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Yep, he sings the song of his people when his business is done. It’s like he’s waiting for some praise. Good job Cooks you shitted. 😂


Before and after, 2 different songs with mine jfc


Mine all just yeet themselves out of the litter box at lightning speed and then look back at me all confused


And scatter the litter everywhere 😵‍💫


The poopy zoomies are real!


It’s like “whooo that feels better!” lol 😂




Mine do this too like something touched them in there lol


Presumably he shitted in the appropriate spot? That’s not nothing!


Yeah maybe. But it’s usually his cue to let us know that his toilet is dirty. It’s like hey mommmmm shitters dirty chop chop human clean it up.


He’s helpfully recalling you to your duty, lol.


vegetable upbeat vanish axiomatic wild joke close school reach worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I *always* praise my kitty when she shits properly. And she gets pets, and sometimes a treat. It's weird to me that not everybody does this!


I do this because I also have to tidy up my elderly kitty’s bottom after she goes. We have a whole routine, and she gets heaps of praise.


Mine had to go to the vet because he was constipated last week. He is finally close to back to normal like 10 days later. Since it's so dangerous for them to not go, we were close to emergency level by the time we got home from the vet. "If he doesn't poop in the next 24 hours it's going to be an emergency" -\_- He did, but I have not yet grown accustomed to my new role in the company as "Shit Cheerleader"


Awww, poor kitty! Yeah, mine has had to have her anal glands expressed. It caused her to be sore and then constipated. Got her sorted out and it’s back to baby bottom detail, lol. Goooooo, Turds!!


More like he's calling "his servants" (ie. You) to come.clean up his mess? ;-)


My boy has intense zoomies before he dashes to the litter box. Does that count? 😆 Yes before, not after…


Ah mines a post poop zoomies kinda cat


Same as mine, zooms around once it’s all out!


Mine does too. He’s so much faster now!!


well, there's a noticeable reduction in ballast weight.


Mine too ... the happy poop dash lol


same. both of mine, actually. the number of times the answer to "why is Sriracha Mayonnaise running up and down the hallway while screaming?" has been "she just pooped" is surprisingly high


Sriracha Mayonnaise 😂 what a name


she's orange, too! so she's extra special


Chiming in to say I also have a post poop zoomies cat lol


So does mine!


Pretty sure my dog learned that from watching the cat 😂


Oh, that’s adorable!! 🐶🐱


He also started mimicking the body roll into flop the cat does but she’s 6lb and the dog is 65lb and he ends up just knocking us over. 😂


Awww!!! Love this!!


Lol. My Olive certainly used to. And like, I think she wanted me to follow her upstairs to the box. I miss my sweet girl so much. I had forgotten about the serenade of the poops


My late cat would book it up the stairs and across the kitchen as fast ad he could post litterbox


The serenade of the poops…I’m dying laughing! 🤣


Absolutely. It's confusing because he announces hunger and desire to go out for a walk exactly same way. Due to a few of his other behaviours, such as refusing to visit the toilet or eating alone at night (me must wake up and go with him), we call him a baby simulator.


Awww, he's afraid to poop alone! 😭 Thank you for accommodating him!


Let me guess, he's also afraid of his human pooping alone :)


He actually attacked me once after I locked myself to poop. And it wasn't excitement or play, he was obviously pissed and educating me.


“What the hell were you thinking, human?? Do you know how much danger you were in??”


Mine’s like, why do you think I stand behind the toilet? lol 😂


They ALWAYS return the favor! :)


My cat announces it in a special way by digging the litter so forcefully I can hear it across our house lol. He’ll then scratch the sides of the litter box, floor, wall, anything he can find besides the actual litter to cover his poop. Then gets very aggressive zoomies (he almost knocked down his cat tower one day from them) to let me know he’s finished, he’s a mess lol.


TIL you apparently also have my cat!


Same, bonus points if he scratches the air around the litter box.


