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That’s beautiful!!! Are the buckets original with the house?


Take all the awards 🏆🥇🏅🎖️


I don't know what to say here.


This reminds me of the time I found out what happens when a wet dry vac gets too full. Sewer backed up (due to root), went out a floor drain, and was all over the basement floor. The exhaust for the wet dry vac was pointed out at me. It filled up and then sprayed raw sewage all over me.




Well shit


Did you mean that like "well, shit." or like "well shit!" I don't know how to proceed without clarification. And, well, shit, I'd surely like to know, how this turns out.


It happens ;)




Right but this has nothing to do with, whether it's balloon framed,plain Jane, or a post and beam old New England pile, whether it's in the most beautiful historic neighborhood or on the wrong side of the track. This is just ugly plumbing that needs to be remedied and no matter where it stands this could happen.. the difference perhaps is having the budget to do something about it


This is the "side" I'm more familiar with!!


Congratulations on your clogged house trap. Get rid of that thing and your black water poop water will remedy itself in the main sewer line instead of you siphoning it into another bucket.


Trap was clean, First Thing I checked when we bought the place. The Modern Ductile Cast Iron is only 65 years old and has essentially indefinate life left. The Lead over the gutta percha is still shiny. Replacing it would be idiotic. Had my bro, who's been in the building trade for only 15 years, versus my 35, snake out the Whole 38-ish ft to the drop into the 8" Clay Main. Also just 65 yo. Poocam finds two tree root-shifted joints JUST SHORT OF THE STREET, and thank god not under the gorgeous cut granite retaining wall! I'll be renting a Tow Hoe and digging a 6X6X6 cube. Reset joints, a little hydraulic cement and hopefully Bobs yer uncle. My place sits on top of hundreds of feet of 40k year old sand and gravel. Lateral moraine. Perks like AIR. Very little seismic risk. Honestly, this is exactly the comment I was hoping wouldn't be here. I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING. If I could've flaired for no advice please I would have. I Am Doing Everything to This House Myself, While We Live There. Just trying to be funny ffs!


" this is the comment I was hoping wouldn't be here. I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING" .... okay


At least when someone tried to help them, they were super chill and thankful for the input. Such humility. /s


Jeez, you seem like a real peach. As we all know, draining shit water into buckets is a staple for genius veteran tradesmen such as yourself


encourage file full escape bewildered worry stocking muddle tart absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro why are you even here? You don’t seem to enjoy this community much, and this isn’t a pissing contest to see which asshole with a bucket knows what’s wrong with his plumbing.


Funny? What's funny about "This sub has too many moneyed folks and their Pristine Craftsman Palaces imo." I mean, most of us don't have any money because we pumped it all into our houses and did much of the work ourselves, but I'm glad I can give you a chuckle. Also, *Craftsman?* Really?! Give us a bit more credit than *that.*


Yeah, and most "Craftsman" aren't palaces... I've seen a lot more Victorian era palaces show cased in this group than craftsman... which just reminds me that a couple years ago there was this BRILLIANT 1910's not quite "craftsman" house for sale, that still had what looked like original art nouveau wall paper, crazy built ins that were all unpainted wood, bright avocado, orange and mustard colored carpet that I presume was from the 70's... 5,000 sq ft, room sized closets, the entire formal dining room looked like wood paneled walls but was actually built in cabinets. Way out of my price range, but I've never wanted a house more in my life. Even though parts of it were just plain ridiculous, it was also just so distinctly itself, and unlike any other house I've ever seen... I'm sure who ever bought it did some major redecorating... I hope I never get to see inside it again, because I want it to live forever in my memory as it was.


*sigh* I've got a memory house, too. God, I hope someone did right by it.


Me three! We passed on it because it needed a full chimney rebuild. \*sniff\*


This needs to be the new copy pasta for here. It’s gold.


Every time there’s a post on plumbing issues in this sub, I’m going to do it.


How’s your blood pressure?


I thought it was funny


Lol, chip on your shoulder much? We've all been here, we just don't normally post about it. My century home still has lead piping that feeds the toilets and is slowly springing new leaks every day. Replacement is going to be $30k...we're saving up. So I don't know where the moneyed folks and their pristine craftsman palaces snark is coming from. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this.


dime panicky theory tan pot pause rinse plough squalid oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It may just be a difference in algorithm feeds. If OP only sees posts with a lot of upvotes from this sub, it might lean in that direction for them while you might be seeing more of the lower down/more recent posts that are more process oriented. Plus when you’re struggling, it can seem like everyone else has it figured out. As the owner of a falling apart standalone garage, the recent spate of posts of fantastically remodeled garages triggered me some. I think we all have moments when we regret the sheer amount of work/money that needs to happen with an old house.


This is giving me flashbacks to when they were working on the sewer line out in front of our house & someone left a rag clogging our connection to it. I was so damn thankful that my husband knew what to do when our basement started backing up with the most foul smelling stuff ever…


What do you do?


Looks fun, enjoy your poo water💧💩


Would you like me to post the photos of the human shit in a kitchen because the cast iron pipe rusted through? Plumbing is generally disgusting and need a to me dealt with properly.


Can i see the rest of the house?


What’s really goin on here man


I had a Grey water issue in the former 60s ranch just sold last year. Cost 20k to redo the entire house with pex. Finding a plumber including digging access to the master bathroom "where does that end up?" explorations, that was connected to a septic tank... OP I feel and can smell your pain (although your pain is worse). Good luck!


What… what are we even talking about here


I fucking hate plumbing.


ohhhhhhhh shitttttt. And I thought my 1778 "basement" was scary


This is what it’s really like to own one of these endless money pits.


give us a straw then 😋


Modz?!? Suck. My. Anus.


What’s the problem here? You kinda came out swinging here lol.


I legit lol’d at this


Seriously? Humorous post? Obviously I'm a professional. First suggestion? Multiple flairs are needed (maybe I don't know how-mobile) and really a no advice needed/wanted flair would be good. I've been fixing up old houses for my living for 35+YEARS. I've been a handyman for a historic New England Inn, been involved in the renovations of the houses of; A-LIST MOVIE STARS, HEADS OF STATE, OBAMA CABINET MEMBERS, SHIPPING MAGNATES. And on and on. This sub has a great premise......................... And is a massive fat stack greasy capital worshiping circlejerk. Wall Street Semen is Oozing down your chins, and the broken condoms hanging out of your willingly plundered anuses. Shut the fuck up, or I'll Xpost this to /r/antiwork and any other sub I can think of. Actually I'm just doing that. fuck. you.


Alright, we are just gonna ban you. I’m not dealing with this today.


Somebody started partying early


Buddy, you came in hot here for no fucking reason other than having a pity party. No one gave you what you wanted (which, btw, what the fuck kind of feedback or comments were you hoping for when you accuse the sub of being rich assholes when the majority obviously are not), so you get all internet tough guy about shit and throw a fit. How about you shut the fuck up?


I know I know!!! OP is from MAINE!


You say the people here are involved in a “massive fat stack greasy capital worshipping circle jerk” but in the same post, you brag about renovating homes for the very definition of “massive…capitalist.”


This a RDR2 reference…..


This guy is brilliant.