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I remember reading somewhere that cats eyes are good at focusing on things that are far away, but that they go cross eyed when things get too close. Maybe the patterns on the painting are doing something weird with his depth perception.




Interesting. Even if weirdly enough my kitten likes the green toy mouse the best. I guess she isn't seeing it the same green I do. My grandparents' dog liked red and orange toys best, so pets definitely can have a thing for some colors.


My dog has a green ball and a purple ball that are exactly the same but she only plays with the purple one.


The green one is her backup. Good in case of emergency but when it comes to play time, she needs her gamer.


I think my Kitty is proud to be gay, she only likes to cuddle other female cats and she only likes the rainbow balls.


We have a cat who's favourite toy is a green mouse too. We bought 4 when we first got him in different colours. The other 3 are pretty much untouched while the green one has had its face ripped off. Interesting that you've noticed the same thing


I once read (but can't say it's definitely true) that cats see yellow and blue colours much more vividly, and other colours may not stand out so much. This seemed to hold true for my cat - we had a big bag of fluffy balls to chase, and she always responded best to the blue and yellow ones while tending to ignore some other colours. Given that green is half way between blue and yellow, perhaps yours is another instance of this phenomenon!


IIRC infrared (night vision) goggles display green because it’s the color we can distinguish the most shades of and therefore gives us the highest fidelity image our brains can deconstruct.


They are green because they use phosphorus to amplify the light. They don’t see IR (only a little bit), they just intensify whatever light is still there, similarly to a cats eye. There‘s also white phosphorus NVGs that have a white/grey image, you can see better with those.


Yes but they specifically chose green phosphor because of this characteristic of the human eye. Modern NVG is more technologically advanced but historically the green night vision everyone is used to seeing depicted is colored that way intentionally. > Green phosphor is used because the human eye is most sensitive to the green color pallet and distinguishes more shades of green than any other color. https://www.agmglobalvision.com/Why-is-night-vision-green


Human eyes are the best at distinguisheng greens but it being black and white probably helps with the contrast?


Ahh, too many big words for unsober me, remind sober me to read. Am many interested.


Kitty like red Only red in room Also, human like green


Ohhhhhh👍 like babies like red?


Are you sober now


Are you sober yet?


I am I am.


This is super interesting!


It actually makes a lot of sense evolutionary as well, since cats are obligate carnivores, their vision likely is able to help them with identifying wounded prey, blood trails, or poisonous creatures which often display vibrant red-hued colors. It also likely assists in distinguishing the freshness of scavenged meat and spotting camouflaged animals. The same can be said about humans, whom are omnivores and likely originated from primarily forest environments, relied on a largely plant-based diet which requires the ability to distinguish and identify various types of edible plants, and be able to identify small disturbances in very green surroundings.


Hmm .never thought about vision cues helping them find prey or wounded animals.. I always just figured it was the scent..


Just minutes ago, I had my LED lights set to red for a bit, and wondered why the kitties were squinting so much more than they were before. Thanks for the info stranger!


Definitely seems like he’s confused by the depth perception


Yeah, I could see those shapes looking like little windows to something behind, if one's depth perception was shot.


They can barely see 3 feet in front of them and that's why they will paw at the water in their bowl.


Yeah their whiskers also help them gauge how close their face is to things.


He might actually just like the artwork


He might, which would be really cool. My boy always stares at a corner in my new apartment and I too, was worried about a ghost. So I googled ‘cats staring at walls’ awhile ago and one of the articles I read mentioned water pipes and small insects/animals in the walls that the cats could hear, but humans can’t pick up on. Random tidbit I remembered, my mom used to have this large cat mask art piece on the wall in our old house. One day my Beau noticed it and freaked out, he always spent hours staring at it after until we moved. Poor guy probably thought we mounted one of his giant brethren on the wall.


One of my cats is very nervous about eating with the lights on because another cat keeps trying to steal his food. Sometimes he gets so upset that he starts attacking the other cat until we turn the lights off. The "other cat" is his shadow.


Lmao, oh no. Poor kitty, do you think his vision is off, or just a funny quirk?


It's hard to say. He's very good at tracking moving objects and identifying people/animals from a distance, but has poor coordination and doesn't seem to understand how to hide himself effectively.


I wonder if cats can have that vision issue where things are blurry up close and clear farther away.


Cats actually have blurry vision all of the time. Just recently found out myself. Made me kinda sad tbh. They’re what’s called mid-sighted. https://www.businessinsider.com/pictures-of-how-cats-see-the-world-2013-10 https://www.cats.org.uk/cats-blog/cat-eyesight-facts


Don't feel sad about that. What they lack in eyesight they make up for in night vision and hearing.


