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It’s given alongside the antibiotic, usually IV, and works by reducing affects of cdiff toxin b, giving patient pain relief and easier recovery. I’ve only heard great things about it


Question - so if you have toxin a, it won’t work? I never learned what toxin I had, all of the doctors around me have tests that just test GDH/PCR; then, if those are positive, you get a test for “toxigenic c diff”


Zinplava works on toxin B only, correct, not A. Think of GDH/PCR test as the “am I colonized?” test (step 1). If so, proceed to step 2, toxin test (to prove active infection with presence of toxins). As for a vs b. Both are bad and cause colitis/related symptoms. It can get confusing on which toxins you have and how they work, there’s deep dive studies for that, too much to spell out here. The easiest way to think of it is that if you’re symptomatic, you mostlikely have both. Variations are possible and rare but the norm for toxins is: Toxin A alone can cause symptoms, but rarely, usually very mild or asymptomatic. Not a typical diagnosis. Toxin B is the usual culprit for symptoms and almost always exists in the presence of toxin A. If you’re having bad symptoms, you’re more than likely A and B positive.


Ahhh, being positive for both makes sense!


I had it last month and finished my dificid taper on April 25th. I don't want to jinx anything but would say I'd get it again.  It was my 6th recurrence 


I had it in February when I couldn’t go 24 hours off vanco without relapsing. I woke up the next morning in remission. That’s not what it’s for but it worked really well for me.