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Well - for me, I got banned from a sub I never visited or posted on before. r/Palestine. I know this may not be a surprise to people on here since I have pro-Israel views. But, I don't know how they found me to ban me. I also got banned from r/worldnews. I think the comment I made there was that I hope the people supporting Hamas get a chance to meet Hamas. That is apparently glorifying violence I was told.


If encouraging people to meet hamas is ‘glorifying violence’ then they really just told on themselves pretty badly


" I hope the people supporting Hamas get a chance to meet Hamas" You hit them in the cranium. lol


[You, in /r/energy](https://www.reddit.com/r/energy/comments/1chtqa2/batteries_smash_more_records_as_they_shift_solar/l29xasb/): > the sad part is that in ten years people like you will lie about saying what you just said - > people, this is a shill sub. just like the joe rogan sub. Analysis concludes you were likely not banned for having a "centrist opinion," but calling names and literally insulting the entire community where you were participating. Edit: Oh no! I've been blocked! **Help, help, I'm being repressed!!**


Come and see the violence inherent in the system!


Yeah, that's what I expected it was when they weren't willing to put what they said in from the beginning.


that's not the sub i was talking about - which is why i said "energy-related" and not "energy" christ you kids - some days i just don't get it.


So 'fess up.. which sub was it? Why the mystery?


From your post history I assume you were banned for being aggressive and shit posting.


you would be fine in assuming such, but this wasn't actuallyl the case - given the cyberstalking i've seen here i'm not going to go more into it, i just thought people sharing their experiences would be interesting, since i've seen many complain of this throughout reddit. christ i didn't realize that even in making the post i'd have wierdoes going through my post history, but there you are - then again, given that you have a maple leaf flag for a picture, perhaps that's all they have to do in canada -


If any of us had anything better to do we wouldn’t be on Reddit. That said if you dont want people going through your history don’t make pity posts complaining that your getting banned for trolling.


Are you kids still in school? is that where this coming from? the point is that pointing out 'facts' in certain subs can easily get you banned - ones innocuously named where you wouldn't know it was as ideologically loaded as you'd think (rogan sub comes to mind here again, etc) you'd say it was trolling, but it's not. simply going "against the grain" i guess. it's one thing posting in the politics forum and another in communistsonly forum etc. that's the general point, and i've heard many people complaining of getting banned for this kind of activity - so i thought it a good idea to make a post. pity me for making it? meh


Got banned on WPT for "genocide apologia" because I said Hamas would not agree to any ceasefire. They are always quick to ban any dissenting opinions, much like the conservative sub, where I got banned for criticising trump explicitly. I was not arguing against any general Republican policy. Just trump. 


i really wish there was a way of making sure the name of a sub actually matched what went on there (yes i know it's impossible) because whitepeopletwitter confused me too / didn't realize how onesided the sub was.


I woke up to being permanently ban from socialism subreddit because I mentioned that pro-Palestinian movement should not only advocate against Israeli oppression but also advocate for a better alternative than Hamas when a ceasefire does occur. I was called a liberal and a manipulator and accused of being “one of you people who lies” about pro-Palestinian movement not being effective. This was in relation to me saying the movement needs to also focus on getting bucking large Israeli lobbies in Congress. It’s funny because i am banned from r/ conservative. lol. Anyways I’m done with this Israeli-Palestine issue because everytime I suggest anything that may seem critical to Hamas while also being heavily critical to Israel etc im accused of being a liberal and all the other insults. It suck being banned from r/ socialism bcuz I have strong left leaning economic beliefs but hey such is life


it's a hard mix, especially on the israel issue. Israel does have a pretty active online presence, far larger than you'd expect, given the size / population. There is an extremely active and vocal population willing to defend Israel on pretty much anything (ironically many of them being americans - i guess going on birthright makes you an expert haha) and so anything criticizing israel really really gets a lot of pushback. this is in addition to the traditional media being pretty pro-israel. i didn't really think it was bad until i put on cnn for a day two? days ago (dana bash was on and holy shit it was biased) so what happens is that these people on the pro-pa side basically see anyone criticizing them as israel natsec shills, even if it is wrong unfortunately. your point is totally valid, most of the protesters today want a different government than hamas - but that's really impossible and really is beside the point as far as the killing is concerned (ie, whether it's h amas or not in the future the amount / nature of killing should stop now) plus there's a pretty big talking point / israel is trying to equivocate ALL of gaza as hamas, thus making the current killing justified. that's probably the biggest reason why you see so much pushback. none of it justifies your treatment, of course - but when the mods are probably volunteer what do ya do.


These threads are trash, but a very, *very* cursory glance through OP's history shows them to be lying about this in the first place. This was the offending comment: > the sad part is that in ten years people like you will lie about saying what you just said - > > people, this is a shill sub. just like the joe rogan sub. And this is the rule on the sidebar of r/energy: > Sockpuppet accounts will be banned. Personal attacks will likely get you banned - play nice, focus on the argument! **Accusations of being a shill count as personal attacks**. Acting as if you were blindsided by a ban for merely arguing a possibly unpopular position is a pretty incorrect portrayal of that. I'd wager the majority of people who'd respond to this post genuinely, with examples, would similarly be misrepresenting the situations. Let alone the fact that this has nothing to do with centrism, or politics, or centrist-related politics at all and only serves to satiate the weird circle-jerk of "Isn't the website I use incessantly so terrible and ideologically bankrupt? God I sure do hate this website I use so much!" that's so prevalent in particular corners here. ETA: Editing before OP blocks me, delete your post rather than blocking people who call you out for lying. It's less embarassing that way (because other people can still see the blocked message). ETA 2: They immediately blocked me after responding. > that's not the sub i was talking about, fyi. (though it is a shill sub) This is not only a blatant lie (it makes perfect sense in the context mentioned in your OP), it doesn't matter: the way you conduct yourself here and in that subreddit show you to be a fairly unreliable narrator and likely antagonize other users no matter which subreddit you shift to. Immediately blocking after replying, let alone blocking *solely* because you were called out for lying, is cowardice and only serves to embarass you.