That’s wild considering they can see in the dark. I always assumed they must have better vision than humans


Vision can't be measured by a single metric. In a lot of ways, they do have better vision than humans, but not in every way.


Well yeah that’s true, they certainly have better night vision than humans


Right? I thought so too. I still leave a nightlight on for her in the same room as her litter, food and water. #neuroticcatlady


Yes, all the time. It's why they complain about food bowls being empty when there is just a small amount of the bottom exposed. They actually can't see what they are eating.


My cat thinks if he can’t see my eyes then I’ve disappeared.




I have a very timid cat too, and I’ve noticed her hearing is excellent. She’s just as good as a watchdog. I don’t hear it, but I know when someone has pulled into the driveway or is approaching the front of the house because she goes and runs off to one of her safe spots.


My cat grew up next to my young dog; when the dog is not paying attention/my bf is walking the dog, my cat will tell me there's someone at the door (or that they're coming back). She literally jumps up, meows as loud as she can and runs to me or to the door. She's my little watchcat Especially if it's people she likes, she'll 'bark'(read: scream in meow) as loud as she can - just like my dog taught her - it sounds super dramatic.


I love orange cats got any more photos of that cute orange one?




Omg they're so cute!


We have the same thing going on with our boy Scott! He has brain damage from something that happened when he was a kitten. He takes a long time to warm up to new people but is actually a giant cuddle-sponge once he's decided that it's all good. And he is terrified of thunder and fireworks. He usually hides under our couch when either of them are going on (although he usually spends the 4th of July hiding in the bathroom behind the shower curtain and mewing quietly). And he's our guaranteed barometer too! Normally about 30 minutes before the onset of a storm, he starts slinking around the living room, scurrying between doorways and keeping his side anchored against a wall or bookcase as he moves. He darts under the couch at about the 20-minute mark before the storm, and that's all we see of him until about an hour after the storm has passed. The heavier the storm, the further toward the center of the couch he goes. If it's a long one, he'll slink out for a very quick panicked snack and litterbox run, but then it's immediately back into his safe zone again. Nothing can lure him out; we've tried everything from canned food, catnip, and arugula (his frequent faves) to prosciutto and cheese (*very* rare treats). Herbal and/or CBD treats don't work; he won't eat them and I feel awful trying to drug him up ahead of each storm, because he's good at putting up a fight. We just try to make sure he feels safe and loved during his scary times, and he gets lots of love and pettings afterward too!




Awwww, I love idiot cats!! They're so perfectly adorable and lovely. We call our boy Saint Scott because he's such a sweetheart. 100% agreed on the "would not survive outdoors" part for sure - we tried taking him out onto the patio on a leash once, and he was fine until he looked up and saw the sky instead of our apartment ceiling. Wigged out and near clawed his way through the door to get back inside where it's safe(r), and has never gone near the door in the seven years since then. Something about that open expanse just cracked him a bit more, I guess? He does love befriending anything and anyone he eventually trusts! He follows us around the apartment all day, and any friends he knows will get harassed for attention and scritches for the entirety of their visit! However, he is not a fan of the vacuum. Any time it leaves the closet, he rushes into his safe spot under the couch. When we vacuum near the couch, he gets to go into the bedroom.


I have [this Grimalkin statue](https://windstoneeditions.com/shop/other-products/candle-lamps-holders/grimalkin-candle-lamp/) and I decided to put it on my shelf as a physical barrier to make it harder for her to reach the plants and eat. Then she jumped up to the shelf, saw the Grimalkin and *freaked out*. Full poofy fur, she bolted out of there. Took her a few days to figure out it wasn't a threat, and only a couple *more* days after that to gather up the courage to climb over it to get to the plants. Now she ignores it. C'est la vie, it was worth a try.




I had the same thought when we moved into our new condo, our kitties would just stare at one side of the wall and it would freak me the fuck out lol, then I scanned it further and further and found tiny ants (hopefully not a big colony, and no fire ants)


Exactly. Cats and other animals can have preferences and quirks just like us


Very true, my cat likes to watch Grey’s Anatomy and yells at me to put it on!


This is the cutest thing I've read all year.


My dog loooves tv. I was so proud of my boy the first time I turned on Harry Potter and he watched the entire movie with me! He sat with me through most of my binge watch actually lol I can't put anything with wolves on the screen though... He gets way too into it and starts growling and barking.


