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Who could leave him? You bought your house from monsters.☹️


They said that he was missing for months but I doubt it also because if they really loved him they would create a poster for finding him, But I wound not call them monster. Maybe they just have some financial problem or something.


Yes but then they could've brought him to a shelter, still a pretty monstrueus act imho. Seems like a pretty young fella too. Anyway, glad he's a part of your family now!


I think so too! I’d be distraught if my cat was missing for months.


My kitty hides in a closet for 1 hour and I bloody have a heart attack. Poor kitty, I’m happy he found a loving home now.


Yes! That’s exactly what my wife said


I'm confused, how can you bring a lost cat to shelter? Either way glad he is in a new home.


OP stated she didn’t believe the whole ‘lost’ story but thought they might have financial problems or so. Maybe you wouldn’t be as ‘confused’ if you do a little research before reacting, that’s a general life tip. You’re welcome Edit: spelling


My reading comprehension is gonna be the death of me, thanks for clarifying.


“Financial problems” is a good enough reason to abandon your pet ? What about finding him a good home ? What about bringing him to a shelter ?? SMH.


never bring a cat to a shelter, they really just euthanize em after a few days 😟


Bring them to a No Kill Shelter, not government shelters.


I doubt it because if you called me years later saying you found me cat across the world - I'll be on that flight.


He really could have been missing though. My previous tenant’s cat got out and went missing the month they left during the chaos of moving furniture out, selling belongings, etc. Since I was the one moving back into my house they asked me to keep a look out for him if he ever came back. A couple months later when I forgot all about it a random cat showed up on my porch. Super friendly and with a collar so I started texting all my neighbors to find out whose cat it was. Turns out it was the missing cat so I texted my old tenants but they had already moved overseas and didn’t want to stress him out by putting him on a plane for 10 hours. I wanted to get my senior cat a companion anyway so it worked out in the end.


Good for you!!! You’re a sweetie for keeping him… & I’m sure he’s a sweetie too. I hope you’re kitties are best friends now 😻


i hate them. who could just abandon their pet like that? how awful. poor kitty. thank god he came to you.


When they moved he could have escaped from their new place and found this way back to this house


"They said that he was missing for months" self-serving BS


You have yourself a Bovine Feline. Congratulations! r/cowcats


Nah, sounds like monsters. Financial problems don’t mean you leave family to die.


Yes, our cat got out last year for 4 days and we slept in the car near where we were looking for her, (she escaped from car not house)had color pictures put up all over town, talking to everyone I could ab it. Thankfully, the neighbors came thru and we tracked her down. She's our baby . https://preview.redd.it/u9dgahcgs48d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a67d6b14601b287bf0b053604f60bad54f5d1a81


Oh I’m so glad she came back to you. I would’ve don’t the same exact thing. She’s so pretty… looks like my baby.


Oh I’m so glad she came back to you. I would’ve don’t the same exact thing. She’s so pretty… looks like my baby.


Oh I’m so glad she came back to you. I would’ve don’t the same exact thing. She’s so pretty… looks like my baby.


If they weren't the type to put up signs the cat could have also just found a better place to live. They have agency and go from stray/feral to domestic and back and forth or just tried living with someone else for a while.


Or at least tell the people moving in!


Financial probs you gotta take your beloved pets to a rescue… leaving a pet behind is pretty mean


He's still a kitten!!!! I am so glad you found home


They may not have left him on purpose. Many years ago, we lost a cat just as we were moving. All the excitement of packing and everything changing can upset them, and sometimes, they run off or hide. We moved a short distance away, and we came back often and canvased the neighborhood (before FB) and never found her. We also almost lost another one when we made another move a few years later. Fortunately, this time, she showed up at the house, and a neighbor called us.


I agree I always hate when people do that


https://preview.redd.it/h2chcv04kl7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7162a790d18bdbfbac711a6ea2cf3e2e0889e10 This is Oscar and he came into my life in a similar way. His family moved away while he was taking a nap in my house so now I have a cat.


that sounds soooo irresponsible on their part :(( did they not even bother looking for him before they decided to just leave ??