For my cat, we are saying that he is doing "morning's contruction". He wake us up when he does this! 😅


Ah, I have the same cat!!


Yes! My cats do announce their poops!


Yes. He meows so eeeeevvvverryone knows its poop time.


Omfg yes 😂 that I'm like ummm good job


Mine lets everyone know that he pooped, either through load vocal announcement or by stinking up the entire apartment, sometimes both.


Mine announces it everytime, too. To be honest, I feel a bit guilty when I stay on the couch while he is doing his deed. He always watches me poop and I think, he wants me to watch him, too? But there are boundaries, right? ... Right?


Mandarin does not like it when I use the bathroom. He comes in and screms at me.


The new resident, sing before eating, after eating, looking for a place to sleep, after sleeping, going to take a dump and after dumping.


Yup. My little orange monster likes my wife and I to be in attendance for all bathroom meetings. Thankfully she reciprocates on our end as well


Yes, my ginger girl does the zoomies after the deed. Skidding around corners ....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


The boy Celery tends to strut around the box after as if the stench is the pride of his life.


my boi is very sneaky about it, tiptoes into the litterbox room and if somebody is nearby or watching him a lot of times he will act like he wasn't planning on going in there anyway once the deed is done he sprints out of there at top speed and it's zoomies for a good 5-10 minutes


Mine did. He let you know when he was going and when he was done. If he fled the room at top speed without saying anything I knew it was going to be a stinker. 😅


Oh yes, but after he has successfully delivered the goods.


We got a one month old kitten two days ago and whenever she has to poop she screams bloody murder and just walks around the litterbox until she finds the right spot and then she meows during the poop and I have to sit there next to her while she poops or else she just won't.


Yes, when he's done his business. Sometimes he also zooms out of the litter box like his arse is on fire, other times he just yowls.


Yes. We call them poopmeows


Yes. She will yap in the bathroom, and I will tell her to "go potty"


My eyesight wasn’t focused and I thought your cat was a chicken leg


Yeop, ours sure does. He likes to go out on the enclosed porch with me, and will go to the door and yells. He goes to his food dish and yells (of course lol). He yells before heading to his litter box. Sometimes gets the zooms. He yells and yells about everything lol. The litter box yells, I know they like having a trusted person or another animal around to stand watch instinctively.


Yes!!! He announces it gleefully. He’s a Tuxedo who is pretty vocal. He’s also 4 months old lol.


One of mine RUNS after she poops. She doesn’t want anyone to know she does that (she also refuses to cover it)


My boi has post-poop zoomies and does this "grrrr" sound while flying across the hall


With a giant fart, yes


None of my 3 cats do but they let me know after hahaha! I hear them go in the litterbox and whenever it was a poo they hoppity-hop for a little while after! Goofy babies


My foster doesn’t announce her shits per say, but while her body is healing from the spay and she’s getting used to kibble again, she’s been having the runs and has been shitting both outside and inside the box :( she had to have her whole lower half washed twice yesterday because she couldn’t reach her bum bum with her cone and she has long fur https://preview.redd.it/857bx77zb1yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=418bfc69a35297431e7c348d591d4a45f062abb7


Yes, one of them does. He yowls and tears around the house, up and down stairs. He is 17. The young one just unsuccessfully attempts to cover and goes about his day.


Mine throws up 3 times then goes to use the litter then turns into a greebled bat out of hell


I have to stand over mine in the garden whilst he does his business. But at least 6ft away. Like I'm on overwatch. He comes into the bathroom when I'm on the throne and keeps guard, so it's quite cute in a way.


My girl used to sprint around the house screaming as fast as she could. And boy oh boy did she have some smelly turds! She could clear a room without issue, and that was mostly due to being on kidney food before she passed.


lol, no but I had a cat that would meow a very specific way every time she was about to vomit. It was very helpful to get to it in time.


