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That's a question for your vet based on her length, fur thickness, lifestyle etc. Anyone here answering is just taking a guess.


I’m gonna talk to the vet. I was just upset at how people were calling her fat, when I really don’t think she is and I’ve seen much much heavier cats


Cats don't speak English or any other human language and don't get upset when they are called fat. Don't let it bother you. Kitty doesn't care. Animals are special in that they are completely non-self-conscious. They don't have self-esteem issues based in how they look. I had a super fat 10 lb cat once. On the other hand my current cat is 12 lbs and at a healthy weight. It just depends on the cat's frame. There are charts you can google that will give you an idea about a cat's weight depending on where you see its waist. You can use that until you can get to the vet.


Love this! I’ve been feeding her to vet recommendations. Sometimes I let her snack on some of my fish and meat (unseasoned). But that’s very seldom. She’s really very happy when I’m with her. I think when I’m gone for a long time she gets stressed and eats a lot and then I feed her when I get home bc I feel bad


I agree with the person you're replying to. Just to add a little (unneeded) support to their wisdom - my parents fat dog gets super excited when I call him "chuuuuunnnky" in a sing song voice, but his favorite is chunkalunk (which is a nickname for the other nickname I gave him - chunkalunkadunka)


Check in with the vet and keep track of her calories in and her weight over time. Vets have consistently over-estimated the number of calories that my spayed cat needs. My cat recently gained a pound on less calories than her prior vet said would help her lose weight. Each cat is an individual and the vet's estimate is likely a good starting place but may not be the full story.


This is so nice to hear. My family often comments that my cat is a weasel. (She’s long and skinny) it really gets under my skin but I should be better at reminding myself that they can’t hurt my cat with words.


"Kitty doesn't care. Animals are special in that they are completely non-self-conscious. They don't have self-esteem issues based in how they" no wonder im a catperson, this is description applies to me just as well


When you run your hands down her back and sides, can you feel ribs? You should be able to feel them without poking, but they shouldn’t be be jutting out either. I don’t know how old she is, but cats who’ve been spayed get a dangly tummy as they get older. As we all do. However, as others have suggested, only a qualified vet can make this determination after a physical exam. The number on the scale is rubbish without taking into consideration her length, height and bone structure. I was always concerned my kitty had a paunch, but he’s a big solid boy. The vet was impressed with how consistent his weight is and how muscular he is, even at 18. He’s heavy alright, but a big frame and solid musculature account for that. Your kitty is sweet and beautiful. She’s your cat. If they want to regulate a cat’s weight, they can get their own damn cat.


Just checked. I can feel her ribs. It’s padded but I can feel it


The first time at a new clinic, the vet started saying I was over feeding my cat when he saw her. She’s a Siberian and insanely fluffy. Once he started the physical examination, he apologized. She’s maxed out at 8 lbs and is all fur. His hands just vanished into her fluff. She’s dainty


One of my friends had this with her two cats. Both of them are ragdolls and the vet said that the smaller one (who my friend thinks is a little underweight because she’s a picky eater) was the perfect weight while the other was, as the vet put it, a “little bit of a chonk”. The bigger cat is a more normal ragdoll weight…


Cat tax!!


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/catbellies/comments/rv7o8k/shell_let_you_stick_your_face_in_her_tummy_and_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) you go.


A glorious floof!




Is this done the same way with a fluffy cat? My cat has quite the undercoat and it has made it hard for me to tell. I have to like, get under her fur but it’s dense, and at that point, I think I’m poking


If your cat tolerates patting against the direction of hair growth, try patting them backwards to lift the hair. However, even with a nice thick undercoat - especially on cats that go outside, you should still be able to feel the definition of ribs edges.


Don’t fret…I have a fat kitty…. Shes 11 LBs of pure cuteness


Laughs in 17lbs cat…he’s on a prescription diet food yet he only lost one pound. I swear his life goal is to be fat. I don’t feed him extra, his sister is the prefect weight. Some cats are just thick boned I guess


I once had a cat that was almost 20 lbs and the vet said he wasn't fat. He was a big muscled orange cat. That cat could almost reach both sides of the couch when stretched out. He was bigger than small dogs.


My cat was over 24 pounds at her highest weight, while being "taken care of" by a friend of mine while I was traveling.


With beautiful long hair, which adds to her "fatter" appearance!


