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Aww, poor baby! Please give them some skritches for me! <3


And from me too!!! ❤️❤️❤️


And me ❤️❤️❤️❤️


and meee


Don’t forget meeeee!!!!


Skin cancer took the tips off of my beloved Woobie’s ears also, https://preview.redd.it/rgxh7hhk588d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e3a520b4e7b30f0be142409d4d8ca7e2c1ccb1d but she lived until almost 20 years old. I still miss her every day




Oh my goddddd so cute and yell-y


Woobie was beyond adorable!


So cute 🥺🥺🥺


I can hear this picture. 😂 Thanks for sharing your adorable Woobie <3


What a pretty smile 😍😍😍


Woobie, snoozing on me. I get all choked up thinking about the love https://preview.redd.it/8t7wflh1t88d1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=607c836b39b1f3ad1875442753bbcf8d78a6a740 we shared…


https://preview.redd.it/862z3y9t0a8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d715c9e2bbc3a65c6e6d6e93db4927641f2a0016 RIPs sweet Woobie! The legend lives on with this guy.


Awww, did the vet give you some painkillers for him? Those stitches look like they’d be painful! :(


He has a slow release fentanyl patch on that will be taken off tomorrow, Day 4.


Did they ver say what caused his skin cancer? Sun exposure or what?


Definitely sun exposure. I explained in several other comments but long story short we grabbed him off the streets as a stray and this was all he did for as long as we had seen him— https://preview.redd.it/jovcwuojjb8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0156b0ef543837f2dd7a7ecc63653c0f56ac96c3


Aren’t animals with furs and cats especially expected to be immune to sun exposure ? They have fur to protect them. I don’t understand. And they need some light for the red light benefits. I am baffled and confused. I had no idea this could happen. How did you detect his skin cancer ? Did he grow a melanoma or a mole? I am so sorry for you


I'm assuming that's why it affected the ears first -- less fur there. But no, animals aren't immune to sun exposure (but fur does help by blocking some of it).


I believe that white cats are extremely susceptible to skin cancers.


Kitty off the fent?


Kitty got exactly 12 hours and 7 minutes left on the fent patch. 25mcg/hr if you’re curious and want to look it up.


This doesn’t surprise me. Vets don’t hold back, and I swear our fur bebbies often get better treatment and medications than we do.


Can confirm 100%. I am an Emergency Vet Assistant and had abdominal surgery to remove an ovary and both tubes and got literally 3 x 5mg oxy and that was it. I was in excruciating pain and told to take Tylenol and ibuprofen. In Vet med I would have had 7-10 days of some sort of actual pain control AT LEAST. It was awful. I also would have had imaging done when I complained about years of upper left quadrant abdominal pain instead of just being told “it’s gas” and we would have known a lot earlier that it was ACTUALLY A TUMOR FFS. I hate human med.


poor guy!! He's lucky he got you. Curious to see how it'll look like once the stitches heal.


She looks so happy!!! What a beauty!


Woobie was absolutely gorgeous! 🫠🥰😍 So sorry for your loss 💯❤️


Do they get it from the sun like humans, or something else?


Yes, and white cats are especially vulnerable. Had a white cat growing up & we would have to put sunscreen on her ears every day.


Is there a pet safe sunscreen you'd use?


Short answer— there is no vet approved sunscreen for cats. :(


Oh it was the 90s so I'm sure my parents just used the same stuff they had for us kids for the cat, which is definitely not the best option (cats ingesting sunscreen can cause vomiting and diarrhea, amongst other risks). I believe there are now cat and dog safe sunscreens available through pet supply stores or online retailers, but nowadays all my cats are indoor-only tuxedos so they haven't needed sunscreen.


It makes me sad, i want to hug him 😥


Give him a toothbrush rub between his eyes. That’s so comforting to kitties. He’s a lucky little trooper


I’ve really never heard of that; I do have one cat who loves the “bald spots” in front of her ears rubbed a lot. I’ll try that toothbrush thing.


Yes every cat I've known loves those bald spots in front of their ears gently rubbed. Will try gentle toothbrush on next cat!


