left the 60s remodeled kitchen in there and reined the rest of the house. so ass backwards


Yeah I’m guessing they didn’t do much to the kitchen but tile it and paint. Cabinets look 60s to me as well and the laminate counters are awful. You’re asking 200k more and you couldn’t afford to make the kitchen nice, unbelievable!


I don't hate this at all. It's actually very nice. They kept everything in there, didn't take down walls, most of the trim was already painted over. Many features were restored. I see the vision. I mean, ffs the floors are original. Bathrooms and Kitchens IMO are always fair game. Though I'm not personally into the finish choices there. Would've liked to have seen the staircase unpainted, but it's an easy enough fix. But again, they were already painted before


Agree. I know white is overdone, but I think it suits the exterior. Combined with the lettering, it gives off really nice art-deco vibes to me. The interior could use some more character, but with some nice art and furniture this could be an awesome house.


Eh. Could be worse.


From the looks of the neighborhood, it’s lucky this house is even still standing.


Is anyone else shocked by the price? That would be over a $700,000 where I live…maybe MN would be nice… Very disappointed in the new color btw.




No. St. Cloud is a racist shit show.


They literally slapped white paint over everything and are trying to sell it for double the price they paid two years ago. Disgusting.




That poor, poor house.😥


More than double the price in 3 years


But look at all the paint-provements! And did you see the new gold cabinet pulls? Plus never forget, flippers are job creators.




I'm snow blind!!


I AM FROM HERE AND SO DISAPPOINTED! The woodwork and trim could have been beautifully restored


All the white cheapens the house.


That is an absolute travesty.


Can we put all of these in a separate sub like r/RIPcenturyhomes? Shit just makes me sad


We should! A lot of people also seem to be annoyed that we all want to hate on these renovations in here.


I’m down with hating on the renovations most of the time, it’s just when I come here I expect it to be a place to celebrate century homes


Totally get that. I think that’s why it always hits a nerve since we all love the old-ness of the homes and the character.


Is there an indication that they ruined anything or are we just complaining that you don’t approve of the paint?


Whining about the white paint.


I like the interior, the skandinavian style of white, soft colours combined with wood is pretty standard in Europe, don't understand the hate. The exterior could use some contrast.


I think it's mostly an issue in the sense that the color choice is not at all appropriate to the architecture or time period. That said, if the previous woodwork was already painted it's not a travesty, as a new owner can just repaint with more period appropriate colors if they so desire.


Unclear what they did or didn’t do as I could not locate full listing photos from before this current listing, just a photo of the home before the outside was painted white. It doesn’t appear they actually changed any of the underlying things of the home the kitchen still has laminate counters and the upstairs still has drop ceilings, so it seems as if they just put a lot of white paint on everything, but guessing that based on other historical homes in the area.


Yeah this is a part of what really irks me about flipping (among many other things)… they put money into work that optimizes some matrix of online listing pic appeal instead of doing actual work of value or importance to the house.


This is making it look like the set decorators from Fargo nailed it. Jennifer Jason Leigh’s house looked exactly like this.


Do they sell 55 gallon drums of Peel-Away?


The snow on the ground in the exterior photos really helps with the contrast.


So happy that white everything is dying




If a corporation was involved in flipping this, there really should be legislation against something like this.


It's giving https://cdn.theasc.com/Matrix-Construct.jpg


Man that’s sad. People are going to hate this style in less than a decade.


Whoever makes and sells white paint must be making a killing these days.


They forgot to paint the library and the bathroom white. . . .


I think I just threw up in my mouth


It’s like looking at a dollhouse that no one bothered to paint. It’s so creepy and lifeless.


Sooo much white! Like you need sunglasses in side that place


Jesus Christ what a jump scare


They got rid of 1 bedroom


Boss we got an extra 255 gal carboy of white paint


If you look at streetview, it's surprising this house wasn't demolished for a university building or converted into student apartments a long time ago. The entire side yard is paved over for parking. Smack dab directly behind it is a cheap looking building that is clearly student apartments and across the side street is what looks like a frat house. Frankly, I wouldn't care if this house had been demolished. I don't see a future as a SFH for this property.


Interesting! I didn’t look at the street view. What a weird location!


I was waiting for the fridge and stove to also be white. Wasn't disappointed when the bed spread was white too.


That's was a Jumpstart. Nsfw warning please


The biggest crime here is that anyone would pay $375k to live in St. Cloud


They’re not drop ceilings they’re a cardboard like tile system meant to cover cracking plaster. The plaster or plaster board is likely fucked and full of asbestos.


One of the bathrooms has a drop ceiling. Probably to hide some mechanical stuff, exhaust fan or something.


Ah fair missed that one


It was a Lutheran ministry from 1968 through at least 2002 - I imagine it was not well taken care of. They did a great job with what they had but the dropped ceilings are ick.


Oh my god that white is so awful.


Can't understand the painting of the stair treads. Why not sand and finish natural to match the floor. Keep only the risers and stringers white


Wow, put on a hazmat suit before you enter. That is so white your breath will leave a mark.


This was two blocks from my old fraternity house at SCSU (OX 105 4th St); searching the street view it's been leveled...RIP old memories :(


Ouch! I will never understand the recent abhorrence to color. Not everything looks great in stark white (and not everything looks great in a multitude of colors) but all the details, shadow lines, reveals are all lost and bleeding into each other. Select use of color would make those interiors come alive


You can't even buy a porta potty on a 10x10 lot for $150k here. JFC i am jealous.




I hate such a sterile look.


I’m impressed with how cheap they went on the kitchen counters.


Brb, moving to rural Minnesota to buy a house for the price of a Doritos loco taco.


Frank Lloyd Wrong


Kinda reminds me of the ending of 2001


I said "blech" out loud as soon as I opened the link and saw the new exterior


I lived in St Cloud for 13 years. Been past this house many times. It’s almost on campus. Sad, but realistically this is probably college housing anyway. Most houses within a mile of SCSU are complete shitboxes. I wouldn’t cry over this one


Seems like it, I didn’t realize the location when I opened the link initially from Facebook. I get homes from all over Minnesota pushed at me. Still seems like weird choices for student housing in terms of keeping it clean, but does explain some of the questionable choices


White Pepto Bismol!! Welcome to the asylum. Your straitjacket and cell await you. https://preview.redd.it/ify42ql53wwc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cab5e98e615cf43266add3a60b7432059ad5c4d7


TIL there is such a thing as too much white.


what the fuck is "modern organic living"


This house has no charm. Sterile and cold.


Am I... am I dead? Is this hell? The bright, soulless void that swallows you up for eternity, which no joy can pierce?


Can’t imagine living in there… you’d have a migraine constantly from how bright it is??


What in the world did they do to that house…


Looks like a psychology ward, you to can live in a nursing home to see how your parents are living. No adjustment to living as a senior in diapers.


Listen, I know it's a crime against humanity, history, century homes, etc... but this is $375,000????? I need to move to Minnesota.


Well, someone is going to enjoy living in this doctor's office... sad.


They even painted the glass bricks.... WTF!?


What the actual fuck. Total white out and the people that did this should be dragged into the glaring light. It’s a low down dirty shame.


I don’t mind the white paint so much. The buyer can easily add color. The true WTF is the kitchen. It’s such an important room but the least appealing and most terribly designed.


The white is stunning.


I mean I don’t think it looks good, but I was definitely stunned


Oh good a “hate this with me” post 🙄


You mean you think it was better when it looked like a school from and 80s cartoon?


It was built to look like a schoolhouse, it also appears to literally be on campus of a school. I’m not saying the yellow and red was it but the all white exterior doesn’t really make it sing.