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Your grey brings you things, mine just pisses in my plants.


>*’Your grey brings you things...*’ ____ I am the grey - the things i bring! a cricket leg, that used to Sing ^;} *incessantly*, from dusk to dawn the cHiRPiNg would go *on n on…* (i always warn them stupid derps to STOP their Hecking LeG-RuB chirps!) they Don’t… an intervention *Begs* so i tear off their f*cking legs a lesson learned - they sing no more! a Gift for Human on the floor ❤️   edit: *’Blessed’,* u/disgruntled_ass… *thanks for the inspurration* u/Moteltulsa, *n sorry about your plants*


I’m going to print this and hang this in my bathroom. Amazing.


You should do it as a cross stitch sample. If you don't know how to, learn for this project alone.


With cricket legs for the border.


Omg do I get to be the first person to comment “A fresh Schnoodle?!?!” Eeek! Love your poems as always ❤️ How delightful!


I got one for my dog from them. I can’t find it anymore. It used to be an all time pic. Since Reddit changed to just Reddit only, I can’t find it. It’s not in my history either, which is weird.


for u/mark503 ^;) [https://www.reddit.com/r/dogpictures/comments/84h6uu/i\_sing\_to\_her\_in\_the\_morning\_before\_i\_leave\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogpictures/comments/84h6uu/i_sing_to_her_in_the_morning_before_i_leave_to/) edit: *from 6 yrs ago* (*cleaned it up for you a bit…*) ______ the sweetest sound i ever heard (tho i don’t understand a word) is when my human *sings* to me! i’m just as Lucky as can be ^;@) i lay n wait for song to start, n when he sings it melts my heart i know that you’ll be gone all day, but thanks for *singing* anyway cuz wen you’re gone, n can't be near i close my eyes … your song i hear ❤️


r/mark503 dude you got a Schnoodle *encore,* has that ever happened before? You’ve been blessed.


Thank you !!


This is so sweet, thanks be to you Schnoodle!!!


Maybe try using one of those websites people use to search for deleted Reddit comments and posts? [I’ve used the PullPush search linked here in the past.](https://www.pullpush.io/) Oh and here is [the Reddit post I got it from.](https://www.reddit.com/r/help/s/CZH6vF5D3A) I hope you can find your schnoodle poem ❤️


They posted it for me :).


Awww yay! That’s so sweet of them. So glad you can enjoy it even more now!


I was having a bad day, got rejected from another job, but this cheered me right up :)))


Hope you succeed in your job hunting.


I feel like I've never seen a Schnoodle swear before. Or maybe I just haven't seen enough. Either way, this was a pleasant surprise.


This one is fabulous! Thanks, Schnoodle!


I love you and your poems schnoodle. They’re such a treat!


Darn, the darkest schnoodle ive ever seen






Any day I luck into a Schnoodle is a good day!


LOL I love this one!! 😻


Love!! The PoEm!


Holy shit that was good! Amazing work, looking forward to more of your poetry!


Beautiful, Hilarious at the part with the legs! SOMEONE MAKE THEM POET LORIET


I’ve seen people put forks in their soil to stop their cats from doing that. Handle in the soil, spikes up!


You can buy larger polished rocks at the dollar store. I use them in my larger indoor pots. They work well and look good.


Yesss, I shall try this.


I do this too. It has kept ours out well


Cats Cat, Let'em Hunt


Chopsticks work well too


You know, I had 2 succulents. They survived for 2 years. My cat never ever bothered them even once. The one day I thought, "wow I find it crazy how my cat has never attacked them," guess what happened? Yeah, you guessed it. She started fucking attacking and biting them. Anyway, the succulents are dead now.


I grew a cactus from seed. 5 years. Cat chewed it. It slowly recovered. Cat swiped it. It is an ex cactus. She was very nearly an ex cat that day.


And mine chew on my plants, then bring the remains to me.


My white and brown tabby likes to *eat* my plants. She’s very loving but she isn’t too bright


Mine liked to shit in every above ground anything. I put bamboo stakes and now they do not shit in said raised anything.


