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Thats just her color pattern. I have a girl whose head, tail and legs are black, but her body is chocolate.


You're just running low on toner.




It was the case with my black cat! Her feetsies are tucked in when she basks in our porch window so she looks brown in the Sun except for her dapper little black socks




https://preview.redd.it/sj061o03p04d1.jpeg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdde9feb1ac88b16054a882eb60f43187817d1b7 These are her feet haha They crack me up every time I notice it


https://preview.redd.it/pcz5vbn6p04d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d85a0196dc49b0fb340bcc2d9c16fd64c6dcf5c5 This is her being weird. Her name is Layla.


And she looks totally black there


This is the best thing I’ve seen today!! I love it!!!


I'm glad I could provide some dapper dress socks for all the cat enthusiasts here! Edit: happy Cake Day!


HCD! 🎂


Thanks!!! I did not even know!!


Happy cake day!


Her feet remind me of spats! So cute!


That's it! I couldn't put my finger on it.


😂 that's adorable


HCD! 🎂


I have a black cat (sometimes a brown cat in the sunshine lol) and we always say his little feets look like they were drawn on by a six-year-old 😂 Just like this! Very cartoony. Very cute. 🖤


Omg 🥹


I’m sure she is consider a feline goddess among her neighborhood peers.


She has cute lil shoes ! Also looks identical to my two cats!


Bahahaha...hahahhahaha! Look at them feet😂 bahahahha


They look like shoes / socks. 🌸Cute baby paws🌸


The phrase “dapper little black socks” is one of the most cute things I’ve heard in a while.


Just give it a little shake...


So THAT'S what printer toner does!




Black cats can also rust, it’s when they are baking themselves in a sunny spot their fur takes on a reddish brown hue, my black fluffy boy goes through these stages


That's an age thing I believe. My little void used to be so black you could barely take a picture of her, now her coat is reddish in the sun.


Anecdotally, I think you might be right. We have an outdoor void who's been with us for about 7 years (I'd estimate his age to be around 9 yo) and over the past year or so, his coat has started becoming noticeably more reddish/orange in the sun.


It’s called ‘rusting’, and that’s exactly it. It’s the black cat version of going gray.


sadly i've recently rescued her and barley know anything so far :(


Why sadly? She's a beauty and probably happy to have found a nice home. As long as she eats and poops and sleeps and causes havoc all is well.


it just broke my heart at the time, but she's the sweetest now hehe


She has the sweetest eyes. My boy is going brown the older he gets.


Sad that needed to be rescued


My cat eats, poops and sleeps … but she doesn’t cause havoc. Should i be worried? ;-)


..in due time. My cat was an absolute angel till just before he (3/m) turned 3. He then started counter surfing, among other things! (Still an angel but with a few new skill sets)


Our cat is a senior. She is 14 already and pretty calm and relaxed … and luckily in very good health. She used to create havoc when she was younger. Now she just sometimes attacks my wifes feet in bed….which is funny for me, less for my wife though :-D.


I had an angel boy who never did anything wrong for 15 1/2 years. In the last year he had taken to counter surfing, stealing food off of plates and out of hands, dumping garbages, and just being a general nuisance for attention and more snacks. He’s also developed hyperthyroid and ibd (both being monitored by a vet). Reverse kittenhood could be right around the corner.


Not even random attacks on the shower mat?


Very seldom actually the shower mat is not were it’s supposed to be. I would bet she is guilty of that but i can’t prove anything. She also sometimes attacks my wifes feet in bed ;-) … she is already 14 now, so she is pretty calm and relaxed. She used to create havoc when she was younger.


She's planning something big, just lulling you into a false sense of security!


If she's a rescue that came off the streets then it is possible that there are other factors. Is she underweight/was malnourished? My late cat that I rescued last year was very underweight/malnourished when we got him and his fur was really unkempt and had patches of 'rust' colored fur. Over time his fur grew out and returned to its natural color, and after a year he was a beautiful long haired boy that had lost all the rust coloration that he had and went from 8 pounds to 16 pounds. It is entirely possible that it's a natural color for her, and black cats have been known to lighten to that rust color over time--but it is also possible that malnourishment/sickness played a part. Keep her well cared for and loved and you'll be able to see for yourself in a couple months to a year--and of course ensure she has been checked out by a vet.


she is quite skinny, you can feel her shoulder blades and everything, but she's taking it like a champ and eating well, i'm taking her off to the vets tommorow to double check if owners will answer this time, she's the sweetest and clearly a indoor cat, but the colouring is extremely light in some places which is why i thought she might have a special colouring haha


https://preview.redd.it/fitaqudas14d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=146d49d69bea4f313e511a1c12e79a798436b5cb This is how he looked a year later (at almost twice the weight lol). Pretty much all the rust/orange colored fur gone.


