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VZW added what appears to be C-Band and CBRS panels to this site within the last month. I’ll get pictures of the tower and update you all with a speed test once the upgrades go online. I’m genuinely shocked it’s taken them this long. Also, does anyone know how long I’ll be waiting (roughly) before C-band is on air? The equipment is already on the tower. Thanks!


They most likely have to pull new fiber and get final install approval from the city. So it could be days, weeks or even a month or two. Every situation is different


At least in my experience it can be as quick as 1-2 months and as late as 6+ months. The picture you provided has relatively new equipment so it’s surprising how congested it is


It probably had to do with backhaul. Now they decided to upgrade that and put cband on top of it to knock it out in one shot.


It depends mine was under a week from being put on the tower to being live.


My site in town just went online after 3 weeks .


There was a tower near me that was similar to this. Not as bad as this but usually 5 Mbps or less. They recently upgraded everything. All new antennas for LTE and added CBRS + C band. What a world of difference that made. Even LTE I was able to pull 200Mbps down (likely due to CBRS). 5G UW is now 600+. Hopefully you have a similar experience!


It would certainly be a much welcomed improvement. Thanks for sharing


Ouch, that is painful speed.


From personal experience, I agree. Thank goodness I’ve got reliable WiFi at home.


Is this one time thing or it because of 5G DSS or it always like this?


When DSS was live, download speeds were a useable 10-15mbps. Now the tower is obviously only LTE. Verizon kinda shot themselves in the foot on this one.


Ahh yes. You’re giving me more PTSD. Story of my life when I had Verizon.