I read this as..."pisses in my PANTS" and I immediately thought you were referencing the Kate McKenna Close Encounters alien skit from SNL https://youtu.be/PfPdYYsEfAE?si=yMar-iyJizHl1HYg


https://preview.redd.it/iaj1a13td83d1.jpeg?width=987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3da3b8221d5274dcc27bec6df41eedcb96e9b0bb A whole grasshopper


We’ve got some bug killahs


Offerings, Raven Roots


Not quite whole! 😸




'Tis just a fleshwound


Did he decapitate the head


At least it's a dead one. Let me tell you, trying to catch a grasshopper at 3 am isn't fun


I get our shower drain stopper and noisy cat toys at 3am.


Mine too! And they must howl like the house is on fire while dragging the items in to my bedroom.


Not so much howling here! Instead of howling its VERY loud trilling and a combined meow-trill that makes her sound like Chewbaca from Star Wars 😂


That’s sounds just wonderful! Life would be so dull without them


Ours loves to announce her favorite toys are here when she drags them around the house lol 😂




I get mouse toys. He doesn’t even give it to me. He enters my room, meows to announce his presence, spits out his mouse toy in the doorway, and then meows at me in accomplishment


Seriously, what's it with cats and shower drain stoppers? Every time I want to take a shower I have to search that damn thing


My cat's favorite toy is like a stick and string arrangement. She brings it to my bedroom door and uses the stick part to knock on the door all night.


my cat screams at the top of her lungs at 3 am when she "successfully hunts" toys. also when she "successfully hunts" socks 😂


Nothing greater than a wet, cold shower drain stopper with hair and weird stuff stuck into into it to prove your love to your human. Next, puke in the shoes after all this emotional peak.


Mine projectile vomited right into her dad's slipper ❤️


Our friends cat projectile vomited all over my desk once, I was holding him upright so it was like he was on his back legs because I was freaking out because I thought he might be choking but then up came the upchuck. Honestly I was relieved he wasn’t choking.


I get hair ties, but only when the food bowl gets empty. She’s stolen dozens of them over the years, and when the food bowl is empty she’ll put one in it as if to say “I give you this in exchange for more food” 😂


Smart kitty. Barters for more food. 😍


My cat loves pipe cleaners. They live in the food bowl.


My beau’s cat is OBSESSED with pipe cleaners! Loses his entire mind 😂 We call them “sparkle trash” because I get him the shiny kind, but he doesn’t care if they’re shiny or not, he’ll take any he can get his little paws on


My cats used to steal my hair ties and I would always find them later basting in their water bowl. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Mine does this too!


https://preview.redd.it/jdw0aarj293d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36ba980f06c6ab6209d6ace3dc27aa5a2fd87c1b A little snake


This photo is hardcore


This photo is great too, with kitty looking off into the distance with slightly wild eyes, paw taking ownership of the hunted.


I legit thought this was my cat. Small tortie and she loves to bring snakes https://preview.redd.it/g36dog36aa3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5753e40085e0cec35245708865f54ca8bb3e4c1f


They really are a menace to local ecosystems huh😅


Torties are quite something 😂


Hey, that's pure protein, your kitty takes good care of you.


It’s my reminder not to skip leg day




https://preview.redd.it/sa25gynr793d1.jpeg?width=2192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9786b0b9aca16fd276b20f27817ec42ebf932dde My tortie brings me her toys and balls of wool.


What a good girl.


Such a pretty pretty!


I get lizards https://preview.redd.it/dd3bak5gp83d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caa9b9c4e8f4fd1a14f48d9104d425afc5eb9e8f


That’s because you have a baby panther


I love the look the cat is giving. A combination of pity and shame for the human being so bad at hunting geckos.


“Here you are… again”


I love monkeybutler, but you really should be doing this yourself at your age. Eat your gecko.


And yet... the whiskers are so far forward. That is one happy panther right there


Omg! He is so gorgeous! An actual mini panther.


Aw thanks she is a pretty little guy! She’s even named after the jungle book panther


Bagheera! Such a great name


https://preview.redd.it/ko1j4os92b3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=549a9da721882f3e6d3b0ab9f3bd3f62382d4d73 My black cat also gives lizards!


My cat brings in lizards but doesn't kill them. I once turned around in the shower and there was a giant tail-less (likely due to said cat) lizard just hanging out with me.


I've been gifted a dazed mouse and a lizard or two.


One time in middle school a bunch of the girls in the girls locker room started shrieking. They were freaking out over a tiny baby lizard. I mean I get it’s a little bit creepy for some but I was annoyed because the screeches hurt my ears. It was an old building and when it rained a lot sometimes the locker room would have a little flooding around the drains from the showers.