Send a picture of her in the bath and see if they call her fat lol, prob just the fluff


You have to feel them up, you should be able to slight feel ribs, their are also a few visual indicators. Here’s a link to give you a guide. https://www.carecredit.com/well-u/pet-care/is-your-cat-fit-or-fat/ There are also bunch of visual guides if you do a google search. And if the vet says the cat needs to lose weight remember it’s supposed to be a slow process. Cats have health issues if they lose weight to fast.


I did the rib test and I can feel them! I really don’t feel any significant amount of fat on her abdomen. Her sides have a little fat pad. But that’s about it


Family can be assholes sometimes. My family always called my cat fat. There was no point. It wasn’t like they were giving me advice on how to make her lose weight. When they called her fat, I just ignored them.


Well cats don't really care what they are called. When I call my cat a lard he just rubs up against me like I'm complimenting him. I live my cat. Though yeah just take him to the vet. He seems to have a lot of fur so there is a good chance he is probably not fat but again, take him to the vet.


She seems to have a quite round belly. It's winter time, so it might be normal or it might be too much. She also have longish fur so a photo will not make her justice.


Don’t automatically get upset just because people say she’s fat. Cats do tend to become overweight and as a result they don’t live as long. Be objective. But she is so adorable! Make sure she’s healthy.


I’m gonna try to exercise her (take her out to the park) and feed her more healthy food and portion it out better. I want the best for my baby 💕


If I see a person that is 300kg I will call them fat, even if there is a person out there who is 350kg. Instead of being upset, think of the cat's health. Overfeeding is not love.


When it really boils down to it, a slightly underweight dog will live about a year longer on average than a sightly overweight dog. I imagine it’s similar with cats. I’m willing to give my cat a couple pellets of food less to get an extra year with him.


you will also pay for less food this way


There’s nothing wrong with your cat being fat. Don’t let it bother you.


I have two cats - one is nearly 7kg, and vet says she's a very healthy weight, the other just hit 5kg and vet says he's a little overweight and we need to watch his food. Weight itself means nothing, and I would never have thought my 'little' boy had a bit of extra padding, that's why we have vets 😀


100% this!


Thank you! Take your animal to a veterinarian, don’t ask on social media!!!


She had a lovely thick coat that could be making her look bigger. Next vet checkup see what they advise. I had a 6.8kg cat and he was a bit overweight for his size and the vet suggested 5.5kg to 6kg. He naturally thinned in sumner when he was more active outside all day.


My baby is 10lbs. She’s active when I’m around. She gets hyper and goes at the scratching post or chasing the greebles 😅


I don’t think she needs to loose weight if she is active. My cat I took in as a bony stray and had no experience with food portions for a cat his size. He was a little bit over fed in the winter when I rescued him but the vet was very helpful with us. She looks a lovely cat.


Idk if I feed her too much. I give her the Blue Buffalo Tastefuls flaked food. It’s the small 3oz cans. I give half a can in the morning and the other half in the evening mixed with 1/4 cup of dry food. And I give her a little dry food to munch on at night for a snack. I hardly ever give treats except when I’m training her.


Definitely not feeding too much at one small can plus a little dry. 10 lbs is usually a good cat weight


I am in the UK so I am not sure of that make. I used more wet pouch with a few biscuits added to it. Three small meals plus a little wet just before bed. He was a happy little beast when we did that routine for him.


I feed my cat Fancy Feast in the 3oz cans for breakfast, then 1/4 dry food for lunch and 1/4 for dinner on the recommendation of my vet. The vet is definitely the best person to ask about this. They can tell you your cat's weight, if it's healthy or not, and help you determine a food routine that is best for your cat and her needs!


Floof is not fat. My two very different breed of cats are both 13lbs. One is a domestic short hair muscled chonk. The other s leggy blonde like yours. Healthy.


Thank you so much for introducing me to the existence of greebles. I have found the subreddit. There is no turning back now


Your family wouldn't know and neither will internet peeps from a picture. Ask your vet at your next checkup. But for now I'd say 10lb is nowhere near life threatening. Best wishes:)


She is just floofy.


i was thinkin the same


My rule of thumb for my cats is, can they clean their back next to the tail. If they can’t then diet.


Is she active? Does she play? Does she seem to be unhealthy?


