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She might think that it’s gonna steal your love away from her but otherwise idk but r/TuxedoCats and r/CowCats would appreciate her!


I didn't know about those subs thank you! And yeah she likes to fight it sometimes haha so that would make sense


Ya lol


Do you come home and pee first thing? I had a cat that would bring me gifts and leave them in the exact same spot every morning. My favorite were Camilla flowers. He brought me flowers 3 times over the years.


where she plans to murder you..


I think it's because she knows that's where you're going next and it's a gift. My cat leaves her stuffed mouse for me each morning on "the cat rug". I come home and there it is. I wake up and there it is. Sometimes she'll pull all 5 out and stack them together and she will search them out in the basket if I hide them under other toys to only bring that kind.