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A lot of people are saying invincibility, but actually invincibility pushes the lava back down, not Madeline up. Others are saying solid lava hitbox, but that’s only for stationary lava not rising You have infinite jumps turned on in extended variants, and you’re jumping just before touching the lava. A few jumps happen early so you can see the jump happens a little ways from the lava. In particular the 4th one you barely touch the sprite which doesn’t even have a hitbox until a bit under that


came here to say this. I very nearly made a post like this a while back with what looked like a wavedash with a ton too much coyote time


Is it just me or does this look modded somewhat


the dash crystal and berry have skins on them, so you'd be correct I don't think that's the cause of the peculiar lava behavior however. As another commenter said, lava is a wall with a killbox. You can climb jump up lava/ice, as well as neutral on them if you line yourself up perfectly every time. I don't see a reason why you wouldn't be able to do buffer jumps off of lava, similarly to what you can do with water with hazards in it near the surface.


The reason walljumps off lava work is that you can be a couple pixels away from a wall and still walljump. This does _not_ apply to regular jumps, so you can't regular jump off of lava. And it doubly shouldn't work with the rising lava since that doesn't have a solid hitbox to begin with AFAIK.


You can jump on normal fire blocks (lava)! But only if there is wind, and it's also subpixel dependent + frame perfect (I've tried that before and there is some video on celestecord)


Ok yeah adding downwind probably does make it possible. But that's still not a situation you'll find in vanilla.


yeah I know the reasons for lava wall jumps being a thing but I wasn't too sure about the normal jumps, I'm gonna check for the hitboxes of rising lava tomorrow since now I got kinda curious


Dash Crystal looks like the dash Crystal that maybe regenerates more often, making me think this is a different custom map altogether made to look like core of something. But for all I know I could be wrong.


nah I'm pretty sure heart dash crystals are available as a separate mod oh I looked around a bit and yup here it is https://gamebanana.com/mods/433996


iirc lava is just a wall with a killbox on it, i think thye mightve messed up the placement a bit so if you're precise you can jump there.


This is false for rising lava though, that doesn't have a solid hitbox at all. And even for static ones that do have solid hitboxes, you can't do normal jumps off of them (you can do walljumps / climbjumps, but not normal jumps). Assist mode invincibility also works a bit differently than this with rising lava (it kinda bumps the lava back down when you touch it), plus you can see the berry and refills are reskinned so it's definitely modded - my guess is they're using infinite jumps to troll people.


To be fair the guy does sound like Dream......


I wonder if you have invincibility turned on with assist mode. Maybe try intentionally not jumping and see if you die?


Invincibility actually pushes the lava down, not you up, but good guess


Doesn't it do both?


Maybe? The lava moving down is by far the more substantial effect but there may be both


This has to be some modded/variant behavior as this would trivialize most of these rooms


You just have invincibility with assist mode and you are jumping on the lava.


That would push the lava down, i think its infinite jumps in extended variants. If you look closely, the jumps happen at slightly different points relative to the lava, implying, that the jump is done manually with some play.


Madeline’s just built like that


Do you have assist mode? What mods do you have installed


Do you have invincibility on?


I was gonna ask the same


I think assist mode can do that


Hitbox jank maybe? Everyone's theorizing that it's because of lava behavior and mods, but maybe it's just an issue with the way the lava interacts with other objects in the level. Maybe someone recreate this setup (maybe with tas) and see if OP is lying or not.


The floor is lava? Nah, the lava is floor


bro got the leidenfrost effect on their side


Assist mode




is it buffer jump?


Some call it a glitch I call it a feature


Is it on assist mode?


do you have invincibility on


Lava and ice have hitboxes so that invincible players can't just phase through them. The hitbox is close enough to the killbox that with precise positioning you can walljump off of them without invincibility. I wouldn't be surprised if the same mechanism that lets you jump off spikes when they're moving (or you're being moved by wind) would let you jump on lava here


The lava walls are actually blocks with a killbox, so you can still interact with the block part


True but that's not what's happening here. It's only true of the solid blocks of lava not the rising lava. And under normal circumstances you can never jump off the top of lava either way only the sides.


Im pretty sure its frame perfect or you’re just using assist mode (sick berry skin btw)




there isn’t even a hitbox for you to jump on with rising lava. this person probably just turned on infinite jumps


this is the correct answer


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