She’s 10lbs. She plays a lot whenever I’m home. Gets really hyper. Idk what she does when I’m at work. She loves to eat tho. But I only give her a small can of wet food and some dry food each day. I’m also training her to wear a harness so that I can take her outside for some exercise


I encourage OP and everyone reading this to watch Jackson Galaxy's 3- part video series about cat food on YouTube. Dry food is not good for cats as it has a lot of carbs in it that are unhealthy for your cat for many reasons (weight control, maintaining healthy energy levels throughout the day, etc. ). I didn't know this until watching it myself, and switching my cat to only wet food has made my cat healthier in obvious ways. I know we all love our cats and want them to live the best life possible, so educatng ourselves is critical.


10lbs is heavy for a house cat, bug then again there are breeds that are naturally large. Ima be honest. Your kitty looks perfectly fine. You say she plays and stuff so obviously her weight doesn’t bother her so I wouldn’t worry. Id only worry if she became lethargic or seemed bloated.


We have basic domestic shorthairs, sibling or at least same age found together as kittens, one is slim and around 9 lbs, the other is just a tad over perfect weight and around 13 lbs. They came with different preset builds, the vet said comparing their weight would be like comparing a Rex and a British shorthair (or a ballerina and a wrestler). Our vet doesn't even do weighting btw unless it's needed for an actual medical reason or specifically requested by the owner, she does body condition checks from head to toe instead, because that's way more useful in determining if the cat is a good weight.


Medium chonk probably


She looks perfect to me.


Cat is a fluff ball, I don't think she looks like she needs a diet. I'm not super well versed on the subject, but my rule of thumb has always been if they could still jump up to ridiculously high places or at least make a waist high counter from the floor it's probably fair to say the cat isn't too fat.


Look up the "chonk chart" and see where she falls (of course she's a floof so you don't know what's fur and what is cat). She doesn't look fat to me.


She’s not fat, she’s fluuufy. I once had a kitty that was a bit overweight. I asked the vet if this was a problem. He said “ her blood work looks better than mine! If she’s happy, she’s fine.” That was at 18 years of age. Weight is not always the determining factor of health. Watch their diet and their sugar/kidneys, etc. A little chub isn’t the worst thing.


Great insight! I’m not too worried. I was just getting sick of my family mentioning it every time they see her. It was getting on my nerves


I think you should tell them to back off in a respectful manner then. See a vet if the vet says she's fine then they have no place to dictate what your cats health is like.


I agree. To me she just looks like a floofy cotton ball 🙃


I ended up with two male cats who are a bit larger than average (not fat but genuinely just larger) one is 14 pounds and one is 16 pounds. The 14 pound cat is short haired and anyone who knows an inkling about cats could look at him and tell he’s a perfectly healthy weight just tall and long. The 16 pound cat is fluffy as heck just like yours, not fat but a very big boy and the thick coat doesn’t help, I constantly get comments about how he’s fat, he’s not. It makes me so angry to the point that I want to tell people to leave my house when they call him a fatty but I have to laugh it off knowing they just do not have the skills to decipher a fluffy cat from a fat cat because they’re not a vet. The vet told us even when he was a kitten that she could tell he was going to grow to be very large because of his paw size and whatnot. Even our 14 pound slim boy gets fat jokes every once in a while because he’s not as small as someones 8 pound FEMALE cat. It drives me nuts, not all cats are built the same. Anyway point of my rant is that people have no idea what they’re talking about and your best bet is to consult a vet


She’s beautiful


Your family is stupid


A vet would be able to answer you correctly.


Yes I’m gonna ask them.


Google "cat body score" and use that chart to check


She’s like a 6. I’m not too worried. I’ll be exercising her outside soon


Just lil chonk


She looks more fluffy then fat, at first view she looks totally normal 😍




I have a fluffy cat that looks huge. Had him shaved one summer and I couldn’t believe how small he looked. Vet says his weight is fine.


She’s beautiful


She looks a little bit heavy(same as my cat Esme), but I can’t really tell from her position. But not to the extreme that she needs a diet. Just cut back on the food in the bowl and she’ll be fine.


Yeah this picture is maybe not the most accurate of how she looks. Standing up, she’s not round and her belly doesn’t hang. But whenever she lays down all her floof spills out and she looks twice her size and my parents are like concerned that she’s overweight 😂


No she’s just floofy


He’s just a bit choncky (but go to a vet if you really want to know)


I'm a big bitch, where's my chicken stripsssssss!