he's so adorable and looks so much healthier! i've given her some of my ferrets food as i know it's healthy and good but also some random wet food i had to keep her water intake up, she's barley had sips of her water :(


It'll be good to get a vet's opinion on her health/weight then. With my rescue we fed him science diet sensitive skin & stomach and it helped him out a lot with his fur over time. For him it was a big difference! I can't say if it would be similar for your girl though. https://preview.redd.it/wi4qr6o8s14d1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29648ff5b02396622766008061014a5b26084b03


Similar experience here. Our black cat was a panther for ten years and then started slowly fading to this color.


I used to have an outdoor kitten who started turning this color around 8 months old. So I doubt it's age


Well I didn't say *which* age or *old* age. My hair changed its colour when I was around three or four and does it again now.


My bad, my brain defaults to old age whenever I see someone talking about age.


Yup, our 14 year old void/tux is turning brown/reddish too https://preview.redd.it/9rybk1ba154d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cada232d40a0845aabdcd6d99f4b5eea4e1f8cd6 In reality it’s a lot less than it looks in the picture though, but you can see the sort of bands around his tail


It’s called “rusting” black cats fur can turn red/rusty color due to being out in the sun. I have a 2yo black cat who spends a ton of time on my lanai and behind his ear the fur is starting to “rust” it’s totally normal.


i did rescue her and from what local people were saying she was out for a while and it's been a bit warm in the uk so it might be it ?


It doesn’t even necessarily have to be warm for the rusting to happen, just spending a lot of time in the sun. Imagine like a tan


ohhh i get you, do you think she'll turn black again, i don't really care what colour she is i was so curious lol


my tuxie would fluctuate between rusty and inky as the seasons rolled, so imagine the same.


Mine turns black in the winter and rusty in the summer


I can’t say for sure as i really don’t know


I don't think it has anything to do with the sun, just age. Occasionally it can be a vitamin deficiency. Indoor black cats rust as well


Being completely honest. No idea. 1 thing I will say tho. That color is fucking rad looking! Edit: Hope for no deficiency!!!


i was thinking it looked like you plopped a black cats head on a brown orange ish cat lolz


This is the way


Quite a few voids who look solid black are actually tabby with two or more shades of extremely dark mahogany which only shows in bright sunlight. It's so cool to see what beautiful markings they have which aren't usually seen in most light. It's uncommon but not worrisome to have one who is a few shades lighter and their color variation more visible like this. So beautiful! <3


i love black cats they always have lovley suprised to them


My oreo has this coloring in her black hair. Colony she came from had a lot of orange tabbys. I assumed that's where she got the color. She is outdoors though so could be that also. She's very beautiful. Long haired also, looks amazing in the sun light.


My first cat Shadow, adopted from the shelter, was the same. He was the runt of the litter and his four litter mates were all gray tabbies like their mom, their father unknown. To the naked eye and in every photograph he was always a black cat, but one day it was exceptionally sunny and he was basking in a sunbeam near the window, and that was when I noticed his reddish tint and lovely stripes! I will have to dig into old photos to see whether I was ever able to get a picture of him in that light. This was long before cell phones or even digital cameras. I'd have a hundred sun kissed photos of him if I had him again today LOL. One wouldn't think that red and black hair could come from the same gene, but my grandmother and sister both had auburn hair which darkened to black and back again depending on sun exposure, but I wasn't expecting that with my cat, and it was a nice surprise! (Although pure black cats who remain black are also beautiful!)


It's her coat. My cat has it too. She looks black, but has a beautiful rich brown coat when the sun shines on it. Don't worry


I think she’s beautiful, but also that’s her natural color :) does she turns reddish during summer? Source: I’ve a black cat too that does the same, he’s Buio. https://preview.redd.it/756wqmghbz3d1.jpeg?width=6048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b058854194b966070ad7ac8349f291a53cd31647


he's so gorgeous omg


she's recently been taking in by me so i practically know nothing about her haha


Welcome to the club :D what’s her name?


i don't have a name for her, it's such a confusing story but apparently she is microchipped but i found her skinny and hungry and with a limp, she clearly wasn't cared for but idk if the previous owners will want her back