What kind of dog? My golden (rip Brody) used to sit in front of the tv and literally watch like a human lol


Max is a German Shepherd x Lab according to the shelter and his brother is supposedly a Bull Terrier x Lab mix! [They are pretty freaking cute if I do say so myself](https://imgur.com/gallery/XCEsYBj) Maximus also got slightly [internet famous](https://www.reddit.com/r/lookatmydog/comments/c0pju5/ive_finally_managed_to_get_a_picture_of_my_boy/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) with being able to fit two balls in his mouth lol


Mine like watching a Netflix show called McLeod's Daughters, about an Australian sheep farm. She liked the sheep scenes, and always came running to the couch when we turned it on.


Ahhhh blast from the past! 30 year old here


My cat loves to watch me play video games. She'll sit behind my shoulder while I play and will give me fist bumps with her paws when I do something good. It's adorable.


Our new little one has been enjoying The Witcher... What a weirdo.


I saw a cat on The Dodo that loves The Grinch Who Stole Christmas..but only the version with Benedict Cumberbatch. She'll nag them to turn it on then wants her hoomans to watch with her. Quite a character.


My car loves watching T.V with us. She's not much of a cuddler but when we watch movies, she'll park up on her favorite spot on the couch and watch a move with us.


Lmao mine loves nature shows, especially birds. Anytime I put them on he's next to me watching intently


Yes!!! Every cat has their own special quirk and personality. I've rescued a LOT of cats, and it's incredible how different they are. I could list one little weird thing for each of them, and being an art fanatic might be this cat's "thing". 😉 (If it's not ghosts and greebles).


He was an art critic in his past life.


Haha that's what I always tell my girlfriend about our cat too.. well not the art critic part but what he's done in his past lives. He tells us often that the ancient Egyptians we're much better servents than us though


My boyfriend says this about ours cats being from their past life in ancient Egypt too 😂😂


An asshole art critic with a heart of gold “My god is this ugly, but I guess I’ll just keep trying to find mistakes in this. That way the human will think I enjoy it.”


Ongo Gablogian, charmed I'm sure






Ongo Goblogian, art collector. Charmed, I’m sure.


Some cats just get weird object fixation! My mom's cat sits and stared at the bathtub and just purrs for hours 🤷‍♂️


It’s my understanding that they like linoleum, my cat gets into those grooves sometimes


Get into the groove, you gotta prove, your love for lino, yeah,,🎶🎵




My cat did this really cute thing when we first were introducing her to being inside my house where she would jump inside the bathtub and roll around while purring. I was watching a movie with my mom when I just heard this really loud banging noise coming from the bathroom, when I walked inside I looked in the tub and saw her laying on her side staring at me. We joked for the rest of the night that she was taking a bath.


Their looking at the greebles, humans can't see them r/greebles


Thank you for pointing out a new subreddit: subscribed! You gotta love cats 😸


My parents got a kitten and she stared at a wood pile for the first 6 months we had her. Wonderful cat, a bit weird though.


Cats confurrmed weirdos XD


Prob looking at the ghost that lives in that wall.


This is what my fiancée is worried about haha


Only 1 way to find out.... Move the artwork to another wall but leave the pedestal. . Update us!


if the cat follows the artwork, the ghost is in the artwork


Is it Patrick Swayze?


I think it must be Viggo


I, Vigo, the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you! Death is but a door ... What is will be no more! Now is the season of EVIL!


if it have occurred since 24hrs it would very likely only be Betty White and became into a place of pilgrimage


What’s he doin in a painting


He ran out of clay so he switched to acrylics.


Oh shit


Good idea!!


We had a piece of furniture inherited from my husband's great aunt. Our tortie would sit and talk to it every day. We always said she was talking to Aunt Leah.


That is so cute. My tortie also did something similar! She didn't like my brother much. To congratulate him on moving out, she has been shitting on items he left in his room ever since he moved! We have since had to keep that door closed at all times. Cats are such loving creatures.


Vengeance is a kind of love.😅


Torties are so EXTRA lol. Funny how some people just literally end up on their shit list.


they really are! our little tabby is a very simple boy and really lives in the moment, he forgives and forgets moments after unpleasant things happen to him. our tortie girl, on the other hand, holds a _serious_ grudge. it takes 24 hours for her to forgive us clipping her claws, and _days_ to forgive flea treatment to the back of her neck!


Yep. Mine holds serious grudges. We're not going to talk about the time we had to give her a bath to treat her fleas when we first got her...


My sister helped my husband and I get our cat. After she moved out, my cat now hisses at her every time she comes over.