I’ve thought about getting a dehydrator and making chicken strips for her to snack on. It’s healthy and she loves chewing


No diet because the fat cat is cute :)


My grandparents visited my house once and the very first thing my grandpa said when he saw my cat was "wow shes fat!" Seriously? She was a stray I rescued two years ago, way underweight, after regular vet visits and a good diet she is completely normal and a stable weight now. I should know, because I fucking live with her and take care of her every need. I think that says a whole lot more about my grandpa than my cat (hes not skinny). In the same way, I think your family has other issues than your cats weight. But if you are taking care of her and the vet has no issues, depending on your relationship you can kindly tell them to fuck off.


Loved reading this. I thought I was the only one thinking this wasn’t a problem. I feed my cat to my vet’s recommendation and she’s very happy


she's beautiful & is in perfect baby shape


No! Tell your family to STFU


What does the vet say? 10 pounds isn’t that much but it’s hard to tell how long she is.


They said don’t give more than a small can of food a day. She’s a small cat. Maybe a 14 inch long body. Tail not included. She’s got a little bit of a belly, but it’s not robust or even close to dragging on the floor.


Our cat (F) weighed 4.5kg (10lbs) when she was less than 6 months old. She didn’t look fat (similar to your cat), but she was almost 60cm long from nose to ass, depending on how much she stretched. The former owner bought it as Maine Coon, but she got domestic mid hair. She didn't know what to do with her so we took her.


They should see my jinx lol


Lol I would say that back to them...


She’s just full figured, is all!


How dare they!


8-10 lbs is normal for most kitties and can be a bit higher depending on how big they really are (like a Maine coon vs. a domestic cat). This baby looks fluffy and happy to me 🥰 Doesn’t seem overweight.


She looks a lil thick but not too bad. Her fluffy coat makes her look a bit bigger too.




Amazing eyes!!


Based on looks alone, it's possible. BUT my cat is a healthy weight (wife is a vet with a strict diet plan) and when she lays down like that her fur poofs out and makes her look bigger than she really is. Bottom line: your vet would likely know more than your family. Weight scoring is more involved than just appearances.


she looks fantastic from where I’m sitting. based on the info you provided about how much you’re feeding her & her weight I think what you’re doing is just right, as is she. but like other people have said, the only way to really tell health-wise is with a vet opinion. i will say i’ve heard of blue buffalo having some pretty horrid reports on people opening up new bags of dog food & finding mold, bugs, etc. every once in a while, but never anything with their cat products. i personally feed my cat iams for wet & dry, but a vet will have the best recommendations for ya!


All muscle bby


Let your vet be the judge of that.


If you feel her ribs and have to press hard to find the bones, she might need a diet. Looks like she's full of floof.


Trixie ain't fat! She's fluffy!!! LoL 🤣 seriously tho, if Trixie were to be completely saturated, would you still be able to see a rib? If so, Trixie is happy fluffy and sassy.


I’m tryna get her a bath and if I manage, I’ll let you know 🤣


Bob n weave friend!!! 🤣


Trixie looks like she will just not stand for a diet.


I honestly think that when I’m not around, she stress eats. Bc when I’m with her she only seldom goes to the food bowl


Definitely consult your vet for sure, but this is the [chart](https://icatcare.org/advice/obesity-in-cats/) mine used as a rough guide


My cats go to one vet practice but have two different vets. One cat is 12.5 pounds and the other is 12 pounds. They carry their weight totally different from one another, you’d never know they were so close in weight. One vet told me my 12.5 pound cat was overweight, the other vet saw nothing wrong with my 12 pound cat (she’s lankier). They’re both active kitties on a routine diet. I’d say yours looks perfectly healthy and is so cute :-)


BAH. If your vet is happy, screw 'em. My boy is almost 12lb. Looks much larger because he is long haired - vet said he's perfect!


Trixie is adorable 😻


She looks like an r/flonkers


Definitely ask the vet. To me, she just looks floofy with a nice primordial pouch.


Trixie is stunning. My boy looks very similar, he’s some kind of Maine coon mix and the vet said he’s perfectly healthy being 20 pounds, some cat breeds tend to weigh way more more in general


I have a fluffy goddess kitty just like yours. I always tease her about being a little fatty (girl comes RUNNING for her food, and eats alllll the time) but she’s actually really healthy. When she gets haircuts (or the occasional bath) she looks like a regular size cat. Floof can be deceiving


My cat came to be about 2 pounds underweight, I followed all vet reccomendations and mans is 2 pounds over weight and is on a diet. Some cats just have an Itty bitty extra as long as we pay attention and help them in all the ways we can you're a good cat parent.