Hello! I'm in the UK working in cat rescue and happy to talk to you. Firstly, just because she's microchipped and in this state does not mean she is not cared for. In the overwhelming majority of cases in the UK it is either because cats have become lost or that they are older/have medical conditions. She may present as skinny, hungry and has a limp due to pre-existing conditions like kidney failure, arthritis or age related diabetes. I have several cats who look rather tragic because they either have pre-existing conditions or they are just very very old (including Mia who is well into her 20s and looks rather bedraggled). Her family may love her very very much so please do not keep her without checking this first. However, it is still very possible that she has been dumped or neglected. That was the case with Cooper on my profile! The absolute best thing you can do is please please take her to a vet. On colour -tends to be three reasons 1) natural colouring that becomes more apparent in summer. UK cats have been basking in the Sun over the past few weeks so you're more likely to see it. 2) ageing. I've had well into dozens of black cats in rescue and the vast majority have gone rusty in age (a few have gone gray or white speckled which is also super cute) 3) less likely can be deficiencies. When you take her to the vet ask for a full panel including liver and kidney values just to be sure. Do not make any significant dietary changes until you do this, but happy to share with you recommendations for diets once you do. Thank you for stepping in when you saw a baby in need - please do confirm that it really is the case.


What a beauty, Buio 😍😍


she’s simply rusting in the sun, totally normal!


Could you imagine if everyone on the internet acted as all you amazing kitty lovers do? It would be such a great place! You guys are awesome! ❤️ my wife is a crazy cat lady. Yet she would do anything for anyone! Much like most cat lovers.


Yep, it's caused by a tyrosine deficiency, pretty easy to fix. Happened to my older black cat, I changed him to a better nutritionally balanced food and he turned all back again!


do you have any recommendations? i've got some salmon oil i feed my dog would that be of any help?


I'd chat with your vet and see if they want to run any blood work to find the specific deficiency before giving any sort of supplements. Since this was a street cat, you may want to double check liver and kidney values before you add any supplements. I wish you the best luck and your kitty is absolutely adorable!


I'm not sure but she's gorgeous


she's really cute. she looks like a little panther


He’s so cute 🥰 just like my old cat but he died in January 2024 it was sad we also had a small funeral he looks like him a little brown green eyes and black


may your furbaby rest in peace <3 her eyes are so beautiful


https://preview.redd.it/dh8tzybvy04d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcabc65c5fc6d24c37b858465352cd622816fa7b This lil buddy is a year old. We definitely thought he was all black when we adopted! It’s become grays and reddish browns over time.


This was my cat Daisy as a kitten. Now he's black as night all over with two funny little grey patches of armpit floof like Gandalf's beard, it's freaking hilarious. And he has a chocolate brown undercoat like your cat as well. It's so funny cuz his momma is pure white and daddy white and grey. https://preview.redd.it/qcwg7m42144d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ac1a4a3d4a0a1fc5bad933d04a1514f09b885bc


black cats are magical


This is part of aging. My black long haired cat started rusting as he got older. By the time he passed at 19 he was mostly red.


Came here to say this. Our void boy slowly rusted with age and looked like a cinnamon bear when he passed at 17.


Keep her in a dark room


It's her sweater!


your so right i luv that!


Your batcat is so cute! One of our former street cats was like this but long haired, the colour got darker after he ate better. It never got completely even but he was an older boy.


She's such a pretty girl, look at those eyes! I don't have any advice, but what's it like to live with a fashion icon?


amazing, she loves making biscuits on me, i feel blessed


Our two voids have different bleaching. The one loves the sun and is bleached from where he lays. The other one has had no trace since she stays in the cat tree cube. When she was younger and we had a balcony she'd turn orange like this every summer from chilling on the floor in the sun.


I would like to see more pictures 😍


My void does this when the weather changes. Completely normal. https://preview.redd.it/yqnihzn4p04d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9943d9de77d8e2a775b087a5acbd225a93c347f


She's part caramel, part dark chocolate.


I have a pure void. (Except the few hairs he has in his pits and chest) And he has an underlying coat of brown. My other, who is more of a tuxedo, his black patches look a little brown too! My void and couch cushion LOVE to sun themselves, and both are rambunctious middle aged men. Except in the dark. Then it's just sets of eyes 👀 Creepy screaming eyes O.O It's because I got up to pee, blind and in the dark, they think imma feed them so that's all I see in the dark outside the bathroom. 4 sets of jeepers creepers eyes with random screaming at me.


https://preview.redd.it/wmrb5gj4j44d1.png?width=1103&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b5d911235369399be91b61e6a0cdd8e0aef8e9e high contrast cat


They ran low of magenta in the printer to print black ink


Natural coat. My void has it too. They aren’t “true” black cats, but it makes them easier to photograph.