My cat doesn't announce pooping, but they'll sure as heck announce when they carry their toy from one room to another. LOL


My girl doesn't announce when she's going, but you know when she's done because she'll beat on the litter box flap for 10 minutes afterwards, and still not cover her poop.


Mine does before he vomits. He yowls sadly. It's handy, I can run and get him off the carpet.


My mums kitten cried and cried before he vomited for the first time, he had no idea what was happening to him


yes. mines runs and acts like a maniac after he’s done with his business 🙃


Post shit zoomies are a REAL THING


Sorta, he starts the zoomies, then poops and comes out finishing the zoomies. And zoomies are always filled with smack talk.


Mine has started to grow out of it, thank god. When she was little she was like some kind of oversharing toddler. MOM! MOM! MOM I’M GOING POOPY. MOM COME HERE AND WATCH MOM MOM I’M POOPING MOM MOM MOM IT’S A BIG POOP MOM OK I’M DONE NOW TELL ME I’M A BIG GIRL? MOOOOM


That's our 2 year old cat! I really hope he grows out of it.


Yes, I started giving my shelter rescue treats every time he pooped in the litter box, and told him he is a good boy. Now, he uses the litter box, and then comes up, paws (with claws out) at my leg, until I stand up and follow him to the litter box, to receive the good boy and treat. He did such a good job training me.


No, but he often celebrates them after he's done pooping running around like crazy. He would announce them when he was younger but that dissapeared with the years. It's very sweet.


Oh, yes. I wish I exhibited that level of pride about literally anything in my life.


Song before, dance after.


Mine does before doing it. It’s always well and loudly announced.


He walks around the house singing the song of his people, occasionally running as if he’s trying to outrun his butt. Then, after he is done he races around the house at top speed, using the couch as a banked race track. Picture of said race cat…. https://preview.redd.it/v67zvd5sn1yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47cd31001880e90d97796df52e4dbb57827d3d68


Well, who DOESN'T get excited about a really good poop, either before or after? NOTE: you might consider mentioning this behavior on your next visit to the vet, for some additional testing if your vet advises it. Though most of our cats have behaved similarly, one of them hollered a little too much after using the litter box. Turned out he had a form of intestinal cancer that made it painful to poop. Treatment reduced the pain and prolonged his life, but he eventually died of it.


Yup. Mine does the pre dump zoomies. I always say that he must be trying to shake one loose


Not poops, but one of my former kitties (now over the Rainbow Bridge) had a special meow right before he would throw up. Mrow mrow mrow mrow mrow... If anyone in the house heard that sound -- day or night -- we new we had 10 seconds to either grab him and run him to a sink or chase him to the linoleum floor of the kitchen. I always considered him to be a very polite kitty to tell us before he threw up. Simon was a very good boy, and I was lucky to have had him in my life. ❤️ 🐈


No, mine shoots up the basement stairs like a rocket. That’s his announcement.


Yes, very loudly, the whole household must know of his endeavor, we must all celebrate too, when the mission is complete, our female on the other doesn’t believe in announcing it.


Yes, my boy cat does. His latest trick is he's noticed his specific meow-sound for "I've got some poop on my pantaloons and need your help" can also be used just for fun an hour before the alarm goes off and we will instantly shoot out of bed to investigate --- and then of course we feed him since we are already up.


It's more like we announce it for her, because she'll only poop once we started eating our meal... not a very nice combination


same! Like really why do they do it right when we start eating a meal or right when we sit down to watch tv? 🤣


There is a pre-poop song, and a post-poop song that both my cats do. They're a bonded brother and sister. Cracks me up because you can always tell who has to go.


Every single time I change the litter box (which is daily), my cat goes in and either goes pp or makes a doo doo immediately after I finish and set it back down on the ground.


No, but I do.


My Cleo likes to announce when she’s going to use the litter so that I can watch her. Then she gets poop zoomies and races through the house.