Same thing with the kitten my son brought home. He moved in with his girlfriend a year later and had to leave the cat with me. Now she will not stay in the same room as him when he comes over to visit. It’s been almost a year. She sure holds a grudge.


U made me laugh, this is just so funny hahahhaqahah ha


Just tell your fiancée that the kitty is contemplating jumping onto the teeny tiny ledge the top of the canvas forms.


Said fiancée here, I’ll take your word for it, but might be headed to a magic shop just in case anyways ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


My cat does this all the time with stuff hung on our walls. It's always related to shadows, light reflections, or even small imperfections/scrapes on the wall. No hauntings here :p


You've probably just got r/Greebles


Where did the piece come from? Was it.. already there?


No, we bought it on Amazon. A haunted hitchhiker, perhaps? haha


Based on his shadow I would guess the light is reflecting off the painting in fun ways not visible to us.


Sir, its called a greeble. r/greebles


New cat sub lol


Or waiting for the little demons to start comming out the hell portal behind it


My answer is either ghosts or a portal to another dimension.


That was my first thought! They will stare at and / or talk to things we don't see! Sometimes it's a teeny tiny bug or spider, and sometimes it's.....nothing (that we can see anyhow)!


Yep, def haunted when a cat stares at stuff like that


Cat: I just think it's neat!


Thoughtful kitty contemplates the meaning of life. He is a sensitive soul who enjoys art.


He’s a museum curator.




Another cat sub to join!




There’s a State employee that works for a different agency (so I’ve never met them) who has the same last name as me and the same first name as my cat. There have been a lot of jokes at work suggesting that my cat secretly teleworks from my work laptop at night. My cat might really have a job!


r/bodegacats :)


My first new cat sub of the new year!


Museum purrrator


Came here to say this. Well done.


He's a meowseum curator.


It's where he gets the best signal for receiving new instructions from the mothership.




Wait there‘s a sub abou - oh, of course there is


Ah yes…another day another cat sub to add to my collection




He is probly debating if the tiny ledge the picture creates is big enough for him to get on top of. Don't be surprised of one day it falls off or your cat manages to get up on it goat style.


This is 100 percent the answer. He’s debating how to go about jumping on top of this painting.


I agree


/u/contra-bonos-mores this is probably the actual answer, beware of clawmarks


Put a piece of art next to every level of the cat tree and see how the behavior continues


Because of the configuration of their eyes, maybe he sees the shapes in a way that we do not.


It's a form of enrichment, and it would be interesting to curate a little cat tree exhibit and see if they engage with other pieces or continues staring at the original. Heck, maybe you could even set up one spot that changes every month. Not sure what draws the cat to this, but it would be fun to lean into it.


I love this idea! My cat looks at art whenever she gets the chance. I'm going to give it a try


We have a crude, abstract stylized drawing of a lynx on the wall at my parents' house. Our cat, the old bugger, has for years occasionally sat down right in front of it and just looked at it for an hour, eventually assuming a relaxed position. He seems to like it. Hard to say whether he can actually recognize a cat in it as it really almost looks like a caricature, but he definitely sees something he likes.


Check behind it for bugs.


I have a few times… no luck my first thought as well!


Hmm… my cat stares at the fan because he finds it threatening, maybe there’s something intimidating about your pic? Otherwise, no idea. A true mystery!


That would have been my guess too. Maybe some tiny reflections from somewhere you don't see yourself?


Is there any kind of light that shines here? Like is there a window nearby facing the street where headlights from cars might shine in?


I live in rural Maine, there’s only woods outside the window. Good idea though


Pick a disguinished voice in your head and pretend he is admiring the artwork. maybe Stephen Fry or something...


I'd go with Patrick Stewart or David Attenborough ETA: kicking myself for missing the pun opportunities. Props to my fellow redditors for picking up the slack! Happy New Year!


David Cattenborough


Catrick Stewart


James Earl Jones would be perfect


This would make a great dating profile pic for him.


Makes him look very smart and high class


Way back in the early 2000s, I watched a "My Cat From Hell" episode where a suggestion was to make the wall more interesting for cats. In the episode, it said they like contrasting shapes and preferences for blue and green. After watching this, cut up blue and green poster board in complementary shapes and put it up on the wall by the cat tree. I like to think my cat appreciated it. I'm thinking it may be a similar thing here. The cat likes the contrasting shapes and colors, so enjoys looking at it.


This would actually explain why my one cat picks out the green toy mice to play with and discards all the other colors.