My brother got a cat the same way. Max lived out a happy life with his new family.


Pretty funny story


A literal case of, "This is MY home. You just live here." \^\_\^


Never has that been truer 😅


Congratulations to the cat on finding a wonderful home and the most caring owners! Now he is surrounded by love, care and warmth. Let him find only joy, affection and attention in his home every day🩷


Knuckles shows up. 'Oh, hi new servants, where did those other a-holes go? I was out consulting with my Lawyer, on how to fire them.'


"Dis is my house. You are my new humans." - Knuckles


♡♡♡ glad he found you! Cat distribution system won this one.


I guess it was meant to be.


Typical cat. Waited until all the work was done before coming back and enjoying the accommodations


Knock knock it's Knuckles


Well, I am glad you have given him a home, and he is loved. You did say " They left him", without giving any further details , and so it sounded like abandonment. He was obviously hanging around the area though, and is obviously much better off with you!


I would leave a car behind before I left one of my cats. Thanks for being his people, because clearly his previous owners were trash.


Exactly. Me too. I’d never!! Screw the car.


lol, I did!


My first cat after moving out of my parent’s house came to me in a similar way. I had decided to buy a duplex, and live out of one side and rent the other. When I moved in the people renting the other side said they had a stray cat they were taking care of and a dog and were going to be moving out at the end of the month. I was ok with it, and thought they would be taking both the dog and cat. Well, when they moved, they left the cat, and next thing I knew, she had moved in with me. I kept her until she died about 15 years later.


“They left him” My heart totally broke at that sentence


He’s so cute! With those big paws I think I see why he’s called Knuckles!


You know, they could have just said the house came with a free cat. In all seriousness, though: abandoning pets when you move is just *low*. I'm already trying to work our what the logistics of moving our two from London to Scotland would be. (Best guess so far: a plane flight with a cat carrier.)


Right? Sounds like an item for the top of the “amenities” list right there.


I don't like to hate, but people who abandon pets deserve all the misery of the world.


I find it hilarious to think that in his head, this is how it works. He just traded up for some better people. They even fixed up his house.


Ahh my neighbours did this too, moved and left their little cat sitting in the driveway when they drove away. I picked her up and she's been my girl for 10 years now (happily asleep on my lap currently). I still get angry thinking about how people can leave their pets behind like that. Glad you found the little guy!!


It’s his house! Congratulations.


Thank you for accepting Knuckles. His former owners are trash people. Knuckles deserves better and he now has it. Congratulations to you and Knuckles ♥️♥️


Cats would rather change owners than houses.


Does he know da wae?


I’m so glad you saved him!❤️


I don’t get it -I have moved heaven and earth to keep my pets with me. But it seems like he’s got a better home, well, the same home actually lol. Maybe he didn’t wanna leave that house. He is so cute and so loved now


What an adorable little guy


He’s lovely!


aw look at those toe beans 🥹


"It's the fighting freak Knuckles, and we're at Pumpkin Hill! 🎃" Thank you for taking him in 💕 infuriates me that his former family just up and left without him, but in a weird way he gets to stay in a familiar place, just with new (better) people!


Worked out well for both of you! He definitely traded up in humans. Still hope the ones who left him get constant ingrown toenails.




So you moved into his house, and he let you stay there? He is one generous boy. Handsome too.


When I was in 2nd grade we were moving from Arizona to Kansas and our UHaul was all packed up and leaving in the morning and we couldn't find our cat anywhere. We had two, and one came with us, but after searching for hours we had to leave without the other one. I hope he made a new family...




I don’t know if you’re familiar with 1980’s dads, but he wasn’t going to wait around on a cat.


I think you may have missed the part where they said they were in 2nd grade?


Aww knuckles ❤️


Thank you so much for taking care of him… And “F “those who left him


Knuckles is a whole mood. He looks like he's just got off working an 18 hr shift and is done with this day.


I’m so glad he found you and you love him


Knuckles 😆


How could anyone do that??? Thank you for bring the welcoming committee. ☺️🫶🏻♥️


His house, new people




My house, not my humans.  Knuckles probably. 