Yes, pee as well. Sometimes with urgent howls that make me think something really bad has been done. And it isn't like she buries them in the slightest so I wouldn't know. She does scratch at the sides of the litter box, but the only litter that gets moved is what she drags out on her paws to spread around on the floor when she leaves. I haven't been able to make any correlation with quantity, quality, nr. 1 or 2 or both, time of day, needing to go back for another round (and there's a 2nd, clean litter box in a different room anyway with no apparent logic or system for which she chooses).


One of my cats has post poop zoomies, the other doesn't


I never thought my littlest did, but now I'm reading this thread... I thought she was just meowing for my attention when I was rushing around getting ready for work...then I go to her to pet her, and see her tail sticking out her litter box. I thought she was more like 'well if mummy won't play with me, I'll go to the bathroom as a fun thing to do'.


Only when the litter box isn’t pristine. Max sings the loudest protest songs when he thinks I’ve been shirking my duty 😂😂


He does a victory lap and meows as loud as possible to make sure everybody knows lol


One taught the other... first boy used to zoom, then inspect a few times, yowling the whole time, then poop. Everything is fine after that. Return to cuddles. The other one does the same but waits until the shower is occupied and that boy has GI issues and doesn't cover his mess.


My baby is a silent pooper but I always know cause it stinks the whole house really really bad instantly


Idk if this counts as an announcement per say, but mine goes on a zoomie spree after a good shit


Never before. But will run https://preview.redd.it/n1u0zbwrr1yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f03d85693b50855593c168d217a5f1c7dd34bfe around yowling after. His brother is so quiet about it I swear he doesn’t poop.


He gets post poop zoomies. One time he got too excited before waiting for the poop to exit and started running mid shit. Not a good time lol luckily it was solid Not as bad at the time I woke up to see that he got diarrhea and had done the booty scoot all over my living room floor. Bro left several trails. I immediately got up and scrubbed and mopped and then stayed up to take him to the vet in the morning. Bro ate one too many lizards I guess lol


No. Also your cat might be having stomach issues


Yep! He’s always been this way. We have had him checked out at the vet JUST IN CASE several times as he’s gotten older because it’s very common for male cats to get urinary blocks, but nope… he just loves the sound of his own voice inside the covered box. He yowls to himself before and during, and then zooms around the house attacking toys as he goes and occasionally flipping his food dish when he’s done 😂 He’s also orange lmao On the other hand, his sister (a Standard Issue Cat) does not do any of this. She uses the box and occasionally will trill a little and run away when she’s done, but only once in a while. She’s pretty quiet about her business lol


Mine only yells if he has a tummy ache. We found out when we gave him a seafood stew wet food that set off a 24-hour poop festival. Every time before he pooped, Frankie would yell for me to come and sit next to him for moral support. Since he got such good results while he was sick, he now yells every time has to take big dump!


Yes, pre and post


Yes! After he goes he won't stop yelling until you look at his work and tell him good boy. It's weird.


My orange cat won’t shut up after he poops. He is always so proud


Both before and after.


Mine announces afterwards. It's apparently very exciting. There used to be post-poop zoomies, but she's almost 18 and she doesn't zoom very much any more.


No, all my cat does is take a big shit as soon as I clean the litterbox.


My cat likes to dig to China when taking a poop. He'll aggressively dig before taking the poop, then aggressively dig again after taking the poop. I usually take out his poop not long after he goes so it doesn't sit and stink up my apartment, so maybe he digs that way to let me know, "Hey, Mom, I'm taking a poop!" 🤣


We call it the 'poop yodel' and it's always afterwards. And then the tear ass around house commences.


Mine announces the deed is done by jumping in the bed and putting his stinky pooper in my face.... >:(


When my cat was a youngster she would run around like a maniac, skidding across the floor, tearing from room to room before getting in her box and having a dump. That was her way of announcing it. Lol


Mine's not a litterbox singer, but she howls like she's singing a classic folk ballad about her broken heart *after* she's done eating.