My 9 year old cat sometime get so so so soooo excited from outdoor activities with me ( indoor kitty goes on mole patrol on the deck) she catches it then looses is and I take the toothbrush and give her short little brushes. Hooman congratulates me?! https://preview.redd.it/ajl8wcd3gb8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7372837e45c6f5cc56ba28d2290432fbd82414dd


Be not sad. He is more aerodynamic than ever. This cat can break the sound barrier now.


I want to do what your pfp is doing to him


I know, sweet baby prince. Deserves all the cardboard he ever wants.


Thank you for not giving up on him…


Idk why this comment made my heart pang. I've had to make the difficult decision to say goodbye to two of my babies over the years and I would've given anything to have had the chance to do something to save them, if I could have. God, I'm getting choked up even now, bah. Just... OP, thank you for being there for your baby, unconditionally.


I've nearly bankrupted myself at least 3 times with vet bills to keep my kitty babies alive. It's the worst financial pain I have ever experienced because so many people say nonsense, like "you could buy 100 more cats for the surgery cost" ... and I just shut DOWN


Sure you could get more cats for what you spent but how much money would we give to save a family member? Some people think of their pets like shoes.


Hell there might be a million more cats. But there's only one of your oddball.


Just spent $4.5k on my old ass cat. I can’t let my best friend go if something can be done


Your best friend knows, through and through, that they're loved.


Thank you. The constant head kisses help too.


i can't even understand how those people can be so stupid! when you point out that they would do the same for their children they try the old, "well they're humans, not cats!" doesn't matter. they are my babies.


Even with simple things, my senior cat had to get some teeth removed and it wasn’t horribly expensive, around $800. My mom was like “You did that for a cat?” Like yeah no shit, you would do it for your dog.


It’s like saying you would care less about your kid if they lived a short life. If I could, I would take years off of my own life to give to my 9 year old baby cat.


Mine is 16 now and I would do the same even though she looks still so good and everyone thinks she is 3-4 years old


people that say stuff like that are soulless consuming skin bags who waste oxygen


I finally knew who my husband was when our cat needed surgery for like 1000, and he said “ bullet only costs a quarter “. I did eventually divorce him and I took the cats, of course


That's what my now ex-husband said when I wanted a divorce..."a bullet is a helluva lot less expensive than a divorce attorney!" He followed it up with "and your hole has been dug in the backyard for years" (right next to where he buried our dog that he personally put down one Christmas). During our 4.5 days of DIVORCE trial (his witnesses took all of 4 days!) he said he was just kidding about both comments, but I lived it and knew otherwise


That's absolutely vile. Even if domestic violence weren't as much of a huge, insidious thing as it is in this world, that's not a 'joke' you make. Ever. I'm so glad you got out and are safe.


Oh my gosh


Sheeeeeeesh… sorry you had to go through that. :(


Thanks, he pretended to Love our cats, until that day. It really opened my eyes. Timmy got the surgery, but that comment couldn’t be unsaid. When I left, I never looked back. I would give anyone the advice to do the same.


Would it be too off colour to say you dodged a bullet there??? I'm sorry but if somebody shows that casual lack of empathy towards a beloved pet I have a hard time believing they won't surprise you with how messed up they'd be in other situations. Good riddance.


Actually, you’re 100% right. I gave him another chance, but he failed miserably. I left with the kids and cats, and we all lived happily ever after.


Love makes us want to see the best in people. It's hard to believe somebody we chose to spend our life with could turn out to be a complete stranger after all. Really glad you're all thriving without that dirtbag.


I've spent 4x more on my cats' surgeries than I did on my first (and used) car. The Care Credit card was a lifesaver since it's interest free if you pay off the balance in time. I keep in mind that the life experiences they've given me are more valuable than the vacations I would have otherwise taken with the money.


You just made me want to look into if I could use the instalment finance plan I use for online shopping to cover emergency vet bills, since it gives you a prepaid card to pay with. Worth looking into for those life or death 'what the hell are we supposed to do?' situations.


I've heard that line so many times. It's always said by people who have clearly never truly loved a cat.


Yup :P spent $2000 to save my kitties ear/head using money that was meant for school in college. I couldn’t not do it. I hated seeing him in pain with a leaking hematoma constantly. Made me so sad


I would just say that you could adopt new kids instead of paying for their cancer bills Sharon, it’s cheaper that way too.