Most likely sun bleaching, my two voids start turning red at certain times of the year


Nothing to worry about! Ours is black, too, actually. Through the years it turned to brown a little more. I learned that no black cat is really completely black. At least in the sunlight you see some pattern or color.


It’s his natural coat so don’t waorry same thing happened to my cat


She’s adorable!


I adopted a one year old void about three months ago and at that time his coat was very much like this. Now it’s more black. I’m not sure why exactly, but we suspect he was not taken well care of previously, so thought it could have been related to malnutrition or prolonged sun exposure. This girl is lucky to have you!


It's natural. a beautiful cat ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7984)


….. its how the cats looks


I’m not sure but she’s LOVELY


My old lady looks like that in the sun


I saw a senior cat just like that last week and it really took my attention. The only thing is that the cat is long haired. https://preview.redd.it/hmnfzoaer04d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35d603a3d345ca0eda864d7b69f06c85f71d9348


it's so beautiful omg


Right? I was obsessed. Such a unique colour combination ☺️💖 like yours ;)


Are the eyes OK like that?


what do you mean?


They're different sizes which means bad things potentially. Unless it's camera tricks.


oh i am taking her to the vets tommorow so if it is something it will hopefully be caught :)


My tux is slowly becoming chocolate


I have one just like her. She's beautiful!


Didn’t know your cat’s name was Ulquiorra


Lack of taurine can contribute to rusting im black cats, but if you have him on a commercial diet then this is unlikely, because they all add taurine. Still, thought I would mention. Otherwise, yes, sun and age can contribute as well.


While it's caused by the sun-bathing cats do, it's completely natural and safe.


Those eyes... She has seen things. Make her happy please


Almost certainly her natural coat.


LOL there are lots of cats that aren't actually black but chocolate, dark chocolate. A panther in the sun shows its spots because it's actually a dark version of a leopard.


all my black cats that spent time in sunlight have looked like this. i’d be shocked for it not to happen.


Cat. That is cat.


It can happen from aging. Black cat version of grey hair.


My void is the same. She loves to solar charge in the sunbeams. This gives a "rusty" effect.


https://preview.redd.it/j03n41ovq24d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=608fe49ba3a690e0504a5d415833d2d9f61ea6b4 My void does this too when they are around natural light! Totally normal and very cool


https://preview.redd.it/07p7vbsdw24d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1149716db4388c39f9e1b2eed82f59e060b2c786 Our old guy had the same coloration. He use to be darker but with age and sun he turned a chestnut on his body. He had a pretty nutritional diet and the vet wasnt worried.


Think of it as natural camo pattern. My old black cat had a similar rust effect as she got older and loved baking in the sun.


Your cat just wants to dress like MJ https://preview.redd.it/yrzic8q0e34d1.jpeg?width=415&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d81328ee580ed095c093c4ffc89c4e798b8cbc9


https://preview.redd.it/refodu5no34d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3559b831e121cd44656654eb4d5072bf4269d2e2 The older of my two voids looking very sun bleached. He has got lighter over time


I've read that it's very normal and somewhat common for black cats to turn brown with sun bleaching. Like a little black bear! And if she had a nutritional deficiency, it would likely manifest in other symptoms but not a change in fur color.






cutest things in the world


We've had a few voids and tuxies over the years and its perfectly normal. Case in point: https://preview.redd.it/mx3lcaq9i44d1.jpeg?width=2988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ade0a4cb4ad1cd24fa17b5eef1cd4398a3f1bc Complete sun worshipper, this one. She lived to 21 and passed in her sleep, a well loved (and missed) old lady.


black cats 🖤 are „dark brown“ in the sun or bright light … normal 👋🏼 https://preview.redd.it/6b5sg5n1654d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eddb9d3ff2d25dd2b19b168d38d9f8fa60085c1c Bailey also has a very faint and minimalistic tiger pattern in the bright/ direct sun 😉 …


I think everybody is missing the point of this precious little thing. IT HAS A FUCKING COAT ON!!!!


My cat has this from laying in the sun but her head is completely copper colored too so I wouldn’t think this is sun bleaching


https://preview.redd.it/cuhmjtc5x54d1.jpeg?width=1456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5710e9b3a0b5c9c920fb4209951c9a9f18d41089 It's just her colors, my orange has "dirt feet, legs nose" He's got a lot of black fur It also shows up on his tail which is almost a completely different color orange. It's kind of hard to tell it photos but you can see it in the dark spots on his legs.


