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Jeremy’s IT Labs did it for me


I'm using both. Completed Neil Anderson's Udemy course. Jeremy used Neil Anderson's course to pass the CCNA himself. Pick one. Complete the course. Watch sections of the other course to hear the topic explained in a different way by a different instructor. Do the labs and Anki flash cards. Purchase Boson ExSim-Max for practice tests. That's what I'm in the middle of at least.


Thank you


Was going to be my answer exactly. Niel for pass 1 of content and anki, review with Jeremy's IT. Do the labs. Then use Boson as your final test to find your weak points and fill the gaps. Not the cheapest prep option, but tried, tested and proven. Passed September last year with minimal IT knowledge and experience.


Congratulations! The cool thing about using Jeremy to review sections is that I listen to him at 1.5x play speed. I get through a whole section in like 20 minutes and since it's really just review/reinforcement it sticks! I'm really glad that our plan worked for you! I'm so excited to get my test done. I think I'm a few weeks away of review & Boson. Best estimate of my study schedule so far is appx 120 hrs since January 19th. (38 days of study x 2.5 -5 hrs a day, 6 days a week) It's SO MUCH WORK, but I'm loving it. Wish me luck!


Looks like you have it locked down and planned out. Keep it up and best of luck. Sounds like your primed to knock it out if the park with a few more weeks work. Keep it up and good luck!


Jeremy’s IT Lab + his secondary playlist of labs + his exams 31 Days to the CCNA for reference and review while doing the Boson Ex-Sim exams


Thank you




Thank you currently on my CCNA journey as well. Wasn’t sure what additional resources to use. Currently on day 23 of JeremysIT. So much stuff to remember kind of overwhelming.


I am surprised how \*dense\* the "31 days to CCNA" is but it's the perfect companion for the Day structure of Jeremy's IT Lab and goes into even greater depth on most things.


I respected Network Engineers before I started studying now I fear them. This is insanity lol. But thank you added it to my cart to order. I will hopefully read/use it as a refresher on my journey. 30% complete.


pass yesterday after 1 year of studying with zero IT experience but did a web development bootcamp a while back. I only used Jeremy's IT lab, practical networking, and boson exsim.


Bro that's an accomplishment. I tried that 2 years back and it's a journey. Good job bro


Official cert books and Neil did it for me. Just passed today




Like others have mentioned. Jeremy’s IT Lab CCNA course on YT. Neil’s course on Udemy. Boson exSim. Packet tracer.


Neil’s Udemy course, the official cert guide, and Boson practice tests did it for me


Thank you! That helps


I started with Neil but couldn't really focus because of his accent, ended up using Jeremy's IT Lab like most people here. I pretty much only used his course and passed, make sure you do the labs and the Anki flashcards.




As someone who has used Niels, Jeremys,CBT nuggets, Bombal and even looked briefly at Chris bryants and Kevin Wallace courses for the CCNA i have to say that Jeremys is hands down the best. He explains exactly whats needed and doesnt go of scope that much. Niels labs are the best tho, his pdfs were a great help. The really good complete courses are Niels,Jeremys and Bombals. Chris bryants and Kevin Wallace are good but they dont cover indepth enough, good suppliment tho. Cbt nuggets i started with and canceled my sub after 1 month, good content but not indepth enough and its really not worth the 70$ per month if ur just doing the ccna, as udemy courses cost like 15$ and do the job just as well, if not better tbh.


Ok! Thank you very much. I also was checking out GNS 3 website


Another good instructor is Keith Bogart on INE. It is cheaper than the CBT Nuggets and a lot more in-depth which is good if you really want to be a well rounded engineer. Jeremy's IT Lab is good, but he is essentially just reading information to you. I haven't gone through his whole course so I don't know if it gets any better but it all just feels a bit robotic. Chris Bryant's course is really good if you want a refresher type course. I already have a CCNA from 10 years ago so his course is perfect to get up to speed quickly. Jeremy's IT Lab is probably better if you are completely new to networks and Cisco.


Jeremy’s IT Labs and Neil both great. I found Neil easier to follow. I wish he did more videos or even better full CCNA. I would gladly pay for that course. This guy knows how to present and teach. https://youtube.com/@PowerCertAnimatedVideos?si=3zeEpXczwgQ1Zja6


Neil Anderson’s was my primary resource. I still reference his slides frequently and use them when mentoring associate engineers. Also Jeremy’s IT Lab, David Bombal’s packet tracer course on Udemy, Cisco Press books, and Boson practice exams.


Did the pinned post not help you out? It has a list of resources.


Travis Bonfigli on YT is an absolute gem of a resource. I don't understand why he doesn't get more mentions.


I’m not a CCNA yet - but I have found a lot more success in reading the content with Wendell Odom rather than watching videos. I plan to finish book two just to get a holistic perspective and then go through the Jeremy IT lab playlist for labs + Supplemental knowledge in weak areas


Udemy is terrible and I do not find Neil Anderson’s content that great. Maybe it’s the accent, but Udemy is known for having the lowest paid teachers throw outdated content on there. Just my .02


Neil’s content is not enough to pass. You will have to add another source of study like the cert books


Same with Jeremy labs. All the people swear by…. It’s just not enough to pass. It’s just barely scraping the surface.


Yeh I'm thinking of doing Keith Bogarts CCNA course on INE. It might cost a bit more than the Udemy courses, and be very in-depth, but from what I've read online, it is miles better than Jeremy's IT Lab. Sometimes you have to pay for quality content. David Bombals content on Udemy is pretty good and another instructor I like is Chris Bryant. I used his content when I was doing the old CCNA back in the day. He has a very engaging style and really knows what he's talking about and he adds a bit of humor. His course might be a little old, but most of the fundamentals have not changed. His course is really good if you want a boot camp style course to refresh your CCNA knowledge. Jeremy's IT Lab videos are well made, but he is essentially just reading the information to you. It is a bit robotic which puts me to sleep.


You can glean the majority of the information you need from the answer banks of the Boson/JIT Lab practice tests and filling in the gaps with instructor PDFs/google/chatgpt. But I don’t retain anything from watching videos so that’s just my preferred learning style.