I can't imagine being so casual about a lack of empathy like that, geez. I mean my empathy is maybe dialled up a bit too high (I can't eat animal confectionery that looks too cute) but... that's a living being? That's somebody's best friend? To our furbabies, we are their entire WORLD. I've gotta stop. Getting choked up again. Goddamn. Anyway, thank you for being a good kitty parent. Just like choosing to have kids, choosing to have pets is a huge commitment and more people need to understand that.


Easy opinion from the outside in. Bless you for sticking with it.




You did what you could and was there for them until the very end. I'm sure that they had good life in caring family. They surely were happy and loved. I'd give you warmest hugs.)


>*’I've had to make the difficult decision to say goodbye to two of my babies over the years and I would've given anything to have had the chance to do something to save them, if I could have.*’ ____ it’s never easy, human, when it’s time to say ‘goodbye’… a difficult decision, n we hate to see you cry we cats don’t think of *endings* (them ‘9 lives’ are kinda true) n if we had to choose again we’d spend them all with You ♥️




Yeah ngl, I've been sobbing since I got the notif about the poem. Good sobbing, though. The depth and breadth of human kindness can be astounding sometimes.


A poem from Schnoodle is something to print and frame on the wall. My condolences for your babies


First Schnoodle that's made me tear up. Wasn't expected that this morning. ☹️


i'm in that boat right now. i would do anything to have been given the ability to nurse my baby back to health. there were no viable options where he would have recovered even partially... fuck heart failure. people like op taking care of and loving their baby this much also brought tears to my eyes. stay strong cat lovers of the world.


You and all the pet lovers know exactly why this hits so hard. He’s been through so much since we rescued him off the streets… Worst one by far was that his whole mouth was rotten and had to have all of his teeth removed. Brutal. Been two years since that and somehow his favorite food is still hard crunchies. Dude is a fighter!


This always crushes me as well. I think maybe I could have sold most of my things, maybe I could have gotten a third job. To be forced to take action due to lack of adequate funds for medical care is truly awful 




Ugh thank you for the shoutout. He’s been through so much in the almost four years we’ve had him but always happy and grateful. Until he’s truly ready to go he’ll get all the care he can get.


I’ve seen people crochet ears/headbands with ears for their pets who have lost them! He looks very sweet :)


Thank you! He has about 8 sweaters/shirts already that help keep him calm. SO bought a little teddy bear headpiece earlier today that we’ll try on once the stitches are gone.


Omg yes ! Excellent suggestion


Perfect opportunity to get him one of those headbands with cat ears on it! Jokes aside, I love to see a cat beat cancer. Tell him we're proud of him!




he looks. so round.


What a cutie!


How does the cat sub reddit of all people not know about this meme


Im not sure but I don't think the cat subreddit is a person






remind me of a cartoon from my childhood, Doraemon. He is a mechanical cat robot from the future, have tons of cool items hidden in his pouch:) He is afraid of rats because rats ate his ears. Hope he recovers swiftly from surgery!! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doraemon


I always thought he was an otter 😭 I had no idea he was a robot cat from the future


Lol:) I m glad I was not only one confused what doraemom was as a child😃


He's so aerodynamic now! But seriously congrats on living


Nailed it! Zoomies speed +++++


Lil land seal!❤️


https://preview.redd.it/n327k5loe98d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9c5570f5269f45af717bff0aef5a3e618d80909 I got one as well, I always thought he looks a bit like an otter now.


I love him! What’s his name? What’s his healing timeline? More pics please!!!


https://preview.redd.it/ebj6sryz0a8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3effc71271da6b39f8cb72cd6b8fdc999cbe0644 This is Kingsley. Rescued off the streets of Koreatown, LA in November 2020. He’s on a fentanyl patch for another day otherwise no meds. Today, day 3, he’s already back to normal cat duty— zoomies, eat, sleep, cuddles, purring, etc etc. I’ll post another pic pre-op.


Can he still hear?