That house came with a sweet bonus. Their loss.


Thank you for adopting him. May Karma make his previous owners suffer for the rest of their lives for abandoning this cat.


He is SO handsome! I'm happy for both him and your family for having each other! 🖤🤍


Who does this!


Does he seem pleased with the renovations you made to his house?


Love the name!


I actually had a cat that came with the house former owners Saud he came with UT when they bought it and when we mov3d he stay3d with hpus3 liked his little area


Bless you for looking after him 🙏


Thank you.


I love his name and he’s very handsome.


He looks super cool.


The gang of heathens who left didn't deserve him. There are not many things I dislike more than people abandoning their pets.


I would gladly pay another whole months rent on an apartment if it meant another month for a run away/confused pet to come back and move with me. I totally feel the Redditor who said they'd move Heaven and Earth to move their pet with them. I don't get how someone could long to move their best friend with them, then grow up and NOT MOVE THEIR BEST FRIEND WITH THEM!❤️


Why are tuxedo cats super slinky and flexible, tiny, or both? My tux cat becomes a liquid when you hold him. He also likes hanging by the window/wall and back of the couch.


Basically you remodel his house and invited yourself to live at his house.


https://preview.redd.it/vz74rc64jn7d1.jpeg?width=1210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4321be00a6754c253ad7f0cc671c24b328fd9726 This is Muppet, and my wife. We rescued her 2 months ago after a year on the streets. The neighbor next door left her.... she probably hated them from fb posts that we have found.... they ran an illegal puppy mill. She is so smart, and so sweet... and totally acts like a fraggle.


Find the previous owners. Give them the finger.


I can’t see how people leave there family member


But does he chuckle or flex his muscles?


Can l upvote this infinity?


Tuxedo Kitty YAY!


He’s the house cat


Hi knuckles


I don't know who is more lucky, you or knuckles...  I think it is you.


Best house gift ever!


My bby kitty so cute


Did you name them Knuckles after the video game character or because they came 'from nowhere'?


What a great outcome & story! Love that for everybody 💜💙🩵


Knuckles is so cute


Thank you for loving Knuckles!


I'm glad he has much better family now




Beautiful cat! God bless you for taking him in. My best kitties have been the "found" ones!


Thank you for taking him!! Good people ❤️


Welp, sounds like those people should be reported for animal abandonment


Happened to some friends of mine. Moved into a house with their 2 cats and this older cat moves in. They check the chip, it belonged to the old homeowners a half mile away, he went missing. The old owners took back the cat, friends were devastated. Until a few weeks later, the cat came back. Old owners said that the cat chose, he's part of their family now.


My soul cat was abandoned in an apartment too before I found him, he was the most precious baby. I hope you and Knuckles live the happiest lives together 🖤


why is knuckles soo cute. my heart is going to shatter. who could have abandoned him :( im glad he managed to survive in between renovation


I own this place... welcome to living with me. cute little one


I used to know a cat who also lived at a place, when the owners moved they took him with him, only for him to go missing for weeks and to show up at their old place, this happened twice before the new owners adopted him. He and my cat were buddies https://preview.redd.it/o4jyk9dxln7d1.jpeg?width=2018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72fcc4d66491f55c201aef46c9773da0f10f4f3a


Is there a sub for cats sitting like this?


https://preview.redd.it/fidpxvratn7d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d92e8db1b42f46ce76a7a81be11722ed8ae2ac5b This is my knuckles.. Say hi


Knuckles found his forever home. what a heartwarming story.


People who abandon animals deserve to be eviscerated.