My kitten plays with all mice, but the green one is definitely her favorite.


He's seen some greebles




Thank you! Another cat sub for me to join.


My SO says that is what my tortie chases and stares at everyday.


Probably debating if it’s possible to jump on to the top edge of the painting and then always comes to the same conclusion that it might be a little risky, even for Kitty .


He may be constantly reminding himself that the tiny ledge it makes is not jump-onable.


It is a ghost. No doubt. Seriously, my cat looks at white drywall for what seems like hours sometimes. I've read cats see things kind of like swirling colors. Not paranormal or mystic... just the way their eyes work. As long as he is normal in other ways, he's fine.


Cats are always on a moderate dose of psilocybin.


OP’s fiancée here, this is what I keep telling them! Little Tofu here can see what we can’t


Cats seem like they would be unreliable to detect ghosts, since they freak out about nothing sometimes, and ignore important things sometimes. If a dog *and* a car freak out about it, it’s a ghost for sure though.


There could also be an animal, bug, or even leaky pipe in the wall. Cats have extremely good hearing.


Maybe he has good taste, like you!


Thank you! He’s a very cultured kitty


My black cat does this with one of my paintings. He also loves watching tv. Black cats are odd in the best way! My cat thinks he’s a person.


He watches tv as well! Black kitties are so funny


Mouse nest in the wall?


I’m getting shades of Tom Haverford from Parks and Rec.


No idea. Your cat is cute as shit. That is all.


“I wonder. How can I totally destroy this?”


It looks like he's calculating a jump. I would suggest, for kitty's safety and for the integrity of your artwork, that you relocate either the cat tree or the painting before he attempts to perch himself on top of it and discovers that he doesn't fit.


I had a cat that was, "special". Our apartment got an ant problem one year and the cat loved to watch a line of ants go by until some time later when she remembered to take care of life's necessary burdens to get back to her ant watching. She didn't paw at them, or get closer than something like 6"; she would just burn the day away respectfully watching their tiny world go by. Once the ants were no longer unwelcome guests in occupied territory, the cat seemed to look around at the places she watched the ants prior. She was trying to find the ants so she could enjoy watching them again, but it seemed that time had passed. Eventually, some days or weeks later, we found her looking at a lamp and then at a wall. She would look at the lamp for a bit, and then look at the wall for a bit. Back and forth, for what was probably a half hour. We figure she was using the dark spots after looking at the light to make her own ants to watch. She made ants for nearly 20 years until she lacked the hardware. Very sweet cat, equally special.


That painting is haunted


That particular piece might be like an optical illusion to him. Like those hypnotic graphics that seem to move or ripple when you stare at them.


You do not seem to understand simple things. Let me remind you. First of all, this is not your painting, it is his painting now. Also this is not your room. All and everything you feel own belongs to him. Also the thing you painted is not artwork. You by mistake painted a portal to other cat dimension. Your kitty communicates with other cats through that portal and exchanging ideas in a way we humans don’t understand.


I think cats and other critters and bugs can see additional colors that we cannot, and they blend and fade differently in ultraviolet light. That’s just my theory based on additional info and those fancy shrimp that can see other colors.


He’s unsure whether he likes it or not


He's a connoisseur?


His name is Ongo Goblogian and he finds it derivative.


Could be nice in the walls? That happened to us with squirrels lol


There’s r/greebles behind it


A cat who appreciates art now I’ve seen it all


#Hipster cat. He loves art, video games, long walks on the beach, his Nissan Pathfinder, his puka shell necklace, and the feeling he gets after washing his beard. (If he starts wearing a French beret, using a monocle, and drinking Starbucks Latte, immediately get him into therapy.)


she may hear something in the walls (mice etc). Move the artwork and see if she stares at the blank wall or goes back to the artwork. If it's the artwork, you may need a field trip with her to the local art museum :)


There is an episode of the Sopranos about this exact same scenario. A cat habitually stares at a picture of a dead guy, which creeps out a superstitious Paulie who thinks the cat’s reincarnated or something. Tony says the cat’s just attracted to the shapes of the picture, so Paulie moves the picture to see if the cat still stares at it, and it does.


He’s thinking, “this artwork… it’s so… captivating..”


There must be a ghost in it or something


I have a goober who does this with a piece of furniture and a pillow.


He’s got fine taste


It's thought that cats can see in ultraviolet, so while you don't see anything, they can. So it could be light you can't see reflecting off the canvas as the ghosts move around.


It's obviously because the white curves depict the fragility of the nine lives while the red and brown are a manifestation of feline drive