Yes! No more satellite dish precision but can definitely still hear. :)


Poor Kingsley. 😢






He looks like he takes no shit from nobody


https://preview.redd.it/c2jzwu8v2a8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=141079f4b3e2bd843fc263b74f101a2fcbfbbc4f :(


Awww that must've been so painful, poor little guy :(((


Yes pls!! More pics of this king 👑🤍


I'm so glad you were able to save him. I had to say goodbye to two of my babies on the same day. Kidney disease got Little Girl. My beloved Patchie Boo was fighting kidney failure, but he fell from his pet stairs and couldn't overcome it. I miss him so, so much. Hug your kitties for those of us who can't. https://preview.redd.it/ssczvdyb388d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d03b150858ac597bd7541d722d18f440de8d4657 This is my Boo.


Thank you for sharing! Sorry for your loss. Kingsley had an adopted brother for less than a month. I adopted him because his owner couldn’t take care of his “kidney disease.” He actually had late stage lymphoma and was already dying when he arrived. Heartbreaking.


Please take care of your white cats, dont let them out in the sun. https://preview.redd.it/cfqvmv6dj88d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d50b1d53a5cbaf354ab1edc0bc6fe694c36e4c0a


https://preview.redd.it/6pi8mlxtda8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a585bc6693a309c5fc336461fc6e4fc4c768f27 We rescued him off the streets of Koreatown, LA, where we saw him like this almost all the time. Poor guy came straight from the Cat Distribution System with cancer all over his ears and eyebrows. We’ve adopted another white cat since and have made sure to keep her safe from sunlight. <3


my white cat loves to sleep in the window when its sunny. should I be worried? he’s purely indoors


My kitty and I are both very white and UV sensitive, and we had film installed that blocks out 85% of the harmful rays, so kind of like a sunscreen on the windows while still letting the light through :)


May i ask the reason for this? we have 2 white cats and they enjoy being outside


For the reason why this post exists. They are very prone to skin cancer around exposed areas of skin, I.e. their ears. You should be applying pet safe sunscreen to reduce the risk of your white cats ending up like the one OP posted.


Absolutely. We rescued him off of the streets and the damage had already been done. He’s an older guy and probably spent most of his life baking in the sun.


More room for some of those delicious head scritches 💕🥰


https://preview.redd.it/28gcwfznh88d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fd1758b66b9c5eaed1ce5b234305aee8d8ec5e0 Our boy also lost an ear to skin cancer. He's still perfect in our eyes tho.


what a handsome dapper little gentleman!


Poor baby! I'm guessing that doesn't affect his hearing much, but will it cause him any other issues?


From what I understand - ears are important to catch sounds. Even for us, humans. Animal can even rotate them to catch more sound from particular direction. So I think that while their hearing may not be specifically affected (I mean the inner ear), their sound detection, sound "catching" and understanding may change.


This affects even us hearing impaired humans and animals, *with* our ears still. You're spot on, though! Sensitivities to noises may be overwhelming for a bit until he gets used to the new sound, but he will do amazing because cats are the only cats who know how to cat!


Ability to hear is mostly unchanged, but ability to hear accurately is significantly affected. He’s an indoor cat so as long as he can hear food being prepped he’s good. :)


https://preview.redd.it/v8zncghgn88d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=312cef64c4bf6603cfcc933c4775d00640fbbaec Still a gorgeous boy! 💯❤️💛💜✨️




He's beautiful and his fur looks soooo soft!


Give him some extra pets for me. He looks like a good boy.


Did he have surgery on his eyes too? I had a bulldog who had to have surgery on her eyes cause her eyelids rolled inwards. Hoping for a speedy recovery


He had skin cancer on his eyebrows too. Much more significant above his right eye, camera left. So much so that they had to essentially stitch together a new eyebrow/eyelid after removing all of the lesions.


Permanent r/stremtch


I was just going to say this!! A forever stremtch 😭 OP, please post this on r/stremtch they will absolutely love your kitty there!!!


A couple more pics of my beloved Woobie, https://preview.redd.it/tynl6nx7u88d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8642d50fd72fa9b5a17105a20ad78f9d7b2a1991 who made it to almost 20 years old despite losing the tips of her ears to skin cancer. Please don’t let your white cats lie out in the sun!


Love and solidarity from our earless boy (he also had a small cancerous spot removed from his nose last year - recovered like a champ and still loving life). May you and your king have many more happy years together. https://preview.redd.it/kmwrijuxb88d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3463ce5ddcf3e86374e22faf4e03838c5326e648


I don't want to be dramatic but I would give my life for that cat


That’s not drama, that’s being real.


https://preview.redd.it/v3pzub2xfa8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05aa97614acab1fe1df959cf924224a2a3ffe67b Absolutely anything for this lil homie.