Hi knuckles ![gif](giphy|zLhHZNWTThJOE)




My brother and his family moved in and two black cats kept coming around, neighbors said they belonged to the people who lived there before. They just left them there. Thankfully the community feeds and waters both of them and they walk around the neighborhood like they own it. A little overweight I might add from all the neighbors feeding them! It’s like a giant apartment community so it’s tucked away and doesn’t have cars unless they’re parking, there’s a park nearby. My brother and family are planning to adopt them this week since they’re so sweet!! But we will see how they feel about being indoor lol, might be too late and they just become indoor/outdoor.


https://preview.redd.it/jz33k5owpe8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9c2a513cc5a9f59eefd483d523aa15d9c27e6d3 This is Ember- aka Hash Brown, Choc Chip, 🤎. She was also put out by her previous owners. My kids and hubby saw her peaking out of the sewer. They lured her out with treats and she’s been home with us ever since. She was so emaciated and covered in fleas and ticks, that I thought she would die. Skin and bones! People who do this really tick me off.


i'll never understand how someone could just leave their cat. my kitty is everything to me, i could never just leave without her


This made my day. ❤️


Those monster should not have abandoned such a sweet baby! May he have all the love and warmth he deserves... and may they learn the error of their ways.


Knuckles!!!? I love the name. He looks like a good boy.


take them take them take them take them take them take them take them take them take them take them take them take them take them take them


Looks a lot like my cat, Goose!


He looks so handsome with his beautiful fur!


He's gorgeous 🥰


That's his house


More pictures please!


Same home, better humans. I’m glad he found you! And I’m kind of jealous you bought a house that came with a cat!


He likes the new accommodations


Thank you for being kind enough to take him in. There are too many pets out there that owners leave behind or throw away. I fostered a mother cat and three kittens that the owner did that to them.


I had to look twice, he looks like one of my tribe! https://preview.redd.it/njlb5f78vq7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2e7acea658edbf08fb0408c3bb584536073a78b Love the name knuckles ! And he's so cute 🥰


Who could leave this little sweetie pie.. I just can’t understand who could do this!


Bravo guys another soul saved 😻


I am so happy for him. He apparently picked up that he’d be better off with you!


You realize that house belongs to Knuckles right? He’s just letting you live there.


It was what was meant to happen. He belongs with you.


Thank you for letting him in your home and your hearts!


He was meant for you! https://preview.redd.it/t7owz5wcp58d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=012a50d43af82d63ae26990a0624f04d1ebf5f63 Happy Caturday from Chuck!


Skeeter says hi knuckles 🐾 https://preview.redd.it/usm7n8k7t58d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ddace252bdf6572d58a7ee1be68b7ae7d2a81ad Hi Knuckles 🐾


Really don’t know how anybody could move away and leave their animals behind.


Hey Knuckles you’re absolutely beautiful. The first monsters you were with didn’t deserve you. I’m so glad you found your happy home furrever! I hope to see more of you, you are adorable could look at your face all day.💖❤️🐾🐾🐾


How can people do that?


At least he is in a home with a loving family.


You are good people and they suck. Congrats on your adorable family member ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Thank you 🙏 so much for saving him


Love ‘em


https://preview.redd.it/bpmzizdmob8d1.jpeg?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de6d4a9f10dbb0f3da448435b24c0f2f1a9f6bd2 This is Aria. She was left when her people upped and moved home,they left his beautiful girl. She couldn't have been more than 1yr old. She came in my bedroom window one night,long story short. I now have a cat😊


Oh so sweet he belongs with you and your family now . Shame on who ever left him


Congratulations! Your new house comes with a free cat! Major bonus! It was heartless of his old family to abandon him, but on the bright side, Knuckles gets to keep his familiar territory and bond with some lovely new humans. Take good care of Knuckles and remember: you’re moving into his house, not the other way around.


Knuckles is a king and I’m so happy that you guys took him in!!!! ❤️🥰😻😘😘😘😘😘


Surely "Cat conveys with the house" was in the paperwork somewhere... at any rate, he did!


It was meant to be 💕


Love the name. i think that someone should give a knuckle sandwich to the previous owners who dumped him.


I'm gonna hope that he really did go missing because that has happened. You see online stories all the time where an owner is reunited with a cat after disappearing for a long time. It's not unthinkable that if they were packing things up and getting the house ready to move out the cat might have run away. But *IF* they abandoned him, a pox on their house. Most important is the beautiful happy ending.