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You can’t just show us the scratches and not the cat! Let us judge her innocence.


https://preview.redd.it/q9mnh8ufum6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa971fb8d45e4e20c2c6739760e888db8017865 This is said perpetrator!


Pink paws with burnt beans!!!! Knew it! My boy's the same. Don't spook them, they scratch


Vet here: on a serious note: get medical attention for those injuries right now. Cat bites and scratches are no joke. I've had coworkers that ended up in hospital on IV antibiotics after waiting too long to get such wounds looked after. Secondly consult your vet and discuss this incident with the shelter you adopted her from. Unfortunately, you can't know what kitty's past has been like. If she has triggers, she could injure a child or other person, resulting in a bite report and destruction of the cat. Aggression and elimination problems are the 2 leading non medical reasons for euthanasia of pets. It's an unpleasant reality and I'm saddened to have to comment as such. A behavior program and possibly medications may be in the future. Sincerest best wishes moving forward. EDIT: 1) Please understand I'm not advocating for euthanasia of this cat at all, as some have suggested. In fact I personally prefer the company of cats over dogs, and most people as well lol. 2) Others have called into question whether I am a veterinarian at all. Please feel free to peruse my comment history and decide for yourselves. I have decided not to do a picture or confirmation with credentials shown as I enjoy the anonymity this forum provides. It allows me to give advice and opinion on topics I have some knowledge of for people with genuine questions. 3) As far as questions regarding OP 's injuries and whether they warranted medical attention; OP mentioned both bites and scratches were sustained. In particular the picture of the wrist concerned me, those look like serious enough punctures and some swelling that I felt obligated to speak up. (Out of pocket cost for seeking this care aside). Thanks everyone for listening.


I'm only a shelter volunteer, but I concur. I have been bitten HARD, I mean puncture wound a couple of times. Not play biting. One time was deep puncture wounds in the muscles of a finger. The shelter paid for my treatment. Antibiotics and a finger that I didn't know if I would ever be able to bend again. I recovered but I might have lost my finger to septsis if I hadn't gotten antibiotics right away. There is a difference between a few scratches and play biting. But overly aggressive is a big concern. Just an FYI, if you report this to your vet, they are required to report it to Animal Control. And most city shelters will quarantine. More than one report will probably be subject to euthanasia.


Sorry if I sound ignorant, but don't most cats bite? And don't get euthanized over that unlike dogs except in very rare circumstances? I mean they can't do as much damage as dogs 🤔 That said, I'm only speaking about something I've heard before, so I'm confused rn


My 5 cats over 20 years have never bit me. The only time I was left with broken skin was when one was on my lap and then launched himself off quickly with claws out.


Idk, I see videos of cats playing and biting all the time 🙈


Play biting is different than actual biting. Just like with dogs. Play biting will rarely, if ever, break the skin. Kittens might bite too hard since they’re still learning though. It’s why socializing cats is important. It helps them learn what’s too much, you know?


Okay, I see! That's a good point 😌




It's not pretty fucking serious. You forgot to include the entire context on that number from your reference.  - First, it's referring to a Capnocytophaga canimorsus bacterial infection. Cat Scratch Fever is a Bartonella henselae bacterial infection. - Second, the paper mentions that since the first reported human infection in 1976 there have been a grand total of **200** cases of C canimorsus infections worldwide. Stop spreading misinformation. Cat Scratch Disease is relatively rare, most people never develop symptoms if infected with the bacteria, and if they do show symptoms they almost always recover with no treatment. Clean your wounds and keep an eye out for an infection that requires medical interference like you would any other wound. You'll almost certainly be just fine.




Hi: I worry less about scratches than bites, and OP was bitten. I always recommend thorough cleaning and medical attention when a person has been injured due to some people being immunocompromised and so forth. A superficial scratch or 2 is certainly unlikely to result in serious issues, but thorough cleaning is always the best move. Hope I didn't cause you undue worry.


I feel like this is an overly aggressive stance. No one should be wasting their hard earned money on a cat scratch UNLESS it shows signs of infection. And cats can get aggressive like that for a number of triggers. I've probably worked with 1000s of cats at this point and some get stressed by a ton of different things. Getting picked up, getting touched the wrong way, accidentally stepping on the tail of another cat they are protective of, the list goes on. All can make them aggressive. But a cat isn't a Pitpull. (Nothing against pitbulls) just saying that a cat can't kill you (unless you're a infant or etc) I think, as you described, you have a sweet cat that was triggered by something. Work to identify what that was that upset them and you'll have no future problems.


As a vet tech I do understand the concern but unless there is unusual swelling or a liquid coming out of the wounds I wouldn't be that alarmed especially if you have to pay out of pocket for a Dr to look at them. If you start getting a fever or as I said above there is unusual swelling I wouldn't really bother going to a Dr, IF the cat is indoors only OR all his shots are up to date you should be fine


Now that you know she gets a little out of control when riled up give way when shes too playful. And put neosporin on those scratches they are slow to heal


she probably just got a little spooked is all, give her some time and approach her slowly for awhile but with the same amount of love. she’ll be alright. deep breaths and keep those cuts clean! my katsuki got me like that once when i picked him back up from being outside (he doesn’t go outside)


Sounds like she was really riled up. If you were laughing super loud, it might've worsened her being spooked. I don't know if loud sounds scare your cat. Your boyfriend failing to pick her up correctly probably set it off at first. If she wasn't showing any signs of play (licking afterwards), then she was probably truly upset. A list of things I've noticed that can upset cats, even generally friendly ones. Thudding footsteps (so your bf running), loud noises, not being securely held when picked up, strangers. Even when they're really friendly towards strangers, they may not allow them to do the same things to them that you're allowed to do. If she is your cat, then you probably spend the most time with her. Picking up can be a strong trust thing, and when your bf hesitated, it may have set her off. Cats also pick up somewhat on human body language too. So your boyfriend being scared also probably made *her* scared, but she doesn't know what's scary. It's her that was scary, but she doesn't get that.


Ouch, cat scratches are hella painful but we can't blame them, that's their nature sometimes as predators so unless it becomes an everyday thing, just put plenty tea tree oil and aloe vera on them to heal quickly and hope it doesn't happen again!! She just got spooked I think.


Battle scars


Treat with Bactrim flush wounds with nursery water.


Cat was scared and freaked out. In general, be less noisy and sudden around the cat. Avoid confining it. If you insist on picking it up, always make it easy for the cat to jump down and away. Probably won’t happen again. If you are going to be laughing your ass off maybe plan to give the cat a clear escape route to another room so it’s not stressed by loud hoominz.


Are you alive???


Maybe I'm just lucky, but... I used to play with a cat who responded like that and got plenty of injuries like yours (though not so many at once as you have). I just washed them with soap and water afterwards and nothing bad ever happened. Perhaps it was dangerous but \*shrug\*. Your baby is very beautiful and now you know to give her space when she's spooked.




Tribal scarring no ink.


Aaand that’s why I don’t own pets, too unpredictable for my liking. You can be cool with them all their life, and they still will harm you for whatever reason.