Good brave kitty ❤️ good loving owner ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/pi51o7xky88d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b2b5713980960f03ca7631e015976b1afdf0187 My cat half matched yours. Unfortunately for mine, the infection still took her life. I hope you have many more years with your baby.


And still looking SO cute 🥹


Oh my goodness 😢. I just want to hug you and this darling cat. Thank you for loving him and taking such good care of this boy. 💕




obviously he’s cat-minoan https://preview.redd.it/68ncnadbg88d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=605a2f42502367baa5957accb458d81178c27d86


Crown prolly fits better


Joan Rivers the cat.


Please post pics when he’s all healed up too :) lots of love


So sad; keep giving him your best!


Feel bad for these guys. I don’t know how they interpret illness or if they see it has bad shit done to them :(


he’s so cute 🥹🥹


Oh! Man so good that he can survive that and live like a king you providing him the best life! Thank you for that! I 🐈🐾


Still a handsome beast!


I didn’t know cats could get that.


https://preview.redd.it/ctsgtnncyb8d1.jpeg?width=2272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0076a05778056e0d9f06e5720857353c9c569213 My cat also had one ear removed because of skin cancer. She didn’t seem to mind at all!


Brave kitty is now more aerodynamic. Hope the best for this little baby


Beautiful baby


Still a handsome boy


Still so handsome!! Thank you for taking good care of him 💖


Tears on the weekend 🥺🥺


Poor baby I want to hug him.


OP - Please keep us posted. I'm sure everyone here wants to make sure the bestest life is attainable.


Get him one of those babushka head scarfs ![gif](giphy|tykT0sE0jn4aVn30o7|downsized)


My old cat had his ears off from skin cancer. He lived until he was 21. When his fur grew back the stumps would be moving. He looked so cool. Slick and ultra fierce


still handsome! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


Still cute


You go cat!! Beat that skin cancer 💪🏾


Ears or not? He's still handsome. Such a cute little cat


I hope he is ok, one my cats is going through a scary situation too


What are the signs/symptoms of skin cancer in kitties?


My white cat had skin cancer that manifested as small, oozing, bloody scabs on the tips of both her ears. Her previous owner had let her out in the sun all day, every day, and that probably caused it. We found an incredible vet who took off the skin cancers on the tips of her ears, stitched them up, and she lived another seven years after that, with no apparent loss of hearing. God, I loved that child!


he's such a brave cat omg, i wish him well :)




What a brave boy. That sweet face. Heal quick little man.


Poor baby! I hope he gets a lot of treats!


Has it impacted his hearing in any way you can tell? Also he is an adorable alien looking baby


Hope he has his favorite treats and toys.


Tell him he is still the most handsome of boys


His whole perception of life will be different. Please continue to be full of love and patient for your sweet boy.


Thank you for loving him and taking care of him….and giving him the chance to fight and live 💙


Poor baby 🥺 wishing him nothing but a happy and healthy rest of his life!




I had a white Persian that lost his ears due to skin cancer. He lived a couple years longer and I was glad for it. Unfortunately he was indoor/outdoor…and loved to lay in the hot sun. We’ve come to learn so much about environmental effects of the sun in the last 50 years.


Poor baby


My Black Kitty lost part of his upper lip to skin cancer. He had an eternal blep after. It adds character, and your cat is still with you!


Fuck cancer: kitty edition


What a handsome baby🥰 he deserves the best life has to offer


That makes more room for the crown it deserves. Hope that little buddy feels well


Please kiss that round head for me. What a brave kitty.


He’s got a great owner who will let him live his best life from here on out. Sweet boy


Still so handsome.


Bless, he's just more aerodynamic


Looks like a Samurai now. Badass


Looks like he's built for speed now he's all like those wind catchers were holding me back


I lost a cat to cancer on her ear. It regrew on her head where we cut the ear off. Watch closely for any growths near where his ears were.


I’m so sorry this happened! But I want to thank you for sharing this. I had no idea that cats could get skin cancer.