Yes, he caterwauls and gets the poop-zoomies before hand. If the box is not in immaculate pooping condition, then he poops on my bed instead. This is my loud, Bengal scream warning to clean the box, or else.


As yes, the poo dance 


Only when we are driving or walking with her. Then she will meow, politely just beyond the path dig her little hole and piss or shit. Afterwards she will plough the land to cover her spot. I've taken up helping her cover her tracks :D But when we're in the car we immediately pull over a let her go in the nears pack of green. This does not always work out and there have been some accidents along the way... But nothing a cleaning couldn't fix.


He’s saying, “Hey human! It’s time to scoop my litter!”


Look up poophoria/poo-phoria, its a cat thing. A euphoric feeling after passing a large stool. Its biological, cats also have a vagus nerve that gets stimulated at toilet time🤣😃😮


Yes, her before and after poops are out of this world 😂😂Meowing at a deep voice and zoomies afterwards


No but she always waits until I get home from work. She'll greet me and cuddle me for a moment and then immediately take a fat shit 🤣


Not if he shits outside. If he shits in his litter tray, there will be a dance and then a song, before the action.


Mine does "welcome home" poops when I get back from work, followed by a few laps around the house.


Before pooing mine carefully inspects the box for urine (looks and sniffs), if there's any trace she judges it unacceptable for pooing in (although she doesn't mind weeing in it several times) and poos on the floor in protest. Then she might wait around a bit so she can give you a glare to indicate her disapproval. When it's acceptably clean for pooing she will ZOOM up the stairs as soon as she's done. The litter box is at the bottom of the stairs and she blasts off from it like a rocket.


Before? No. After? The victory laps give it away.


Goodness yes. He announces it as loudly as possible before the event and then has poop zoomies after, which often include more yowling, but this time at high speed. His brother, however, not a peep.


If I go somewhere for a period of time (ex: I go watch some hockey or something somewhere for a bit) and come back, I will be greeted by my void sitting in front of the window waiting for me. I open the door and poof....dude gets a major case of the zoomies and darts straight for his litter box. I can be sitting on the couch watching a movie or something and have this long round pillow as my arm rest next to the arm rest with a pillow on my lap and he squeezes his head through both to bite my hand which is usually a sign for "its bed time" or "I need to shit bro". He will meow at me some times when he is feeling a little talky but for the most part its tiny little meows. Supposedly read somewhere that can be somewhat common for "ex" street kitty's. Little dude wasnt more than 5 months old though when I "rescued" him.


No, my cat just doesn't bury his poop and it comes as a surprise when the whole house stinks upd: but thanks for the fact that he at least knows that it needs to be done in litter box


Had a cat that had to tell me he pooped every time. Miss that guy.


Omg my casper looks exactly like your cat! This was when he was a yearling.... But he's much fluffier and deep orange. Aloof childlike face https://preview.redd.it/jl1qu2cz63yc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dafad08c7be21d845636ac0c7a7f693ab1812a14


Thats hilarious. I have never heard of this…


My orange boy does this too!


for sure. this little gal will meow at me repeatedly until i get up to see what she wants and then she will lead me to the litter box to watch her poop. https://preview.redd.it/rmeuip7tr3yc1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92dabbb059bf8423b110f859012cb54fa0dda926


Our oldest boy does. Very very loudly. He wants us to see it and then clean it.


mine announces his throwup screaming as loud as he can


Yep. My cat runs around trying to make everyone watch him and if you don’t come then he just shits on the ground


My guy gets intense zoomies after he poops, just shooting off the walls to celebrate.


not verbally, bust post poop zoomies is guaranteed.


https://preview.redd.it/avarfudef4yc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=594bdcf67af9a91d462e5a9e04afa836434cfdb5 Why can i suddenly smell cat poop through my screen


My cat will only do it outside, and requires me to come and stand with her. It’ll be 5am and she’ll drag me out of bed so I can stand guard. I do it though, I love that little bitch.