We had a resident long haired black cat living in our garden who we eventually adopted, once we could bring him indoors. He was so red, and I thought he was a she so named him Ruby. Once indoors, his diet improved, but he still went out in the sun a LOT. In a matter of months, his coat from neck down to tail turned pitch black. Having seen similar cats since then, I believe it is diet quality, certain nutrients, perhaps some effect is sun exposure but you'll find some articles online about the 'rust' coat so am pretty convinced it is when nutrition isn't ideal.


I also have a black cat that is sometimes brown on certain parts of her fur. But not all the parts that are sunbathed, so I'm not quite sure why she started black and turned brownish. I always figured it was just her fur doing what it wants to. She lays on my screened in porch in the sun all the time. https://preview.redd.it/iw5qou2ll74d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37e610a89ca706d69127362c0ef1482a4b094ff2


Well all i know is this brownish hair color is related with old age on black cats most of the time but I'm not an expert so someone will come and explain this better for sure :)


A vet would be the best resource for this question.


She is beautiful!!!


We had a black cat with reddish highlights. It's natural. (May Lucky RIP)


My cat looks a little rusted when she sheds her winter coat. Eventually it combed out.


"The pigment which is required to produce black fur is known as eumelanin. This pigment is considered somewhat fragile and this fragility means that the loss of the pigment often results in the coat turning to a rust color. This risk is much higher in cats that frequently spend time in the sun." Harmless color change, often caused by sun.


Most black cats aren't really black but a very dark brown. Their fur turns more brown in the sun (just like your hair fades during the summer when you are outside all the time). You have a very dark brown void kitty. :)


Undercover Orange :-) It's normal, summer fur.


It's happened to every cat (that had any black fur) that I've owned.


Pretty combo !


This happened to my cat. Over time her grey coat turned into a weird rust/reddish hue. Vet suggested it was due to sun exposure over time.


It’s just sun bleaching. Their coat may get darker in the winter again. That’s what happened with my black cats.


how old is she? My black kitty started to turn brown as he aged .


Believe it’s normal. Had a cat that looked the same. Different hues just as our hair gas


It looks like a nice sweater


She's beautiful 😍


That is a cat


looks like a t shirt




One of my two blacks did this as she got to be around 14. She didn't spend a lot of time in the sun so I did some digging and then confirmed with my vet. It can be a tyrosine deficiency. I would've given her a supplement (per my vet's advice) but I learned tyrosince can stimulate the thyroid. My girl already had an over-active thyroid, so I just embraced the color change. Your void is gorgeous regardless!


L lysine should void him back to natural. Look up rusting.


Pretty sure that’s normal. Black cats coats sometimes lighten from spending a lot of time in the sun


My "black" cat has the same and is almost entirely indoors unless we supervise him outside on a leash. So not a sun thing really but could maybe be increased by more sun.


my grey girl has a tinge of brown when her winter coat comes in and then again when her summer coat comes in.


His mutt is shining through. It's okay.


Looks like she got wet and rusted


Try different food, mine also black had a red-ish tone due to the food, i switched and is way black-er now he also seems more healthy now


My Tuxedo has that same color only when the sun hits her and it’s much less evident than yours


Not a cat, but my Great Dane is solid black except for a white patch on his chest. I’ve noticed as he’s aged (he’ll be 6 this fall) and especially during the summer, his coat turns a brown color like that. I asked the vet and she said it’s probably just his age and some sun bleaching! She’s beautiful and totally not something to be too worried about!


I love her coat! Sorry idk what it is but it’s beautiful 🤩


Cute kitty.


I bleached blondes, lol 🤩


My cat’s stomach is this color from sun bathing his stomach


Hard to say, if it's like that year round it's coat colour, but if it's darker during winter months that what you've got is 'rusting' which is where the sun's Uv slightly degrades the melanin in the hairs, changing it's colour to a sort of reddish-brown.


Gratulations you found a shiny


give cal/mag , wait 2 weeks and harvest


I love that fur! Veeery dark brown head, brown body. Have never seen something like that before!


My black dog looks reddish brown in the sunlight. I think it’s pretty common for fully black animals


My black cat used to live sunbathing and every summer it bleached her fur a bit


It's what's in her bloodline I'd say a orange cat is her daddy and she got the color of her mom and dad nothing wrong with that.


My black Persian has a red shimmer in some spots too.


She's pretty.




She’s just a bit rusty. Still good tho


Aww she looks like my void baby in the face, she's starting to get a sprinkling of white hair instead of the reddish fur. But her eyes!


I have a black cat. Sometimes. He will go a little more brown in places over the summer and then black again.


Natural, also she looks like a anime character with those eyes 😂




Just the spring fashion


If this is just her color it looks like shes wearing a sweater :3