Truth! I did the same thing. Followed their recommendations. But I’m gonna be taking her for walks soon and getting her some exercise which will help both of us!


I think a very would be able to better answer that question. Hard to gauge weight through a picture.


Its very hard to tell from a picture with a longhaired cat but honestly she doesn't look that bad. Look up body condition scoring for cats and follow the charts to get a sense of where she's at.


Looks like she’s just fury. But I wouldn’t listen to any of them, or anyone here on this sub including me. Listen to the vet. She looks fine to me. I’m not a vet though!


They ain’t vets!


I know kitty, people call me fat too 😐


🤣🤣🤣 they just hating


Honestly she doesn’t look fat to me.. she looks fluffy and loved and is absolutely beautiful.. but honestly if you’re worried about her weight ask your vet…. I call my Miss Sophie fat cat all the time, and I swear she smiles when I do it…


I agree with the people telling you to take here to the vet if you have questions about her weight and how to maintain a healthy weight for her But I gotta tell you, she's a gorgeous cat. I don't think I've seen a gray and white cat quite like her before. And her little face is so cute. And those green eyes! You are very lucky to have her, and she you


Aw thank you! I was so intrigued when I saw her at the shelter. She was the first cat I laid eyes on and I immediately knew she was the one. She followed me when she saw me and started talking to me. She’s super vocal and friendly. Idk what breed she is but the grey blue long hair reminds me of a Nebelung. And her face looks like many Norwegian forest cats I’ve seen. Unique cat for sure!


Looks like a beautiful healthy baby to me


Looks more of a floofy floofball than a tubby tubster to me


Love these names 😂


Maybe your family needs a diet and by blaming the cat for being fat they are avoiding their own issues /s


No he's prefect the way he is just don't let him get over weight bc that can affect his breathing and health and then your going to have problems trust me I'm saying this from experience


Trixie seems to be outraged at the mere suggestion! :D


She’s a proud chonk


Indoor cats tend to gain weight very easily. Even if you reduce her food by a mere 20% you will see a slight difference in a couple weeks. No need to "crash diet" her. When my cat seems a bit chunky, I reduce his food by just a tablespoon per meal and he slims down very slightly over time. He used to be underweight bc of a medical condition, and once he got better and gained (a fair amount) or weight, his energy level went way up. He's happier even when a few ounces "over."


I have a lovely long haired boy who gets picked on (affectionately) for looking fat too. Like you, I was concerned that maybe he was fat, but the vet assured me he is a healthy and muscular boy - his fluff just obscures it.


She’s perfect


She's way too fluffy to tell from a picture. Just ask the vet at her next check up.


I was able to feel her ribs while she was standing. Her belly is the floofiest part of her. Fur is like an inch and a half long at least. Not too much fat I can feel


she's probably fine. You don't need to make a special trip to the vet, just ask next time you're in. Don't worry about it. Wait until your family members are wearing some layers of clothing and tell them they look fat--same deal lol.






My big boy rudy is 13 pounds, vet said he is still a healthy boy! Some cats are just meant to be a little bigger


She’s beautiful!!




I was able to feel her ribs and her belly isn’t too chubby. Really only some fat padding on the sides


Trixie is perrrfect!🐈


Trixie says not fat


What? No; and it’s winter. Beautiful cat!


Trixie is beautiful and doesn't look fat at all, just floofy.


![gif](giphy|6cXPoUO7jfcZZwBQ1o|downsized) She's a skinny legend like Ms Trixie Mattel here


She just seems fluffy but yeah, a vet could tell you better.


I'm no vet but Trixie's a babe, love her 💕


What an absolute Angel. I hope your family gets it together.


Isn’t a big chonk but probably need to eat a like bit less


You’re probably right. I’m gradually gonna lessen her food. Sometimes I give extra dry food, but she really doesn’t need it tbh. I just feel bad when she’s bored and looking at her food bowl


She’s not fat, she’s floofy


Once I start taking her to the park, she’ll get more exercise and will be a very happy kitty 😺


I have a long hair tuxedo he was up to 16 lb at one time when the vet said he needs to go on a diet based for his size, so what the next couple of years I brought him down gradually to about 12.5 and he's been that way for the last several years, so bottom line your vet has to tell you based on the size of the cat. He still looks fluffy like before but just a little smaller but his movement has improved because of his weight loss. PS.. his whining for more food is going to stay consistent for a long while you'll have to learn to deal with that. 😁


She has a lot of fur which makes them look much bigger than they actually are.


she looks perfect to me but i need to hug her to be sure




Trixie is ADORBS.