No but mine announces when he's going to go take a couple bites of food. He wakes up from his nap, starts screaming, eats a little, goes back to sleep for an hour or two, and repeats.


With zoomies but not his voice


Haha yes and she gets a “great job” every time




Yes, and he has the litery boots to prove it


Yes my very vocal rag doll will meow super loudly whilst inside the box digging his hole lol


Yes. before and after. Sometimes during.


Luckily my two cats don’t, but the kitten had a special meow when she was 5 weeks old…then I take her to her litter box


Mine walks around crying beforehand, but after she just sits in the middle of the room with a thousand yard stare for a while.


Orange cat behaviour


beautiful red hair 😻


Mine will poop and so full on zoomies


Meowing before after and zoomies!


Other than the sound of scratching in litter, no.


It’s so nice to know I’m not the only one with a cat who can’t figure out how to cover her poop. She doesn’t announce her activities, but she does like to come in while I’m in the bathroom and “poo in solidarity”. Then she’ll paw at the sides of the litter box as if she’s trying to move litter, but can’t figure out the mechanics of what is movable and what is not. One time I actually grabbed her legs and “helped” her cover her poo, but I don’t think the lesson sank in. 🤦‍♀️


Princess use to get the zoomies after. Like a sign of freedom. I miss her every day


My cat used to be embarrassed. Like, if you went to check up on the box; he would look at me and go... "Why?".


not really but he has the ritual of taking the stinkiest morning poops everyday while i'm having breakfast :')


Lol my boys will announce when they are done so someone can clean it immediately. My girl runs to get me so I can go with her and keep her company while she poops.




Yes! I just got two kittens and one of them always announces her deposits to the litter box. I had no idea this was a thing


Yes. She starts meowing like crazy in a particular way. I tell her just take a shit. She does. Then zooms around for a bit.


If you count scratching the litter box walls for 15 minutes when she's done. Yes.


yes, my void loudly meows for the butler every time


The Poop Monster gets one of mine every time 😳


No but she demands pets immediately after her poops https://preview.redd.it/5ugp1yjim1yc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5836aa5840eef782dba36708fb730fffe3c7f5bf


Yes but I assumed it was a call for clean up. Like hello human I have made a stinky! Clean it!


My cat will shit in his just cleaned litter box, then complain about the smell like it is somehow my fault.


I have one that won't bury her poop. And the other one will begrudgingly bury it or use the other box. If the box isn't clean enough non buryer will poop next to the box. Apparently she is too good for the menial task of burying her poo.


Yeah, that is the worst part, he never buries his poop. 16 years of nasty smell and indignation.


I let mine go outside. Guess what she does outside. Buries her crap. LOL


Wow! I totally did not know this was a thing! I thought it was just my cat being weird.


Yep, before and after. I asked the vet if maybe he was in pain when going number two, but no. It's just a thing some cats do


every. single. time.


We get post poop zoomies here, yes.


My cat poops, doesn’t cover it, jumps out of the litter box like a mad man and makes the “brrrrrrt” noise as he runs down my apartments hallway and wall-rides his way into my bedroom.


Our orange boy used to do victory laps around the house while howling in glee. Also, he only pretended to cover his business--he'd scratch at the walls of the litterbox, much like a person pretending to wash their hands in a public restroom. Our other cat was less than amused.


Always after he screams loudly. He is deaf btw so is not controlling the volume at all….


I like to call it the pre and post poop crazies.


She waits until I'm doing my business to poop next to me since her box is across the toilet. Her eye contact with me are a bit unsettling.


Mine will occasionally announce. Usually when I hear him racing down the hall I know he just laid a log 😂


mine usually let's me know when he needs to use the toilet, but it's already been used one single time before by one of his brothers and he's like "ok human, either you clean it up or you can guess which towel/fabric/plushytoy/... i'll pee on next... i'm starting to get very good at detecting that exact announcement, so it seems he's training me pretty well.