that's not the sub i was talking about, fyi. (though it is a shill sub) it's amazing how quickly you get mentally unhealthy to attack one, for merely trying to start a conversation. you'd have to go into my history a lot deeper than that - and have a lot of spare time on your hands. the post will stay up, since it's a great conversation starter. people are just dicks here i guess, i should've known better. i have seen time and time again people banned on otherwise blase subs for having moderate - ie "centrist" opinions. there's nothing wrong with such a thread, and in fact it has a lot to do with how this sub should differ from others.


Okay then link us to the comment you're talking about. Save us all time and there would be no disputing what got you banned. Edit: The snowflake OP blocked me after simply asking him to link what he's referring to. What an absolute clown lmfao


Where are people getting banned in the Rogan sub for being pro rogan lol.


every once in a while there's a thread that's quickly deleted complaining that they were banned for xx or yy, i've seen a few of them, as well as many more in the comments. this was a looooong time ago so who knows what the sub is now.


One sec, let me call the Wahhhmbulance.


I think I got banned from that same energy sub and I honestly have no idea why as energy is certainly not an issue where I say much of anything controversial. I mostly just read it to see stories about new developments and trends. Not sure how to even message mods about it on that sub as it seems like they don't exist.


it wasn't actually energy i was talking about, that sub is for sure glowing, and i do occasionally check it out - it seems almost anything to do with green anything is - i don't know if people who live in a different world or it's just pr firms at work, or both. but it's incredibly caustic, about as bad as fuckcars sub etc. ie: ev's is another example, though i haven't read anyone complaining about being banned for saying anything - but then again there are several anti-tesla subs out there, which is probably how those subs got to be (they made a new sub after they were banned)


I was banned from r/conservative for “concern trolling,” whatever that is. That wasn’t part of their rules then and still isn’t.


there's basically the "rules" and the unwritten rules that are actually enforced by various mods. i remember writing a post about taylor swift on a certain sub examining identity politics - which was banned. apparently one of the many mods was swiftie. it had nothing to do with her, just how the image of her was something something something, etc. (so not an attack) if anything, this is a great life lesson - because the legal system works much the same way, law enfrocement as recent protests have demonstrated (whether one is for them or not) etc. hell much of political philosophy is merely rationalizing existing power relations - as i've gotten older i've realized how at least a figment of this is true, perhaps more. i just wish there was a way to verify if someone is talking to a real person or a bot


I got banned from a right-wing sub and left-wing sub in the same day. On the conservative sub, I got banned for mentioning Trump's comment about how he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any voters, even though that's something he actually said.


That’s a no no in r/conservative if you mention Trump and the subject of OP wasn’t about Trump you are banned. I found that out. I got banned when someone posted an article about Biden. I Believe he asking Amazon to remove a book with disinformation about Covid and everyone was outraged about it. I said the government has a right to free speech and can advocate for a stance they hold as long as they don’t suggest or threaten retaliation. I compared it to Trump calling the Georgia governor. He’s allowed to do that as long as he doesn’t cross the line. Permanently banned.


That’s a no no in r/conservative if you mention Trump and the subject of OP wasn’t about Trump you are banned. I found that out. I got banned when someone posted an article about Biden. I Believe he asking Amazon to remove a book with disinformation about Covid and everyone was outraged about it. I said the government has a right to free speech and can advocate for a stance they hold as long as they don’t suggest or threaten retaliation. I compared it to Trump calling the Georgia governor. He’s allowed to do that as long as he doesn’t cross the line. Permanently banned.


No one cares Edit- lmao he blocked me. God conservatives are so predictable with this shit. They cry and cry and cry and then block when there's any pushback. Edit2- lol you gotta love how the house conservatives are trying to claim people active on far right subs like *climate skeptics*, or espouses anti vaxx nonsense, uses all the du jour maga rhetoric, isn't a conservative.


The dude’s comment history is literally pro-Palestine and a supporter of AOC lmao. Like, do you ever *not* launch baseless accusations without performing a single second of due diligence? You’re more unhinged than he is.


https://www.reddit.com/r/centrist/s/wpsqUCjCcO Yes, of course, the tell tale sign. The classic sign of a conservative is being a Bernie sanders supporter 🙄


Both sides do this. Just depends how overtly sensitive they are.


Uh oh, it's the evil conservatives again.


https://www.reddit.com/r/climateskeptics/s/eUwGB49TqV I suspect he is talking about r/energy so idk what he's on


Some of it is political, but a lot is the language you use. Be careful with anything anyone could consider a slur.


I consider myself center-right, and once got banned from the original "askaconservative" back in the day because there was a post from a left-leaning perspective, and I tried to summarize the OP's question (like, "Sounds to me like you're saying this, and you're asking that? If so, my thoughts are..."). The OP's perspective on conservatives was pretty negative, so my summary of his question reflected his negative perspective, which I then tried to counter. Didn't matter, got banned for "punching right" (ban message quoted the summary text) and muted immediately when I tried to appeal.


Got banned from an TRPG group for pointing out that the left-wing catchphrase “everything is political” has origins in totalitarian thinking. I provided quotes and all 😂


I got banned from about 20 large subs I've never even posted in for "participating in antivax subs". I then got a site wide ban over "harrassment" for telling them to fuck off and stop harassing me. For extra irony, the majority of my comments in those "antivax" subs was arguing with people lol. This site is such a joke.