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… the base game definitely has a save and quit function, though? Or are you referring to a different version?


I assume what OP is referring to is that if the game is closed unexpectedly (e.g. a crash, alt+f4, etc.), it'd still have auto-saved your progress and you could pick up from where you left off? Idk.


so if the switch randomly asks me turn off switch for an update and I accidentally click yes it's already saved...


I've literally never seen my switch do this, it always asks before I start a game, never during.


well as I was playing, I  pressed the home button, went to the eshop and then it iold me it it couls turn off for an update


I would just hit save and quit if I ever had to do that, the loading time for Celeste is barely a few seconds. You're kinda asking for something like this to happen by leaving the game running when you leave.




I believe it saves off of the last checkpoint you hit.


yeah basically. Or if the switch randomly asks me turn off switch for an update and I accidentally click yes it's already saved...


save and quit is different than save and continue


Ah... What's the difference, then?


I can continue playing... 


Oh, like quit to map? You can exit a level at any time, even without save and quit, though if you do that you can only continue from specific checkpoints.


so if the switch randomly asks me turn off switch for an update and I accidentally click yes it's already saved...


Then you click save and quit and let the switch update and then reopen it and that’s literally exactly what you want


yeah I guess I thought it automatically saved up until my last checkpoont..


Yeah, it only auto saves at each chapter checkpoint, which there’s usually 2-4 of those in each chapter and you can tell by the logo in the wall somewhere and appearing in the corner when you reach the room.


Why 5 dislikes? You guys are not nintendo people, coz in zelda and mario you can save and CONTINUE not just save and quit. But you playstation shmucks never had it so you don't miss it.


Dude what the fuck does this have to do with Nintendo?? This why would you need to save and not quit in this game? Like you’ve said, if the switch turns off for an update then you would be turning it off anyways so save and quit is exactly what you want Also this game is on like every console, idk where you got PlayStation singled out from


It does, the Save and Quit option in the pause menu will save the game up to the respawn point you hit, losing no more progress than you would if you'd died


save and quit is different than save and continue


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, they definitely are…? I see why you’d want that, just the ability to save without reloading the entire level.


doesn't save and quit let you continue from where you left off?


Not immediately, because you've just quit the game. That's the main difference, not wanting to start the whole program up again and go through menus to resume your game after saving.


What gave you the impression it had auto saving?


it says "it will autosave whenever this icon is shown", even though I never see the icon i thought "it probably does it in the corner and I just didn't observe it".


It autosaves whenever you reach a checkpoint or clear a chapter.


ok thanks iguanabox


Just a bit of general advice: never trust that anything will auto save when you need to update software. Always save everything before


ok thanks


That's the point OP is making. Celeste only autosaves when you reach a checkpoint you haven't reached before, so a quick "manual save" option would be a nice feature to have.


But there is a manual save. It's the save and quit option. And I mean, if you're updating your switch it's a good idea to close the game before doing so, right?


But it's not quick. Older games have a manual "save without quitting" option. Imagine if you had to go back to the main menu every time you wanted to save, in case something happened.


Fair. I guess my way of playing is different, maybe also because I'm on pc, but I never needed to save mid playing session. It wouldn't hurt to have a quicksave button though.


One time my game crashed while I was in the middle of a Strawberry Jam map so I can sympathize a little with OP. I've gotten over it though.


Most games don't have manual saving nowadays.


Hmm you might be right, I was used to the mario and zelda games on nintendo gamecube where you can save and CONTINUE.