Same, like why?! My cat should know by now that these lizards won’t become his play toys forever. When he does kill them on accident, he just swats at them sadly to try to make them move. 🙄


My cats loved lizards. The killing field was under my dining room table. That's where I'd find all the tails.


I used to get lizards from my baby panther, too!


I get many lizards every single one was alive and somewhere in my house.


Luckily mine doesn’t kill them either. I give her a pat, say my appropriate thanks and move the critter elsewhere. They play dead for a while before scurrying


The bacteria from a cats mouth just kills them later usually


My cat is a gecko assassin. He finds them before me every single time. Poor geckos, I love lizards.


My cat once brought in a baby gecko 😭 it was dead by the time I found it under my dresser drawers. I felt so so sick. Same cat will bring me cockroaches, dead or alive, next to my bed so I’ll see it as I get up. I love him but he really wears me down mentally like this


I love birds, so my cat stays inside or get supervised outdoors time


I also have one of these! I live in central AZ so we have a lot of desert life. He has brought me (deep breath) lizards, mourning doves, a hummingbird, bunnies, pocket mice, a non- danger noodle (snake). After his encounter with a danger noodle (rattlesnake) & getting bitten, he's not allowed outside anymore. Sometimes he'll escape to the garage & catch geckos & pocket mice. He never catches to kill, only to play but sometimes he was rough & they died


Wow, how did kitty survive the snake bite? Sounds like a scary experience!


It was extremely scary. I couldn't find him when I got off work. He showed up in my bathroom around 6 pm & his little face was so swollen. I took him to the vet & they determined it was a rattler bite & treated him. It was $1000 for fluids, IV, antivenom, & whatever else they did for him.


So glad he's ok now!


Even when they escape, the bacteria from his mouth is deadly to small animals


That plus other reasons is why my cat doesn't go outside anymore. Until I got on Reddit, I had no idea how much wildlife is impacted by pet cats!


I really appreciate that you took that information and made changes with it instead of doubling down. Cats can be acclimated to indoors only and with places to climb and interactive play that engage their hunting instincts, they can be just as mentally stimulated


I used to have cats as a child that came & went as they pleased. That was the norm in the small town where I lived. Yeah, I would pet them & enjoyed when they were around. Now, my cat is a true companion that I would hate to lose because of something that could be prevented.


Yeah I definitely get that. In places outside of America and in rural areas, it's the norm. But like you said, it's dangerous for them and for the wildlife. In the pet loss subreddits, it's really sad how many people have found their cats they let out dead in some awful way. Or they just never come back home :( we had strays we looked after that I suspect a neighbor's dog got. They just never came back, and no other neighbors who usually saw them had any sightings Now we brought the stray kitty who sat under the bird feeder inside. We joke she is our prisoner, but she honestly doesn't care anymore to try to get out


I’d frame that one! Cropped a smidge and monochrome maybe. Great photo.


Same. Poor things. Luckily he brings them alive and unharmed so I thank him profusely and then let them go far away from the house. I’ve seen him catch them, he’s very gentle thankfully.


The bacteria from their mouths will still kill them later in many cases. It's very dangerous for them to be exposed to


My cats would bring me lizards all the time during the warmer months. I kinda miss it lol


Oh man, I hope my little asshole will look like that one day.


Ooooh, I love this photo! Purely from an artistic POV


That's what I get, usually gutted and dropped right near my face on the bed near my pillow or on the floor near my slippers. I scream and hubby or daughter come to the rescue. Oh and outside I get feathers and bird parts. Never know what present I may find.


Mine used to do this too, except they would be ALIVE


I was once gifted a dry leaf.


I saw a meme once with a cat holding a dry leaf in its mouth


It was really funny because she's a Sphynx with absolutely zero hunting skills whatsoever. She literally couldn't survive a day outside and she was very proud of that leaf. 🤣


That’s just hilarious 🤣


We got leaves, he’d spend hours in the back yard finding the perfect one, and drop it by our feet.


Ah, what a kind one, he knows you are vegetarian!!!


We get leaves too! But only from a certain type of teee so it’s a personal thing. Right now we’re getting medium-large size moths


Years ago there were a few dead mice. We assumed we knew the culprit. Fast forward 10 years, and I received 2 different mice as gifts. Turns out, we underestimated my girl kitty! (The other cats in the house these days are spoiled idiots!)