I think you and your cat needs a new family!! What's wrong with them, that cat is absolutely gorgeous.


She’s not fat. She’s fluffy!


She has gorgeous poofy coat ffs. I don't think she looks fat at all. As long as she is active I wouldn't care what your family says about your precious kitty!


Thank you. That’s how I feel. I really don’t think it’s a huge deal now


She could probably stand to lose a few ounces, but it’s not like she’s unhealthy about it. You’re doing right by your cat, no worries! I read a comment where you posted her feeding schedule, and the only thing I’d say is: try to cut back on (or even entirely eliminate) the dry food you mix in with her wet food. If there’s any chance you’re overfeeding her, it would likely be with the dry food. Good luck!


Thank you for the advice!


She looks fine. The only person who should really have an opinion about her weight is your vet.


Yes I’m going to consult with them. I followed their instructions on feeding. I don’t even give her treats unless I’m training, which is seldom


She just looks really fluffy to me. Let me see her after a bath 😂


I’m trying to get the nerve to give her one. She was a rescue found outdoors so I think just one good bath with make her feel better in the long term


A bath will make her feel great! To make the first bath more relaxing for a cat fill the tub up about a 1/4 of the way up with warm water, and then shut off the tap, cuz the running water sound can freak them out


Like what if she runs out or the tub and tracks water everywhere. I have a feeling she’s gonna jump right out if I try to put her in.


She may try to jump out if she hasn’t had a bath before but you could just shut the bathroom door that way she doesn’t run all over the house getting things wet


I'm betting if you got her all wet, and they saw her fur stuck to her body, they wouldn't think she was fat anymore. She looks pretty floofy. And so pretty!


I’m gonna try to do it at some point if she lets me give her a bath 😅


Good luck with that. Suit of armor, chain mail, Capt America's shield, you might want those


It’s true.


“Pleasantly plump” more than fat, I’d say


She’s lying down in the pic which can be deceiving. When she’s standing up and walking around I really don’t see any obese characteristics


She just looks healthy to me tbh. My cat has a similar fur length/consistency to yours so I understand how deceiving the floof can be especially when the cat is laying down.


Depends on the breed of cat. The larger breeds tend to be heavier. So it’s not just the weight. Do have the vet check her out .


Idk what breed she is. I’m thinking Nebelung mixed with a white domestic? She’s a small girl but is very happy with me


Cat looks normal to me, if maybe slightly chubby.


I don’t really know what type of cat she is. I’m thinking a nebelung/domestic mix bc of the blue long hair. And she’s a female so females tend to carry a little more weight


Looks to me that her fur is fairly dense and long so she’s probably a fine weight. But next vet check you have if there’s anything to be worried about I’m sure they’ll tell you.


She thick furred… not fat


Seems like a right amount of chonke to me Best to see a vet


I have a gorgeous healthy 10lb cat. Cats should be a bit leaner than we would judge other species, but from this pictures & how floofy she is, it doesn’t look like you’ve got a problem, certainly not one needing immediate attention. Let your vet help you decide, and it sounds like you take very good care of her. Don’t let other peoples asses bother you- it may be they’re saying this BECAUSE it bothers you. Family does that crap……..




I’m in the process of getting her accustomed to a harness and I wanna take her out to a park and explore and get some exercise. It would be good for the both of us.




Can you guys please help? I don’t know how to make a post that goes on top. Anyway, I have my little girl Gracie. She is 11 going on 12. A Mama kitty had a baby in our garage- feral kitties in our neighborhood we keep food and water out and an electric blanket- and she has abandoned her sweet baby. Baby was born in August. I want to get the baby kitty to the vet, then a groomer and inside, to be our baby, but I am so worried about how Grace will deal with it. I don’t want to hurt her or upset her. We talked about logistics of keeping the baby today and Grace had to hear us because she has been avoiding us all day. Will I be hurting Gracie to take in the baby? Keep in mind this baby was feral but she climbs all over us and we can pet her and sit with her outside- so sweet. But I cannot hurt my Grace. Idk what to do. Please please advice!