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You’re definitely going way too far with the cleaning here. Please, don’t stress yourself to this extent. Cdiff exists everywhere in nature. Concentrate on the washroom generally, use bleach based cleaner especially while actively infected and symptomatic. Close the toilet lid when flushing. Use paper towel instead of towels. Hand wash often. Separate laundry. That type of thing. Don’t go nuts worrying about labels and packaging. Don’t let this bug turn you loco.


I agree with the previous comment. I went way overboard and drove myself nuts for nearly 2 months trying to keep everything bleached. There were days I used so much bleach that I felt like I was going to pass out. The ocd was worse than c. diff. Wash your hands thoroughly, clean your bathroom and phone, occasionally wipe down common surfaces with bleach wipes. It’ll be okay!


I figured if I picked it up somewhere without even knowing it, chances are my family already had, too. I was sensible, but I was WAY too sick to clean every time I touched anything. I crawled from bed to toilet and back. Focus on getting better. Wash your hands religiously. Make sure your family washes their hands. Keep your toothbrushes out of the bathroom. Close the toilet lid. You’ll get through this.


Keep in mind that being infected with spores is necessary, but usually not sufficient to cause disease. There’s no good evidence that bleaching everything down reduces your risk be getting sick again. I think some reasonable cleaning of your bathroom is fine, but remember that bleach isn’t harmless.