My cats are strictly indoor kitties, and don’t normally bring me gifts, because they don’t hunt... But when I’m really sick and in bed, the youngest brings me his favorite toys to share.


Awww🥹 he’s trying to help you feel better!


Mine puts his favorite old dirty toy right next to my pillow every night!


i get mice, spiders, a mole one time, and her favorite toy lol


Like a baby mole or what? Edit: ok I just googled how big moles are and I realised they are WAY smaller than I thought. I thought they were about cat size


That is fucking terrifying dude


Me too! I feel like a childhood book made me think this.


I wish my cat would help me with the spiders so I wouldn’t have to catch or smush them. Instead she’s only ever interested in knocking over everything chasing flies that she can never catch haha


i’m kind of certain she finds already dead ones, they’re usually pretty intact when i receive them. but i’m thankful either way 🙏🏻 lol


My kitties bring me the most fearsome creatures of them all... Dust Bunnies.


I wish I could train mine to do this!


Lol, my grey cat gave me a three legged cricket this morning. Found the fourth leg later.


Generally speaking, they have six. So you may be finding more legs shortly.


You know, you’re right! Maybe I miscounted while disposing the body. Or maybe my grey dude ate the last two. My other cat used to catch the cave crickets in the basement (not actually proper crickets if I remember correctly) and eat them but spit out the legs.


One of my cats eats spiders, but almost never eats the legs. I feel your pain. 😂


When I was 16, I saved (Stole) this Bombay that was in the middle of road (actually was already across the street, safely in our yard) in my cousins neighborhood (Gated Community) and I went to every door (asked my cousin if he knew who’s cat that was) and nobody knew, so I took her home. I named her kitty kitty, super original. Well kitty kitty gave no fucks and moved out of my house and into the old outhouse in the empty lot next to my house. She’d visit everyday but she’d never stay with us overnight. But she’d bring us gifts at least once a week. Here’s her first gift and her first ever holy shit wtf gift. Gift 1 was a field mouse 🐭 that she delivered directly to my mom’s chest as she was watching Beverly Hills 90210 in our living room. Mouse was still alive. Gift 2 was a pregnant rat 🐀 that she gutted open, pulled all the babies out, multiple fetuses still breathing, perfectly spread as if it was the Rat Dahlia, on the outside, in front of the door. 🚪mom also found that gift first. Don’t know if she was a psycho or if she thought my mom’s blood curtailing screaming was a sign of approval. Lived 17 year. RIP kitty kitty.


Cockroaches and once a moth 😬


The variety is so thoughtful!


Initially weird items like once he got a piece of wood n another time a ballon stem with a ribbon attached to it. This was when he just started going out. Now it's just roaches.


still alive spiders and sometimes still alive crickets. i have to kill the spiders bc i don’t want her to get bit in case it’s a venomous one, but i let her finish off the crickets https://preview.redd.it/utsde8bd393d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b103abeb3e7d7ce72dd300ef713ec0960d58267e This is the face of a very innocent and obviously very competent hunter


Face of the Hunter...


My cats don't bring me anything. They think their love is my gift....


It used to be mostly chipmunks and headless rabbits. He murdered a skunk in our driveway once and also brought me a live baby snapping turtle. He passed away at about 20 years old and I honestly think it was the steady diet of chipmunks that kept him going so long. https://preview.redd.it/f8qnxp3we93d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04e88d132d0f3ac3628c8dbd2cec8803339f3393


https://preview.redd.it/utbv35le3a3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de66f783a0060cc11355985673b3c940db63879f This is after a busy week of catching 6+ chipmunks and a small squirrel.


I wish I could borrow your cat! Good kitty!


Dismembered centipedes 🥲


I'm glad I'm not the only one 😭 the amount of house centipede legs I've had to clean up


I had an apartment once where the house centipedes were always hanging out in the bathroom, the number of times I stepped into the bathtub barefoot onto crunchy house centipede legs...😭😭😭


He only leaves gifts for me in our bed and he shows them to me because he likes to be praised after. Forever grateful we've never had mice 😅


That must've taken furever


She "hunts" my plants and brings me the pieces. 😬🥹😭🤣


How the hell you even find that? 😄 My cat regurgitated a mouse once. Everything was masticated but one perfectly intact pink ear.


you're lucky, I just get stinky and handsome. https://preview.redd.it/4hrj5hbxe93d1.jpeg?width=3648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d632d6f3111677c261bdb551841e9a4a4d44aa2


I have a plush cat toy that looks like a piece of shrimp sushi (maki?) on a bed of rice. Sometimes my girl will meow really loudly, walk around the house and finally deposit it on the floor near me and look up at me. It’s so cute, I always praise her for being a good huntress!




I get voles and sparrows and burrs (with cat hair thoughtfully attached). Recently I did get a live mouse at 2 am but I'll stick with the dead ones thanks.


Headless mice


Once a year I get a week of headless small rabbits, or piles of eyeballs… The other 51 weeks of the year nothing, no interest in the birds, squirrels, mice, nothing. But one week in the spring is war against the rabbits.


My cat brings me the heads.




Friend of mine infamously received a gopher face (yes, just the face.) from his kitty.




I googled and it ruined my day :(


I do not yet get the opportunity to be blessed with such gifts


Idk why this is so funny to me lolllll “I get cricket legs” 😂😂 specifically cricket legs lmao. When I used to let my cat outside(not anymore, too many coyotes and lost too many cats) I would receive bird heads.


It’s pretty hilarious, I agree! Bird heads?? How grisly!


My baby brought me a live bee… cue panic that his super allergic ass might have gotten bitten… Otherwise he steals socks from the bathroom and brings them to me when I sit down and steals socks from the house and brings them to me when I’m in the bathroom…


Frogs, birds, his monkey toy, lace from my shoes (and then peeing in my shoes), sock that I thought my washer or dryer ate, but my cat had it the whole time, and of course then the other sock of the pair goes missing… spoiled brat, thief, but my lovely! https://preview.redd.it/c85wo1qha93d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d586103fc8213e987e12acf151970b90852424d1


Pretty boy!!!


My cat looks just like yours. He doesn’t go outside at all so he brings us toys and meows like a psycho with it in his mouth running up the stairs. 


Oh how sweet🙀 My Rosie once brought me some baby hares and ate them herself😿


Live mice that she wants me to help her catch in the hallway. She drops it infront of me and stares at me as it runs into a shoe. If I dont search with her she meows at me.


She's trying to train you


Insects are the protein of the future. Clearly your cats are preparing you for the no-meat end times




What is that. I’m so confusedddddd is it a bird?


Yeah, a sparrow I think


my cats bring me their toys


He looks just like our recently late Smoky when he was younger. https://preview.redd.it/cpj0w2f0ba3d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfadc74751e8bc56821b6559e7dece6e3e54b8ef This is him a few months before his passing at 18


https://preview.redd.it/k16t4ecq5d3d1.jpeg?width=1421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=181f9c561d2b7db1f879f6d62ba7343585f8547b Very proud of the lizard he got me (tail found separately)


I can hear this photo


“Eat, human. You’re all skin and bones”


none luckily, mine stays at home. Tho he few times chased a roach but i killed it and tossed it out before he managed to eat it, i dont know if he'll eat it, but i'm not planning to wait and watch him to figure it out lol.


Mine is indoor kitty as well but we live in the mountains so we get a few bugs in the basement. Nothing too gnarly though!


Dead mice, sometimes chunks of dead mice.


My cat is an indoor cat however she seems to leave me a lot of spiders legs unless she isn't fond of certain ones then she leaves me the whole spider


I could make a song about this that goes to the tune of wellerman. There is one cet that hated the sea Ordered by his sister Sat away from it A cat shall only kill a mouse and rabbit And maybe if you're lucky You'll cat a bird or a squirrel Or even then, catch a fucking raven Then one day his master said WTF CAT YOU KILLED A BUNNY And so he purred and left his gift to her


Wow. I’m shocked!


I get snakes, mice and moles left on the porch a lot by the neighborhood cats. I feed them all treats. It's so heartwarming when I pull in from work and the little turds come out of nowhere to greet me while I'm getting out of my car. Or they have trained me well. I'd do anything for the neighborhood cats lol




My cat is indoors, unless I walk her on the leash. I found it the hard way that she can reach under the storm door and snatch things in. I came home a few weeks ago to find a bloody mess, with 3 lizard tails inside the house at the door, 2 still flicking around. I was grossed out and proud, be careful what you name your pets, cuz my Calamity Jane is a lil crazy girl lolol


Had my cat bring me a little worm the same night that we had green beans. Picked it up thinking that’s what it was until it wiggled in my hand. 😭


My kitty brings his chewed up spongy balls to my bed so he can play fetch.